Author Topic: Shocking documentary about Native Americans  (Read 118673 times)

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Shocking documentary about Native Americans
« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2008, 01:52:06 pm »
Info regarding this disgusting documentry, I have passed around to the many ndn groups I am a member of, also I have posted on my own NAU site...also sent out many bulk mails..I guess all we can do is get as many native people to write these people as possible. Educating them is key. Is there anything else we can do?

With respect,

There are no leaders in Unity

Offline Freija

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Re: Shocking documentary about Native Americans
« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2008, 03:02:36 pm »
Thank you SO much!

Just got the emailaddress from Kantuta to the Danish guy who made the film:

His name is Poul-Erik Heilbuth.

I wonder if the aborigines know about this film?  Have they seen how they´ve been portrayed? Probably not.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Shocking documentary about Native Americans
« Reply #17 on: February 07, 2008, 03:52:45 pm »
I just showed this people here they are shocked
In Spirit


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Re: Shocking documentary about Native Americans
« Reply #18 on: February 07, 2008, 05:10:44 pm »
There is probably a political agenda here also as long as Barbara Lindsay is involved. One Nation United is from Washington state in the beginning. They were trying to cause all kinds of problems there by turning the "farm worlers" up against the Ndns and reservations. Probably why the Yakima were in the film. They are on  a couple watch lists, no one is quite sure if they are a supremacist group or not. But they are very dangerous.  And they have made their mark in many states now , including Oklahoma.                                                          
« Last Edit: February 07, 2008, 05:14:27 pm by frederica »

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Shocking documentary about Native Americans
« Reply #19 on: February 07, 2008, 07:41:43 pm »
I've watched all of it now. The whole thing reminds me of Rabbit-Proof Fence, with its cast of benevolent-sounding, hand-wringing racists and sinister indigenous henchmen. It's even got a child-kidnapping scene. I felt dirty after watching that poor family in Greenland being torn apart in front of us, and being told it's all tribal leaders' fault.

The nearest thing I can think of in a British context is ancient newsreel footage of happy natives in Kenya, South Africa or Australia learning to sing "God Save the Queen".
« Last Edit: February 07, 2008, 07:52:07 pm by Barnaby_McEwan »

Offline Kantuta

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Re: Shocking documentary about Native Americans
« Reply #20 on: February 07, 2008, 11:26:13 pm »
Oh my god, I got a reply from the swedish television saying that they don't understand the critique at all.

"The movie investigates what has happened the last 30 years since the responsibility has been given to the indigenous peoples themselves. During all these years there has been published books, articles and movies that has told about the colonisation and where the focus has been on the white peoples responsibility for the problems. That story is well documented and has been told many times. This movie has chosen another point of view."

I have contacted friends from indigenous organisations all over the world, also in Australia, and my husband has contacted his friends in the Sámi Parliament and Sámi organisations so I hope more and more people will write to them.

« Last Edit: February 12, 2008, 08:56:40 pm by Kantuta »

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Shocking documentary about Native Americans
« Reply #21 on: February 08, 2008, 02:49:44 am »
AND the spokesperson for Indians was David Yeagley!!!

This nothing I can post on here...but him and his 'words' can be found at:

Perhaps he too needs addressing....not just the broadcasting company? I hear he thinks he's good with his fancy words and educated BS...perhaps its time he heard from many.

With respect,

There are no leaders in Unity

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Shocking documentary about Native Americans
« Reply #22 on: February 08, 2008, 09:09:11 am »
Heilbuth has made two documentaries about immigration:

Flugten til Europa (1992)

Det ’Illegale’ Europa (2006)

Here's a page about the latter, on the "no one is illegal" site. Can someone translate it? I think it's Danish:

This page lists other work Heibuth's been involved in:

Does it jog any memories?

We are not the only people complaining about this:
« Last Edit: February 08, 2008, 09:14:46 am by Barnaby_McEwan »

Offline Didgebaba

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Re: Shocking documentary about Native Americans
« Reply #23 on: February 08, 2008, 10:13:30 am »
I am glad I have found others who were disturbed by the program Historiens fångar. I have lodged a complaint with the Granskningsnämden för radio and TV (broadcast standards tribunal: here in Sweden and they will be investigating my claim that the program was unbalanced in its presentation of the history and collective identity of indigenous peoples. My own experience is with the situation for Aboriginal peoples in Australia, which I think was distorted in the presentation of Historiens fångar. While many of the issues raised in the program are widely known about, the causes and even the way they are manifest on the ground was not presented fairly with any depth or discussion.  The appearance of Keith Windschuttle in the first few minutes of the program signaled a single line of thought when it came to what he described as a way of life that is in the past.
I also wrote to the broadcasting station and received a reply from Axel Arnö, Projektledare, SVT Dokumentär( 08-784 84 12) who defended the program with the same lines that Kantuta got from SVT, however in my mail Axel seemed to not know who Keith Windschuttle was:

"Jag är naturligtvis väldigt intresserad av det du skriver om Keith Windschuttle, men egentligen saknar hans politiska uppfattning betydelse för filmens grundläggande  frågeställning."

[I am naturally very interested in what you wrote about Keith Windschuttle, but actually his political orientation lacks relevance regarding the films basic problematic"]

I fail to see how a man who has been described as a revisionist historian and has spent much of his adult life addressing what he describes as the politicization of history (as he sees it in the hands of the loony left) is somehow devoid of political meaning when he appears in a film that pretty much expresses his philosophy in its entirety.

Offline Freija

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Re: Shocking documentary about Native Americans
« Reply #24 on: February 08, 2008, 10:28:18 am »

From Swedish TV:
"During all these years there has been published books, articles and movies that has told about the colonisation and where the focus has been on the white peoples responsibility for the problems. That story is well documented and has been told many times. " non-Natives...!!
« Last Edit: February 08, 2008, 10:36:49 am by Freija »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Shocking documentary about Native Americans
« Reply #25 on: February 08, 2008, 01:47:56 pm »
It's pretty clear, this is not just an offensive or unbalanced work, but one that outright promotes white supremacy, using three white supremacists (Yeagley, Lindsay, and Winschuttle) as sources. It's as insane as using Nazis or the Nation of Islam as a source on Jews, and I'd urge everyone writing in to make that point. That's on top of it being a "blame the victim" racist smear that clearly is urging the outright destruction of indigenous cultures worldwide.

I was also pretty disturbed by how the filmmaker even manage to get it totally wrong on the one indigenous group they should have known the most about, Sammis. The Sammi I met in Sweden did not strike me as "assimilated" but as very proud of their heritage and providing a great example of holding onto their culture in the face of everything. They have secured for themselves many victories that NDNs here in the US don't have, such as protection against selling counterfeit crafts.

Windschuttle is not conservative, he's outright racist, and often makes up "facts" to support his racism. His take on history so out there and wacko he can't find an academic publisher and has to go to vanity publishers.

But he and his supporters seem to imagine that because he's clearly seen as racist is somehow proof that academia has been taken over by crazy leftists.

"Further, you can find a very thorough analysis of the various ways in which racism manifests in Keith Windschuttle's self-published (as opposed to 'serious academic') research in 'Whitewash: On Keith Windschuttle's Fabrication of Aboriginal History', Black Inc. Agenda, 2003. The book contains contributions from scholars across the Australian academy."


And Windschuttle is pretty racist towards Asians too, imagining them "taking over," that whites are "endangered", and that being racist is central to white Australian identity.


"22. Anglo-Australian men as an endangered species in the law are only a part of Fraser's apocalyptic vision of the future. In an article, "Rethinking the White Australia Policy" (a review of Keith Windschuttle's book, The White Australia Policy), Fraser asserts:

Within two or three decades, it is not unreasonable to expect that Australia will have a heavily Asian managerial-professional, ruling class that will not hesitate to promote the interests of co-ethnics at the expense of white Australians. (Fraser 2005b).

23. Fraser supports this statement with the fantastic notion, as recapped by Windschuttle, that "Europeans ... evolved in a cold climate to support non-kinship forms of reciprocity and thus to welcome strangers," while "Chinese and Japanese businessmen operate within mafia-like, extended family clans that are bound by shared genes to support one another" (Windschuttle 2005)....

Despite their internal differences, however, Windschuttle, Fraser and Duffy represent an institutionalised and politically powerful configuration of contemporary Australian nationalism that exists on a continuum with assertions of race pride that are usually disowned as extremist....

30. The most distinctive feature of the formation represented by Duffy and Windschuttle is its foregrounding of Anglo-Australian achievement and white racial pride. Its platform is premised on a whitewashing (Manne 2003) of Australian history, especially of the violence directed towards Indigenous people and their ongoing resistances."

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Shocking documentary about Native Americans
« Reply #26 on: February 09, 2008, 03:15:48 pm »
More on Windschuttle's racism, and his intellectual history.

On the basis of a comically flawed methodology, Windschuttle argued that the British settlers killed only 118 of the Tasmanian Aboriginal population; that those Aborigines who resisted the destruction of their way of life were no better than vicious common criminals, robbers and murderers; and that, as a "dysfunctional" people, the Tasmanian Aborigines were actually responsible for their own demise. In Fabrication, Windschuttle wrote about the collapse of Tasmanian Aboriginal society with a moral coldness not seen even in the 19th century settler accounts.

My emphasis. It sounds familiar, doesn't it?


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Re: Shocking documentary about Native Americans
« Reply #27 on: February 09, 2008, 04:28:50 pm »
The film is more than just to show another "side" or view. I think this one is to appeal to a certain group of people.

Offline Ole

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Re: Shocking documentary about Native Americans
« Reply #28 on: February 09, 2008, 05:53:53 pm »
Heilbuth has made two documentaries about immigration:

Flugten til Europa (1992)

Det ’Illegale’ Europa (2006)

Here's a page about the latter, on the "no one is illegal" site. Can someone translate it? I think it's Danish:


I'm the editor of the Danish "no one is illegal" site (thats how i found this forum) - which by the way is an antiracist pro-migration website.

If you want anything translated about the article on the documentary director Poul Heilbuth then I can surely translate it for you, but I dont think it will be of any help. The movies mentioned at are actually pretty good movies and not offensive or racist so from them it does not seem like he has a right wing agenda in general. Why he made this one, I don't know.

I dont know the movie you're discussing here (allthough now i got interested and read about it, it really sounds awefull) - but I actually live in Alaska, US, for the moment, so I dont watch much Danish or Swedish TV. I do know though, that there has been no debate about it in Danish media, so it probably hasnt been shown in Denmark.

It sounds to me like the plot of the movie finds in nicely with the "liberal" justification for a lot of atrocities in the European debate: We bomb people in other countries to "liberate" them, we oppress minorities in our own countries for their own good, and we fight migration and refugees in order to "help" them from the evil traffickers etc... "white mans burden" all over again.

So YES, such a movie could certainly be made in Denmark that portrayed muslims for example as culturally inferior backwards people who needs to be oppressed for their own good. Those movies are in Denmark called "The News" and are show every day.

Good luck with the antiracist campaign, and say so if anyone needs anything translated from or to Danish or Swedish.

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Re: Shocking documentary about Native Americans
« Reply #29 on: February 09, 2008, 06:26:44 pm »

April 2, 2006
DR topic on 'Illegal' Europe

Denmark's Radio [which is the term for both the state owned radio and TV station in Denmark] some time ago had a series of documentaries done under the title of "The illegal Europe". In several programmes, films, debates, and in books, the history of a Europe gets reported which at the one hand fights illegal immigration and at the same time is deeply dependent on illegal workforce who will do the hardest and lowest paid jobs.

"The illegal Europe" is also the history of Denmark which presents itself as 'Europe's tough place' - a place where living 'illegal' is a fact of everyday life.
The documentary will be published with a book and flanked by more TV programmes and debates as well as educational films and materials.

> Det andet Europa
The other Europe
DR1 [First Channel of Denmark's TV] documentary will be shown March 22, 2006 and is the first programme which widely debunks the history of illegal Europe. Poul-Erik Heilbuths documentary deals with the approx 5 million people who officially do not exist in Europe and who all the same can live in the European community without 'identity' and necessary documents.

The film also shows the political hypocrisy which creates 'illegal' immigrants by closing the borders of the European Fortress while European economy gladly exploits them.

> Danmark - Europas hårde hund
Denmark - Europe's tough place/tough guy
On March 28, 2006, DR2's Tuesday's Topic is titled 'Denmark - Europe's tough place'. A series of programmes sets the focus on illegal immigrants in Europe: why and how they come to Europe, where they live and how they survive here.
The millions of people in Europe without documents are without rights, but at the same time, they are an important workforce in many European countries - among them Denmark which has closed its borders against immigration and where it is extremely difficult to live without documents.

> DR-Undervisning
DR Education
DR Education has another four programmes dealing with the issue which will be aired in April. [...] These programmes can be ordered to show in class.

Book on "The illegal Europe"
DR's topic on illegal Europe has been edited by Poul-Erik Heilbuth, Tina Nørager Dahlstrøm og Vibeke Agerdal Nielsen, and offers a background for many of these programmes. Their research of the issue also went into the book which presents facts on the European fight against 'uncontrolled migration' and Europe's attitude towards 'illegal' immigrants.
The book also eals with Denmark's steadily increasing regulations against immigration and attempts at showing why Denmark has taken over the role of the most closed-off society in the locked Fortress Europe.

@Ole, glad to see you here! Can you pls check my translation?