Author Topic: Derrick Grant Willey AKA Derrick Whiteskycloud  (Read 16008 times)

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Derrick Grant Willey AKA Derrick Whiteskycloud
« on: January 17, 2007, 05:35:08 am »
Here's one that looks pretty questionable:

Especially love the disclaimer that says:

"Please be aware that Derrick has no control who may come through during a reading and therefore there is no guarantee to be connected with a specific relative / friend or guides.

The reading you seek is Psychic / Medium / Spiritual Counsellor in nature please be aware that accepting to participate in a reading indicates you also agree to be open to whomever ...spiritual friends, relatives or guides may come through with a message.

If by some chance that Derrick is unable to connect with you or any of your loved ones as may happen with any Psychic / Medium, he will not charge for the service and will refund the full amount paid.

Derrick hopes you'll enjoy the reading / messages that come through with love and peace. Many blessings to you all."

Meanwhile, he charges $100/hour for this, and does "psychic parties". I've never heard of someone claiming native ancestry renting themselves out for this purpose.

He also claims to be a shamanic healer. What kind of 'shaman' is this guy if he has no control over who may come through?

And he sells these lovely, eyeless creations:

"For many generations, our Ancestors have carved out the faces of their dead relatives. Believing their spirit(s) would protect them from harm and to bring them strength,courage and wisdom with good hunting skills to provide for their families. If someone in the family was ill, a spirit mask was made to help heal them... keeping away the evil spirits. These masks were carved out of clay, wood or stone. Some of these masks are called the shape-shifters. One side human the other an animal. Combined together comes the protector. Many of us have always had a longing to be a shape-shifter of being an animal of our choosing."

Not sure which "Ancestors" he's talking about since he identifies himself as having "English and Algonquin-Cherokee/Ojibway ancestry".

Perhaps some native folks here know more about what he's talking about. The masks he's referring to sound vaguely like False Faces to me. These weren't a part of the culture(s) from which he claims to be decended to the best of my limited knowledge. And as far as I know, False Faces aren't representative of one's dead relatives, and were generally used in a more ritualistic context, requiring special care and feeding in order to be effective.

« Last Edit: August 11, 2020, 05:05:03 pm by educatedindian »

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Re: Derrick Whiteskycloud
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2007, 03:05:53 pm »
"Derrick Whiteskycloud of disclaims all liability in regards to the
advice given to his clientelle. His services are in no way to be used as a replacement
for physical, mental, or psychological therapy or assistance of a physical.

Derrick Whiteskycloud in no way claims to be a medical doctor. If you are
experiencing mental or physical pain, which may be a warning sign to see a physician
or medical doctor. Derrick Whiteskycloud recommends you to seek medical advice
immediately and ackknowledges this is not a replacement for such."

Most of this is Time Life Mysteries of the Unexplained stuff. Like his Twisted Sister hairdo, reel spirchul.

His Metis page has a link to the Deer Tribe.
"Derrick Whiteskycloud Surrey, BC
Originally from Brandon, Manitoba, Derrick Whiteskycloud was drawn to the traditions of his Métis/Algonquin/Ojibway ancestry when he was thirteen years old. Inthe years between his roots in Manitoba and his current home in South Surrey, British Columbia, he traveled extensively across twestern provinces developing and sharinghis gifts as a spiritual counsellor, teacher, artist, psychic, and medium.

Derrick’s approach to counseling, mediumship, and healing incorporates techniques from both traditional practices and alternative methodologies. In practice, his work draws from the Great Spirit, his spirit guides, and other elements of sound and song, drumming, and sacred ceremonies.

Derrick’s healing gift also extends into the realm of the expressive arts – he is a prolific artist and writer. His self-published book, Spiritual Journeys with Whiteskycloud, Spiritual Wisdom & Poetry, is a collection of channeled writings, stories, poetry, and illustrations. In his artwork, which references historical and cultural themes and spiritual symbolism, he utilizes a range of media including smudge bowls, dancing fans and staffs, jewellery, shields, beaded feathers
Page 5
and wings, dream catchers, mandelas, medicine pouches, crystal healing wands, carved horn pieces, deerskin drums, rattles, and works on canvas. His most recent work, a wall mural titled The Spirit of Batoche, is on display at the Métis Family Services Cultural Building in Surrey, British Columbia.

Derrick is also known for his gifts4for entertaining through traditional song, inspirational storytelling, and drumming. Currently, he hosts Between Two Worlds, a call-in radio show on BBS Radio (Blogin Broadcasting Service), where philosophy, ghost stories, paranormal phenomena, and the spirit world are topics for thought-provoking discussion. However, whether the medium is Internet radio, spoken or written word,art, music or a derivative of traditional and New Age methods, Derrick Whiteskycloud continues to evolve his healing practice in ways that consider the physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being of the individual."

Like the dramatic photo on this link, reminds me of all the TV psychics.
"I started this lifetime in Brandon, Manitoba, Canada and am of English and Algonquin-Cherokee (Metis) ancestry...I am a clairvoyant...I found myself making a shift towards healing and spirituality. My native ancestry always called to me, but now I had to acknowledge it. In doing so, I had flung open the doors wide to talents I had used sparingly. I realized that I had finally connected my physical self and my spiritual higher self as one and the possibilities were endless.

