Author Topic: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"  (Read 1828720 times)

Offline secondsight

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1095 on: September 13, 2011, 08:18:20 pm »
Critter....that is a creepy thought!

You could be right, maybe she is just looking to increase followers by offering $$.

I did like her statement about Sweden_ " I never should have worn those things< it was disrespectful....EXCEPT:

She claims medicine was sent to her but why would Indians send her something that is disrespectful to wear? Most likely she purchased the entire outfit to make an impression of power and now regrets the backlash.

Offline Superdog

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1096 on: September 13, 2011, 08:31:40 pm »
Critter....that is a creepy thought!

You could be right, maybe she is just looking to increase followers by offering $$.

Without a doubt, although any new followers would completely fail to see it that way.  To them, she's gonna look like she's going waayyyyy out of her way to appease the rumbling savages, so she should be thanked for that.  *rolling eyes*

The one thing that sticks out the most when it comes to this fake apology is the look in her eyes in the Santa Fe video where she states with total vitriol...."I DON'T CARE" when asked about the very subject she claims to be apologizing for now.


Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1097 on: September 13, 2011, 09:28:18 pm »
She doesn't care about it. Yes, I did not watch the whole "apology" video, but what I saw
was a fake woman giving a fake speech and being conniving in offering money to suit her
own end/needs. Who offers money to those who teach NA ways? When NA ways are NOT
taught for money? Nor taught to the public or masses..

And who would accept that but more frauds. And.. if she can lure some
of these other more "credible" frauds to her camp.. the more she becomes the "hero" by
helping them.. the more the innocent will look to her like a God(dess).. and .. more money
will flow in. And she can sit at the top of the pyramid like the queen she imagines
herself to be.. providing funding to *anyone* who teaches NA ways.. if that is not
the worse!  Yeah.. she'll be the queen alright.. Queen of cultural misappropriation and
exploitation .. she'll be funding it.

She makes me sick. What she is doing with this makes me sick. She is a SICK person!   >:(

I do not believe anything she says. If she wanted to make apology she would do so in
a right way and forfeit all the money she's made thus far to those she exploited.. not
offer it to more exploiters..

Also, an apology that accepts no responsibility for what is being apologized for is an
empty apology. Apologies are only worthy if the person actually has learned, has regret,
and changes their way.  She may claim regret, but since she continues on in her "littlegrandmother"
role, and doesn't come clean or change her ways about the falseness of all of her claims, then her
apology is not real.

« Last Edit: September 13, 2011, 09:52:14 pm by critter - a white non-ndn person »
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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1098 on: September 13, 2011, 10:03:14 pm »
Maybe she's having a hard time getting people to purchase her b.s., and having
a hard time getting "gigs" due to the many voices who protest her..

so.. Plan B.. have some other fraud who already has a good following make the
money for her by offering to fund them.. of course she'll get a cut in return.. that's
a lot easier way to get the money than having to fight the voices against her.

That's what I think.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Freija

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1099 on: September 14, 2011, 11:09:17 am »

I did like her statement about Sweden_ " I never should have worn those things< it was disrespectful....EXCEPT:

She claims medicine was sent to her but why would Indians send her something that is disrespectful to wear? Most likely she purchased the entire outfit to make an impression of power and now regrets the backlash.

Oh, the stuff probably came from THE one and only SalishSioux tribe. The tribe noone but Kiesha knows of.
And the people who provided her with that stuff died afterwards. All of them.   :-\ :(

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1100 on: September 14, 2011, 04:26:45 pm »
And the people who provided her with that stuff died afterwards. All of them

Read more:;topic=2871.1095;num_replies=1103#ixzz1XwepJA4f

They must have died from embarrassment! ;D

Offline secondsight

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1101 on: September 14, 2011, 05:33:00 pm »
LOL! Very funny Frieja!  ;)

Offline OneRed

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1102 on: September 15, 2011, 02:01:52 am »
Well I went to make some comments on her "youtube apology" and go figure the moderator wouldn't approve them lol

Her events roster is up - none of the fee pages were working at the time, except for the Hawaii event and this one .. if you look on there, you will see their list of speakers and also where she neglected to inform them that she is not native - still claiming her mother  as being Sioux/Salish. Guess they didn't bother checking out her site and her video where she confesses she is not ... maybe someone should give them a phone call or email them the youtube link and perhaps this thread.

One of my business colleagues specializes in reading people's body language, he shut off the sound and watched her movements etc. and said she's a con and will have a new spin all the time to work her angle. And when someone is full of it they have a tendency to look upwards and away from the camera, not necessarily moving their head upwards, but I mean their eyes ..know what I mean? lol And that's something she does a lot if you watch it and pay attention.

Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1103 on: September 15, 2011, 03:10:50 am »
she is a con and always spinning a new scam. early in this thread it was mentioned about
who her handlers were/are .. who funds her..

well.. obviously, she has decided that "funding" others is where the money is at..
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline OneRed

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1104 on: September 15, 2011, 03:33:46 pm »
Yeah I've known all about her for some time, a few friends have been sharing updates about her idiocy for the past couple of years. I posted her video on my FB page as some of my colleagues are quite spiritual and some share spiritual teachings etc. so wanted to make them aware of her. One thing her "victims" seem to be missing is that she wouldn't make such huge errors against our people if she were truly a shaman and not the newager crap but the traditional type. How she goes on and on about her connection with animals .. I think she got confused at what an animal whisperer is and what a shaman is LOL ... I also love how she mispronounced Salish but yet her mother was half Salish LOL Sorry but sometimes outright stupidity makes me laugh.

Offline secondsight

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1106 on: September 22, 2011, 11:52:00 pm »
Here is the Advance Praise comments for LG's book. Anyone know if these are actual native American names, or actual people?

“Little Grandmother walks with humility and integrity. Because of this the old ones have chosen her to convey their message of such deep and profound wisdom for the betterment of our beloved Earth Mother and all who dwell upon and within her. And to remind us and awaken the memory of these teachings within each and every one of us.
Little Grandmother's ability to walk humbly as the carrier of such gifts of wisdom is the key that unlocks the hearts of everyone who meets her and hears the messages.
She walks in her truth wearing the cloak of Rongomaraeroa, the entity of all things peaceful, with much dignity and grace. This book is a gift to the world.”
Makere Ruka Te Korako ~ a grandmother of Waitaha, Te Atiawa and Ngati Tama.
“In this book Kiesha shares the messages that she has personally received from Spirit—knowledge seriously needed at this time not only by human, the animals and the earth but also our star brothers and sisters, for what we do here affects the whole of existence across dimensions and universes.
I honor Kiesha's courage to come forward to do this work at this time, to make these teachings public, even in the face of criticism and great scrutiny by some who have closed their hearts. Only very spiritual beings with open minds and hearts have received these teachings, and they are being instructed to share them publicly now. Listen with your heart and your connection to Source for the truth—for it is here in this book, and must be told.”
Frank W. Wise, “Buffalo Horn Cloud” ~ Peacemaker, Lakota, Cheyenne River Sioux tribe
“My ancestors, the Sami, would have been proud of you, Kiesha. In this book you remind us of something people have always known — that all life constitutes a whole and that we are all a part of it. You remind us that we must take care of our dear Mother Earth. This is a beautiful and wise book, emphasizing that we are all equally valuable. Thank you from my heart.”
Signe Maasø ~ Sami elder and drum and sound healer from Norway, Iliana life coach

Offline ShadowDancer

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1107 on: September 23, 2011, 04:03:40 am »
I did a little searching on Google.

There is a Frank W. Wise who is a professor of physics at Cornell University.  Ooops... wrong guy. 

However, there is also a Frank (no W) Wise who does come up.

Raven visits with Frank Wise on Make No Bones About It

Sunday at 4-pm July 10th, 2011 only on Kaos 89.3 Fm – Olympia

Bio: Frank Wise is a Member of the: Cheynne River Sioux Tribe. His Spirit name is: Buffalo Horn Cloud. Frank Lives in: Casper Wy. He has a BSW degree from the University of Wyoming minored in Addiction Counseling. Frank mostly attends and supports Lakota Spirtual Practices but he has worked with spitual leaders of most faiths and religions. He speaks with Rave about his message: Time to come together and put aside our differance for the fhuter of our childen and our mother the Earth.

his email his

He is also on Facebook:


A search on Signe Maasø only turns up two hits.  Both are for the recommendation/review of LG's book.


Makere Ruka Te Korako has lots of hits on Google.

The Waitaha Nation site seems to be her home base  (warning there is music on the opening page)

She has a video on Youtube for the Net of Light for Mother Earth Call for Prayer

Grandmother Earth is bleeding to death

What we can do now

Turtle speaks:

"Our Mother Earth is in urgent need of immediate love and support. Her core has been breached and she is bleeding. Unchecked sulphur, oil, and toxic gases in the Gulf of Mexico are giving way to widening fissures that threaten life as we know it, on all the lands and in all the waters we love.

~ It need not be so ~

The Ancient Ones are calling on humankind to go to the waters."

For the sake of our dear mokopuna and generations of grandchildren to come,the time is critical. And so,
Dear human kind.. All Our Relations.. Let us answer the call of the ancestors and join our hearts in intention to curtail the hemorrhage, address the underlying grief and wrong-thinking, and send love to our beloved Grandmother Earth.

