Author Topic: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"  (Read 1828399 times)

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #765 on: January 13, 2011, 05:12:16 pm »
I am on the Profits Conference FaceBook page and there is now someone asking "any comment on the article published by Al Carroll?"
The poster has their "Activities/Interest"  as the Tribe of Many Colors.  So people are asking continuing to ask questions... or perhaps
asking them for the first time.

« Last Edit: January 13, 2011, 05:14:42 pm by Spiral Walk »

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #766 on: January 13, 2011, 06:30:06 pm »
The question just disappeared....  active editing going on over there....

Yeah, a new one just appeared.. I have not included the posters name/handle. 

""" would like to ask for a response in regards to the article written by Dr Al Carroll? It appears that this woman is a fraud. Someone else asked this same question and posted it here and it seems to be removed???, does that mean my posting will be removed too? are you actively censoring?? if so...why?
11 seconds ago""""
« Last Edit: January 13, 2011, 06:40:43 pm by Spiral Walk »

Offline luciddreamer

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #767 on: January 13, 2011, 06:39:04 pm »
The question just disappeared....  active editing going on over there....

Will just have to keep posting back the same question then...  :) C

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #768 on: January 13, 2011, 06:46:20 pm »
The question just disappeared....  active editing going on over there....

Will just have to keep posting back the same question then...  :) C

No place to post now or "Like" a topic. 

Offline luciddreamer

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #769 on: January 13, 2011, 06:52:33 pm »
The question just disappeared....  active editing going on over there....

Will just have to keep posting back the same question then...  :) C

No place to post now or "Like" a topic. 

I've posted the question and the link to Al's article separately, also posted the article link on most of the kiesha vids on the page. If it enlightens one person to her scam, I'll be happy

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #770 on: January 13, 2011, 06:58:23 pm »
Ska, thank your for bringing up the Osho people's appropriation, misrepresentation, and attempts to rededfine "sannyasin". I am also very bothered by the damage they've wrought, and not only on Westerners' impressions of Hindu and Tantric traditions.

It also bothers me greatly how "Namaste" has become a common phrase among the Newagers. I've seen non-NDN, non-Hindu, non-Asian newagers claim, "I've never appropriated anything from anyone!" and then sign it "Namaste". *sigh*

Krazy Kraut, since the ICT link hasn't been completely stable, I'd also include the link to Al's article on IndyMedia:
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 01:47:25 am by Kathryn »

Offline oneforall

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #771 on: January 13, 2011, 08:00:58 pm »
Here is an update from KC-LG Facebook, which is of interest i think.  A person posted this to KC's page:

"Dear Kiesha..get the Elders and the Wisdom keepers to confirm your story A.S.A.P..for there are some angry Europeans who want there money back..stay strong and and do not give the negative energy even a thought..everything is going well...Hugs???"

Next KC's reply to this:

"do not believe in hate and lies (name removed)... no one should have to waist their energy PROVING that their life has not been a fraud... anyone that reads that crap can see that who ever is doing this is picking at everything and anything they can to prove me a fraud. Dont you think i can prove all of it a lie.. do you not think i can prove my degree or a non profit company i started? come on.... i will not stoop so low! and i shouldnt be expected to either!"

Need I say that for someone who states that "do not believe in hate and lies" KC has lied repeatedly to and about others who are coming forward to refute the claims that she made?  I wish this woman would come clean and admit that she has made claims that have outraged people.  This is not LOVE, LOVE does NOT operate from LIES!   

OK as I write I hear John Lennon's "Instant Karma" Playing in my head, and those lyrics sure do seem to point to the Little Fair Haired Mormon Girl whose fantasy dream world has crashed in around her.   

Instant karmas gonna get you
Gonna knock you right on the head
You better get yourself together
Pretty soon youre gonna be dead
What in the world you thinking of
Laughing in the face of love
What on earth you tryin to do
Its up to you, yeah you

Instant karmas gonna get you
Gonna look you right in the face
Better get yourself together darlin
Join the human race
How in the world you gonna see
Laughin at fools like me
Who in the hell do you think you are
A super star
Well, right you are

Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Well we all shine on
Everyone come on

Instant karmas gonna get you
Gonna knock you off your feet
Better recognize your brothers
Everyone you meet
Why in the world are we here
Surely not to live in pain and fear
Why on earth are you there
When youre everywhere
Come and get your share

Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Yeah we all shine on
Come on and on and on on on
Yeah yeah, alright, uh huh, ah

Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Yeah we all shine on
On and on and on on and on

Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Yeah we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
:'( Pride comes before a Fall, Who will catch you as you fall from Grace into Disgrace?  Instant Karma indeed, hope she comes clean.  As KC-LG has stated these are the times when all lies and liars will be dissolved. And The Universe says: "Your Wish Is My Command"  Peace Out!   :P


Offline luciddreamer

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #772 on: January 13, 2011, 08:18:53 pm »
KC - "Dont you think i can prove all of it a lie.. do you not think i can prove my degree or a non profit company i started? come on.... i will not stoop so low! and i shouldnt be expected to either!" - Another tactic.."I will not stoop so low" what a's simple, it's not hard Kiesha..I don't understand why it's so hard. If this was me I would have no problem with fact I'd do it to move forward in my life. It's pretty obvious it's all lies.