...Some of my designs include: smudge bowls and fans, dancing fans and walking staffs with crystals attached at the top, healing wands, beaded jewelry, dream catchers, carved deer horn pieces, deerskin drums & rattles, canvas art, etc. I let Spirit guide me when I'm creating and find that each item has a specific purpose in healing.

...I have used my gifts in mediumship and spiritual counseling along with healing, of which there are many different methods and could include one or more of the following: Wing Chi, Blanket Ceremonies, Crystal Healings, Drumming with sound and song, Sacred Ceremonies, etc. All spiritual healing is done through the assistance of the Great Spirit, spirit guides, angels, celestial beings and whatever else is needed for each individual.

Besides counseling and mediumship, I'm also available for learning workshops, some of which are: psychic and mediumship classes, animal totem healing circles, hands-on-energy healing, spirit guides, past-lives and soul retrievals, automatic writings, drum-making workshops....

You can get these readings paid through paypal by going to my website.

(Developing your Mediumship? ) I make myself available to the Spirit world to receive messeges from those who have passed over to the other side. With the assistance of my spirit guide White Bear."

Does White Bear get a cut? 401k plan?

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Derrick Whiteskycloud
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2020, 07:39:27 pm »
Got a request for more on him. This is what I've found so far.

He's on dozens of sites claiming to be psychic and a UFO contactee and to have died and come back to life five times. No evidence for any of these except his claim.

He claims to be Metis and Ojibwe. No sign of any knowledge of his claimed heritage except this photo.
It's interesting that now he cuts short and tames the blond frizzy hair into a mullet.
And here. Both of these long after the original thread.

Sometimes he shows up on Alex Jones's conspiracy talk radio.

And here he claims to be Salish, to be an expert drum maker and offering blessings.

LVFAS board member, but no mention of background or expertise.

Here he claims to direct a museum.

Here he claims to be Cherokee too.
He also claims to be using "shamanism" from Peru, Wing Chi, and admits to being New Age.

Peddles being a Metis outreach counselor and even a Metis elder "contract position".

Claims to be a Wing Chi healer using crystals. Most references to WC are as a martial art.

All his alleged ghost photos aren't working. There are also fairy and angel pages that look like the worst Geocities page you ever saw.

He also peddles a dinner with him for $45, a midnight music show, and an antique ghost show. Seemingly anything for a buck.

Anyone else reminded of this comedian?,8599,1878309,00.html
"Councellor" and teaching Metis culture at schools.

And just to confuse the issue, he's listed as an artist on "Authentic Aboriginal" that is "under review."

DW, if that is his legal name, may or may not have ancestry. He clearly knows far less about his heritage than he claims, and his claims are always changing. A lot of it was "learned" from Nuage sources. Most of all he peddles the psychic an UFO claims for cash. The Metis teaching happened very late, and there's no sign of it online except (like everything else) just his claims.

Moved to Frauds.

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Re: Derrick Whiteskycloud
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2020, 07:45:10 pm »
Apparently DW is on the far right, a COVID conspiracy theorist. On his Youtube channel one finds these videos:
Fall of the Cabal
If You Think You Can Handle the Truth

Nuage fraud posing as Native, plus psychic claims.

His Instagram has both COVID conspiracy claims and the QAnon conspiracy.

Racist rants and conspiracy ravings all over his FB. This is just 3 days worth:

Derrick Whiteskycloud:
The privilege they erased from history.Our history is written by the victors. What presentation of our history would best suite their chosen 'end game' for us? There was WHITE SLAVERY in AFRICA first before the Blacks were taken to Europe many years later into slavery...but the WHITES WERE SLAVES this video.. your thoughts. My grandfather in England who was age 10 was taken to Dr. Bernardo's Orphanage & brought thru the front door & out the back door onto a ship to Canada and sold as a slave in 1882..east coast.

Derrick Whiteskycloud 1d · YouTube
Kelowna BC Canada Microwave 5G Radiation Reading On Bernard Ave Downtown today..we are the new guinea pigs...just like Wohun China...WHY?
On May 28, it was announced that Kelowna BC Canada was to become "Canada's First 5G Program City to "monitor traffic patterns" with the "Lidar" traffic surveillance system. On June 29th, just weeks after implementing this traffic monitoring system - the area disallowed vehicles.

Derrick Whiteskycloud
2d · YouTube
International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains that the people planning to rule the world want to reduce the global population to 500 million. And he then explains how'll they'll kill the six billion of us they want to eliminate.

Derrick Whiteskycloud
3d · Does this prove that Dr Tam works for Communist China too...she answers to them?

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Derrick Grant Willey AKA Derrick Whiteskycloud
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2020, 05:13:00 pm »
I received some research on him. The genealogy should be confirmed, but it's pretty damning, a white imposter with a criminal history of drug trafficking.

Derrick Grant (Whiteskycloud) Willey genealogy background notes and sources

Noted grifter charging hundreds of dollars to vulnerable Indigenous peoples for psychic readings; guidance on UFOs and extra-terrestial visitors; cultural appropriator of several Indigenous nations for various sales of ‘authentic Indigenous arts and crafts’.

Today, “Whiteskycloud” and his wife, Marina Shelemba Willey both claim to be Metis. Notes on Marina’s claim included below Derrick’s.

