Author Topic: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"  (Read 1828614 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #840 on: January 29, 2011, 01:00:30 am »
If anyone saved the posts you made that have disappeared, please repost. Also if any of you have the posts sent directly to your email, either repost them or send to the mods to repost.

Offline DizLiz

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #841 on: January 29, 2011, 01:52:02 pm »
Here is my post. I got kicked out of the "tribes of many colors" for writing this: :)

Joined: Mon 17. Jan 2011, 23:11
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You can go right ahead and bann me, Steve. Surely you would know that in a democracy critical thinking and questioning among people is a sign of good health and is encouraged, especially when it comes to self-declared leaders whose background is ambigous and claims are questionable. By threatening me, "tribes of many colors" risks to become a sect, that does not tolerate free-speech and basic human rights. On the contrary, this forum can be interpreted as a way to manipulate others into thinking that questioning is trolling.

I have closely looked up, Dr. Allan Carroll and found out that he is both a historian and professor at Nebraska University. And since I also study history at a university, and know that that kind of academic work follows strict rules to that of a university, which ultimately makes him very trustworthy.

I sincerely hope that you Steve become more democratic and respectful in your approach towards others in this forum and perhaps start to question things yourself, for example that Keisha charges money for her message.

Love and light is not to bann people who have the courage to be critical. Love and light is when everyone is allowed to have their say, and where different opinions are allowed to flourish.

Much love from Liz

Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. - Oscar Wilde

Offline DizLiz

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #842 on: January 29, 2011, 02:03:05 pm »
This song reminds me of Keisha and her 'for sale-message':
Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. - Oscar Wilde

Offline KrazyKraut

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #843 on: January 29, 2011, 03:22:28 pm »
Good Morning!
Esowatch has blogged about Kiesha:

Here is an english translation:
Kiesha Crowther

Lets do a little thought experiment: Imagine you are a catholic. Now,
one fine day, you see a sign at a shabby tent: "Jesus reborn and endorsed
by the pope. Come to my friday payer, for only 100 $ Odin will forgive you
your sins. Aurareading by Jesus upon reservation. Chrisitian Reiki-
order today our jesus course and become a certified christian
reiki-master yourself. Reserve a seat for Jesus monthly easter mass,
andour special ramadan payer (movable holiday)". You would not be
amused. Reincarnation is not according to catholic doctrine. Claiming
to be Jesus is an extreme hybris. The claim the pope endorses you is
surely false. Asking for money for a mass is not acceptable, and to
pay for forgivness for your sins also (although it was at some
time). Finally, claiming Odin will forgive you sins, a friday prayer,
aura reading and Reiki shows the author has no idea about
christianity. Now, you would surely go to the police, and the author
of the sign would be in real trouble.

However, if you are a Native American in a similar situation, your
rights are less well protected. Anybody can claim he is endorsed by
some elders, and they do. There are lots of fake shamans, elders and
medicine men who exploitthe guilibility of new age followers. It's a
huge market, and it is a continued exploitation and ridicule of
ancient cultures.

Kiesha Crowther is one example of such a fraud. She has gathered a
great many followers, and she is playing the game like all frauds:
Charge a lot of money from your followers and sue everybody who
exposes you. She is one of the frauds exposed at NAFPS, a project that
for some time now shares our server. NAFPS is run by Native Americans
who take action in a similar spirit like we at Esowatch do. Their
Forum is much bigger than Esowatch though, with >2000 members. We can
recommend reading there for anybody who whishes to find out what real
natives think about the shamans you can find in the Internet.

Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #844 on: January 30, 2011, 08:03:15 am »
The latest new I remember were this:

"SOTA does not know and has no affiliation with Keisha Crowther aka "Little Grandmother." Don Alejandro "Wande...ring Wolf" does not know or "recognize" her as a "Shaman," "Wisdom Keeper," or "Elder" of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders of the Americas as she claims. Neither Don Alejandro nor the SOTA project authorized use of "Wandering Wolf's" messages or the SOTA video material used in support of the personal opinions she shares in her videos and viral messages. Much of information she is sharing is misleading and "taken" out of context.

