Author Topic: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio  (Read 46924 times)


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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2008, 12:05:35 am »
Does Matty know you are a fan of beadermans? He/she is acting like they have no clue and you have the same concerns as I do. Someone is lying and I am no ones fool. Got it?! Beaderman took my work and posted it as his own and I think there is a name for that? PLAGIARISM.

Well you are very wrong about RNS and as for fakes I have to question your authenticity and claims of this being an ALL INDIAN GROUP. I know beaderman to be no Indian at all and I have it all in his own words. If you are his close friend then why are you all taking fake NDN CARDS and not reporting it to the right authorities?

I e-mailed you before I saw this and please do not respond to my e-mails. I will also delete myself from this group because I do not believe in frauds and fakes. You claim to have 16,000 real Indians here and beaderman alone not being tells me that probably all of you are not. If there are any they are fooled and it is easy to fool via the internet huh.

Also, I want nothing to do with you or your other site because you post SSI numbers which is illegal and yes I will be reporting it. You can delete it now because we have a screen shots. Have a nice fake life and please stop playing Indian okay?

Tell Beaderman if I catch him on RNS i will report him to the police. Are you his girlfriend Jennifer Morfew? Never mind.


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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2008, 12:23:04 am »
Both need to take this off-line.

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2008, 12:43:01 am »
I merely stated: The topic here was Alleghenny Lenape Group, Massillon, Ohio....not who Raven Crow is and what she does (this can be posted in Member Introductions) and lets all bash someone she does not like without reason, cause or evidence....but forgive me for pointing that out...I just felt it was necessary.

I meant no disrespect in my words and I am sorry you saw it that way.

With respect,

Tsissy NAU (Native American Unity)
There are no leaders in Unity


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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2008, 01:15:31 am »
Just don't need a cat fight.

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #19 on: March 12, 2008, 02:13:40 pm »
Just a few things I came across while browsing this morning...

redhawk45 Eric Macuski  says:
Ngangche Macheu Meechgalenne, Untschi Alleghenny Lenape.

Translated, I am Red Hawk of the Alleghenny Lenape, Wolf Clan, here in NE Ohio. Full name of Eric Red Hawk Macuski. Being 'Native', as the one above me states, is just me. You can see me in the most newest pics with me and my wolf hide headdress.

I'm also decendant of Rev. Charlene Starwolf Eckelberry Macuski, of the Alleghenny Lenape, Wolf Clan, and Reverend of the Alleghenny United Indian Church, the first Native American Church here in NE Ohio.

I'm leader of the Wolf Nation Society, an off-branch society of the Alleghenny Lenape; Keeper of the Sacred Wolf Bundle of the People.

Basically I'm into many crafts: flint knapping, beadwork, leatherwork, carving...just about anything. I play the Native American Cedar 5 hole flute and soon will have a small band to start recording. My mother got me into photography, so I'm avid with that, whether I model for the camera or I take the pictures.

Being Native isn't just blood, it isn't just is what you are in your spirit that counts the most.

Hey, I'm Eric Red Hawk Macuski, of the Alleghenny Lenope Tribe here in NE Ohio. I've began practicing with making mixes and such about 5 years ago, on an old Sonic Foundry SDML. I do have a Native American band here where I live, but we are very small and not well heard of right now.

Group Members

So far, it's just me. I have been trying to get a few extra members. A temporary member is Rhio Ginther of Wooster, Ohio, and her husband Adam. They are a part of my band...well, Rhio is, but other than that my mother, Charlene Starwolf, helps.

