Author Topic: Nolumbeka Project, Western MA.  (Read 43489 times)

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Nolumbeka Project, Western MA.
« Reply #45 on: March 05, 2016, 06:14:26 pm »
The staff at fish and wildlife that handle wildlife rehabilitation permits are Jennifer Longsdorf at MassWildlife's Field Headquarters at 508-389-6360/ or Bob Arini at the MassWildlife Boston Office at 617-626-1575/ Tell them the truth about your sister and that you are under the impression that she is the only person in the state allowed to rehab fawns due to her fraudulent claims of being indigenous. Also ask that they immediately inspect her facility because you have been told that the conditions are deplorable (the conditions are deplorable).

To report an IACA violation contact them at or 1-888-278-3253. If you email them try and provide links to sites where there are articles or statements where she is selling jewelry etc.

You could also contact the state Attorney Generals office since she is receiving income under the auspice of her rehab program via fraudulent claims.

Phone: 413-784-1240

Fax: 413-784-1244

You can also contact US Fish and Wildlife informing them that she is in illegal possession of feathers from protected species 1?800?344?WILD I know others have contacted them and nothing has been done regarding similar situations in Massachusetts. I would follow the complaint up with a call to the Massachusetts Environmental Police at (it will ask you for dates, put in the date on which you file the report and clarify in the report section that this is an ongoing issue) or (800) 632-8075 which is the statewide dispatch number.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2016, 06:26:09 pm by omgsrsly? »

Offline mugzie101

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Re: Nolumbeka Project, Western MA.
« Reply #46 on: March 06, 2016, 05:12:29 am »
Thank you so much omgsrsly.  Finally some information that I can use!  I am a little confused however about the fawns thing.  I can't find anywhere where she states she can rehab fawns.  Everything I have read on the internet says No wildlife rehab center can take in or treat fawns.  Are you sure she is allowed to rehab them?  I just want to make sure I have all my facts right before I contact anyone.  Thanks again sooo much. 

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Nolumbeka Project, Western MA.
« Reply #47 on: March 06, 2016, 02:45:01 pm »
I am absolutely positive that she is the only rehabber in the state allowed to rehab fawns. This was told to me directly by F&W.

When you contact the state Attorney General ask them for an email or mailing address and send them any confirmation that you have that she's white along with copies of blurbs on various websites where she states things like this
Medicine Mammals: American Indian non-profit wildlife rehab located in Wendell Ma.Our goal: raise orphaned/ injured wildlife with vet help for release.
which was taken from her facebook page for her non-profit.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Nolumbeka Project, Western MA.
« Reply #48 on: March 11, 2016, 03:49:19 pm »
'Loril' is scheduled to perform at the Lunenburg Public Library this weekend Attempts were made by indigenous people as well as a member of 'Loril's' family to educate the library director, Martha Moore, as well as the library board. The library intends to go forward with 'Loril's' stereotypying of Apache and other cultures. To my knowledge, not one individual from the library has responded to any indigenous inquiry. This shows me that they prefer to promote the fictionalization of Native Americans, willfully exposing the public to stereotypes and inaccuracies all the while promoting a liar and fraud. This is typical yankee racism in action. It is shameful that an institution of learning lacks the integrity of providing their patrons an authentic representation. If the event is covered by local papers I will be sure to inform the paper of the situation in it's entirety. I encourage others to contact the library today.

Offline mugzie101

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Re: Nolumbeka Project, Western MA.
« Reply #49 on: March 11, 2016, 11:20:07 pm »
Approximately one month ago I contacted "The Recorder" which is the local newspaper for Wendell, where the Medicine Mammal Wildlife Rehab Center is located.  I informed them of all the truths about Laurie including birth date, graduation dates, etc. and that I knew all of this becuase I was her sister.  I was told that they were in the middle of a "system conversion" for their on-line newspaper and were too busy at the moment to look into the matter.  I was told that it would not be until after "spring" that they would have the time to look into it.  This is a very sad response from a newspaper.  For some reason, I always thought it was "responsible journalism" to report and investiage regardless of the outcome, not to pick and choose what crimes to report on.  When is a newspaper too busy to expose a fraud in their own community?  Long story short, the newspaper already knows and has chosen to look the other way.  I just don't get it.....

Offline mugzie101

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Re: Nolumbeka Project, Western MA.
« Reply #50 on: March 11, 2016, 11:34:40 pm »
If you go to you can post reviews of her organization.  I have posted a picture I obtained from her high school yearbook, Wahconah High in Dalton, from 1974.  I have placed this picture next to one that she has posted on her own facebook page dated 2013.  Seeing is believing.  Feel free to leave your own reviews as well.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Nolumbeka Project, Western MA.
« Reply #51 on: March 11, 2016, 11:55:06 pm »
The Recorder is notorious for running articles on problematic individuals touting themselves as Native. I'm guessing here but running articles on indian fantasy sells more papers that not and I just don't think they have the ethics or maybe even the ability to run in depth investigative articles. I'm sorry they essentially brushed you off. I do not have television so I'm wondering if the local tv news stations still do exposes on illegitimate businesses and organizations. Maybe they would have more of an interest.