THE TIME IS NOW:July 25 through 30, astrological likelihood for further breakdown of old structures such as we have seen is ripe. However, on July 12 (New Zealand time) the sun sextiles Mars, and Venus and Regulus are aligned. We experience a solar eclipse crossing through the Pacific and directly over the emotional, naval center of the earth (Rapanui / Easter Island). We exit the tunnel, which began at the lunar eclipse and Grand Cross on June 26. This will be the opportune window to avert further injury and to begin restoration of our beautiful Mother.

~ We Are Water ~

All things are alive and connected through water. Water is a conscious conduit and instantaneous transmitter of intention. Our intention is that we not go again the way of Atlantis, but
to replenish and rejoin our Mother in truth, beauty and harmony.

We call for prayer-gatherings over local waterways.
This Sunday July 11th at dawn and at dusk in preparation for the great shadow eclipse, and again gathering on Monday the 12th at the actual time of the eclipse:
(7:35am NZ time.) Go to for your local time.
Those nearby are invited to come to Waikirikiri River at White Cliffs Domain, out of Christchurch, New Zealand at 7:30am, and again at 6pm, both days.

Please share this timely intention worldwide via e-chains and websites.
And individually.. beginning immediately, with every morning and evening star.. Let us send from our hearts, messages of deeply felt apology and love, through bright Venus to the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Let us re-imagine, with our hearts, her waters once again crystalline and shimmering with life and light. We need not try to understand how this will be accomplished, but envision it so, with great love. United in purpose, the will of the highest good shall become manifest. Let it be so.
In gratitude, and in service to our beloved mother Papat??nuku / Gaia
Makere, Mareikura o Waitaha (Waitaha Grandmother), Juliette Peck, Loraine Web, Rua Pick, Michelle Croft, Dianne Cutler, Remy Kiehn-Lindsey, Barry Mathers.

Now here is the interesting bit.  The Youtube video is posted by Raven RedBone aka Brian Frisana, which is the same person/site who has the interview post regarding Frank Wise.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1108 on: September 23, 2011, 08:57:46 pm »
Interesting how her endorsements have shrunk so drastically, from claiming "all" NDNs and other indigenous people endorsed her, to hundreds, to dozens of elders named as being from, what was it, 20 or 25 different tribes, down to just these.

So basically Crowther claims praise from three NDN elders (doesn't seem to know or care that Maori and Sammi aren't NDN) and was only able to find one, who doesn't even seem to be an elder. On Wise's FB page he lists these interests.

" 3 Flowers Healing, THE MYSTICAL EXPERIENCE, How to Raise Your Vibration, Nurture The Children, Patrick Ives Photography, Orbs of Light..."

3 Flwrs are a Nuage bunch operating near Mt Shasta. Myst Experience is a Nuage FB page, a mishmash of vaguely claiming-to-be-Hindu stuff. Same with the vibration group. Orbs of Light is another twink group. Ives Photos does cheesecake shots. There are some good charities he believes in. Basically he seems like a Nuager himself. He's not a bad person best I can tell, but he seems to fall for just about anything.

Korako seems like a good person whose involved with a host of causes. For example she allowed her name to be attached to a cause aiding the Salish on water issues. I wonder if that's how she met Crowther, that she was introduced as Salish to Korako. It seems she's just unlikely to believe anything bad about anyone.

But the way that endorsement is worded, "the old ones." I wonder if she just imitated what Crowther told her to say.

Annika, have you ever heard of that person she claims is a Sammi elder? That phrasing also seems odd, "my ancestors", as if she is a descendant and not a Sammi. It was my understanding you had to have Sammi grandparents who spoke the language to be considered Sammi. So her Sammi ancestors were her great grandparents, or even further back?

Offline Freija

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1109 on: September 24, 2011, 07:15:16 am »
Annika, have you ever heard of that person she claims is a Sammi elder? That phrasing also seems odd, "my ancestors", as if she is a descendant and not a Sammi. It was my understanding you had to have Sammi grandparents who spoke the language to be considered Sammi. So her Sammi ancestors were her great grandparents, or even further back?

No, never heard of her but she is apparantly Norwegian Sami.
I had the same thoughts, Al. The wording is strange, especially since she claims to be a Sami elder.
The Samis do not have blood quantum, they define themselves, pretty much like you said, Al. If you live your culture, speak the language, have Sami ancestors way back and follow your´re Sami.

There are very few what you would call "medicinepeople" left among the Samis. The spiritual traditions have gone lost to a big extent. I know some old people still practicing these traditions, but they are v-e-r-y private and quiet about what they do, even to their own people. It is not talked about at all. None of them would label themselves "Drum and sound healer".