Derrick’s claims came into “Metis” heritage in mid 1990s - “but not RR Metis” – (which is true, he is not at all acknowledged by the Metis Nation because he has no related ancestry). He counts himself among the “eastern metis” and he works hard at promoting them. His claim to Indigeneity is based on his assertions that his maternal grandmother, Jessie Nicholson, was Metis and Ojibway, who was somehow taken and adopted into the Mi’kmaq at Bear Nation reserve in New Brunswick. (The Bear Nation is in Nova Scotia on 3 separate reserves)

Claims various ancestry combos on his websites:

• English and Algonquin-Cherokee therefore “Metis”, claimed approx. late 1990s to 2007
• Then English and Algonquin-Cherokee, Ojibway, claimed approx. 2007 - 2017
• Then finally at Metis, Ojibway, Mi’kmaq, claimed approx. 2017 to date 2007

"I started this lifetime in Brandon, Manitoba, Canada and am of English and Algonquin-Cherokee (Metis) ancestry...I am a clairvoyant...I found myself making a shift towards healing and spirituality. My native ancestry always called to me, but now I had to acknowledge it. In doing so, I had flung open the doors wide to talents I had used sparingly. I realized that I had finally connected my physical self and my spiritual higher self as one and the possibilities were endless.”

His Metis webpage has a link to the “Deer Tribe”. (Metis do not have totems, spirit animals, nor clans). (images at bottom)

· "Derrick Whiteskycloud Surrey, BC”
· “Originally from Brandon, Manitoba, Derrick Whiteskycloud was drawn to the traditions of his Métis/Algonquin/Ojibway ancestry when he was thirteen years old. In the years between his roots in Manitoba and his current home in South Surrey, British Columbia, he traveled extensively across western provinces developing and sharing his gifts as a spiritual counsellor, teacher, artist, psychic, and medium.”

-------------------- Dec 16, 2014:
· Claims in 1964 – at 8 yrs old had his first alien abduction – had never heard of aliens before that and he got into his psychic abilities at 14 or 15 Youtube:

Details within mother’s tribute show on May 15, 2007: From BBS show - (notes it’s his 1 yr anniversary on BBS)

Per Derrick WSC, psychic medium and clairvoyant, May 15, 2007 :

Mother’s date of death: May 10th, 2007 at 3:05pm, (notes mother’s full name: Freda Elizabeth Rolfe Willey), died in Didsbury Hospital in Alberta, “Daughter of Robert Henry Rolfe”

Makes the claim that through their Rolfe line, they are therefore related to the late “Pochahontas” (notes at bottom)

Parents married: 52 years
Anniversary July 16, 2007
July 15, 2007 – said she would have been 75 on this date, so DOB July 15 1932

(Note: Dad died July 21 2007, with another show dedicated to him on July 24, 2007)

Derrick was with her at time of death, along with his son (“he came down”), his sister, both not named, his cousin, Sharon, and his dad.

Mentions son, sister, cousin Sharon (who would have been only 10) and dad attending at death bed. Dad still alive, but with dementia in wheelchair, diabetes; was a lumberjack

Mom was a biker “had her own hog when she was young”.

Derrick hunted rabbits with mom. They had .22 rabbit rifles; they hunted gophers on farm. Mom “dead shot” at 500 yds. Dad never did go hunting with him.

12:00 mins in: “They lived in the bush as well, because of their Aboriginal ancestry”. (So his maternal grandfather was Indig too???? Or just because his mom ‘had some native blood’)

RE: “Little brother passed away at 6 months old – “Garnet” (known child of Grant Willey and Freda)

Mother knew she was going to die because Garnet and her parents began to visit her some months before she passed. Asked Derrick to help her get a will together, 2 weeks before she passed. Apparently this was a sudden death, because Derrick saw no reason for a will – “she was in pretty good shape”.

21: 00 mins in, said he made it to mom’s beside at 10am – she died at 3:05pm on May 10, 2007. She was already in a coma. Had pneumonia and someone said she went through a stroke. He helped her go through the light. Feels she went through this because….?

25:57 mins in. Said he was so discombobulated by her death that when people asked where she was born, he said he didn’t know, he told them he didn’t know - but later he realized he “did know”, “I know where my mother was born. My mother was born in Manson, Manitoba”.

(This is why her maiden name – Rolfe, not Rath and her birth place, Manson, not Brandon, were in error on her family obit details included in the Willey family obits).

40:00 mins in: Dad was kicked off family farm at age 12 and he had to go out and earn his way on his own.

On mother: “She worked in hospice in a sanitorium in early 60s, Brandon, in the North Hill and she worked with First Nations and helped them with healing and she was Metis herself.”

She worked switchboard for the City of Brandon, and then ended up owning her own switchboard company.

She was a potty mouth and told people like it was.
Her favorite work was when they had a dairy farm.
The motto for this episode: “Never forget who you are. It’s important to learn about yourself”.”
“Next week, we’ll talk about animal totems!“

More info on mom from father’s tribute show, July 24, 2007:

29:00 mins in: Dad was passive. “Mom was the hothead” “Mom rode bikes in the 1960s, she used to ride Harleys” and she rode before she met dad”.

Story: She and her mom went to tea leaf reader – was told she would marry a man with initials GW. She was engaged to someone else who had a bike accident with a brain injury. He became a veg. 6 months later met “GW” and within 6 months they got married. “It was interesting because mom and dad used to argue all the time.”