On my prophets conference post as suspected I receive this response from one of her followers:
"In case you missed it - Al Carroll is the Fraud! Google him - other than his own self-aggrandizing, using fake ID's, he is revealed to be a "Pretendian" - never once offering ANY validation of his own claim of being "part Indian" while misc...onnecting tidbits of online info to suit his own art of camoflage - by drawing the attention away from his lies and fraud by attacking another.
Whether Miss Crowther has mis-spoken can best be addressed by her - not by someone determined to criticize everything from her art awards when she was child to relying on outdated cached mis-information and ignoring current facts. Doubt anything affiliated with this man's name - and his stable of uninformed all white followers, his henchman Kathryn, and his legion of marching Sock Puppets!"

To which my response is this to him and anyone else looking at this page questioning the article:
"Thank you but I'd much rather prefer a response from the admin here as requested not one of her blind followers, which I used to be btw ;)
Dr Al Carroll has had attempts of reputation sabotage due to the amount of people he has exposed in th...e past as frauds...bound to happen if you think about logically..and I bet all you found was 3 pages referring to the same case eh, you see I looked into his background too, then used common is allowed :))"

p.s when I say followers..I watched her first vid, thought her message was cool (nothing new tho) then ceased to listen to her the minute she asked for donations....the downhill spiral seem to begin from there for myself and many others
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 04:06:54 pm by Kathryn »

Offline luciddreamer

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #773 on: January 13, 2011, 08:26:14 pm »
oneforall - that's my favourite Lennon tune!

Offline luciddreamer

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #774 on: January 13, 2011, 11:27:33 pm »
So...Prophets Conference deleted all my comments and kicked me out of the group, they didn't respond.

Seems they don't mind advertising frauds

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #775 on: January 14, 2011, 12:56:48 am »
So...Prophets Conference deleted all my comments and kicked me out of the group, they didn't respond.

Seems they don't mind advertising frauds

Hi Lucid.. this is typical behavior exhibited by Frauds and those who hang with them, the followers. 
The Frauds don't like being questioned (and they tend to speak through their minions and followers.)   
That's my long time personal experience.  However their behavior only makes one more diligent in their convictions and
actions IMHO regarding people like this.  We hear about "Fraud" almost daily on the news... someone
ripping off someone or some business etc.. and everyone gets up in arms about it...  When there is fraud on
a much larger scale going on all the time by people like this bilking others and cultures of their $pirituality. 
I don't know where I was going with this, just musing into my coffee.   Give it some time and log back in.
Don't forget to use Twitter to spread the articles....


Offline KrazyKraut

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #776 on: January 14, 2011, 10:12:46 am »

We will translate to german and blog about her asap.

Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #777 on: January 14, 2011, 08:40:02 pm »

Quote: "If you listen, none of the indigenous elders or wisdom keepers on our planet are saying, “Now you must go and do something.”  They are saying, “Be.” They are telling us to be the change, to focus on “being” rather than on doing, for once. "

Hmm... I kind of remember indigenous people talking about preserving and protecting the earth as well as "spiritual approach" ie being thankful and praying and protecting the sacred sites etc...

Whole text
We are all living at a very profound time on our planet. Mother Earth is going through a shift she has never gone through quite like this before. We are living on the planet in a time that has never been before. The planet is going to start shifting and changing and moving into her High Self. She will change into her own kind of heaven. This is the time of great change that all indigenous peoples have been speaking about for hundreds and hundreds of years, and since the great fall of Atlantis, a very real civilization that existed here. A great shift happened then, when the poles shifted. Long before that shift they had been a highly developed and beautiful people—They knew how to use and utilize the energies of crystals, water, sound, of light and color. They knew how to listen to Mother Earth, and how to work side by side with our brothers and sisters from different places in the universe, the star beings. They interacted with them side by side.

I use the term “star beings” because in my experience a majority of them are loving beautiful beings. They have been here since the beginning of time. They have always been coming and going here, and as our energy attunes to a higher frequency we will be able to see these light beings, who are of a higher frequency. Soon all of humanity will be aware of their presence. At the time of Atlantis, we human beings worked side by side with the star beings, and we lived on Mother Earth as we should, for a long span of time in the history of that civilization. But then the great shift happened, and the ice melted that covered up much of the land, and we as human beings had to start over, spiritually speaking. We hear the story in the Bible of the great flood. You can hear this story in many indigenous cultures on the planet as well, because it did happen. But not everyone was wiped away. The people who knew it was coming got into their boats and dispersed out to other countries, taking some of the sacred Atlantean crystals with them.

