Tony Redhouse
Oneness of Being™
The site is claiming to sell 'Native American Yoga'. At the point of seeing that, I know not to take this person seriously. Yoga is a sanskrit term, and there is no such as a native american yoga. Nope, none. Guarantee it. Lol, folks always mixing up their 'Indians', taking east-indian terminology and claiming it has any application whatsoever in regards to Native NDN traditions, is foolish and misguided.
Or perhaps he made up a fake yoga system and calls it Native Yoga.
I do not see anything on the site which is outright fraudulent, but it's a bit New-Agey with it's mixing of Native culture and Yoga. I'd avoid these teachings if one is looking to avoid new-agey mishmash presented as traditional teaching. If he is advertising with such terminology, it is a good idea to be distrusting.