31:20 mins in: “Mom was always known to be a hot head, she liked to take command of everything – well she had some native blood in her, that’s why, being Metis. Metis means half-breed.

I didn’t, we didn’t know mom had native blood at the time. We suspected it, but mom didn’t want to say anything.”

Mom’s brother – Uncle Norris, rancher in Alberta, show horses/”Egyptian arabs”, told them to move to AB.

That’s why they moved to AB in 1970.

33:20 mins in: - Dad wanted to move to BC. They moved to Vancouver BC in 1964 for a short time. Walt Disney passed same time. (That would have been 1966). Then they moved back to Alberta.

39:00 mins in: Mom’s best friend, Rose died 2 wks previous (approx. April 27, 2007) from a heart attack and mom was upset that the ride she counted on “to take her down there” didn’t come through and she couldn’t get to funeral. The ‘ride’ was his sister who didn’t take her, but went to rep the family. Derrick felt, “This wasn’t right and mom was very upset & ended up having a stroke”. Appears to be estranged from sister today.

Detailed within Father’s tribute show, recorded before attending service, July 24, 2007 From BBS show -

Father passed July 21, 2007 in Didsbury, Alberta of pneumonia; was already suffering from dementia, diabetes, bad lungs from smoking, wheelchair. Bad Back, from fall from a truck when he was doing car bodywork job he had in Brandon.

Mentions he has 25 yr old son. (would be 38 yrs today)

Father also worked for Community Chevrolet, autobody man, in Winnipeg, Man.

Notes both parents born in 1932.

Parents married July 16, 1955 – 3 day wedding, “a typical Ukrainian wedding” (then he stumbled and re-stated it as a Ukrainian “type” of wedding; we celebrate for 3 days. Small cup passed at wedding, home brew, mom got hammered.

Derrick presided over their renewal of vows on 50th Anniversary.

Cousin Sharon (born 1957) at 8 yrs old, was flower girl at original wedding and 50 yrs later in 2005 she re-enacted flower girl again.

Willey children:
Derrick oldest
Sister – remains un-named.
Garnet, died at 6 months, crib death.

When Derrick was 14, the family moved to Calgary Alberta in 1970, lived there for less than a year, then they moved to smaller town for dairy farming.

17:00 mins in: Derrick left family farm at 19 and he started a truck stop café for truckers and farmers. Said parents sold off farm and asked to be partners. They served up old fashioned food,

“‘cause when you’re raised Ukrainian & Polish, the food is awesome perogies and cabbage rolls and the great burgers made by his dad.

Parents ended up taking over restaurant because: the relationship between the young woman he would marry down the road was not good between she and his parents, so he decided to move on. Must be to the mother of his son.

He left to go work on oil rigs.

He said he went to live in BC for a while, 16 hours away from Didsbury. Sister remained near parents in Alberta.

Parents retired from restaurant about 4-6 years later to spend more time together.

44:00 mins: Tribute abruptly ended to answer a call-in for a psychic reading.

50:00 mins in – to same caller, he claimed he was given name Whiteskycloud by Elders from other side who told him to use it legally. Says he’s a mix of Aboriginal background and Irish, Scottish, Polish, Ukrainian. *her response: Oh.

Continues to say, there’s no specific racism in Canada, it’s not as bad as it used to be. Besides, we’re all to become one (one color).

Interesting take, re: local hauntings – said BC is not as old as Manitoba so not as much hauntings here, meaning less to investigate. “BC only around since late 1700s, early 1800s”.

December 1983 – Red Deer Advocate newspaper. Arrested for Cocaine trafficking. Served 15 months of his of 3 yrs sentence

Wife – in 2012 on Facebook they announced Marina was “Native too” – Metis.

Mary (Marina) Shelemba Willey genealogy:
Born: April 2 1952 in Lethbridge, AB
Mother: Stefanija (Lokot) Shelemba aka Stephanie; believed to come from Troscanec, Poland, born 1926, died 1996
Father: Ivan Shelemba per Marina: from Potoconi, Yugoslavis (Russia) claimed he died when she was 10 yrs old, so 1962. Obit showed he died 1996.
Siblings: Arlena Kat Shelemba lives in Surrey. Spouse deceased: ALFRED MACKEY; Nick; Diane; Elaine; Demetria; Rose Mary; Steve Mary; Kerry Lee; Doug; William 2 listings for Ivan Shelemba one with a different wife lived in Ontario, m

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Derrick Grant Willey AKA Derrick Whiteskycloud
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2020, 05:22:18 pm »
Briefly, he has zero Metis ancestors, even distant, for at least four generations back. Mostly English, some German and Ukrainian.

