Author Topic: Riz Mirza claiming to channel Chief Red Eagle  (Read 16628 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Riz Mirza claiming to channel Chief Red Eagle
« on: January 21, 2014, 08:20:50 pm »
This is one of the least believable psychics and channelers in awhile. An India Indian who decided an NDN chief talks like a white Nuager, but with an accent I'm not sure what it's supposed to be.

And check out the quotes, the supposed wisdom.
Tear up your old contracts, take out the old. Take a big bag, look at your home and say, ‘if it is not very beautiful or useful throw it out.’ Do it tomorrow, don’t wait. That is how you will change the energy.

....Feel plugged in to the Cosmic generator when you are feeling tapped out. You will become charged.

....Your planet is like a university. One class is money. It is a class on manifestation. It is only about how much you think you DESERVE.

Money is a form of energy, you all accept it, that it is worth something.

You know you don’t have to be the anchor for everyone. Let them be drawn to your magnetism and energy.

Let ‘tough girl’ go now, it’s time for the Divine Goddess Feminine to be here now. She will find her way out of your door, when you dissolve the walls.

When Rumi wrote about love, he took it very seriously. It was about pain, suffering and heart breaking love and passion. When Rumi walked into a room he brought fire. He said his poetry was about ‘you and me.’

When you see your demon in you, squeeze his nose and put a party hat on him.

Why did Kings and Queens wear the costumes they did? Why weren’t they in shorts? Because it is symbolic of manifestation, royalty, and power. Let your King and Queen out. Afraid of losing your friends? They are pretenders, that is why they never saw the real you. It is about autonomy, not being Queen of others, but of yourself.

....Extremes give you a surge a power. You have a spectrum, you will not match experiences. Your life will become more cohesive.


So far I haven't seen any alleged tribe named for RE.

Oh yeah, Mirza claims to channel Thomas Jefferson too. And he sounds like a white Nuager from 2013 too. No way would Jefferson ever be such a poor speaker and writer.

He also claims he channels:
Charlie Chaplin, Teddy Roosevelt, Arch Angel Michael, Arch Angel Gabrielle,King Solomon
Thomas Edison, Eliazer (Jewish Rabbi), Quan Yin, Paul Revere, Alexander Gram Bell
Helen Keller Isis Iris Merlin King Arthur Guenevere
Sir Isaac Newton Enoch Group The Corinthians Prometheus Tesla Hanuman
Krishna  God Essence  Esmeralda Jack London  Minotaur
King Solomon  King Saladine  Noah Webster  Helarion
King Agamemnon  Elijah  Isaiah   Emmanuel (group)
Serapis Bay   Eliazar  Hippocrates  Elohim  BrightStar  Rudi
William Shakespeare  Saint Peter   Constantine  The Friends (?)  Archimedes  Demetrius

So that's gods, goddesses, angels, and mythological creatures. Seemingly the only thing left  left out are aliens. And none of them taught him to spell, not even Noah Webster.


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Re: Riz Mirza claiming to channel Chief Red Eagle
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2014, 09:30:01 pm »
Apparently these images at the bottom of this page are supposed to tell us who Red Eagle is.

One of the books pictured is Searching for Red Eagle: A Personal Journey into the Spirit World of Native America Hardcover
by Mary Ann Wells.

American history devolves, alas, into a self-satisfied New Age treatise. Wells, a mixed-blood historian from southern Mississippi, details the life of William Weatherford (17751824), also known as Red Eagle, who disavowed his Scots and French ancestry in favor of his Creek heritage to become a leader of resistance to white encroachment on his Georgia homeland.


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Re: Riz Mirza claiming to channel Chief Red Eagle
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2014, 09:38:05 pm »
That image of a solitary man on horseback looks to be a version of this sculpture Appeal to the Great Spirit by Cyrus Edwin Dallin, said to be of a Sioux chief.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Riz Mirza claiming to channel Chief Red Eagle
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2014, 10:23:09 pm »

The family name is in use in Iran, Pakistan, and India, according to German Wikipedia, and the name is Persian in origin. Therefore I'd assume the gentleman is a Muslim, most probably a Shia Muslim. Strictly speaking, channeling whomever etc is considered a sin in Islam. Same as cheating and fleecing gullible persons. Well, come to think of it - this happens to be a sin in most, if not all religions on this planet.

Mirza also has another website with a gallery - he apparently likes to show off his house. There are some great photos in the gallery:

Some of the photos are outstanding, like e.g.:
(a stereotypical ndn figure carved in wood)
(an ndn drum with pair of Dutch clogs - tourist quality - next to it)

and this one simply is beyond description:


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Re: Riz Mirza claiming to channel Chief Red Eagle
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2014, 10:40:51 pm »
Oh that last one, that is priceless.

His wife's bio , her birth name Barbara Ann Miller.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Riz Mirza claiming to channel Chief Red Eagle
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2014, 10:43:02 pm »
"Let ‘tough girl’ go now, it’s time for the Divine Goddess Feminine to be here now. She will find her way out of your door, when you dissolve the walls. "

Uh huh... because women with boundary problems are easier to exploit.


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Re: Riz Mirza claiming to channel Chief Red Eagle
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2014, 11:12:41 pm »
I can tell he is holy because in this image there is purple stuff shooting out of his head.

