Author Topic: Church of the World Tree/Red Witch Tradition  (Read 9687 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Church of the World Tree/Red Witch Tradition
« on: August 22, 2006, 02:53:54 pm »
Most of what they teach is just a confused mess, Reiki, pseudo shamanism, Hinduism, and sweatlodges. Two pagans, one of who claims her NDN mother taught her Blavatsky and Alice Bailey, therefore she's a "herditary witch."
The best thing that can be said is that money doesn't seem to be their aim.
"Church of the World Tree was founded to protect and preserve Shamanism as practiced in the Red Witch Tradition, a socio/magickal family belief structure. Co-created by Silverstar Red Crow & Mark Dragonfly Freeman in 1996, the church became a branch of The International Assembly of Spiritual Healers and Earth Stewards Congregations on April 26, 1998....
COTWT is committed to creating and maintaining Sacred Space for people in search of personal empowerment and The Divine & believes that Shamanism and Reiki are the basis of creating a strong metaphysical foundation for Energy Workers, healers, occultists and Earth-based clergy."
"Silverstar Red Crow is my official/legal name. I earned the right for a Naming Ceremony after completing my training as a Traditional Woman Dancer with Paul Whitehead and Pauline Ricks at the Siletz Indian Reservation ( in 1992. I waited one year after my "Coming-Out" Ceremony, then, a friend and Spiritual Elder, Bill White Eagle Wilson, gave me my name Silverstar. I wore Silverstar as my complete name, and yes was teased for having a single name like Cher, for 6 years, until I completed a specific term of service to the community. In 1999, I earned the right to wear my last name of Red Crow, the name of the community I facilitated in Carlton Oregon....
I am a Shamanic Practitioner and not of the academic variety. My Shamanic Lineage is bound in "Blood and Honor". I practice what my parents taught me. Both my parents were devout metaphysicians...My siblings and I could meditate before we could walk. Picture a line of small children, all in diapers, attempting to sit in the Lotus Position. We were read Blavatsky ( and Bailey ( as bed-time stories, coached in chanting and breath-work before grammar school and graduated to trance-work and the occult sciences after puberty. I cannot separate myself from either side of my genetic code. I have tried to live entirely in the native community on the Red Road, as I have lived in the Caucasian dominated metaphysical community...
My first spiritual teacher outside my family was a man named Master Hamid Bey ( He was a product of the complicated temple system of the Coptics of Egypt. He was a dynamic personality who I freely surrendered my education to, between the ages of 14 and 18. He honed my skills of trance, second site, directed me in the pursuit of Oracle knowledge and taught me the importance of Karma and the ramifications of magick-good and bane. He added to my knowledge and use of spiritual protection and defense and led me in the direction of exorcism and Spirit Work.... An Egyptian, a Hindi and an Italian stigmatic gave me the will, courage and fortitude to continue my search for Me."
"Mark made a pledge to Spirit that he would read the Tarot each morning for the rest of his days, without fail. This Spirit Pledge changed his life on all levels-transforming his natural empathy into true sympathy. He was then motivated to learn Reiki, which amplified his healing talents & brought true clarity to his personal spiritual practice.
Because of the urgings of Silverstar, Mark became a student of Core Shamanism. Spirit led him to Leslie Conton, a teacher through the Foundation of Shamanic Studies. There he found his wings and became Dragonfly. By 1998, Dragonfly was proficient in the Tarot, specializing in the Ryder/Waite Deck, teaching Reiki & assisting in Shamanic & Sabbatical ritual. On Lughnassadh 1999, Dragonfly earned his 3rd Degree High Priest status in the Red Witch Tradition. Wearing the purple robes of the Priest has led Dragonfly to many interesting arenas."

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: Church of the World Tree/Red Witch Tradition
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2006, 06:12:01 pm »
Ah yes more blending .... ? ?  I would have to admit that I IMHO have a problem with the blending of things as they say other people have expressed to them.... ?  I also see some distortions from "Wicca" things such as they use black robes instead of white for initiates in Wicca. ?  ? I see he is also into "Core Shamanism" ? little bit of everything all the buzz words.

This stuff - with the Cherokee background ? is similar to what I recently found as "The Corellian Nativist Tradition" ?  they all are "witches" too. ?  Here is a link to them, large group with members in most states, they like to dress fancy I admit I spent alot of time just looking at the pictures on the site ?  ? ?  ?  ? When I found this group I was not sure how to post em here but since I see Al has opened the door so to speak ? LOL ? thought i'd throw this in sideways:
""The Correllian Nativist Tradition is based upon the teachings of members of the High-Correll family. The High-Correll family were descended from a line of Cherokee Didanvwisgi who intermarried with a line of Scottish Traditional Witches, whose descendants were further influenced by Aradian Witchcraft and by the Spiritualist Church.

The founder of the Tradition is the blv. Orpheis Caroline High Correll. She is said to have founded the Tradition as an entity separate from her ancestry, on September 4, 1479 Pisces (1879 AD). """ ?  

This Corellian group is also associated with ?  
whom I have "heard" will go after people with their lawyers if they are poked.


I really had a hard time going through the websites LOL ? Just makes me shake my head... like many other sites I visit.. ?  Scottish Witches ... I hope we don't mean Witta that was invented.