Hmmmmmmm!! Doesn't 'group' mean more than ONE??! lol

Eric Macuski is claiming to be an Archaeologist and an Authenticator. He posted these and other fabrications on the PROS board. A partial list of his lies includes (1) that he holds a BS Degree in Archaeology (more on that later) (2) he is certified as an authenticator by Dr. Seeman and Mr. Harkness of Kent State University. He fabricated a fake letter and forged Mr. Harkness name to it. A copy of that post from PROS board is attached here as a word document. In addition, I can forward a jpeg of the letter in question where Eric Macuski forged Mr. Harkness signature (and misidentified him as "DR." Harkness, when in fact, Mr. Harkness holds a Master Degree not a Phd.
Also, I will point out that this is NOT a case of carrying over a quarrel from another forum. Eric Macuski advertised his 'services' as a commerical authenticator here on THIS board. In the first post of the message thread titled: Searching for any Ohio artifacts...4/17/2002, Eric Macuski had this to say:
"I'm a very reliable guy, with many references. I even do COA's, and that is good coming from an archaeologist like me for $11.00 per artifact."
So, you see, Eric Macuski is claiming here on this board as well that he is an archaeologist. Yet in a recent post to Osceola, he says he is attending Kent State Univeristy Stark Campus. The Stark Campus does not offer graduate degrees. In other words, if Eric Macuski already has a BS, then he could not be continuing his education at the Stark Campus. If you read the message thread titled "Note to Ohio Collectors", you will see where Osceola asked him several times to tell the truth in plain words about his claims, including his claim to have a BS degree. However, Eric Macuski refuses to answer.
At any rate, I have decided to do whatever I can to make sure no one is ripped off by this guy claiming to be an authenticator and an archaeologist. Anybody wanting additional information, please email me at
Charles Ray

Eric Macuski: "I'm a member of the Alleghenny Lenope Nation in Canton, Ohio"
Hey Eric! I thought you said you were a member of the Blue Wolf Band of SHAWNEE Indians! Now you're a member of the Alleghenny Lenope Nation. What are you really? Like a member of the Heinz 57 Wannabe Tribe of Fantasyville in the State of Denial?
HAR HAR HAR!!!!! Your old Buddy Charles Ray

Eric Macuski. male, kissing, cows, licking, american, nude, farm, duck, native, mallard. View friends. View friends of. Similar users. Comment wall ...

I'm a Native American artist who is into a wide variety of arts. I'm open-minded and see almost anything as art. I'm a photographer and a model, so you may see some of my photos with me in it. Also, sorry if I offend anyone, but I do have artistic nudes. I set these to friends only to view them, while other photos are public. If you'd like to see the artistic nudes, please let me know.
I'm Male and Single.
Massillon, USA /

Redhawk45 Eric Macuski Massillon, OH Archaeology, Paleontology, Gemology, Geology
I'm just a good ole collector living up here in NE Ohio area. I run a business with my mother, who is really into gemstones and sells them. I also run my own groups page: . Please visit both and let me know what you think. I collect fossils, artifacts, and all types of display and rough gems and minerals.

ERIC MACUSKI: Caution if dealing with this guy!

Guys, be very, very careful if dealing with Eric Macuski of Massilon (or wherever he is currently residing) Ohio. Eric Macuski is a CONVICTED ARTIFACT THIEF! Yep, he was convicted by the State of Ohio for stealing an artifact from a State Forrest and -get this- POSTING ABOUT IT AND BRAGGING ABOUT IT ON THE INTERNET!

He also offered to sell the artifact on the internet. If he had actually succeeded in selling it and shipping to someone from another state, he would have had a FEDERAL violation on his record. As it was, he got off with only a Misdemeanor.

About 18 months ago, Eric Macuski started posting on an artifact collecting board that he was (1) An Archaeologist (2) a Certified Artifact Authenticator with (3) a letter from a Professional Archaeologist he incorrectly identifed as "Dr. Harkness".

The point is that Eric will LIE and fabricate credentials. Plus, he does not listen to reason and experience when warned that what he was doing was illegal. If he'll stubbornly refuse to heed good advice in one area (artifacts), I doubt he'll show much better judgement in others, such as reptile collecting/keeping. In other words, be VERY CAREFUL if you consider entering into any transactions with this guy or you might find yourself a material witness in some sort of legal case due to Eric Macuski's rank disregard for the law and lack of common sense.
Charles Ray

The above can be found:

My apologies if I have repeated anything already posted...

With respect,


Ooooopps I screwed up on the quoting thing :( I hope it's readable! Sorry
There are no leaders in Unity

Offline redhawk45

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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #20 on: July 13, 2008, 11:48:18 pm »
I see many 'Natives' on this site loves to talk behind someone's back, not even finding me, messaging me up, so I can tell the other side of this messed up story.