Some of the Atlanteans went to South America—these are the roots of the Mayan people today. Some went to North America. There were already indigenous peoples living here, but there are some tribes whose ancestry goes back to the Atlanteans.  Another very advanced civilization that existed in our ancient earth history were the Lemurians. These people eventually dispersed and settled on the different islands and are now the ancestors of the Hawaiian people and the Waitaha in New Zealand, even more ancient than the Maori. These peoples today survive and carry within them very ancient teachings and wisdom, some of it from the star beings.

As a wisdom keeper, one of my sacred duties is to return some of these sacred ancient crystals to the earth, at the time of this current shift that Mother Earth is going through.  I have in my care several very special crystals from the time of Atlantis; other wisdom keepers have others that they have been entrusted with, to return to Earth. I am told where they need to go by my elders and by Spirit. So far I have placed crystals in the Earth in sacred ceremony in Santa Fe, New Mexico, the ancient land of the Anasazi; in Sweden for the lands of the North and the Nordic countries, in Hawaii for the sacred lands and people there,   in the Redwoods of California, those “grand elders” of the planet, and   in the crystalline lands of Arkansas on 10-10-10, to connect in with the awakening of Atlantean crystals buried there, and to heal the sacred waters. These crystals have been prayed over, watched over, and kept safe for this time. There are many more crystals to be placed back into the earth. Soon one of the crystals in my care will return to the Waitaha people in New Zealand, and they will place their crystal back into their sacred lands. These crystals are not placed just anywhere, but are placed in sacred areas where two ley lines cross. They must be placed at very specific locations, to strengthen the energy grid of Mother Earth, those places where the energy goes back into Mother Earth, and links up with the energy of the other crystals in place. So the energy of the crystal placed in Hawaii connects to the Redwoods, to New Mexico, to Sweden, and so forth. This grid of energy is Mother Earth’s arteries and veins, if you will. These crystals must be in place before the great shifting of the Earth happens. I have four more crystals to be placed… though I do not know yet for where they are destined. When the time is right, I will be told where each must return.

The Shift from Mind to Heart Consciousness

There are two great ancient civilizations that today hold the key to living from the heart—the Mayans and the Aboriginal people. They still live from the heart and they are the ones who are teaching us now to start living from the heart again. Since the fall of Atlantis, human civilization has developed in a particular way. We have developed the capacity of our rational minds to the extent that we have made great cities and inventions, and in very recent years have made a huge leap in our discovery of new technologies. We have done some amazing things. But the problem is that we have left the heart behind. We stopped acting from and making decisions from the heart, and from a feeling of connectedness to all of life and to Mother Earth. We have overvalued the rational logical mind, and believe in only what we can see and experience with our bodily senses. This was never how it was intended to be. We are being asked now to start living from the heart again—and this is one of the messages I have been asked specifically to help share and teach.

It is a universal law that I have been taught—that the more loving you are, the more intelligent you become. If you can imagine everything we have created from our minds in the last ten years even—all the advancements and technologies. Yet we still cannot solve some of the most urgent problems facing us today. The largest problem is how to heal what we have done to the Earth already, and how to stop doing what we have been doing to her ever since human beings forgot their connection in the web of life. If we have been able to create so much using just our minds, imagine what we might create if we were operating from the heart! Mind would not be inactive or unused—it would grow much more powerful, because it would be in right relationship to heart—to the source of being, and to creation. If we stop operating from an ego-driven, mental consciousness, we stop striving for meaningless things that gratify only the smallest part of who we are. We stop wasting our mental energy and can start directing every ounce of our hearts and minds to healing the earth and creating bounty for all beings. We could create a paradise on earth, unlike anything we have seen before.

 I have been taught by Spirit that Mother Earth is sacred and that human beings will not be allowed to kill her. She is sacred to all life forms in the universe, not just to human beings. If human beings will not be allowed to kill her—then we need to raise our vibration high enough so that we can shift with her into a higher being, because we have been causing her great harm for so long that something major must happen to correct the path we are on, to help her to breathe again. For human beings, the situation is urgent. We must shift into a higher consciousness if we are to remain on planet Earth as her children.

If you listen, none of the indigenous elders or wisdom keepers on our planet are saying, “Now you must go and do something.”  They are saying, “Be.” They are telling us to be the change, to focus on “being” rather than on doing, for once.  If enough of us can connect with our hearts and the Love that is there, the Love that is all around us in nature, and understand the beauty and sacredness of this life we are given—we will flip the ruling consciousness of the planet from mind, to heart. We are sparks of the Divine consciousness. Each of us has a “Great I AM,” which sent a spark of us here to experience and learn from being in a human body and from having this amazing human heart. I am here to help you to remember.

