Author Topic: Rainbow Gathering in Black Hills  (Read 73932 times)

Offline AClockworkWhite

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Re: Rainbow Gathering in Black Hills
« Reply #75 on: July 06, 2015, 03:54:58 am »
I think not for sure but Chase seems to be camping in the hills with one of the groups has no ideal
what is being said about him, the Bismarck Tribune ran an article about him saying he did not
respond but he is in the Black Hills, about his heat the rez, i believe it was one of the rainbow that
sent the information to the paper. It is like one group is saying everything that the natives want to hear
save the Black Hills, free Leonard, Save the water and land but in reality the other group are doing the opposite.
One wrote that his dream was to complete the extermination of my people i have to shake my head and wonder
on one hand we have people who want to be us, steal our ways, make money off our backs, and the other want to
kill us and take our land.
That is why i wonder why would anyone want to be us, being Native is hard
This is exactly what the Rainbows are becoming known for. I have a few non-Native acquaintances in my life who were dismayed at the lack of respect for the areas they were partying in, the lack of actual spirituality, and simply left the entire scene. I have NO problem with most hippies... but any involved with anything that says rainbow ANYTHING is automatically suspect in my eyes. I can't help it now. My Hopi relatives had so many problems with these people and I have seen and read absolute horror stories about what a negative impact these gatherings truly have on the local ecology and communities. They're like locusts.
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Rainbow Gathering in Black Hills
« Reply #76 on: July 09, 2015, 01:29:46 pm »
Rainbows ordered to leave at another gathering some went to as an alternative to the Black Hills. The comments have some whites and some hippies agreeing to leave sacred sites alone.


Winnemem Wintu Tribe Gives Cease & Desist Order to Rainbow Family
 by Levi Rickert / Currents / 04 Jul 2015
Rainbow Family ordered to not to return

REDDING, CALIFORNIA — On Saturday, July 4, 2015, the Winnemem Wintu Tribe ordered the Rainbow Family and the Antique Rainbow Roadshow to evacuate the Mt. Shasta region in northern California.

Acting on its own behalf, as well as the Pit River and Modoc Tribes, the Winnemem Wintu Tribe ordered the Rainbow Family to “cease and desist” trespassing on Mt. Shasta, which the tribes consider a sacred site.

The Rainbow Family and Antique Rainbow Roadshow are using a portion of Mt. Shasta that is operated by the U.S. Forest Service to have a camp to gather. Another segment of the Rainbow Family are camping out in the Black Hills to the displeasure of the majority of Lakota people in South Dakota.

The Rainbow Family is a group of New Agers who function with no leadership. They use federal property to camp where they reportedly gather to pray. The group has been around since the anti-war days of the early 1970s.

The Cease & Desist Order was written by Chief Caleen Sisk, chief and spiritual leader of the Winnemem Wintu Tribe.

“There is no place in our indigenous territories for Rainbow Family activities, and you are ordered to not to return to Mt. Shasta for future Rainbow Family gatherings,” writes Chief Sisk. “By holding such large group encampments and gatherings in ecologically and culturally sensitive areas, you are causing harmful impacts that cannot be undone by even the most fastidious clean up,” Chief Sisk continues.

After the Cease & Desist Order was released, members of the Winnemem Wintu Tribe went to Panther Meadows in the Shasta-Trinity National Forest to post a “CLOSED” sign. Members of the Forest Service law enforcement were confused and asked the tribal members to use different word.

“We will take it under advisement,” stated Chief Sisk. The “CLOSED” sign remains up.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Rainbow Gathering in Black Hills
« Reply #77 on: July 09, 2015, 03:58:52 pm »
The "Antiques Roadshow" group the Rainbows refer to is a sub-group of older Rainbow (the "antiques"). Not to be confused with the TV show on PBS.

After the tribe closed access to the mountain, one of the Rainbows trespassed and went into an ecologically-sensitive area. He sat down on new plant life that needs to be left untrampled at this time of year, and responded obnoxiously to the women who confronted him. He even responded to them with a misogynist, racist, sexual slur: "How about S***w Meadow? How 'bout I go to S***W Meadow!?"

After disrespecting the women, the men had to step up. Only the assertion from the men that they would carry him out of there if he refused to walk made him leave. This is the arrogance we've seen when trying to dialogue with these white supremacists in tie-dye. They love their b.s. stereotypes of Natives as spirchul noble savages, just dying to share it all with the hippies. But when faced with real Natives who set limits on them, the racism just floods all over.


Offline AClockworkWhite

  • Posts: 194
Re: Rainbow Gathering in Black Hills
« Reply #78 on: July 13, 2015, 07:16:37 pm »
The "Antiques Roadshow" group the Rainbows refer to is a sub-group of older Rainbow (the "antiques"). Not to be confused with the TV show on PBS.

After the tribe closed access to the mountain, one of the Rainbows trespassed and went into an ecologically-sensitive area. He sat down on new plant life that needs to be left untrampled at this time of year, and responded obnoxiously to the women who confronted him. He even responded to them with a misogynist, racist, sexual slur: "How about S***w Meadow? How 'bout I go to S***W Meadow!?"

After disrespecting the women, the men had to step up. Only the assertion from the men that they would carry him out of there if he refused to walk made him leave. This is the arrogance we've seen when trying to dialogue with these white supremacists in tie-dye. They love their b.s. stereotypes of Natives as spirchul noble savages, just dying to share it all with the hippies. But when faced with real Natives who set limits on them, the racism just floods all over.

I could not have remained as calm with that guy. After saying all his BS to the women leading this effort... I would have just throat-punched him and fireman-carried his smelly ass out of the park. Kudos to those men for keeping their tempers in check. I probably would have done the same, btw. The throat punch is a nice afternoon daydream while watching that video, though.
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.