Author Topic: Aztlán and the Aztecs  (Read 30864 times)

Offline koyoteh

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  • Yaqui and MesoAmerican
Re: Aztlán and the Aztecs
« Reply #15 on: March 22, 2009, 06:51:11 am »

....Big obvious mistakes like this are why I wondered in the other thread about the people you say are elders teaching you traditions. .....

Just the fact that you call yourself Aztec, instead of Nahua as Nahua people of central Mexico generally do, suggests to me you are probably well intentioned but still need to be cautious about where to learn.
something i didn't notice before.  I use the term aztecs sometimes only cause its a commnon term everyone knows. had you asked me , like cortes didn't ask, about what the name of the nation is , REALLY is I would say different. Speaking loosely. I don't have a problem with like other people do. As long as we know what the real stuff is that is. I thought you did, so I just said aztec haphazardly. But you do know who I was referringto right?

And no , we don't call ourselves Nahua. At least like if I was asked what nation I am , I would not say Nahua. I would say Mexica. Yes this even has its problems , I am aware of the way many other nahuas feel about that. Oh well. They even call us FARSANTES sometimes. Meaining we are faw away dancers. Nahuas is a general term for many Nahuatl speaking nations. not just one.

Plus I never really said I was learning TRADITIONS. At least not JUST TRADITIONS. That was another thread and I did say more than that. So read it in context of what was being said there. I said I was learning. You might not like what my elders have to teach though , and that is something else entirely.
Yeah they teach traditions, but they also teach the concept of OLLIN and adaptation , basically that tradtions can change. That is not a popular concept amongst other nations.

you can pick up any book or even a new age book , about OLLIN. Shit sometimes the new age books get lucky and have something in it that they stole. Okay so they stole it, but was it accurate what they stole? Sometimes it is , and thats also part of why people hate on new age books, cause sometimes they get shit right , BUT THAT THEY SHOULDN"T HAVE A RIGHT TO, but they get right and that makes us mad.

but there are plenty of real non new age books out there on ollin. pick one up.

Offline koyoteh

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  • Yaqui and MesoAmerican
Re: Aztlán and the Aztecs
« Reply #16 on: March 22, 2009, 06:54:48 am »
that don't mean  I support new age books now , cause I don't.

i see how that coulda been confusing.

Offline BlackWolf

  • Posts: 503
Re: Aztlán and the Aztecs
« Reply #17 on: March 22, 2009, 03:37:47 pm »
Koyoteh, have you spent time with your tribe in Mexico ( Mexicas )?  Meaning with the fluent Nahuatl speakers in central and other parts of Mexico.  You mention elders and I’m assuming you mean the speakers of this language.  I know there’s a community of these speakers in California. Mostly first generation immigrants from Mexico.   Is this the community where your elders come from and whom you learn your traditions and knowledge?  And were your elders raised as Traditional People and do they come from Traditional Communities?  I think Educatedindian has a point about exploitation of people seeking their roots, but I’m not saying its your case. When people leave their communities, a lot of the old ways are lost. 

Offline BlackWolf

  • Posts: 503
Re: Aztlán and the Aztecs
« Reply #18 on: March 23, 2009, 05:26:20 am »
In your opinion Koyoteh what is the mainstream Aztlan agenda?  Meaning, what do most of the Aztlan followers want?  You told us a little bit about the idea of Aztlan and what it is.  But lets talk about reality.  Do Aztlan supporters want Political Autonomy form the US?  ( Kind of like Quebec in Canada ) Do they want Complete Independence?  Do they want to become part of Mexico?  ( That would be a mistake considering the poverty in Mexico ).  Does the Mexican American War ( 1846-1848) come into play here?  ( Mexico lost almost half its territory in that war under the “Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: for those that don’t know the history )  What about Mexican Nationalism?  Is Aztlan about being Indian or about being Mexican or Chicano?  Or do supporters just want the status quo with people following their Indian ways?  Will one colonial language be replaced by another ( English for Spanish?)