Ancestors of Derrick Willey

Generation One
Canada, Gender: Male, Age: 78, Marital Status: Married, Birth Date: 04 May 1902, Birthplace: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Father's Name:
Hammond Willey and Fanny Marie Adams, before 1932. She died in 1986 (Find a Grave.).
Sophia Holeksa, Daughter, Female, 1y, Can Sask) (1916 Canada.). She married William George Willey (see #4), son of George
Holeksa, Daughter, Female, 6y, Can Sask; Boyd Holeksa, Son, Male, 4y, Can Sask; Annie Holeksa, Daughter, Female, 3y, Can Sask;
42y, Austria Silesia; Frances Holeksa, Wife, Female, 28y, Austria Silesia; Emily Holeksa, Daughter, Female, 7y, Can Sask; Mary
She was in the census household of John Holeksa and Frances (--?--) in 1916 Saltcoats, Saskatchewan (John Holeksa, Self, Male,
Canada.) (Ibid.) was born in 1910 (Find a Grave.).
5. Mary Holeksa (Ibid.) (1916 Census of Canada from the National Archives of Canada (Transcription by, Ottawa,
2 i. Grant Willey. one of 5 siblings
Children of William George Willey and Mary Holeksa (see #5) were:
Mary Holeksa (see #5), daughter of John Holeksa and Frances (--?--), before 1932. He died in 1973 (Find a Grave.).
Connie Adams, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1903,006689) (Find a Grave.) (MB Vital Statistics, Birth Reg. #1903,006689.). He married
4. William George Willey (Ibid.) was born on 5 Feb 1903 (Birnie), R.M. of Lansdowne, Manitoba (LAST NAME: WILLEY, FIRST
Generation Three
1 brother Garnet, died at 6 months, source: familygravesite; father's obit
1 sister
Derrick Grant Willey.
Brother Norris Rolfe, near Calgary. rancher, All the Rolfe's on the 1911 Manitoba census are from England, including their
#1929,018082.) (Ibid.) was born in July 15,1932, Manson, Manitoba, Canada (Find a Grave& per Derrick Willey).
Children of Grant Willey and Freda Rolfe (see #3) are:
and they had 3 children; 2 sons & a daughter (Ibid.).
Grant was the 3rd of 5 children born to William George "Bill" Willey & Mary Holeksa Willey. He married Freda Rolfe in 1955
21, 2007 Alberta at age 74 (Ibid.).
(Ibid.). He married Freda Elizabeth Rolfe (aka Rath) (see #3), daughter of Robert Henry Rolfe and , in 1955 (Ibid.). He died Jul
2. Grant Willey (Find a Grave (Ibid.) (Ibid.) was born on 30 Sep 1932 Springside, Yorkton, Saskatchewan

Generation Two
(arrested December 1983, Red Deer, Alberta, cocaine trafficking).
1. Derrick Grant Willey.

Canada, Gender: Male, Age: 78, Marital Status: Married, Birth Date: 04 May 1902, Birthplace: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Father's Name:
Hammond Willey and Fanny Marie Adams, before 1932. She died in 1986 (Find a Grave.).
Sophia Holeksa, Daughter, Female, 1y, Can Sask) (1916 Canada.). She married William George Willey (see #4), son of George
Holeksa, Daughter, Female, 6y, Can Sask; Boyd Holeksa, Son, Male, 4y, Can Sask; Annie Holeksa, Daughter, Female, 3y, Can Sask;
42y, Austria Silesia; Frances Holeksa, Wife, Female, 28y, Austria Silesia; Emily Holeksa, Daughter, Female, 7y, Can Sask; Mary
She was in the census household of John Holeksa and Frances (--?--) in 1916 Saltcoats, Saskatchewan (John Holeksa, Self, Male,
Canada.) (Ibid.) was born in 1910 (Find a Grave.).
5. Mary Holeksa (Ibid.) (1916 Census of Canada from the National Archives of Canada (Transcription by, Ottawa,
2 i. Grant Willey. one of 5 siblings
Children of William George Willey and Mary Holeksa (see #5) were:
Mary Holeksa (see #5), daughter of John Holeksa and Frances (--?--), before 1932. He died in 1973 (Find a Grave.).
Connie Adams, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1903,006689) (Find a Grave.) (MB Vital Statistics, Birth Reg. #1903,006689.). He married
4. William George Willey (Ibid.) was born on 5 Feb 1903 (Birnie), R.M. of Lansdowne, Manitoba (LAST NAME: WILLEY, FIRST
Generation Three
1 brother Garnet, died at 6 months, source: familygravesite; father's obit
1 sister
Derrick Grant Willey.
Brother Norris Rolfe, near Calgary. rancher, All the Rolfe's on the 1911 Manitoba census are from England, including their
#1929,018082.) (Ibid.) was born in July 15,1932, Manson, Manitoba, Canada (Find a Grave& per Derrick Willey).
Children of Grant Willey and Freda Rolfe (see #3) are:
and they had 3 children; 2 sons & a daughter (Ibid.).
Grant was the 3rd of 5 children born to William George "Bill" Willey & Mary Holeksa Willey. He married Freda Rolfe in 1955
21, 2007 Alberta at age 74 (Ibid.).
(Ibid.). He married Freda Elizabeth Rolfe (aka Rath) (see #3), daughter of Robert Henry Rolfe and , in 1955 (Ibid.). He died Jul
2. Grant Willey (Find a Grave (Ibid.) (Ibid.) was born on 30 Sep 1932 Springside, Yorkton, Saskatchewan
Hammond Willey and Fanny Marie Adams, before 1932. She died in 1986 (Find a Grave.).
Sophia Holeksa, Daughter, Female, 1y, Can Sask) (1916 Canada.). She married William George Willey (see #4), son of George
Holeksa, Daughter, Female, 6y, Can Sask; Boyd Holeksa, Son, Male, 4y, Can Sask; Annie Holeksa, Daughter, Female, 3y, Can Sask;
42y, Austria Silesia; Frances Holeksa, Wife, Female, 28y, Austria Silesia; Emily Holeksa, Daughter, Female, 7y, Can Sask; Mary
She was in the census household of John Holeksa and Frances (--?--) in 1916 Saltcoats, Saskatchewan (John Holeksa, Self, Male,
Canada.) (Ibid.) was born in 1910 (Find a Grave.).
5. Mary Holeksa (Ibid.) (1916 Census of Canada from the National Archives of Canada (Transcription by, Ottawa,
2 i. Grant Willey. one of 5 siblings
Children of William George Willey and Mary Holeksa (see #5) were:
Mary Holeksa (see #5), daughter of John Holeksa and Frances (--?--), before 1932. He died in 1973 (Find a Grave.).
Connie Adams, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1903,006689) (Find a Grave.) (MB Vital Statistics, Birth Reg. #1903,006689.). He married
4. William George Willey (Ibid.) was born on 5 Feb 1903 (Birnie), R.M. of Lansdowne, Manitoba (LAST NAME: WILLEY, FIRST

