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Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision

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Sandy S:
Yes. I think we're arriving at the same conclusion but just through different semantics and interpretation of what we are seeing. But in either case it boils down to  what Lency is doing is potentially very destructive. The subject in this YouTube is a good example of what you have been pointing out:

Addendum: Lency claims what she is performing is not hypnosis. In her Ripoff Report rebuttal she claims: "Do we use hypnosis? No. Do we use violence and manipulation? No."

The answer they wrote in Ripoff Report tells it´s own story. Terrible.

this letter is a hypnotherapists answer to a question asking if Lency Spezzano used stage hypnotism.remember that the "participants"in these youtubes are "advanced trainers and have been hypnotized many, many times by the spezzanos and they  expect  it, that's why they go into their trance state so fast and easy, they expect it and want it to happen to them !! i also bet the participants would even go into competition to see who goes into trance the fastest to show how devote and how quick they"get it"
also one of the reasons stage hypnotism is banned as a healing model in canada is because in large group stage hypnotism, there is no screening of each individual, so they do not know what will be "uncovered" and they do not have proper trained help for them when something really traumatizing is revealed, the hypnotist (Lency in these videos) does more damages to the victim and creates an extremely dangerous situation for them to be in.
already the spezzanos broke confidentiality and are unethical by filming and posting the videos of their victims on the internet , yet the victims adamantly blame others and bully those that question this group or speak up to voice valid concerns, they do not want to hear or listen because they're indoctrinated thet they have all the answers and how dare us that "don't have it"talk like that to them.
the truth of the matter is...
 and many of us that are here still have objective critical thinking that we're all keeping, no fake psychologist or stage hypnotist is taking that away either.

   this hypnotherapist was asked if lency spezzano used stage hypnotism in her "healing act"...
 when the stage is already set and by the victims showing up wanting this and expecting this to happen to them, the answer can only be yes. it's all a staged act, getting the victims to believe they've been healed,
here is a very revealing example of lencys staged "healing act",

there are advanced trainers/recruiters for PoV that actually think this is cutting edge healing, i think they call it the "astral vibrational energies from the universe" coming into your brain and then to your heart,all via this downloading  methods and techniques  used by lency or an advanced trainer like in this video posted on the internet, some also think this can be used in real healing centers for chucks victims to show up from around the world to get brainwashed under the guise of healing. i bet a lot of chinese are going to be the new "willing" victims, i bet B.C's first nations are used up now with the public ed campaign about PoV and their trainers

here is letter from hypnotherapist counselor answering if she thought lency spezzano used stage hypnotism.
- Hi xxxxx The stage is set," Look into my right eye" is a simple hypnotic induction technique, this can only be successful if a person is a 'good' hypnosis subject, not everyone will allow themselves to go into hypnosis.  This technique would not work for most but if a person "believes" this will work, it will!
All hypnosis is self hypnosis,  Almost anyone can be hypnotized if they are willing.  You can begin the indoctrination process by setting the 'stage' which the leader and trainers of psychology of vision seems to be very good at. 
I have worked with members of Cults for a number of years, they are all similar in that they set the 'stage'.  As a  Counseling hypnotherapist I can use this title to insure that when I am brought into a school setting for  to talk about how powerful  the mind is and how it can work to enhance your life simply by changing your thoughts, the young people 'believe' they can be hypnotized, I don't have to do anything, I just show up, there is already an expectation that they will be hypnotized . I want everyone reading this post to understand that all hypnosis is self hypnosis, you cannot force anyone to do anything they do not want or believe they can do.
So getting back to the video, this man already believes he can change his mind, Lenzie did not 'do' this to him, he did it himself, he believes it can be it will be done!
Having said this, when cults get into your belief system and people belive that the cult masters/leaders are the only people who can help we have a problem, the members of the cult organization give up thinking for themselves. They have stopped believing in themselves, they now look outside of themselves for answers never realizing the truth..that lies within each one of us all.
Tribal man used to rely on memory and instict to find food, he knew which berries were safe to eat, which water was safe to drink, then the tribes formed and decisions were left to the Elders of the tribe.  The came Tribal Doctors..we began to rely on others.  And so it goes today, we rely on others to tell us what is right or wrong.
There is no way you can prevent cults from forming and cult leaders to stop taking advantage of people. The world needs to wake up. This is a huge subject but simple to understand.  People who have emotional pain chose to run away from it, some will join groups so they can talk about their pain and learn new ways to move forward.  Others will drink/drug hoping to outrun the emotional pain, some choose religion.
The mind is a powerful tool for change but the change must begin within us, we need to stop blaming ourselves for being who we are.  why not us the mind to heal us. instead of relying on others, why not get to know ourselves, most people live theri whole lives nevr know who they are, never seeing the prefection of themslves, we all come into the owrl as perfect beings, we are ll different in many ways but we all have beauty, wisdom and we are all loved.  We have to see the beauty of ourselves, when we change our thoughts about ourselves everything would change.

these spezzanos are still proving to be incredible shitty liars, they have stated they do not use hypnotism but.. the youtubes show they do,

I remember reading somewhere that you can't polish shit, you can try and try to polish shit but it does not work, its still shit , that saying described what the spezzanos along with their 100 plus day "grads" and especially their "advanced trainers" are doing - polishing shit and selling it to the unsuspecting public.

this is why sites such as NAFPS are so important for people to read when they want to better their lives, they can read about a bad harmful fraud group or "shaman and learn to stay away and learn to make a better choice for them selves in bettering their lives
 there are a lot of people out there trying to sell you polished shit. no matter how polished it is.. it is still SHIT
 i am very grateful for everyone at NAFPS they help people to learn the difference
thank you all so very much for helping and going above and beyond everyone else that help to  research groups, whether finding out if they're good groups but especially when they're harmful, i know a lot of people have been saved from falling into a false healing trap by the wonderful researchers at nafps
thank you all very much again and again

Sandy S:
As an experiment I typed in the query "Lency Spezzano" and "right eye" in Google. Taking into account Google has highly personalized searching parameters, on my machine the search engine found this intriguing undated result in

--- Quote ---Lency Spezzano: Webinar Progress
Lotta Gaber said... Thank you Lency and I am looking forward to our 4th session on monday. In the meantime, I always can see in my mind your "right eye" and that is a great support through the day. It is a great reminder..:-) ...