These are all good questions, considering that most Mexicans from Mexico when asked will say that the Southwest territory was stolen from them by the United States.  And the fact that the Southwest is on track to have a majority hispanic population in the future.  And what about all of the Patriotic American Hispanics in the Southwest?  Will they have a place in Aztlan?  Or are they considered detrimental to the cause?

Anyone interested, can read about the Mexican American War here.

What do you mean here?  About animosity?

My answer is that these people are the people currently residing in the southwest. That would make them our relatives. Even if they don't like us. Maybe its even part of the origin of some animosity.

And what about Federally Recognized Tribes in Aztlan.  Since everyone ‘s  Indian anyway.  ( They are, racially speaking ).
Will the citizens and tribal members of Federally Recognized Tribes still maintain their sovereignly?  Or will this hypothetical Aztlan world be like.  “ We are all Indians, why should they have Casinos, Per Caps and Indian Health Service?"  I think you said before, that whites and blacks won’t be kicked out.  So I guess they would all be welcome like you said.  At least your not a radical.  Are most Aztlan Supporters Radical?  Or are the Radicals in your opinion the exception to the rule. 

EVERYONE should see this short video.

Offline koyoteh

  • Posts: 113
  • Yaqui and MesoAmerican
Re: Aztlán and the Aztecs
« Reply #19 on: March 23, 2009, 06:19:08 am »
of course not. not only don't i not speak nahuatl fluently enough even for the ones here, but neither do I speak spanish, which would be the common language that would help bridge language gaps. AND  I was born here. 3rd generation. long way from there. No we got our own struggles here. Different but still struggles. there is also a barrier between us here and us over there. Not just a physical distance but a time distance and other kinds of distances. These distances that PODIA refers to , I acknowledge. It is a challenge.
You shouldn't assume anything about elders. I don't anymore. i can't.  If only you knew even of the struggles elders in mexico have with each other you might understand. Too many elders have problems and differences with each other . They are human after all. So to only go by what an elder says is illogical. What one elder says goes against another, and then we get caught up in their fight. Usually something personal they had with each other back when they were young and not elders. Thats just life. My elders tell me to watch out for this and not get caught up in their pezos. That includes those in mexico. I know some here in los angeles. So what. Knowing them don't make me better than someone who doesn't.

The people living in mexico have a different reality than us here as well. They will tell you that too. They will say it differently, maybe more colorful depending on how they feel about it, but still the same.

The next real part is "if my elders were raised traditionally or not" . I don't care about that as much anymore. IF I want to live with a tradtional principle of respecting my elders , tahan that really shouldn't matter. what matters is their knowledge and wisdom and respect for their people and if they are good people.

what i rally think is that ia m being asked for names so that my elders can be checked out, to see if they pass someones test or not. I am not going to give up names. I will not drag my elders into this. I ahve respect for them. If anyonoe has respect for their own elders then they will not ask me to give up mine. and they will understand the need to protect them. even if someone says taht they are not out to get them.
my apologies if this typing is coiming out all crazy , its seems that this window on this site is acting kinda squiirrly , unusual.

Koyoteh, have you spent time with your tribe in Mexico ( Mexicas )?  Meaning with the fluent Nahuatl speakers in central and other parts of Mexico.  You mention elders and I’m assuming you mean the speakers of this language.  I know there’s a community of these speakers in California. Mostly first generation immigrants from Mexico.   Is this the community where your elders come from and whom you learn your traditions and knowledge?  And were your elders raised as Traditional People and do they come from Traditional Communities?  I think Educatedindian has a point about exploitation of people seeking their roots, but I’m not saying its your case. When people leave their communities, a lot of the old ways are lost. 

