Author Topic: Trish Casimira  (Read 14662 times)

Offline Smart Mule

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Trish Casimira
« on: January 20, 2013, 05:06:15 pm » Ummm...yeah...
"Trish is a Native American friend of Cherokee
descent who is moving into eldership in the Lakota
tradition. She facilitates sweat lodge ceremonies
and is passionate about teaching people to use the
native American medicine wheel for personal and
collective healing. The picture above is a medicine
wheel she built in Massachusetts. She is also a
board member of Kunsi Keya, an organization
which draws upon the Lakota model of ceremony"

"I met Trish in 2008 at a Malidoma Some retreat in
Western Massachusetts and started attending the
monthly sweat lodge she was pouring in her
community every new moon. She and I love to
meditate and “tune in” together, and we do so (over
skype) even when we are thousands of miles apart.
In 2010, I gave her $325 to support her to attend a
three-day long Women's Sundance gathering
organized by Kunsi Keya in Huntington, Vermont.
Women's Sundance is a Native American ceremony
lasting 8 days during which dancers and supporters
live and work together, build community, and pray
for the world."
"I have just returned from the Sundance ceremony
> ( and have completed
>  my year long training in the Lakota Inipi ceremony. It was a wonderful
> celebration. I invite you to
> participate in the Inipi/sweat lodge ceremony here in Wendell. Details are
> below."
"As a shamanic practitioner and a teacher of shamanism, I am often asked how one becomes a shaman and how, indeed, I became one. I was chosen.

My awakening occurred during an extraordinary week in my life when everywhere I turned, the subject of shamanism was present: It was the summer of 1993 and I had some healing work gifted to me by a college mate. She used crystals and Reiki, and as she worked on me she began to see things with her psychic awareness which were vivid and profound, but made no sense to her. She saw me floating in a cathedral-like place with a flame over my head.

My body understood on a very deep level, but my conscious awareness was in the dark. I had a reading with another friend and was told the door was open and it was time.

My feigned amusement covered a growing anticipation. I felt something brewing within me, but could not identify it. As I moved through the next few days, the brewing was always present as if it were calling out to me. I went to a bookstore and was introduced to a respected psychic who said she saw my guide, a Native American in full dress, as if in preparation for something."

"I have been asked by spirit to teach and help heal soul loss, and I am honored to serve. I have participated in many wondrous healings and I claim responsibility for none. It was spirit who used me to heal a woman's deafness - I had no idea she needed to be healed of that. It was spirit who led me to find the soul part of a man who had lost his lust for life at the age of 19 when he jumped into a water tower despairing of his life. It was spirit who provided a gorilla to protect a woman from the terror of her abuser. It was spirit who washed the guilt away from a man of the cloth so that he could know God. It was spirit who sent a soul who was trapped in this dimension into the light. I was there, but I was simply a conduit through which spirit worked. I see more truth with each work I am privileged to be part of, and my life has inextricably changed."

"Much has been said about the cost of spirituality and those who would use the teachings of spirit to make a living. Please remember that the worker must be honored with an energy exchange. In tribal cultures, the exchange may be food, or cattle, or what the shaman's family needs to live. But we are no longer tribal. We live in a consumer structure and the use of money is our customary exchange of energy.

When you pay someone for their knowledge, you honor them and you honor spirit. It is meant to be a sacrifice, an offering. It is difficult to put a price on spirituality, on healing the soul. Follow your heart; let spirit be your guide."

She is associated with Alisa Starkweather who really deserves her own thread "Trish focuses her work on healing and advancing the soul by blending hypnotherapy, shamanic healing, and Native wisdom. She was trained by Dr. Michael Newton to facilitate Life Between Lives regression, which is a major focus of her work. She is a gifted visionary and
devoted to teaching the wisdom of the Medicine Wheel. Her vision is to wake up Medicine Wheels all over the world, get them spinning, create new ones, and help people of all beliefs remember their sacred circles. She is a also an intuitive reader of Voyager Tarot, channels Spirit Guide Wisdom, and has been with Daughters of the Earth since it's birth. She facilitates group and private sessions, and contributing author and assistant editor of Michael Newton's newest book "Memories of the Afterlife" ."


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Re: Trish Casimira
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2013, 03:07:27 am »

Work and Education

    hypnotherapist specializing in the afterlife
    Greenfield, Massachusetts

   Shutesbury, Massachusetts

Lots of sweat lodge talk on her Facebook page.


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Re: Trish Casimira
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2013, 03:18:55 am »
She says she uses the Michael Newton Method, here is his website:

(She uses BA, LBLT after her name, the LBLT = "Life Between Lives Therapist")
« Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 03:21:16 am by Epiphany »

Offline earthw7

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Re: Trish Casimira
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2013, 05:09:58 pm »
"moving n to eldership in the Lakota tradition"
where do these people get these Ideals from? They act like it is a club you get into
Plus the Inipi ceremony to run one take four years before you can pour the water
and you must know the language and be able to sing in Lakota or Dakota the proper songs
for each door.
In Spirit

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Trish Casimira
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2013, 06:07:01 pm »
Here is Trish's schedule

Her sweatlodges that occur in Royalston, Massachusetts are held here -


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Re: Trish Casimira
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2013, 11:18:01 pm »
In 2002 she posted some queries on family history sites. At that time she did not know what her heritage was. Sounds like she had heard stories of distant NDN ancestry, she believed firmly that she was NDN, and was looking to prove this belief.