Anyone know what those symbols are in the circle around him? Runes, Enochian, or Kabbalah?


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Re: Riz Mirza claiming to channel Chief Red Eagle
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2014, 11:47:14 pm »
Psychic medium Riz Mirza has the rare gift of being able to receive communication from a being named "Chief Red Eagle" who lived on Earth more than a century ago. Red Eagle, a noted Native American Creek warrior was born "William Weatherford." He became known to later generations as "Red Eagle." His war name was Hopnicafutsahia or "Truth Teller." The book was dictated word for word by Red Eagle through Riz Mirza and told to Oriah Miller over a series of thirteen nights. Oriah documented this collection of spiritual guidance and compiled it into this book.
Red Eagle's message is a powerful one of self transformation and evolution. His teachings give insight into the ego, shifting perspective, and overcoming fear, while awakening the love within all of humanity. Red Eagle's language is simple, provocative, and easy to understand by all no matter what "level of spirituality" they are on.


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Re: Riz Mirza claiming to channel Chief Red Eagle
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2014, 01:56:14 am »
Red Eagle/ William Weatherford became a plantation owner, he had slaves. I wonder if Riz Mirza includes this information in his supposed channelings.

Also, apparently he did not go by the name Red Eagle.

Weatherford is nearly universally called Red Eagle by writers. The sobriquet has no basis in fact. According to a family friend, Thomas Woodward, Weatherford was known by two Creek names, Hoponika Fulsahi (Truth Maker) and Billy Larney, which translates as Yellow Billy. The name "Red Eagle" did not appear in print until the 1855 publication of A. B. Meek's poem "The Red Eagle: A Poem of the South," a lengthy romanticized tale based loosely on Weatherford and his exploits.


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Re: Riz Mirza claiming to channel Chief Red Eagle
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2014, 05:14:31 pm »
Rizwan Mirza, Performer
Rizwan Mirza is a performance artist with roots in New York and New Delhi, India. He did two world tours with The Builders Association in ALLADEEN and SUPER VISION, and now as social networking entrepeneur J.V. in CONTINUOUS CITY. Rizwan is also a writer and will premiere his solo show on media, identity and Islamophobia entitled Koranic Fatigue later this year. He is currently producing his screenplay The Kabab King.

The U.S. Premiere of a Provocative Performance on the Many Faces of Islam


Performance, Thursday, March 26, 7:00 pm, Wang Theater
Lecture Demonstration, Wednesday, March 25, 7:00 pm, Wang Center

A Texan retraces his forgotten childhood in Pakistan
A loving Arab father leaves a touching message for his son
A pissed off hijab-wearing young British Bangladeshi woman mouths off
A transvestite prostitute from the Bombay slums finds divinity and love
A hip hop "gangsta" from Detroit bonds with his cousins in Saudi Arabia

These are just a few of the compelling personalities and idiosyncratic stories
that come alive in Riz Mirza's inimitable exploration of his Muslim heritage at
time when Islamophobia is high.

With irreverent humor, scalding insight, and deft character sketches,
stereotypes are challenged, boundaries are pushed, and long-held notions are
unabashedly questioned in this provocative solo piece. Mirza interweaves
these monologues with stories from his own humorous and often precarious
upbringing in The Bronx.


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Re: Riz Mirza claiming to channel Chief Red Eagle
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2014, 06:23:29 pm »
Some upcoming books to look forward to:

“Magical You” by Merlin
Merlin, The Master Wizard, is a legendary figure whose energy and wisdom has been channeled beautifully by Riz over the years around the world. In this book, Merlin takes you on a journey to discover your truly magical, creative essence and how to renew your connection to The Universe.
“Helen Speaks -How to See and Hear” – Riz channels Helen Keller giving messages on communicating with love and clarity and rising higher. As told to Oriah Miller.

“Red Eagle Listens” Chief Red Eagle returns with a book of questions fielded by the readers and answers in his inimitable fashion. Channeled by Riz as told to Oriah.

“The Twin Flame Union-A Book of Love”- Riz Mirza and his fiancée Oriah Miller explains the powerful relationship called Twin Flames  and how it goes beyond “soul mates. How to attract this type of relationship, what to do once your involved  and how it changes your life.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2014, 03:50:35 am by Piff »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Riz Mirza claiming to channel Chief Red Eagle
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2014, 08:15:11 pm »
His "accent" or way of trying to "talk Indian" reminds of Lenny from Of Mice and Men. "Which way did he go George? My friend George is so smart." Now imagine Lenny talking about energizing and goddess magick.

His supposed channeling looks like a  one man play that turned into very poor unintentional comedy. His clients can't seem to help breaking out in laughter again and again at the silliness of his bit.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Riz Mirza claiming to channel Chief Red Eagle
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2014, 02:36:13 pm »
This is one of the least believable psychics and channelers in awhile. An India Indian who decided an NDN chief talks like a white Nuager, but with an accent I'm not sure what it's supposed to be.

Quote from: educatedindian
His "accent" or way of trying to "talk Indian" reminds of Lenny from Of Mice and Men

What he speaks is British English with quite a thick India-Indian accent.