I am no fraud, as "The Rebel" a.k.a. Charles Ray from Alabama, had brought up.  He has stretched the truth beyond normal comprehension, has been a hacker of many websites, including, and has a vendetta against me because I showed him up on another artifact board and had him investigated of his computer hacking (unfortunately, due to Alabama laws, he couldn't get convicted of stealing artifacts from sacred mounds).

I was NEVER convicted of anything, except returning an artifact that I had found in the local garden of the Ohio Civilian Conservation Corps.  The Manager 11 years ago, when I worked there, told me I could have it.  Charles Ray, stretching lies and truth, told the Ohio Forest Service and they requested the point back.  I never stole from any mound - mounds are sacred and everything found in them should be put back.  I was never put in jail, never had any fine, period.

Proof of Charles Ray "The Rebel" hacking is seen on Ashes to Ashes, Rhio Porter (now Ginther)'s site she doesn't go to anymore.  She had banned him once, and he came back.  She actually had a website shut down because of this man.

As to the Alleghenny Lenape/Alleghenny Indian Center, my mother (not aunt, but I am a decendant from her) and I was battling to get the tribe to stay together, even if it meant restarting it.  Apparently, it needs to be restarted, since 5 websites out of 6 had nothing about the Alleghenny Lenape.  Mr. Meier, Jr., will be contacted, seeing his signature was on that paper, so we can find out what to do to reinstate the Alleghenny Lenape.  Samuel Kennedy, former 'chief' disappeared, taking many people's cash and ran.  Once adopted, always adopted, we believe...unless another tribe wants to adopt us, then we'll give it up due to tribes laws.

Do not call me a wannabe.  I have 1/16th in me, the last to have any Native Blood before it gets washed out.  How many of you have done a DNA test?  hmmm???  Paid out $225 bucks?  My mother did.  True, we don't have Lenape at all within us, but we were adopted.  We do have Alaskan Athabaskan, Shawnee and Cree, with my mother having 1/8th within her.  We may NEVER get to be Federally Recognized due to blood quantum that these tribes still do when the Federal government discarded that blood quantum, but we can at least become State Recognized.

I am not as young as you all think I am...I am going to be 29 this month (July), been through hell and back due to the incompetent people who wants to accuse me of this and that, slander my name into mud, and put my mother down.  A true Native American would NEVER put an elder down.  She's 63 years old, IS recognized as a reverend and can marry within the state of Ohio.  The church is disenfranchised as of right now due to the illegal loss of land, but the Alleghenny United Indian Church is still around, is still real...and it is the ONLY Native American Church in NE Ohio (look it up and search).  We don't have the cash to make a website on the subject...why should we?  Churches are mainly for local people.  Would you belong to a church several states over?  My mother's church mixes Christianity with traditional beliefs of all tribes - it doesn't discriminate one bit.

My mother and I are not fakes or frauds.  As a man I knew once told me, you all should take into effect "Get it from the Horse's Mouth".

As to this thread, I ask it to be removed, since "The Rebel" isn't here no more - typical of Charles Ray to post and run.  I have spoken the truth, and if you have ANY questions, or even have any ideas how to get the Alleghenny Lenape reinstated (the process to put it back as State Recogized), you can email me:

Eric 'Red Hawk' Macuski

PS:  Though, I did think it funny about my mother suppose to be my aunt and somehow a request to return a point turned out like a game of telephone to be stretched into like I robbed a sacred mound!

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #21 on: July 14, 2008, 02:35:59 am »
Mr. Macuski, you'll have to do better than that. You are very young (more so in attitude than chronological age), so we will make allowances for that, but you need to learn better manners and ways of doing things than simply making demands.

We don't remove threads simply because someone is uncomfortable having their claims put to the test. Both you and Rebel's words will stay here and people reading this thread can decide for themselves who is telling the truth.

Your claims of an Anti Macuski Conspiracy are pretty silly. Rebel was far from the only one to post information about you.

Incidentally we have a thread in here on DNA testing you should look at. The tests vary greatly in their quality and what they are able to prove.

You probably should also take a look at threads in here on state recognized "tribes." State recog is often worthless since states usually have no standards or legal grounds to recognize tribes (only the feds have that) and officials often issue "recognition" to pander for votes or get tourist dollars.

It was good of you to admit you are not Lenape except by alleged adoption, which in actual tribes would not mean much beyond you being expected to uphold a high standard of behavior. And your history of threats against seemingly everyone you meet does not say much about the standards that alleged tribe seems to hold.