I think her birth name is Patricia Brumfield. Casimira (Kay) is her mother's first name.

Has anyone traced where the Indidan is in our family??? I hear it all over the place from many people here, but no one seems to know who the indian was. i was told it was my gggrandmother: f-Clyde Brumfield, gm-Wilma Hart, ggm-Rachel Dalyrmple.

But have read here that others not in Wilma's lineage also believe there is Indian.

I am very connected to Cherokee nation, and participate in gatherings with Dyhani and Silver Fox. I really would like to know where my Indian blood originates. Anyone have any clues?


My father's mother was Wilma (Moore) Hart
her parent were Barney Moore b.1844, and Rachel Dalyrmple b.1859. I am told that Rachel was the Cherokee woman, but census shows her parents as William Dalyrmple b.1815, and Margaret abt.1826 (?) I wonder if Margaret was the Cherokee since her last name was not listed??

But I have read here that other folks from the Brumfield side are asking about Americn Indian lineage, does anyone know more about the Indian connection? It is very important to me, as I am very connected to Indian heritage and claim so on ethnicity forms.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2013, 03:58:57 am by Piff »


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Re: Trish Casimira
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2013, 05:12:58 am »
Trish says "My father's mother was Wilma (Moore) Hart" - this checks out, Wilma Moore born about 1898 Ohio, died 1958 West Virginia. First husband Clyde Brumfield, second Harry Hart. Wilma's parents Barney Moore  and Rachel Dalyrmple as Trish says. Everyone white in census.

This family is actively researched by many relatives. Rachel Dalrymple's (Trish says "I am told that Rachel was the Cherokee woman") parents are said to be Jesse Dalrymple and Ruth Ann Poulton. Jesse Dalrymple died in the Civil War. No mention of possible Cherokee heritage from anyone doing research available online, nor in any records that I could see.

We all have a piece of the truth. Not one of us can claim to know the fullness of God/Spirit. Spirit speaks in many languages so that we may hear in our own way, in our own time. Although the Cherokee blood that runs deep through my soul guides me, I am also a white woman. More importantly, I am a willing servant whom spirit can use, regardless of where my ancestors walked.

Shamanism is another path to spirit. It is not an exclusive path and it is not the only path. I understand and teach shamanism as a spiritual discipline that holds no alliance with any particular culture. This is truth for me.
Her Cherokee heritage inspires all her work.

I am of mixed blood Native and Non-native
I am of mixed blood, but my teachings are not that of my tribe, they are given to me by the Earth, the Sages of each direction and the years of devotional time in the wheel. Others have confirmed the teachings, and they have been  expanded through adding sacred geometry, understanding of the Chakra system, and other wisdoms that are understood as true. The Medicine wheel does not have ownership to one people, it is a form that is used in many ways by many people.

Offline pemibear

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Trish Casimira
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2015, 01:02:35 pm »
I did a search and could not find anything about this woman on the site, so please forgive me if she has already been discussed.  A friend just reported her to me, last night and I'm sick to my stomach after visiting her website!

"Shamanism is the most ancient of spiritual practices known to all humankind. It is a method of direct communication with teachers in the spiritual realm. Shamanism allows one to meet with and get answers directly from their own personal spiritual  “source.”  Shamanism is a spiritual tool for personal growth and healing. I am a shamanic practitioner of native and non-native descent. I teach shamanic journeying for self-awareness".

"The shamanic world is available to everyone of every faith and walk of life. Shamanism is in your roots, no matter what your culture. The first being who communicated with the spirits in every culture was the shaman. All current healing professions evolved from the shaman".

"In many indiginous histories one would train for years as an apprentice with the tribal shaman. Today, through a specific drumming technique, the shamanic world can be easily accessed. Rapid drumming stimulates the ear to vibrate in a way that stimulates the visual cortex. While listenning to drumming it is common to experience visual images. Simultaneously, the drumbeat mimics the vibrational frequencies of the Earth. While remembering the heartbeat of the Mother Earth your shamanic memories are accessed, and you enter the shamanic realm".   

To add insult to injury, she doesn't even take the care to edit her website?!  If one cannot spell "Indigenous" and doesn't realize it should be capitalized...that says a lot about a person as well, IMHO.

Offline pemibear

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Re: Trish Casimira
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2015, 01:15:15 pm »

"There is never a charge for lodge. Suggested donation of $15 - $25 for wood and supplies are appreciated. Tobacco, sage and help on the land are also ways to donate".

What is it with these people that they think that using the term "donation" means they aren't charging for ceremony!  And that they use the term "help on the land"-Yeah, privately owned one of the most expensive towns in western MA!!! Yes, come increase my property value and feel good about it because I'm a (plastic) shaman and I am a master of manipulation!

"Our lodge can hold 25-30 people".  At $25/person that comes out to $625/per lodge!!!!  Wood in western MA, if one purchases it instead of cutting their own, runs $200/cord, and that's for seasoned hardwood meant for home heating!  "There is never a charge for lodge"!  That's insulting bull poo!!! 

"Fire tender needed! THE most important person in the ceremony!  This is an amazing place of service to the community. You come early, prepare the fire in sacred manner, set the stones, tend the fire, pull stones for lodge, and hold the energy outside. If you are called to ceremony but not to go in the lodge, if you like to work with fire, perhaps this is your way of participating".

Good grief!!!