Offline koyoteh

  • Posts: 113
  • Yaqui and MesoAmerican
Re: Aztlán and the Aztecs
« Reply #20 on: March 23, 2009, 06:40:25 am »
 lets take whatever origin story you claim to be yours and I ask you this...
does your story have anything to do with politics? religion? how about anything to do with taking over the world? is your story about being "supported"?
 For the sake of continuing i will assume the negative. The story is what it is. It may have literal aspects or not. But it definetely will have other metaphorical or even spiritual aspects, maybe. But you know as well I the world knows that any origin story can be taken and USED as a tool to rally a people and unify them. Thats not so bad. What happens next is the real issue.
 What does a person do with the rallying or unification? ANYONE can go different directions from there. Its not the story thats the problem. The story is not political and has no agenda. It existed before all this bull you see on the internet and on t.v.
 SUPPORTERS? I've never heard anyone use that term when speaking of any other nations origin or immigration stories. Only we hear it when concerning ours. Don't you find that strange? Ask yourself this, WHO BENEFITS FROM THIS WAY OF THOUGHT? Not us.
Try asking someone else if they have supporters and an agenda for their origin story. CRAAZY.
 FOLLOWERS? dude, this ain't a cult.Aztlan isn't a religioun. Its a story. Aztlan isn't even what we are about. Its not our focus point. Its just one part of our history. What matters is so many others things. Aztlan is cool and sacred, but it doesn't feed us. It doesn't clothe us. It doesn't give us autonomy or soveirreignty. It gives us inspiration and pride and connection. Thats it.
You ask a lot of questions the same as a lot of our younger xicanos do. same stuff. You write like they do when they don't know anything and are just beginning to hear of things. Like a high schooler or young college student , like a MECHISTA a MECHA MEMBER. What you are asking is reall about years worht of studying. even more than thatt.
Like they hear and learn bits and pieces and thne regurgitate it and hope that someone corrects them . Nothing wrong with that either from the sense that they are just looking for knowledge. but there are better wayus to go about it. Like without accusastions or put doens't 
glad we abre tlaking though. Agian this window is acting weird gotta stop typeing.

In your opinion Koyoteh what is the mainstream Aztlan agenda?  Meaning, what do most of the Aztlan followers want?  You told us a little bit about the idea of Aztlan and what it is.  But lets talk about reality.  Do Aztlan supporters want Political Autonomy form the US?  ( Kind of like Quebec in Canada ) Do they want Complete Independence?  Do they want to become part of Mexico?  ( That would be a mistake considering the poverty in Mexico ).  Does the Mexican American War ( 1846-1848) come into play here?  ( Mexico lost almost half its territory in that war under the “Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: for those that don’t know the history )  What about Mexican Nationalism?  Is Aztlan about being Indian or about being Mexican or Chicano?  Or do supporters just want the status quo with people following their Indian ways?  Will one colonial language be replaced by another ( English for Spanish?)

These are all good questions, considering that most Mexicans from Mexico when asked will say that the Southwest territory was stolen from them by the United States.  And the fact that the Southwest is on track to have a majority hispanic population in the future.  And what about all of the Patriotic American Hispanics in the Southwest?  Will they have a place in Aztlan?  Or are they considered detrimental to the cause?

Anyone interested, can read about the Mexican American War here.

What do you mean here?  About animosity?

My answer is that these people are the people currently residing in the southwest. That would make them our relatives. Even if they don't like us. Maybe its even part of the origin of some animosity.

And what about Federally Recognized Tribes in Aztlan.  Since everyone ‘s  Indian anyway.  ( They are, racially speaking ).
Will the citizens and tribal members of Federally Recognized Tribes still maintain their sovereignly?  Or will this hypothetical Aztlan world be like.  “ We are all Indians, why should they have Casinos, Per Caps and Indian Health Service?"  I think you said before, that whites and blacks won’t be kicked out.  So I guess they would all be welcome like you said.  At least your not a radical.  Are most Aztlan Supporters Radical?  Or are the Radicals in your opinion the exception to the rule. 

EVERYONE should see this short video.