--- End quote ---

The source is given as but you can't get there from here.

In addition, under this query the Google Images mode gave me several stills of Lency pointing at her right eye.

The search also led me in a domino way to this quote about Lency from Lynne Franks, which appeared in her book Absolutely Now! in 1998. Franks is considered the inspiration for the New Age fad-following character Edina Monsoon in the BBC series Absolutely Fabulous:

--- Quote ---During her sessions she put on rather corny mood music and would go round the room looking deeply into our eyes. When it was my turn I felt as if she could see straight into my soul. I knew she could feel my pain, and through focusing her energy on me I was able to let out suppressed emotions and tears. I recognised the build-up of sadness I'd been holding inside me since childhood and I was gradually able to release it. At last I was in a safe place where I knew I could let go of my pain and I found myself crying uncontrollably. There are very few people who don't give way under Lency's stare.

--- End quote ---

Then I was led to this other quote from someone in the APTN Investigates piece about the aftermath of the Spezzano visit to Haida Gwaii. It seems she belongs to a rival cult, but that does not diminish the point she makes here:

--- Quote ---In my own experience it felt irresponsible because there was no aftercare. Like I felt like things were like ... blown open like this emotionally ... Whatever was brought up in that workshop wasn't dealt with in the capacity of kind of closing the container and making sure people are safe after they left, and there was some really unsafe situations that arose from ... attempted suicides, yeah.
--- End quote ---

"remember that the "participants"in these youtubes are "advanced trainers and have been hypnotized many, many times by the spezzanos and they  expect  it, that's why they go into their trance state so fast and easy, they expect it and want it to happen to them !"

Possible that is hypnotic? Well, than there are existing more different forms of hypnotic technics I imagine. I read later in a book by Jean Harro that are following subjects are classified under autohypnosis: Common Trance situation, such as spontaneous trance, meditation, intensive concentration, total inanttention, daydreaming, Highway - phenomenon. In autohypnosis there is a shift of attention from external stimuli towards your inner or outside. This is a dissociation of conciousness, in extreme situation it can develops flight or multiple personality disorder, today DID.

I have never seen this aspect under "hypnotic". I think that Spezzona´s work is transference and countertransference, this is in my opinion possible in a combination with hynotic techniques. First they introduce autohypnosis and than combine the work with transference and countertransference makes it easier. For me it is comprehensible, but I really don´t know how it works in practise.

Sandy quote: "... would go round the room looking deeply into our eyes. When it was my turn I felt as if she could see straight into my soul. I knew she could feel my pain, and through focusing her energy on me I was able to let out suppressed emotions and tears. I recognised the build-up of sadness I'd been holding inside me since childhood and I was gradually able to release it. At last I was in a safe place where I knew I could let go of my pain and I found myself crying uncontrollably. There are very few people who don't give way under Lency's stare.
In this case I ask myself how often "hypnotic" is used by esoteric people to flight away, ... how often you try to explain something and they do not listen .... how often do people are so far away from their inner that they cannot decide anymore, what they want and what not .... and people are susceptible, pushed aside in helplesness and fear. In the last point people cannot recognize this allways."

That is the technique I wrote about, the terrible thing is: Normally in therapy the therapist dissolve this at the end, sometimes during a therapiy. The therapists makes clear, what is going on in a reflection. The therapist can use this to find out in contact with the patient what is going on in the patients mind and feeling. They clarify.
It is not a good way to increase the mirroring untill the patient is totaly helpless. These patients in Spezzonas starring group are misinterpreting experiences, turn them into false backgrounds, so that it is easier to flight, they deliver the answers, questions and autonomic, self - responsibility to other people.

"there is no screening of each individual, so they do not know what will be "uncovered" and they do not have proper trained help for them when something really traumatizing is revealed, the hypnotist (Lency in these videos) does more damages to the victim and creates an extremely dangerous situation for them to be in."

At least they let this. They can damage a lot, and it is also sure that they cannot recognize the signs with reliability of the people, who are mentally harmed, even a psychologists with a lot experiences could not be sure absolutely. I even cannot imagine that Spezzona could recognize the signs when she would talk about the experiences during the starring technique.

"Having said this, when cults get into your belief system and people belive that the cult masters/leaders are the only people who can help we have a problem, the members of the cult organization give up thinking for themselves. They have stopped believing in themselves, they now look outside of themselves for answers never realizing the truth..that lies within each one of us all."

Not everybody got a connection to his own inner and to do introspective, find out what emotions come up in which situation, which reactions follow, why it happend, what happened in their inner, what muster of behaviour are existing ... this way could harm themselves so hard that they decompensate. In this case it is important, this person looks for professional help, someone educated, who knows about the different signs of reactions, recognizes when it is too much, explain, ... . It is not obvious to some affected people for themselves what happened to them, they cannot reach themselves.


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