Al and others, to be "Hereditary" one supposedly has had parents or other relatives who believed and followed "the craft/magic use." ? Sometimes it skips generations. ? It's usually documented within the family through family histories. ? My family history is European a direct decendant of the Metcalfe/Metcalf Clan via our family records, again.   If I go home and consult the family genealogy on my moms side, an actual big book on our overall family history no less by a family historian, I can tell you who the relatives were in my family who were known as a ? "Witch" (they did magic) ?  I can also show at least one relative, a man, who early on was cursed by a woman refered to as a "Witch" and subsequently died from said curse (a verbal one)  he was a Metcalf. ? Don't ask about my dad, even though he was with us I don't know much about my dad. ? He was a mystery and secretive about his past so I don't have any info on him but the Witch "craft" ? (sounds so lame) ? in my family is on my moms side of the family. ?  Witch "Craft" does involve use of Magic ocasionally within the belief system. ? Magic has historic precedence under many names in many cultures over time. ? it has been "re-invented" ? (the Witch Craft - and Magic forms) by Gardner who was influenced by the likes of Murray and it is continually being *distorted* in books and by people like these websites posted up there.  Why do people want to take a good thing and mess it up? ?

So if someone says to you that they are "Hereditary" they should be able to produce proof if asked.  I mean afterall they are making a claim to something that should not be taken lightly -in my view.   Again, if they claim they are a Witch they should? likewise be able to produce proof to you of their lineage within their Coven - ie; Who their teachers were, what their background is -if now a days they even follow that old method of gathering in the evening for meeting and work. ?  ?

Why ask questions of Pagans and aledged Witches you wonder while shaking your head... Its the old saw... to prove legitamacy because there are too many fakes and wannabees out there and it is necessary to seperate the real from the false.  I met a lady ? who sported a pentacle in public so I said "you're a Witch?" and she said yes I thought ooo a friend.. Then when I was chatting to her later about our backgrounds and such and "what do you do" etc.. ? She admitted to me she didn't know what she was and that she had a bad experience with a certain form of religion so she went looking for other things to do. ? She was a Pagan. ? I guess she just liked to make a social statement with a pentacle and try this and that on for size to see how it felt. ? So it is important to *ask* at least who people are so you know if you are on the same page or out in left field somewhere. ? Of course with webpages its pretty easy to see what is what.  

This is a form of religion and comes with responsibility and is taken seriously at least by some of us who are Witches it is afterall our *religion* and way of life the way some of us were brought up. ? ? Unfortunately the whole new-age/pagan/pan try this and that thing has totally made us all look like a carload of fools no matter our backgrounds, ? by those out there who want to sensationilize and make it all "cool" to be a Witch and make money -- Such cavalier attitudes and ignorance can be dangerous. ? ? It certainly makes me wince everytime I see something like the above groups. ?  ?

I know there are alot of people shaking their heads... but the abuse of my religion is right up there with everyone else on the list here and I do like to clarify things for others in light of all the mis-information other wise it continues. ? Being the token Witch on board I find it a necesary thing to speak up on occasion.  

Keep in mind that Witches do not recruit for members online or anywhere else it's always *historically* been by word of mouth someone who knows someone who knows someone who then approaches someone else about getting closer.   In many of the old historical mystery schools initiation could take from 20-23 yrs for an apprentice according to historical accounts left by the Romans and Egyptians.  The Egyptian schools required initiates to spend most of that time underground.  Let's see todays standards how long do most of these people take to be adept in whatever it is they are doing?  They take an online class... take a retreat... a series of 8 classes in a new age *store* which also sells them stuff.. Like we need "stuff."  Sounds kinda shabby to me, risky at best, and I really don't see how it can work that way, almost overnight for things that actually take in reality many years of personal work and study.  So you see the problem I have with most of what I see out here in the wild.

The name "Witch" usually carried with it a sinister appelation for good reason based on historical records again, by the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians who all left us many examples.  Some Magic performed could be good some bad.  I notice there are clear divisions made between good and bad in relation to what people do today - you've all heard the total invention "harm none" routine, in reality, in the non-fuzzy feel good world, the lines can become blurred and the harm none is not always possible to do.  Think about it, about causality-cause and effect of doing things. ? Witches do not in reality advertise for members anywhere.  We don't get our beliefs out of books or boxes or online.  We do work on the barter system and we are generally, the real ones, quiet and we look pretty much like everyone else but sometimes it shows. ? Keep in mind real Coven meets are not advertised and are not "open" to just anyone and the why and how to's specific to the group are certainly not posted around and bantied about on websites or fliers.  Other peoples beliefs are also not melded into the pot. ? Its in actuality an old set of things within a old belief system that is old in its tenet. ? It needs no fluff.  

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by AstronomyGal »

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Church of the World Tree/Red Witch Tradition
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2006, 06:39:13 pm »
Quoting 'Silverstar Red Crow':

My Shamanic Lineage is bound in "Blood and Honor".

I'm sure this is more a sign that this person lives in a fantasy world than of fascist sympathies but I think it's worth mentioning that the only other people who use the phrase 'blood and honor' are neo-nazis.

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: Church of the World Tree/Red Witch Tradition
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2006, 06:50:17 pm »
Hey Barnaby...  yeah there is also a skinhead site that goes by that very name....  scary stuff.