Offline koyoteh

  • Posts: 113
  • Yaqui and MesoAmerican
Re: Aztlán and the Aztecs
« Reply #21 on: March 23, 2009, 06:58:34 am »
In your opinion Koyoteh what is the mainstream Aztlan agenda?  Meaning, what do most of the Aztlan followers want? 
There is no mainstream. I got to use a generalized term for us since others, as you say, claim aztlan. "raza" are too large to have a mainstream anything. Thats reality. We have a lots of groups yes, and that why we can't be mainstream . Every group has their own ways. Some traditionals ,some not, and some half and half. There are no aztlan followers. There are dancers, artists, musicians, workers, and more, etc, and 'militants'. I think what you really are talking about are the militant type. They are not real militants, they are attracted to the militant MIND and the WARRIOR aspects of our culture. They are trying to fit into that. As they get older they learn more and find out what being a warrior is really about. Younger warrior minded people in ALL our nations have a tendency to react first and think later. same goes with us no different.
Does the Mexican American War ( 1846-1848) come into play here?  ( Mexico lost almost half its territory in that war under the “Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: for those that don’t know the history )  What about Mexican Nationalism? 
No, but the same people are learning about these other things and so they will often speak about these things as well. Its like asking if lodges have anything to do with basket weaving. No , but a basketweaver may also attend a lodge and talke about a lodge while basket weaving. Others may assume that lodges are a part of basketweaving.
but one thing different. That traety and mexico are a part of our history specifically us. Its about how we ALSO have a broken treaty and a broken country

Offline koyoteh

  • Posts: 113
  • Yaqui and MesoAmerican
Re: Aztlán and the Aztecs
« Reply #22 on: March 23, 2009, 07:09:39 am »
Is Aztlan about being Indian or about being Mexican or Chicano?  Or do supporters just want the status quo with people following their Indian ways?
That is a real complicated question. Mexican in what way? Mexican as in Mexican citizen or national from mexico? or Mexican the indigenous way? See Mexican also means MEXICA. So does XICANO so does MEXICANO. Look at the pattern Mexica,Mexicano,Xicano.See it? Its all the same word. Just like Frank, Francis, Francisco,etc. Same name. different way to say it. BUT its only the same word from the native perspective and language. So yes its about being native. Like I said CONNECTION and also SELF IDENTITY. WHich is something we lost and lots of others take for granted being born with it. We really have seen the damage caused by from loss of identity. Not just about being indian, but its part of the reason why we got gangs full of our people. Its bigger than this discussion. Its about sparking change in our people and the choices we can make. CHOICES is not something we really had before knowing about Aztlan. Well some of us. For others it wasn't aztlan at all but something else entirely. So its again, its not about aztlan.
Will one colonial language be replaced by another
this is really a question about trust and a statement about how, because of your/our history, we don't trust anyone. So really its a personal problem. Its makes no sense to ask us this if other nations who say "take the land back" aren't also asked. Then it becomes a question of trust, animosity, and discrimination and more.

Offline koyoteh

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  • Yaqui and MesoAmerican
Re: Aztlán and the Aztecs
« Reply #23 on: March 23, 2009, 07:28:51 am »
i hope you and others are asking me as koyoteh NOT an aztlanista of whatever your ideas of aztlanistas are. I am a danzante. I am not speaking as an aztlanista since I really dont think there are any such thing. I am even only using the term cause its a point of reference in this thread with you and others here, but I feel i know what you mean.
most Mexicans from Mexico when asked will say that the Southwest territory was stolen from them by the United States.  And the fact that the Southwest is on track to have a majority hispanic population in the future.  And what about all of the Patriotic American Hispanics in the Southwest?  Will they have a place in Aztlan?  Or are they considered detrimental to the cause?
Most mexicans from mexico will answer only what they have learned from books from their govt regulated schools that they were taught with. As you know the books of this country never told the truth about natives. Same goes for the country of mexico. You can expect them to know anymore from their books then we do from ours. If you are who YOU say you are then you know where you had to learn the truths from. Give them that chance to get there.
When you speak about detriment and causes , you put two things together that don't necesarily go together. WHAT CUASE do you speak of? We have many. The cause of Aztlan? There is no such thing. That would be the cause of UNIFICATION. But we all have different opinions and methods and ideas for that and on that. Patriotic people....hmmm... I think I know what you mean but i am not sure. Hispanics and latinos are those who 1) are really of the spanish ancestry or 2) have chosen their spanish ancestry over their indigenous side or 3) have chosen to be/ live like spanish or american (or whateve country they are from) when they are really natives or 4) have chosen  not to resist for whatever reasons or 5) love the idea of being patriotic nomatter what or who they are .just happy to bleong. to something.
like other natives , some natives do not like these types. what can I say? thats on them. Thats realyy  a erpsonal matter. whomever hates on someone else really is fighting their own problems. We all got problems don't we?  They may not be liked , but like it or not , we all have them , even in our own families. How you gonna kick out your family? How you gonna kick out your friends families? 