Generation Three
1 brother Garnet, died at 6 months, source: familygravesite; father's obit
1 s

3y, Can Sask; Sophia Holeksa, Daughter, Female, 1y, Can Sask) (1916 Canada.).
Can Sask; Mary Holeksa, Daughter, Female, 6y, Can Sask; Boyd Holeksa, Son, Male, 4y, Can Sask; Annie Holeksa, Daughter,
Holeksa, Self, Male, 42y, Austria Silesia; Frances Holeksa, Wife, Female, 28y, Austria Silesia; Emily Holeksa, Daughter, Female,
She and John Holeksa were enumerated in the census in 1916 Saltcoats, Saskatchewan. Also in the family: Mary Holeksa (John
11. Frances (--?--) (Ibid.) was born circa 1888 Austria (Ibid.). She married John Holeksa (see #10) before 1909.
Children of John Holeksa and Frances (--?--) (see #11) were:
3y, Can Sask; Sophia Holeksa, Daughter, Female, 1y, Can Sask) (1916 Canada.).
Can Sask; Mary Holeksa, Daughter, Female, 6y, Can Sask; Boyd Holeksa, Son, Male, 4y, Can Sask; Annie Holeksa, Daughter, Female,
Holeksa, Self, Male, 42y, Austria Silesia; Frances Holeksa, Wife, Female, 28y, Austria Silesia; Emily Holeksa, Daughter, Female,
He and Frances (--?--) were enumerated in the census in 1916 Saltcoats, Saskatchewan. Also in the family: Mary Holeksa (John
10. John Holeksa (1916 Canada.) was born circa 1874 Austria (Ibid.). He married Frances (--?--) (see #11) before 1909.
g-1, page 10, family 110, line 15-17.). She died in 1955.
Mary Holeksa.
5 i
England, Church of England; Willey John Thomas, M, Brother, S, Oct 2 1885, 15, born England, Methodist) (1901 Canada, District
(Willey George H., M, Head, M, May 18 1874, 26, born England, Methodist, Farmer; Willey Fanny, F, Wife, M, Oct 23 1877, 23,
She and George Hammond Willey were enumerated in the census on 31 Mar 1901 Dauphin, Marquette, Manitoba. Also in the
9. Fanny Marie Adams was born on 23 Oct 1877 England (Ibid.). She married George Hammond Willey (see #8) circa 1900.
William George Willey.
4 i
Children of George Hammond Willey and Fanny Marie Adams (see #9) were:
g-1, page 10, family 110, line 15-17.). He died in 1913 Neepawa, Manitoba.
England, Church of England; Willey John Thomas, M, Brother, S, Oct 2 1885, 15, born England, Methodist) (1901 Canada, District
(Willey George H., M, Head, M, May 18 1874, 26, born England, Methodist, Farmer; Willey Fanny, F, Wife, M, Oct 23 1877, 23,
He and Fanny Marie Adams were enumerated in the census on 31 Mar 1901 Dauphin, Marquette, Manitoba. Also in the
page 10, family 110, line 15-17.). He married Fanny Marie Adams (see #9) circa 1900.
Transcription Project and Census Images from the National Archives of Canada,, District
George Hammond Willey was born on 18 May 1874 North Somecotes, Lincs, England (Automated Genealogy 1901 Census

