Author Topic: Cherokee Blackfoot Cultural Circle  (Read 52432 times)

Offline earthw7

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Re: Cherokee Blackfoot Cultural Circle
« Reply #30 on: March 02, 2008, 10:53:59 pm »
I guess nothing more to said to ol firebird he is already in the fraud site
In Spirit

Offline NanticokePiney

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Re: Cherokee Blackfoot Cultural Circle
« Reply #31 on: March 02, 2008, 11:06:26 pm »
  One of her lackys joined, then emailed me through my aunt's forum revealing all their personal info. I guess they were trying to be sneaky. I am not the type to blow somebody's personal info, who wants to remain hidden ,across the web but I do have it if needed.

 In the "Who are these people" section, I started my own thread.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Cherokee Blackfoot Cultural Circle
« Reply #32 on: April 29, 2008, 01:58:16 am »
Saponi: Evidently a corruption of Monasiccapano or Monasukapanough,
which, as shown by Bushnell, is probably derived in part from a native
term "moni-seep" signifying "shallow water." Paanese is a corruption
and in no way connected with the word "Pawnee."

Connections: The Saponi belonged to the Siouan linguistic family,
their nearest relations being the Tutelo.

Location: The earliest known location of the Saponi has been
identified by Bushnell (1930) with high probability with "an extensive
village site on the banks of the Rivanna, in Albemarle County,
directly north of the University of Virginia and about one-half mile
up the river from the bridge of the Southern Railway." This was their
location when, if ever, they formed a part of the Monacan Confederacy.
(See also North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and New York.)

Villages: The principal Saponi settlement usually bore the same name
as the tribe or, at least, it has survived to us under that name. In
1670 Lederer reports another which he visited called Pintahae,
situated not far from the main Saponi town after it had been removed
to Otter Creek, southwest of the present Lynchburg (Lederer, 1912),
but this was probably the Nahyssan town.

History: As first pointed out by Mooney (1895), the Saponi tribe is
identical with the Monasukapanough which appears on Smith's map as
though it were a town of the Monacan and may in fact have been such.
Before 1670, and probably between 1650 and 1660, they moved to the
southwest and probably settled on Otter Creek, as above indicated. In
1670 they were visited by Lederer in their new home and by Thomas
Batts (1912) a year later. Not long afterward they and the Tutelo
moved to the junction of the Staunton and Dan Rivers, where each
occupied an island in Roanoke River in Mecklenburg County. This
movement was to enable them to escape the attacks of the Iroquois, and
for the same reason they again moved south before 1701, when Lawson
(1860) found them on Yadkin River near the present site of Salisbury,
N. C. Soon afterward they left this place and gravitated toward the
White settlements in Virginia. They evidently crossed Roanoke River
before the Tuscarora War of 1711, establishing themselves a short
distance east of it and 15 miles west of the present Windsor, Bertie
County, N. C. A little later they, along with the Tutelo and some
other tribes, were placed by Governor Spotswood near Fort Christanna,
10 miles north of Roanoke River about the present Gholsonville,
Brunswick County. The name of Sappony Creek in Dinwiddie County,
dating back to 1733 at least, indicates that they sometimes extended
their excursions north of Nottoway River. By the treaty of Albany
(1722) the Iroquois agreed to stop incursions on the Virginia Indians
and, probably about 1740, the greater part of the Saponi and the
Tutelo moved north stopping for a time at Shamokin, Pa., about the
site of Sunbury. One band, however, remained in the south, in
Granville County, N. C., until at least 1756, when they comprised 14
men and 14 women. In 1753 the Cayuga Iroquois formally adopted this
tribe and the Tutelo. Some of them remained on the upper waters of the
Susquehanna in Pennsylvania until 1778, but in 1771 the principal
section had their village in the territory of the Cayuga, about 2
miles south of Ithaca, N. Y. They are said to have separated from the
Tutelo in 1779 at Niagara, when the latter fled to Canada, and to have
become lost, but a portion, at least, were living with the Cayuga on
Seneca River in Seneca County, N. Y., in 1780. Besides the Person
County Indians, a band of Saponi Indians remained behind in North
Carolina which seems to have fused with the Tuscarora, Meherrin, and
Machapunga and gone north with them in 1802.