Offline koyoteh

  • Posts: 113
  • Yaqui and MesoAmerican
Re: Aztlán and the Aztecs
« Reply #24 on: March 23, 2009, 07:42:53 am »
And what about Federally Recognized Tribes in Aztlan.  Since everyone ‘s  Indian anyway.  ( They are, racially speaking ).
Will the citizens and tribal members of Federally Recognized Tribes still maintain their sovereignly?  Or will this hypothetical Aztlan world be like.  “ We are all Indians, why should they have Casinos, Per Caps and Indian Health Service?"  I think you said before, that whites and blacks won’t be kicked out.  So I guess they would all be welcome like you said.
answering this the way you have it is incriminating.
let me ask you this instead. Do you support the idea or way of life that any tribe in these americas SHOULD be federally recognized at all to have any kind of validity or rights? Answering yes is also incriminating. YES would mean that one supports the claim of the current govts to decide who we are and who should have rights. FEDERALLY recognized means just that. Recognized by whom? The U.S. govt. so federally recognized tribes by that term alone is a way to say we will never be allowed to be truly sovereign. ONLY if they want to recognize us. And they don't recognize anyone who has not made a treaty with them and only them. Oh yeah, the treaty part is also a part of it. Its the main part of it.
From what I hear from the people you call aztlanistas who are aware of other indigenous nations , ALL native nations would be sovereign, SOVEREIGNTY , I guess you can say , is the CORE of what people generally refer to as the "aztlan movement". Its just that not all the people who yell "aztlan" are at the same levels of education and awareness when it comes to natives things from other nations. Shit , its like , how much do you really know about us? TOO.  ???

Offline koyoteh

  • Posts: 113
  • Yaqui and MesoAmerican
Re: Aztlán and the Aztecs
« Reply #25 on: March 23, 2009, 07:53:53 am »
So I guess they would all be welcome like you said.
no i don't think i said all would be welcome. I can't say that. I don't represent everyone else. If I did, thats not what I meant to say.
I just haven't said who wouldn't be welcome. and I'm not going to. to assume who i would pick would be wrong. Whomever tries to guess at who I would pick , really is stating their own personal choices.
 I think every native has fantasied at one point or another what our country would be like if we had never been invaded or if all of a sudden this was a native country again. EVERYONE has their idea of what that would look like.
 For myself, most everyone would still be here. Things would be run differently though.  For me, living all angry or resentful, or revengeful ain't the way to live. Its just bad for the health. Like chris rock said " I'm not saying what he did was right, but i understand..." I can't blame others for feeling the way they feel about things. Too much craziness has happened for people not to feel angry or revengeful or hateful.
At least your not a radical.  Are most Aztlan Supporters Radical?  Or are the Radicals in your opinion the exception to the rule. 
what do you mean by radical? Maybe I am , maybe i am not. My mom said i was, others say not at all, others say not enough. Matter of opinion. 

Offline BlackWolf

  • Posts: 503
Re: Aztlán and the Aztecs
« Reply #26 on: March 24, 2009, 12:49:58 am »
The next real part is "if my elders were raised traditionally or not" . I don't care about that as much anymore. IF I want to live with a traditional principle of respecting my elders , than that really shouldn't matter. what matters is their knowledge and wisdom and respect for their people and if they are good people.

what I rally think is that ia m being asked for names so that my elders can be checked out, to see if they pass someone test or not. I am not going to give up names. I will not drag my elders into this. I have respect for them. If anyone has respect for their own elders then they will not ask me to give up mine. and they will understand the need to protect them. even if someone says that they are not out to get them.