SOTA is not here to push anyone else down. The truth will eventually reach the surface. Our prayers are that Mrs. Crowther learns a valuable lesson and she, as well as her team and followers, benefit as result."

From Shift of the ages facebook site under someone's comment about Kiesha.

And then there were the discussion about Veetkam first starting to delete Kiesha's posts and then taking Kiesha's admin rights on  the tomc fb page, then kicking her and every member one by one from the page and deleting all the events and deleting the page... I did heard that there is new tomc official page in fb, created by other big fans now tho.

Oh, and remember commenting that I don't wish the "tomc-attack" even to Veetkam and it wasn't he who sprayed the dirt on the "beautiful thing" altho he is getting all the blame now. I never got along with mr V and there were lots to hope in his behaviour, but really, there's lots to hope in Kiesha's and whole tribe's behaviour as well... He was just bit more straight forward with his feelings of superiority at times. :) Oh and about the reasons of doing what he did to the tomc page: the reason was, if I recall correct, that things were done behind his back or something.

Offline Diana

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #845 on: January 31, 2011, 04:59:30 am »
I came accross this article and it is almost identicle to LG, only this person lied about his military and family experience, much like kiesha has done about her own family back ground. There are alot of sililarities. Also some very interesting comments.

14January 27, 2011

FBI says motivational speaker built business on lies

The FBI arrested a man who once worked as a clinical educator at a Spokane hospital, accusing him of fabricating his life’s story with tales of military valor and family tragedy, and then committing mail fraud by profiting on the lies.

William G. Hillar, 66, worked at Inland Northwest Health Services from September 1994 to July 1997. Before that he worked for other Spokane businesses including Metropolitan Mortgage and Securities Co.

It’s what he’s accused of doing afterward that earned him notoriety.

The federal complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Baltimore accused Hillar, now living in Maryland, of capitalizing on his fraud to give motivational speeches and training to police and graduate students. He billed himself as a retired U.S. Special Forces colonel trained in tactical counterterrorism, explosive ordnance, emergency medicine and psychological warfare. He claimed to have served in Asia, the Middle East and Central and South America.

His business, Bill Hillar Training, offered speeches and workshops on topics such as transnational drug smuggling, human trafficking, tactical counterterrorism and transnational criminal gangs.

Hillar’s alleged ruse began to unravel last year when students at the Monterey Institute of International Studies questioned his credentials.

He claimed in workshops that the 2008 action movie “Taken,” starring Liam Neeson, was loosely based on the kidnapping and murder of his daughter. Film executives have denied any connection, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Hillar was never in the U.S. Army. A records search showed that he did serve in the U.S. Coast Guard from 1962 to 1970, achieving the rank of radarman, petty officer third class. There’s no record he ever deployed to the global regions he claimed, nor did he have any documented training in the specialized fields he listed.

The alleged fraud ensnared many government agencies, businesses and colleges.

Hillar’s website claimed that he gave presentations in Spokane to Shriner’s Hospital and Cowles Publishing Co., which publishes The Spokesman-Review. That website has since been taken down.

Hillar once lived on the South Hill and filed for bankruptcy three times in nine years while in Spokane.

The federal judge in Baltimore hearing his case agreed to release him on a $50,000 bond.

Some comments:

Stay on topic.

Organizations I'm sure spent plenty of money to have this loser lie to them. Glad he's (well on bail) off the streets.

Bankrupt 3 times in 9 years? Should have been a hint he wasn't who he said he was. It took students at Monterey to ferret him out. Makes you wonder how he got past all the hiring officials at Met and NW Health. Don't you do background checks?

Zelda Krup on January 27 at 11:59 a.m.

Hee-hee, good one, Scoutster.

The story arc for these military imposters is always the same. It starts with lying about the service record, then they're on to heroic exploits and then it's feats of derring-do and espionage.

The rationalization when caught is usually the same, too. “It started out with a slight exaggeration, your honor, and I got carried away with all the attention. I got dug in so deep I couldn't get out. I didn't mean for it to go this far.”

I'm surprised that this continues to happen but I guess they're able to summon up enough bluff and bluster that people are afraid to challenge them until the tales become so elaborate and ridiculous that even credulous people aren't fooled. Corporate training programs are rife with b.s. artists.