Could you clear up for us just what your role is in this alleged tribe/group?


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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #22 on: July 14, 2008, 03:20:01 am »
To my knowledge Charles Ray and "The Rebel" are not the same person.

Offline redhawk45

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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #23 on: July 15, 2008, 03:38:26 am »
My threats, as you say they are, are only towards Charles Ray and his band of misfits who frequent an artifact board called Arrowpack, but who are banned from so many other artifact forums because of his misconduct and not letting an issue drop.  True, 5 years ago or so I was VERY pissed off at him, always following me everywhere I go.  I even had an MSN group hacked into and inevitably I had to take down because of him.

And I was not making any demands upon here, just asking for it to be taken down.  I have consulted lawyers about Charles Ray and his slander, and every single forum he posts at is just another strike against him.  He was quiet for the longest time, and now he apparently got bored and decided to pick up where he left off.

My 'role' as you point out, to the Alleghenny Lenape, would just be an artist, nothing more.  If my mother and I could get it back up to State Recognition, we would request over and over for the Federal Government to make it Federally Recognized, since Sammy Kennedy and Lois Croston was so lazy in their efforts.  If a tribe wants to become Federally Recognized, they must fullfill the requirements and have the enthusiasm needed to push this fully.  The Shawnee URB clearly doesn't have much enthusiasm except for wanting to buy State and Federal Land (like Serpent Mound), thinking that would help them become Federally Recognized, which it wouldn't.  Land size has nothing to do with getting Federally Recognized.  When we were adopted to the Alleghenny Lenape, my mother had requested information from the government about how to get Federally Recognized, so we know the steps needed to do so.  As to leadership, it would be based upon a council of elders, most likely women (being traditional as it can be), not just one man scamming everyone and taking their cash and running.  I ask that if anyone knows this Samuel Kennedy's whereabouts, to let me know.  He not only stole money, but stole tribal rolls that was for everyone to know.

Oh, I understand about State Recognition...but from our knowledge it's a part of the steps you need to take to become federally recognized.

As to DNA...I know what you're talking about.  But the lab was a professional lab - apparently the only one in the U.S., who had many cultural DNA's on file, was able to figure it down to a certain tribal group.  They outright said in email that my mother was 1/8th Native American, with the rest being of European decent, which makes me 1/16th.  True, I am thinking of getting myself tested as well - especially since I never knew my father and it would at least tell me something about him.  Overall, with that test and email in hand - their lab would outright be in jeopardy if they lied, and could easily be shut down due to their hardcore persistance that it is the absolute truth.  My mother got it done through

To Frederica:  The Rebel is the same as Charles Ray mainly because he used a similar email address in the past with the same title.


Mr. Macuski, you'll have to do better than that. You are very young (more so in attitude than chronological age), so we will make allowances for that, but you need to learn better manners and ways of doing things than simply making demands.

We don't remove threads simply because someone is uncomfortable having their claims put to the test. Both you and Rebel's words will stay here and people reading this thread can decide for themselves who is telling the truth.

Your claims of an Anti Macuski Conspiracy are pretty silly. Rebel was far from the only one to post information about you.

Incidentally we have a thread in here on DNA testing you should look at. The tests vary greatly in their quality and what they are able to prove.

You probably should also take a look at threads in here on state recognized "tribes." State recog is often worthless since states usually have no standards or legal grounds to recognize tribes (only the feds have that) and officials often issue "recognition" to pander for votes or get tourist dollars.

It was good of you to admit you are not Lenape except by alleged adoption, which in actual tribes would not mean much beyond you being expected to uphold a high standard of behavior. And your history of threats against seemingly everyone you meet does not say much about the standards that alleged tribe seems to hold.

Could you clear up for us just what your role is in this alleged tribe/group?

Offline tree hugger

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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #24 on: July 15, 2008, 06:28:58 pm »
"To Frederica:  The Rebel is the same as Charles Ray mainly because he used a similar email address in the past with the same title."

No the Rebel wasn't this Charles Ray, I know this for a fact. If you hired lawyers to fight slander against someone who never did it..well you've got more problems than you think!

In fact you might want to look real close right in your own neighborhood, you'll figure out the answer. Maybe.