How can one be an elder of your tribe if they themselves were not raised in the traditional beliefs?  I denounce fake Elders that represent my tribe all the time. The real Elders are the ones that pass on the wisdom and the old ways.  For my tribe, they are in Oklahoma and North Carolina and living in their respective communities.  And if they weren’t raised there in a traditional community, then how can they be Elders of the tribe? 

I’m not questioning yours or their Indianness or Indian heritage, but I doubt that they have the knowledge of your people if they don’t come from a traditional community of your tribe.  Mexican or Chicano traditions may be a hybrid of Roman Catholicism and certain Indian traditions, but it is not one and the same as the Traditions from the traditional Indians or the Mexica or Nuhua people that live in Mexico.

Have you been to a real living breathing community of your tribe’s people in Mexico?  In my tribe, most of the people that claim to be Cherokee Elders tend to prey on vulnerable people.  They usually get their knowledge from books or the internet, and although they get some things right, they tend to interpret and filter these beliefs thorough their own belief system, while hybridizing these beliefs with other belief systems that are completely separate.  And since the vulnerable people being taught by these frauds were not raised in Traditional Ways, they can’t really judge what they are absorbing.  These fake Elders also tend to fabricate their own revisionist history of the tribe they claim.

Even in Mexico, many Nahuatl speaking people have lost the old ways through no fault of their own, but I’m sure there are people there that still carry on the old ways and tradions.  Have you ever been to a community there? 

I see some of the Wannabes here from my own tribe as people that think they can just take culture, without making a commitment, and when they do take a commitment, that commitment has to follow their own agendas.  For example, they only learn what is convenient for them, and leave out what is not.  They like to dress up fancy with feathers and beads and look nice, and go to powwows, and they read a lot of books, about history and tradition, and they think that makes them Indian.  This is because they are for the most part only accountable to themselves.  And these so called Elders don’t have a community to judge them either, so they basically do or say whatever feels right to them. 

They usually prey on and take advantage of  innocent people that are searching for their roots.  But these phoney Elders and Medicine Men and Women are masters at what they do, and since the Cherokee PODIAS don’t know the difference between authentic and fabricated culture, they easily fall prey to these Charlatans. 

You don’t have to give your Elders names and locations, but ask yourself this Koyoteh.  Where did they receive their Traditional Teachings?  Are they recognized in their Community?  And do they have any hidden agendas?  You seem to not be able to answer any of these basic questions.

Offline koyoteh

  • Posts: 113
  • Yaqui and MesoAmerican
Re: Aztlán and the Aztecs
« Reply #27 on: March 24, 2009, 01:05:48 am »
my people , who now live here in the city ,have been through all these questions already and made our decisions. as have I as one of them. come down here and see what it is like to really know IF you want to know.
I did answer you ,but not in a way you like. what else can I say then? We are not of your tribe, and our people are not of your beliefs. We are on the opposite end of the spectrums both in belief and in location. some things are similar yes, but hell of a lot is very different , as I have learned from experiencing it first hand.
It allso shows the arrogance of individual members of other nations when they use their own tribes beliefs and historical experiences as the rule to judge all the rest. This is what i was referring to in the other thread in one post I made.
So you feel your belief is the only way to judge who an elder is? thats dam conceited and really arrogant.

Its why you will hardly ever see any of us in these forums to really get to know us a speak about us knowledgably. By the definition of your beliefs, we are all fakes. 
The next real part is "if my elders were raised traditionally or not" . I don't care about that as much anymore. IF I want to live with a traditional principle of respecting my elders , than that really shouldn't matter. what matters is their knowledge and wisdom and respect for their people and if they are good people.

what I rally think is that ia m being asked for names so that my elders can be checked out, to see if they pass someone test or not. I am not going to give up names. I will not drag my elders into this. I have respect for them. If anyone has respect for their own elders then they will not ask me to give up mine. and they will understand the need to protect them. even if someone says that they are not out to get them.

How can one be an elder of your tribe if they themselves were not raised in the traditional beliefs?  I denounce fake Elders that represent my tribe all the time. The real Elders are the ones that pass on the wisdom and the old ways.  For my tribe, they are in Oklahoma and North Carolina and living in their respective communities.  And if they weren’t raised there in a traditional community, then how can they be Elders of the tribe? 

I’m not questioning yours or their Indianness or Indian heritage, but I doubt that they have the knowledge of your people if they don’t come from a traditional community of your tribe.  Mexican or Chicano traditions may be a hybrid of Roman Catholicism and certain Indian traditions, but it is not one and the same as the Traditions from the traditional Indians or the Mexica or Nuhua people that live in Mexico.

Have you been to a real living breathing community of your tribe’s people in Mexico?  In my tribe, most of the people that claim to be Cherokee Elders tend to prey on vulnerable people.  They usually get their knowledge from books or the internet, and although they get some things right, they tend to interpret and filter these beliefs thorough their own belief system, while hybridizing these beliefs with other belief systems that are completely separate.  And since the vulnerable people being taught by these frauds were not raised in Traditional Ways, they can’t really judge what they are absorbing.  These fake Elders also tend to fabricate their own revisionist history of the tribe they claim.

Even in Mexico, many Nahuatl speaking people have lost the old ways through no fault of their own, but I’m sure there are people there that still carry on the old ways and tradions.  Have you ever been to a community there? 

I see some of the Wannabes here from my own tribe as people that think they can just take culture, without making a commitment, and when they do take a commitment, that commitment has to follow their own agendas.  For example, they only learn what is convenient for them, and leave out what is not.  They like to dress up fancy with feathers and beads and look nice, and go to powwows, and they read a lot of books, about history and tradition, and they think that makes them Indian.  This is because they are for the most part only accountable to themselves.  And these so called Elders don’t have a community to judge them either, so they basically do or say whatever feels right to them. 

They usually prey on and take advantage of  innocent people that are searching for their roots.  But these phoney Elders and Medicine Men and Women are masters at what they do, and since the Cherokee PODIAS don’t know the difference between authentic and fabricated culture, they easily fall prey to these Charlatans. 

You don’t have to give your Elders names and locations, but ask yourself this Koyoteh.  Where did they receive their Traditional Teachings?  Are they recognized in their Community?  And do they have any hidden agendas?  You seem to not be able to answer any of these basic questions.

Offline BlackWolf

  • Posts: 503
Re: Aztlán and the Aztecs
« Reply #28 on: March 24, 2009, 03:02:26 am »
So you feel your belief is the only way to judge who an elder is? thats dam conceited and really arrogant.

I think the question is “how do the Traditional People of your own Tribe judge who an elder is”.

   Its why you will hardly ever see any of us in these forums to really get to know us a speak about us knowledgably. By the definition of your beliefs, we are all fakes.

I never said you or your people were fakes.  ( If you read any of my other threads you’d realize that).  From what I see, most of you and your people are Indian.  But that’s different then knowing the traditional beliefs of your tribe.  And your right, its not up to me or anyone else to judge here.  If your Mexica Tradional people accept your elders, then that’s all that counts.  Which is what I was trying to get at.

Offline BlackWolf

  • Posts: 503
Re: Aztlán and the Aztecs
« Reply #29 on: March 24, 2009, 03:55:43 am »
So I guess they would all be welcome like you said.

no i don't think i said all would be welcome. I can't say that. I don't represent everyone else. If I did, thats not what I meant to say.
I just haven't said who wouldn't be welcome. and I'm not going to. to assume who i would pick would be wrong. Whomever tries to guess at who I would pick , really is stating their own personal choices.
 I think every native has fantasied at one point or another what our country would be like if we had never been invaded or if all of a sudden this was a native country again. EVERYONE has their idea of what that would look like.
 For myself, most everyone would still be here. Things would be run differently though.  For me, living all angry or resentful, or revengeful ain't the way to live. Its just bad for the health. Like chris rock said " I'm not saying what he did was right, but i understand..." I can't blame others for feeling the way they feel about things. Too much craziness has happened for people not to feel angry or revengeful or hateful.

As I understand it, Aztlan is about Indian people coming back to their roots.  That part is clear. 

So you tell us then who would'nt be welcome?  Instead of me and everyone guessing.