Zelda Krup on January 27 at 2:08 p.m.

@bszottlinger — What I learned was how to develop my skills at bologna detection.

A lot of these training programs are perfect places for rip-offs (not necessarily the same thing as a con, but you get my drift). The outcomes are ambiguous and hard to measure and the quality measurements are subjective at best. If a person doesn't get anything out of the training, it's all too easy for the instructor to turn the criticism around and say the participant didn't “get it” or lacked motivation.

What tripped up this guy was venturing into substantive content and having students who were discerning enough to know what he said didn't add up.

Lim lemtsh,


Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #846 on: January 31, 2011, 11:37:24 pm »
bio change -

No longer claiming indian, but still claiming to have been initiated as a shaman by a mystery ndn.


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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #847 on: January 31, 2011, 11:48:06 pm »
Interestingly my virus protection issues a warning about that page  "Trend Micro has confirmed that this website can transmit malicious software of has been involved in online scams or fraud." 

Go figure   ::)

Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #848 on: February 01, 2011, 08:41:25 am »
At least she doesn't claim to be taught by elders anymore (if not counting the mystery man who "initiated her to shamanism"), but "ancestors" and "grandmothers past", ie. spirit guides.

Since I went to read the newest description where the link goes to and spotted the "I am" from there again, I'll repost this link:

Of course it is healthier to brag with how many people have found her videos from youtube. ;) How on earth can people miss this egomaniac bragging and think she does this "just for the world" and to "serve" her purpose. "Here I AM, admire me! Love me, pay attention to me, the way I want you to!" :D
« Last Edit: February 01, 2011, 08:59:04 am by Saga »

Offline goozih

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #849 on: February 01, 2011, 04:59:59 pm »
I am banned from TOMC forum (luckily) so I can't quote the post but one poster in the Rainbow cafe/native american something or other said he was glad she doesn't use Native American stuff because it makes her message more universal, THIS made me wonder about her followers. They don't care that she LIES ,That her message is SHALLOW to say the least. I know all of you are as sick of her as I am but I am flabergasted by how these people are fooled?or I really don't have the words to describe the situation because she is such a fraud yet they hold onto the image of her ???? I just don't get it... :-\

Offline Diana

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #850 on: February 01, 2011, 06:24:57 pm »
I am banned from TOMC forum (luckily) so I can't quote the post but one poster in the Rainbow cafe/native american something or other said he was glad she doesn't use Native American stuff because it makes her message more universal, THIS made me wonder about her followers. They don't care that she LIES ,That her message is SHALLOW to say the least. I know all of you are as sick of her as I am but I am flabergasted by how these people are fooled?or I really don't have the words to describe the situation because she is such a fraud yet they hold onto the image of her ???? I just don't get it... :-\

I can't help but notice that all of Kiesha's followers online responses' is always the same drivel "verbatim." As in we believe, love and light, there's so much hate out there, etc.... It seems like the same person is writing this, as in a sock puppet. I truly believe that a lot of the postings are done by kiesha and her team to make it look like she has more followers than she really does or to whip up more support for herself. As you know there's saftey in numbers, so monkey see monkey do.

Lim lemtsh,


Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #851 on: February 01, 2011, 06:44:06 pm »
My view: because she offers everything that is "trendy" in spiritual and partly conspiracy realms at the moment (they seem to be pretty often the same thing :p), in neat bundle, altho maybe bit misinformed in some parts. It is really very theory centered thing she has going on there, offer people theories that keep their minds occupied in "wonder"... and then coat with sugar and syrup to cover the fear mongering part in peaceful transformation.
She is a lazy person's guru, kind of. All the work in looking for alternative theories is done for you and nicely mixed and matched. And then of course there is the part that attracts people who are worried about ecological issues and humanity... and they are spoon feed in little doses to believe in the rest of the theories... almost worked for me too, before I started checking other sources...