Ancestors of Freda Elizabeth Rolfe
Generation One
 1. Freda Elizabeth Rolfe (Find a Grave was born in 1932 (Ibid.). She married Grant Willey, son of William
George Willey and Mary Holeksa, on 16 Jul 1955 (Ibid.). She died on 10 May 2007 Alberta (Ibid.).
Generation Two
 2. Robert Henry Rolfe was born circa 1886 England. He was baptized on 17 Dec 1887 St.Clement, City Road, Islington, England
(Robert Henry Rolfe, Gender: Male, Record Type: Baptism, Baptism Date: 17 Dec 1887, Baptism Place: St Clement, City Road,
Islington, England, Father: Robert Henry Rolfe, Mother: Annie Elizabeth Rolfe, Register Type: Parish Registers). He married Jessie
C. Nicholson (see #3) circa 1914 Red Deer, Alberta (Robert Henry Rolfe, Marriage Date: 1914, Marriage Place: Red Deer, Alberta,
Canada, Spouse: Jessie C. Nicholson).
 He and Jessie C. Nicholson were enumerated in the census on 1 Jun 1916 Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan (Henery Rolfe, Lodger, Male,
30y, England; Jessie Rolfe, Wife, Female, 25y, Cape Braton) (1916 Census of Canada from the National Archives of Canada
(Transcription by, Ottawa, Canada.).
 He and Jessie C. Nicholson were enumerated in the census in 1921 Rocanville, Qu'Appelle District, Saskatchewan. Also in the family:
Frances Rolfe and Annie Elizabeth Winfield (Robert H Rolfe, Head, 44, Laborer, born England; Jessie Rolfe, wife, 36, born Nova
Scotia, parents both born England; Francis M Rolfe, daughter, 3; Annie E Landyn, mother, 63, born England) (1921 Census of Canada
from the National Archives of Canada (Transcription by, Ottawa, Canada.).
 He and Jessie C. Nicholson were enumerated in the census in 1926 Qu'Appelle District, Saskatchewan. Also in the family (Henery
Rolfe, Nonrelative [Living with the Goodman family], Male, 40, England; Jessie Rolfe. Nonrelative, Female, 35, Nova Scotia, Canada;
Frances Rolfe, Son, Male, 8, Saskatchewan, Canada; Norris Rolfe, Daughter [Son/Male], Female, 4, Saskatchewan, Canada) (1926
Census of Canada from the National Archives of Canada (Transcription by, Ottawa, Canada.).
 Children of Robert Henry Rolfe and Jessie C. Nicholson (see #3) were as follows:
i. John Arthur Rolfe (Saskatchewan Vital Statistics online,, Death Reg. #3878.) (Ibid.)
(Ibid.) was born circa 1916. He died on 24 Sep 1916 Rocanville, Saskatchewan (Registration Number: 3878;
ROLFE, JOHN ARTHUR, Sex: M, Death Date: 1916 / 9 / 24, Place of Death: Mother, JESSIE C NICHOLSON,
Father ROBERT HENRY ROLFE) (SK Vital Statistics, Death Reg. #3878.).
ii. Frances Rolfe (1926 Canada.) (Ibid.) (Ibid.) was born circa 1918 Saskatchewan (Ibid.). She was in the census
household of Robert Henry Rolfe and Jessie C. Nicholson in 1921 Rocanville, Qu'Appelle District, Saskatchewan
(Robert H Rolfe, Head, 44, Laborer, born England
Jessie Rolfe, wife, 36, born Nova Scotia, parents both born England; Francis M Rolfe, daughter, 3; Annie E Landyn,
mother, 63, born England) (1921 Canada.).
iii. Norris Raymond Rolfe (1926 Canada.) (Ibid.) (Ibid.) was born circa 1922 Saskatchewan (Ibid.).
1 iv. Freda Elizabeth Rolfe.
 3. Jessie C. Nicholson. Her parents were born in England (1921 Canada.). She was born circa 1891 Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
(Parents unknown). She married Robert Henry Rolfe (see #2), son of Robert Henry Rolfe and Annie Elizabeth Winfield, circa 1914
Red Deer, Alberta (Robert Henry Rolfe, Marriage Date: 1914, Marriage Place: Red Deer, Alberta, Canada, Spouse: Jessie C.
 She and Robert Henry Rolfe were enumerated in the census on 1 Jun 1916 Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan (Henery Rolfe, Lodger, Male,
30y, England; Jessie Rolfe, Wife, Female, 25y, Cape Braton) (1916 Canada.).
 She and Robert Henry Rolfe were enumerated in the census in 1921 Rocanville, Qu'Appelle District, Saskatchewan. Also in the
family: Frances Rolfe and Annie Elizabeth Winfield (Robert H Rolfe, Head, 44, Laborer, born England; Jessie Rolfe, wife, 36, born
Nova Scotia, parents both born England; Francis M Rolfe, daughter, 3; Annie E Landyn, mother, 63, born England) (1921 Canada.).
 She and Robert Henry Rolfe were enumerated in the census in 1926 Qu'Appelle District, Saskatchewan. Also in the family (Henery
Rolfe, Nonrelative [Living with the Goodman family], Male, 40, England; Jessie Rolfe. Nonrelative, Female, 35, Nova Scotia, Canada;
Frances Rolfe, Son, Male, 8, Saskatchewan, Canada; Norris Rolfe, Daughter [Son/Male], Female, 4, Saskatchewan, Canada) (1926
Generation Three
 4. Robert Henry Rolfe was born circa 1859. He married Annie Elizabeth Winfield (see #5) on 4 Aug 1884 St.Barnabas, Finsbury,
Islington, England (Robert Henry Rolfe, Male, age 25, son of Samuel Rolfe, married 4 Aug 1884, St Barnabas, Finsbury, Islington,
England, Annie Winfield, daughter of Christopher Winfield). Hy Rolfe; in the UK, Lunacy Patients Admission Registers, 1846-1912:
Name: Hy Rolfe, Gender: Male, Admission Date: 30 Sep 1890, Institution: Wandsw'th, Intitution Place: Surrey, England, Death Date:
8 Oct 1891, Death Place: Surrey, England. He died on 8 Oct 1891 Surrey, England. He was buried on 17 Oct 1891 Chingford Mount
Cemetery, Waltham Forest, Greater London, England (Robert Henry Rolfe, Age: 32, Record Type: Burial, Birth Date: abt 1859, Death
Date: abt 1891, Burial Date: 17 Oct 1891, Burial Place: Waltham Forest, Greater London, England, Cemetery: Chingford Mount
Cemetery, Cemetery Section: F12, Grave Number: 20909, Interment Number: 21180).
 Children of Robert Henry Rolfe and Annie Elizabeth Winfield (see #5) were:
2 i. Robert Henry Rolfe.
 5. Annie Elizabeth Winfield was born circa 1859. She married Robert Henry Rolfe (see #4), son of Samuel Rolfe, on 4 Aug 1884
St.Barnabas, Finsbury, Islington, England (Robert Henry Rolfe, Male, age 25, son of Samuel Rolfe, married 4 Aug 1884, St Barnabas,
Finsbury, Islington, England, Annie Winfield, daughter of Christopher Winfield). She was in the census household of Robert Henry
Rolfe and Jessie C. Nicholson in 1921 Rocanville, Qu'Appelle District, Saskatchewan (Robert H Rolfe, Head, 44, Laborer, born
England; Jessie Rolfe, wife, 36, born Nova Scotia, parents both born England; Francis M Rolfe, daughter, 3; Annie E Landyn, mother,
63, born England) (1921 Canada.).
Generation Four
 8. Samuel Rolfe.
 Children of Samuel Rolfe include:
4 i. Robert Henry Rolfe