By living from love, and being in the heart, we remember that most sacred truth that we are all brothers and sisters and children of one mother—Mother Earth. We are not separate from each other, or from any other life form. What happens to one of us, happens to all of us.  Because human energy is identical to Earth energy, what happens to Mother Earth also happens to us, and vice versa. Yet we are capable of changing this world we live in. There is a prophecy in many indigenous cultures that at the time of the great change on earth, in this time we are living in, humanity would unify as one family, one tribe… and that this tribe would be made of “many colors.” 

When I was initiated as shaman and told that I was a “wisdom keeper,” I was told that my tribe was to be the “tribe of many colors.” I know now that my Great I AM sent a spark of me here at this time to help the children of planet Earth to remember who they are, to love our Mother Earth, and that “we are the ones that we have been waiting for.” We are the Tribe of Many Colors, the strongest of strong souls who chose to be on Earth at this time, to fulfill the tremendous task of shifting the consciousness on the planet back to the heart and to Love. We must unite under the banner of Love and show our most sacred Mother how much we love Her, how we are willing to do anything to save Her, and to continue on as Her children here on Earth. We are capable of creating a beauty we have barely glimpsed on earth. And we will.

Offline Superdog

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #778 on: January 14, 2011, 09:36:30 pm »
This is a bit of heartbreaking information, but if anyone has ever doubted why it's important to take the time to call out those that co-opt tribes cultures, traditions and names and use them as a means to commit fraud, let these words be a reminder.

This is from a youtube poster named crystalbuffalolove.  Ironically her only friend on youtube is the inherently racist and wrong profile user WHITEBUFFALOSWMN2012 who leaves many nasty comments about Natives being alcoholics, lazy etc etc on shadowfax's channel and claims Crowther is White Buffalo Calf Woman reincarnated.

Well up until recently crystalbuffalolove was an ardent supporter of Crowther and fell hook, line and sinker for the whole "message" as can be attested to by her "About Me" section on her profile..
"About Me:
 Little grandmother student, painting, jewlery making"

and her comment on WHITEBUFFALOSWMN2012's channel
"It's good to see you on? here Kay <3 <3 Little Grandmother is living in our hearts and the white buffalo runs wild with love. "

Well, she's decided to check out Crowther for herself even going so far as to call Kiesha's mother, Terri Kreps and left these comments on the Lilou Mace video "JUICY HOMES: Little Grandmother opens her home in Santa Fe New Mexico"!

"I was Kiesha's biggest supporter. I loved her message so much. I donated money to her so she could travel and pay her rent. When these rumors about her started up I ignored it and kept supporting kiesha. Even if her lies were little white ones. I cant look the other way no more, not after this latest whopper about her mother not being indian. I'm done. Kiesha I want my money back for the Santa Fe? gathering. I will contact soon for a refund. my heart hurts over these lies. I called the reserv too"
crystalbuffalolove 8 hours ago 4

"2 nd part ---- talked to someone up on the flatheads reservation and they said they are getting calls about this and they say a Terri Kreps has never been known to them. I am upset this morning to know I donate up to 5 thousant to kiesha and her mission. i have many people to apologize to including my own mother for? borrowing money off her and my dad to give to Kiesha's mission. please please i beg you do not send tis woman anymore money till you check it out for yourself. "
crystalbuffalolove 8 hours ago 3

There's a third part to this message that was unfortunately deleted

"why was my part 3 removed? because I mentioned my? phone call to Terri??!!!"
crystalbuffalolove 8 hours ago

Let me just say, if she's reading this.  You are not the first to be hurt by her....there are others here on the board who've gone through similar circumstances.  I personally hope you are able to recover your many of these types of people operate on such a low equal James Ray and his death lodge, where even in the wake of victims who lost their lives believing him to the end only refunded HALF of the money back to their families.  For her to accept such a large sum without question is only another indicator of her fraudulent activities and I hope, as someone who has been hurt, not just emotionally, but financially by the lie you were made to believe you do seek justice and I'll pray every day that you get it.  It's just not fair.

Kiesha Rae have much explaining to do.


P.S. For the members here I'd encourage you to visit the video and "like" crystalbufallolove's comments so they remain on top of the comment section as a reminder to others of the pain that is caused by fraudulent operators such as Crowther.

« Last Edit: January 14, 2011, 09:41:54 pm by Superdog »

Offline nemesis

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #779 on: January 14, 2011, 10:26:57 pm »

P.S. For the members here I'd encourage you to visit the video and "like" crystalbufallolove's comments so they remain on top of the comment section as a reminder to others of the pain that is caused by fraudulent operators such as Crowther.


that is so very sad, heartbreaking is exactly the word for it

poor woman, that's a very tough lesson