(And it is amazing how you actually keep ignoring everything that tells different story and only find the similarities for a while when checking other sources and how, when it finally hits you, you feel that you can't believe any source that has any sort of information even slightly similar to hers... until finally getting back to balance and starting to see that some things are good even tho she is dabbling with them and twisting it. Sorry, experience talking. :))

And to Diana: there might be of course sock puppets to make it even worse, but I was part of the scene long enough to know that there are huge amount of people who actually have bought the same method. It is bit like cult affirmation, most people adopt that thinking after a while in tomc (or most of the "spiritual scenes" at the moment, it seems to be pretty obvious reasoning - everyone who doesn't follow the same set of thoughts is not part of "us" or "awakened" and is one of "them" and ofc hateful/obstacle/dark/low/not going to ascent/etc... most interesting thing is that most spiritual groups attack viciously against anyone who uses the word "god" in religious way :p).

Offline goozih

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #852 on: February 02, 2011, 11:06:40 am »
I don't know if this person is serious but on this youtube video
#@Ores77 Dearest friends and family, members of the tribe of many colors.. Little Grandmother has fallen on very hard times, financially she has been grounded to a halt as she lives solely on the kindness of others and their donations. Please dear family if you can spare any offerings Little Grandmother is? in need of the support. to send an offering send an email for more info.

May 2 at 6:29pm
girlznguitarz 8 hours ago
girlznguitarz 8 hours ago
« Last Edit: February 02, 2011, 11:24:15 am by goozih »

Offline goozih

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #853 on: February 02, 2011, 11:22:05 am »
here on TOMC forum
jungle earth posted
Regarding the negative attacks against Little Grandmother I just want to say this... I have looked at some of these other sites claiming various things about Little Grandmother, and everything on those sites is pretty much full of anger and spitefulness. No proof about anything, just statements with nothing to back them up. No sources to state where this supposed true information came from. Anybody can say anything, that doesn't make it true. So who's to say that those sites and what they are saying about Little Grandmother are true??

I have looked at those sites and I cannot see anything positive about them. No positive message of any kind that I can see, no trying to spread love, joy, or peace, no messages of spirituality or working together, no messages of unity, no messages about loving the Earth and loving each other. Just anger, division, judgment and accusations. Then I look at Little Grandmother’s site and what her message is saying. Her site says that we are to become love, that we are all one, that we should love Mother Earth and each other. That’s proof enough for me of who to believe!

Thank you Little Grandmother for your beautiful and inspiring message. Let’s all try to shine the light and become love as much as we can.

and a peron named "LAKOTA"
JungleEarth :heartglow: I would advise that you stay away from such negative sites ~ they will only act as a magnet and draw you in ~ Why would anyone want to spend time on negative forums when we have a forum here so dedicated to LOVE
« Last Edit: February 02, 2011, 11:27:35 am by goozih »

Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #854 on: February 02, 2011, 12:57:44 pm »
The hard times request was posted last may, if I recall correctly, it is probably just hanging around there still... Think that person who has just bought a house of 350 000 dollars or something wouldn't have too hard times on her... unless she is still able to use every penny she gets, maybe buying native inspired items and crystals from internet. :) Ok, evil jokes aside, I think that request is from last year, before all the hype started. :)

And yes, there are lots of those people who say that there's no proof what so ever and refuse to see that Kiesha herself is offering lots of proof by changing the story all the time instead of coming clean... And yes, everyone who talks against her are dark, no matter if they do it for concerns about people getting hurt or the concerns about lies or just because they think that her talks are silly and misguide people or because they are plain evil. You know, when there is only one truth, everyone against it is one of "them", no matter the reasons.

I have to say that after spending lots of time reflecting, I still spot pieces of what I resonate with from Kiesha's message (the love and working for better future mostly), but with the person and the "we against everyone else" mentality of the "tribe" I don't resonate at all. There is nothing beautiful in that. If we are to work for the benefit of the whole earth, there is no room for thinking about dark ones and there's no room for lies dragging things down. It has to be based on acceptance and not on absolute truth (based on lies in this occasion) and the enemies of it.

(And really, there are tons of blogs and texts that oppose what Kiesha is doing in all respect and are full of love and acceptance and working towards better future still, in truth.)
« Last Edit: February 02, 2011, 01:09:30 pm by Saga »