Offline redhawk45

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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #25 on: July 17, 2008, 03:10:19 am »
If you know this as a fact, why are you so elusive on giving a name to this "The Rebel"?  And the slander wasn't on this forum...others and more.

And you're not scaring me any...there's no one in my neighborhood that's evil like that.  As the matter of fact, you REALLY don't know my neighborhood as I do.  Keep your empty induendos to yourself, or bring the proof out - either here or in my face, since you think you know exactly where I live and this "The Rebel".  Your turn.


"To Frederica:  The Rebel is the same as Charles Ray mainly because he used a similar email address in the past with the same title."

No the Rebel wasn't this Charles Ray, I know this for a fact. If you hired lawyers to fight slander against someone who never did it..well you've got more problems than you think!

In fact you might want to look real close right in your own neighborhood, you'll figure out the answer. Maybe.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #26 on: July 17, 2008, 02:07:37 pm »
If you know this as a fact, why are you so elusive on giving a name to this "The Rebel"?  And the slander wasn't on this forum...others and more.

And you're not scaring me any...there's no one in my neighborhood that's evil like that.  As the matter of fact, you REALLY don't know my neighborhood as I do.  Keep your empty induendos to yourself, or bring the proof out - either here or in my face, since you think you know exactly where I live and this "The Rebel".  Your turn.


Let me stop this right here, before it goes any further. Any personal feud you two have should be taken to private emails.

As I said before, Mr Macuski, Rebel is far from the only person to post information here about you and for you to dismiss everything as some big plot only makes you look paranoid.

Offline redhawk45

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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #27 on: July 17, 2008, 05:13:12 pm »
Actually, from me reading all the posts, most of the information came from searches people have done on their own...those still not sure who I am, what my objective is, etc.  The only person who started this thread was The Rebel.

I will admit this...I even thought it strange why the H.R. 155 Resolution paper isn't on the websites.  I did my own checking even before you guys did...but I dismissed that fact - until you all brought it up again.  Right now, I'm battling trying to get a hold of Former State Rep. Mr. Maier Jr. to "get it from the horse's mouth", and see if he knows about this resolution paper.  If he says it's legitament, then I'll be asking why it isn't on the websites.  If it isn't, then I'll personally see to helping him find Samuel Kennedy and arrest that man for forgery (or at least fined).

I'm not the only one who swears he is Alleghenny Lenape.  Myspace has a guy in Newark, Ohio, who says he's Alleghenny Lenape to this day, yet where IS Sammy Kennedy, the former 'chief'?

If this Tree hugger wants to email me, he can message me up here or (I think) my email will show up in my profile - should.


If you know this as a fact, why are you so elusive on giving a name to this "The Rebel"?  And the slander wasn't on this forum...others and more.

And you're not scaring me any...there's no one in my neighborhood that's evil like that.  As the matter of fact, you REALLY don't know my neighborhood as I do.  Keep your empty induendos to yourself, or bring the proof out - either here or in my face, since you think you know exactly where I live and this "The Rebel".  Your turn.


Let me stop this right here, before it goes any further. Any personal feud you two have should be taken to private emails.

As I said before, Mr Macuski, Rebel is far from the only person to post information here about you and for you to dismiss everything as some big plot only makes you look paranoid.

Offline tree hugger

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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #28 on: July 17, 2008, 08:55:37 pm »
Let me clarify a few things. I wasn't trying to scare you or anything of the sort Redhawk. It's just that the person you think this is, is not. Maybe my posting style doesn't fit with this board or something. I did not post to cause any problems.

I did not give the Rebel's full name because I don't believe in that. If someone has their name/claims on the internet then fine they should expect questions to come up. Unlike him I don't post personal information that isn't out there already.

I think this will be my last post on this site unless the thread about me is dredged up again.

If you want to contact me privately, that's fine. I don't mind.

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Alleghenny Lenape Group , Massillon, Ohio
« Reply #29 on: July 19, 2008, 03:31:28 pm »
Let me clarify a few things. I wasn't trying to scare you or anything of the sort Redhawk. It's just that the person you think this is, is not. Maybe my posting style doesn't fit with this board or something. I did not post to cause any problems.

I've never had a problem with anything you've posted here, you are welcome. Please don't allow this Macuski character to bluster you into leaving.