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Derrick Whiteskycloud
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2020, 01:29:26 pm »
[quote author=educatedindian link=topic=1013.msg47083#msg47083

Racist rants and conspiracy ravings all over his FB. This is just 3 days worth:

Derrick Whiteskycloud:
The privilege they erased from history.Our history is written by the victors. What presentation of our history would best suite their chosen 'end game' for us? There was WHITE SLAVERY in AFRICA first before the Blacks were taken to Europe many years later into slavery...but the WHITES WERE SLAVES this video.. your thoughts. My grandfather in England who was age 10 was taken to Dr. Bernardo's Orphanage & brought thru the front door & out the back door onto a ship to Canada and sold as a slave in 1882..east coast.

Derrick Whiteskycloud 1d · YouTube
Kelowna BC Canada Microwave 5G Radiation Reading On Bernard Ave Downtown today..we are the new guinea pigs...just like Wohun China...WHY?
On May 28, it was announced that Kelowna BC Canada was to become "Canada's First 5G Program City to "monitor traffic patterns" with the "Lidar" traffic surveillance system. On June 29th, just weeks after implementing this traffic monitoring system - the area disallowed vehicles.

Derrick Whiteskycloud
2d · YouTube
International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains that the people planning to rule the world want to reduce the global population to 500 million. And he then explains how'll they'll kill the six billion of us they want to eliminate.

Derrick Whiteskycloud
3d · Does this prove that Dr Tam works for Communist China too...she answers to them?

FB is saying they will take down QAnon conspiracy pages. Willey's pages should be reported.

Online Sparks

  • Posts: 1426
Re: Derrick Whiteskycloud
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2020, 06:56:13 am »
Derrick Whiteskycloud
2d · YouTube
International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains that the people planning to rule the world want to reduce the global population to 500 million. And he then explains how'll they'll kill the six billion of us they want to eliminate.

Vernon Coleman has a Wikipedia article:

Vernon Coleman (born 18 May 1946) is an English discredited self-publisher and blogger of conspiracy theories[1][2][3] columnist and former general practitioner (GP). He has written over 100 books, including works on conspiracy theories about human health, politics, cricket, and animal issues,[4] and a range of novels.[5]

A June 2020 article describes him very well, I recommend reading all of it. An excerpt:

Now it is coronavirus which has him delving into his bag of "truths", and in doing so, taking the less imaginative approach favoured by less qualified commentators -- that of attempting to convince doubters by stating earnestly "these are the facts".

Government officials do not feel the need to specify their coronavirus briefings are "the truth". Newspaper articles are not prefaced with a qualification that what follows are "facts". But in their eagerness to convince us of their legitimacy, conspiracy theorists sprinkle these two words throughout their digital missives, so much so that the words themselves have become cliches.

Indeed, these self-proclaimed "truthers" are adept at sloganeering. Whether it is deliberate or merely a modern consequence, who knows? But their employment of a tactic that Dr Coleman criticises is just one of many contradictions.

They label the public "sheeple" and decry the "brainwashing" we have undergone, at the same time as unhesitatingly lapping up any conspiratorial crumb flicked their way. "Question everything", they insist, but then ignore us when we question them. They indignantly tell us to "Do your research", but fail to fact-check the material they share. They clamour for "freedom of speech", but kick dissenting voices out of their forums. They accuse the media of "scaremongering", and then tell us 5G is what's killing people, that our facemasks are making us sick, and that a coronavirus vaccine will implant tracking bugs in us. There is an unrelenting denouncement of "fake news" while disseminating that very thing.

The coronavirus crisis is labelled variously as a "plandemic" or a "scamdemic". Those who do not believe are urged to "wake up!", and material is distributed invariably with a plea to "share this with everybody before it gets taken down!".

And in that, we get a hint of their motivations. In the social media age, the share is the most quantifiable currency. It not only brings new names to the fore, it grants renewed momentum to discredited and vengeful public figures such as Judy Mikovitz, and it resurrects relics like David Icke -- and Vernon Coleman.

Some background about the 500 million depopulation: