This thread caught my interest, maybe cause it reminded me of Rachel Holzwarth and the Grandmother Drum. That whole "Heartbeat of Mother Earth", a drumming vigil to heal and bring the world back into alignment sounded a lot like Holzwarth and the Whirling Rainbow Foundation. I did a little research and found some interesting sites that were talking about the 8,000 Drums Ceremony last spring.
Sure enough, Holzwarth was promoting it on her website:
Whirling Rainbow Foundation and Grandmother DrumMarch 20/21st Spring Equinox Sounding of 8,000 Drums: In 2004, the Otomi Elders of Mexico announced their ancient prophecy, “When the Sound of 8,000 Drums would be heard, the Earth would begin Her Renewal.
They sent a call out to the world community to join them in this worldwide drumming vigil. This event is growing each year and will be held until 2012. To join the event in Mexico or become a host site see www. indigeousuniversity.oirg/sacred_drums/htm International Indigenous University seems a little New Age to me:
The International Indigenous UniversityInstitution of Science and Ancestral Wisdom
of the Indigenous Nations
for the Development of Humanity International Indigenous University presents The Ceremony of 8,000 Sacred Drums
March 21, 2008
Otomi Ceremonial Center
Temoaya, Mexico According to a Sacred Prophecy revealed at the Otomi Ceremonial Center by the Otomi Elder Sages as a Vision of our Venerable Ancestors, the day when the sounds of 8,000 Sacred Drums join together will be the beginning of the healing of Mother Earth, of all the species and the human family in order to be able to live together on the road to Sacred Peace.

It is time to unify ourselves and rediscover all the seeds of the Four Directions in order to reactivate cosmic energy, heal historical wounds and heal Mother Earth by respecting life, liberty and the dignity of our Peoples. The first great ceremony was held March 21, 2004 in Temoaya, Mexico and there will be drum circles joined around the world on the Spring Equinox continuing every year until 2012.
Sacred Principles:* Sealing and healing the wounded vertices of Mother Earth is urgent.
* Identifying and activating the Indigenous energy centers at sacred places is our duty.
* Planting and strengthening consciousness of love and respect for our Mother Earth is everyone's work.
* The Indigenous ancestral recommendation to create and practice the Grand Culture of Peace and Life is fundamental.
* Recognition of the use of the energy and healing properties of our sacred instruments is a principle goal of our Indigenous Mission.
Dear Sacred Drummers,
Dear Brothers and Sisters,All the First Nations, Indigenous Peoples and Humanity
We invite you to join your sacred drumbeat into the Grand Ceremony of the 8,000 Sacred Drums on March 21st, 2008 (10 am to 12 noon CST from Mexico City) that will take place in the Otomi Olmec Toltec Teotihuacan Nation and in many locations around the world to aid in the healing of Mother Earth and our Peoples.
We also invite you to come to Mexico for this extraordinary experience and to stay for the Congress of Cosmic Sound and the Ancestral Retreat held during this time. Many people from around the world will be joining us. You can also participate in a drumming circle from your home, community or traditional lands to add to the heartbeat of this healing ceremony. Please stay in communication with us and inform us of how many drums come together, so that we can get a count of the drums.
We would like to hear from you.
* How many drums will join in your circle in your community?
* Where are you located?
* Do you have a contact person?
Thank you for your assistance. We are gathering this information to document our efforts and the fulfillment of the prophecy given by the Otomi Olmec Toltec Teotihuacan ancestors to the Otomi Elders of Central Mexico. Please send us any information, pictures and words about your experience.
We are all related!
Many Blessings and Jamadi!
For more details, travel information and to register, contact:
Mexico - 011-52-722-773-2240 or and
Very Important News from the Elders Council of the Otomi Nation* Our drum ceremony will take place between 10 a.m. and 12 noon, Mexico City time (CST); you may synchronize with us by drumming at that time.
* There has been some confusion about when to begin drumming from other locations. Here at the Otomi ceremonial site in Temoaya, Mexico, the Ceremony of 8,000 Drums will be from dawn to dusk on the 21st, beginning with a morning ceremony at dawn. Our original intent was to have as many people as possible drumming and praying in at the exact same time. We will be drumming from 10 am to 12 noon, Mexico City time (CST). We hope those of you in nearby time zones will be able to synchronize your ceremony with ours. However, we realize that this may not be possible for everyone, in that case please offer your drumming, songs and prayers at any time; people from all over the world will be participating at different times, you will be in synch with others somewhere! definite New Age site:
Health Body Spirit
Esse Enterprises Yes, it's almost Equinox, again. This year I am passing along a world-wide drumming event to take place on 21 March 2008, the full moon, though it is the day after Equinox. It is honestly amazing how synchronous doing this is. I will be drumming on the Equinox, which “officially??? is March 20th at 1:48EDT (00:48 CST,) meaning, we start on the 19th. For those of you who can,
Email and newsletters will be functional again, soon.
Drumming information: Gilles Novaks, who is a Montagnais Indian from Montreal, asked to get as many Tribal people to participate in a world-wide ceremony called the "8,000 Drums." He was contacted by two Huron Clan Grandmothers from Canada and asked to help spread the word to all Indians everywhere. It will take place March 21, 2008 at 12:00 noon MEXICO time. Don't know the time-tables, yet. All you need to do is play a drum alone or with a group or have the whole Tribe participate. The purpose is to fulfill the OTOMI Prophecy. The Otomi's are Mayan Olmec and Toltec descendants. The drums will be played so The Creator will hear us and grant our wishes as we pray for help in the Healing Process of our Mother Earth. The other races of people are destroying Her and our Mother Earth needs our prayers. MacLaine's froum:
Encounter Board - ShirleyMacLaine.com8000 Drums Healing Ceremony thread started by ojorose 3/21/08