Offline RedRightHand

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Re: Nolumbeka Project, Western MA.
« Reply #52 on: March 13, 2016, 06:27:25 pm »
Here are the two public photos confirming that "Apache" "Loril Moondream" is actually white Laurie Flanagan.

Offline mugzie101

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Re: Nolumbeka Project, Western MA.
« Reply #53 on: March 23, 2016, 12:29:24 am »
Reported all my information to MA Fish and Wildlife yesterday.  They called me today.  They do not care if she is Indian or not.  They are not really concerned if she lied about her name on her application.  He stated they do not do a background check on any applicants, and as far as her "teaching the indian ways" and all her other fraudulent ways in order to obtain funding, it does not fall under their jurisdiction.  He also stated that her being allowed to take in fawns has nothing to do with her being an Indian, that she was granted this because of her knowledge and location.  Everything I have read, however, states that NO rehab center will be allowed to take in Fawns in Mass. ???  I asked if he would inspect her center, that I was told the conditions there were deplorable.  He stated "Well, the people who brought the fawn there last summer must have thought it was okay, and your interpretation of deplorable is probably much different than the animal's interpretation of deplorable."  After that statement from him, I realized that I was going nowhere fast.  I did file a report with the Attorney General's office.  I am still waiting to hear from them.  People just don't seem to care anymore about doing the right thing.  I am disheartened. 

Offline mugzie101

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Re: Nolumbeka Project, Western MA.
« Reply #54 on: March 28, 2016, 11:16:54 pm »
I am not giving up yet.  After mulling this over for the last few days, I felt there was something I was missing.  Finally it hit me, not only is she lying about her true idenity and getting away with it for many years, she obviously feels she does not have to follow any of the laws of the Fish and Wildlife, the main one being that no member of the public shall be allowed to have direct contact with any animals in a rehab center. 

I sent the following letter today to the Mass Fish and Wildlife today.  To see the pictures I am referring to, please to to her facebook page at

During my extensive research on how to obtain a MA license for a Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, it is stated on the license application under the rules and regulations that "No public contact shall be allowed with any wildlife held under a wildlife rehabilitation permit unless otherwise approved in writing by the director."  On it states, "With live animal programs and slide shows, we can present programs about the state of wildlife in MA. All of these programs may be tailored to any age group."  How is it that she can present LIVE animal programs with her wildlife to the public including all age groups.  Wouldn't that be detrimental and overly stressful for the animals to be carted to various locations for demonstrations.   Also, below are numerous pictures that are being posted on medicinemammals facebook page, showing "the public being allowed to have direct contact with her wildlife, including adults as well as youngsters.  This, again, is a direct violation of the Wildlife Rehabiltation rules.  She is allowing, obviously, her volunteers to have direct contact, as well as bringing these animals for live shows.  Wouldn't all her volunteers who are handling the wildlife also have to be licensed.   It is my undestanding that it is extremely important that the animals have very limited human contact so as to make their release back to the wild more successful.
I am again requesting that the license for her rehab center be revoked based on these numerous and obvious infarctions of the Mass Fish and Wildlife Rehabiliation Center rules.  This much human contact goes directly against the rules and the well being of these animals and their future release into the wild.

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Offline Diana

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Re: Nolumbeka Project, Western MA.
« Reply #55 on: September 08, 2017, 03:51:27 am »
Came across this on Interesting article on our favorite Indian massacre town Turner Falls. Click on the link for a local news video.

Turners Falls students beginning school year without mascot

School committee voted to get rid of "Indians" nickname back in February
By Mike Masciadrelli and Anthony Fay
Published: September 6, 2017, 12:37 pm

TURNERS FALLS, Mass, (WWLP) – The new school year has begun at Turners Falls High School, but a contentious issue from last year remains unresolved: the issue of a nickname for the school’s athletic teams.

In May, the Gill-Montague Regional School Committee voted 6-3 in February to eliminate the school’s “Indians” nickname and logo, due to concerns that the nickname was offensive to Native Americans.

“Its a fine line, because you want to be politically correct and don’t want to offend anyone,” Christina Chartier of South Hadley said.

But many in the area disagreed with the decision to eliminate the nickname that had been around for about 100 years. In a nonbinding referendum vote in May, about 75% of Montague voters said that they wanted to retain the “Indians.” Voters in Erving (which is not part of the district but sends students to Turners Falls High School) also voted to keep the nickname, but alter the logo.

Many area residents still have “I support the Indians” signs on their lawns.

“We have over 100 years of respectful use of a Native American image. We’ve been the Indians, the Indians were in this area long before we arrived. We have a shared cultural connection with them,” Chris Pinardi of Turners Falls said.

Superintendent of Schools Michael Sullivan told 22News that the school committee will establish a task force to select the new nickname. The nickname must be non-gender-specific and not represent any group based on its race, religion, or culture.

The school committee will meet on Tuesday, where they are expected to finalize their mascot task force.