What this means in essence is that the Saponi Tribe does not existanymore. They were adopted into other tribes and were no longer a
distinct entity...
In Spirit

Offline fgraywolf

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Cherokee Blackfeet Cultural Owes You A Favor.
« Reply #33 on: July 22, 2008, 03:22:01 pm »
Gee, in your quest to prove someone as fruads you helped them get land by them proving so much Black Indian connection. I am not your enemy but it seems [lies and insults], why does the Cherokee Blackfeet Circle Inc. [lies and insults removed] they have prospered, look at their website and new land.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2008, 05:46:54 pm by educatedindian »

Offline fgraywolf

  • Posts: 3
Washitaws, moors, muus
« Reply #34 on: July 22, 2008, 03:28:39 pm »
Please do some research on the Ancient History of America and read Lewis and Clarks Journal
where it states that they saw wooley haired black people originals of this land we call America. I would love to see you all in New York City, Another book you should read is BOTH SIDES of the water by Lonnie Harrington you can buy it on line or Barnes and Noble came out last year. You people make fun of my name Firebird which is English for Phoenix but what is a Crystal Water, that sounds really NU-AGE.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2008, 05:47:50 pm by educatedindian »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Cherokee Blackfoot Cultural Circle
« Reply #35 on: July 22, 2008, 05:45:34 pm »
It seems Linda/fgraywolf is determined to spam in order to get everyone's attention and make some further bizarre claims. She started two new threads and posted to this in addition to emailing the mods.

The threads were merged. Grow up and quit spamming us. And contrary to what you and your ego seem to believe, we haven't spent hardly any time on you.
Somehow, you bizarrely imagine we are to blame for everything a fraud group does. Obviously any blame for what you claim has happened goes to
1) the group that carried out the fraudulent action and
2) the govt agency that did such a poor job of research they gave money to an obvious fraudulent group.

It's probably a lack of oversight and/or some elected offifical's desire to pander to Black voters with stories (some true, some not) of Native ancestry that ld to any funds being granted. I seriously doubt they were given a rez, more likely they got money to buy a few acres from some naive source. (Perhaps including their own membership.)

If you're so concerned about this, why not at least show us some evidence of what you claim has happened? Better yet, if a grant was awarded fraudulently, why not join us in trying to get the grant revoked?

The book you mentioned has this publisher's description:

"Both Sides of the Water: Essays on African-Native American Interactions examines specific events regarding the relationship between groups of indigenous people of the Western Hemisphere and people of African descent. Covering historical and contemporary times, the book covers events in the Americas, Caribbean, and Africa. These relations are placed in context and explored against the backdrop of social/political circumstances that have influenced and continue to influence these interactions."

That subject is not even controversial. Ask any Seminole, Pequot, etc. You might be interested in Gary Nash's book Red White and Black.

And actually, it was the Nex Perce who described seeing Blacks with the Lewis and Clark Expedition not the other way around. That, according to a Nez Perce storyteller I heard giving a talk.

Edit: Found the alleged "grant" you mentioned on their site.  "They have land," as you put it, gives an exagerrated impression of what they did. They bought a small chicken ranch in Maine. From the photos it looks to be less than five acres and a couple small buildings.

No mention of any outside money coming in, not from govt sources. They give the impression they pooled their money and bought it. THey talk of the hope that their food prices will go down. So my guess is they received the money mostly from donations from their not-very-well-off members.

Incidentally, it happened a few months after your previous outburst.

You say you're in New York, but your email says your "Arizona Tsalagi."

Offline Superdog

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Re: Cherokee Blackfoot Cultural Circle
« Reply #36 on: May 07, 2009, 09:47:58 pm »
Here's an update I ran upon by complete chance.  Apparently these guys are relocating headquarters to farmland in Lee, Maine and putting on a powwow there.  Kind of's in the middle of nowhere, but it's also directly in the middle of the Penobscot and Passamaquoddy reservations in Maine.  Just wondering if anyone in Maine has heard of these guys moving in.  They still hold on to false and made up beliefs.  The flyer on the website calls their event a "Traditional North Eastern Native American Alqonquin Powwow". 

Names still remain the same....Chief Red Deer, Chief Eagle Spirit Dancer and storytelling by Margareita Shining Moon.   :-\

Their "traditional Alqonquin Powwow" also consists of Aztec dancers and a $7.00 admission fee.

While they've obtained land in Maine their "tribal office" still operates out of NYC.

The even is scheduled for July 31-Aug2 of this year.  If everyone remembers these guys are another non-profit group formed in the 90's and attempting to appear as a legitimate tribal nation.  If I remember correctly, they were attempting to acquire land as part of their "case" for recognition.  Why they chose Maine is beyond me, as their is absolutely no ties to Cherokees or Blackfeet in that area or even close to that area.  Just a heads up for anyone out that way....they've slithered in.

Powwow flyer and info here:

pics of the acquired farm here and some of their members here:


Offline wolfhawaii

  • Posts: 293
Re: Cherokee Blackfoot Cultural Circle
« Reply #37 on: May 08, 2009, 08:12:45 pm »
  One of her lackys joined, then emailed me through my aunt's forum revealing all their personal info. I guess they were trying to be sneaky. I am not the type to blow somebody's personal info, who wants to remain hidden ,across the web but I do have it if needed.

 In the "Who are these people" section, I started my own thread.

I tried to find this thread w/o success, can you please point me in the right direction/ Thanks....