Kiesha's associates and their businessContinental Council of Indigenous Elders
The Return of the Ancestors Gathering
ICA (The Institute for Cultural Awareness)
Adam DeArmon (Adam Yellowbird):
Bernard Perona AKA Drunvalo Melchizedek
The Return of the Ancestors Gathering
Northern Arizona April 18-28, 2009
The Institute for Cultural Awareness presents a historic International multicultural gathering and sacred pilgrimage welcoming Indigenous elders and future wisdom keepers representing the voice of Mother Earth, beginning Earth Day weekend, April 18-28, 2009 throughout Northern Arizona. The heart of the gathering will be the 4th reunion of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americas. The intention is to unite and share the invited wisdom keeper's visions and prophesized ceremonies for peace and harmony for Mother Earth and all humanity. DeArmon AKA Adam Yellowbird is one of the speakers. We have a thread on him here: A writeup about the planned event by DeArmon. Very nuagey in tone: for their "Return of the Ancestors" event: about Crowther, DeArmon, and others associated with this group here: info taken from:
....3. This so called Continental Council of Indigenous Elders is nothing of the sort. It's a fraudulent organization, run by and for frauds. This is them:
It's Adam DeArmon AKA "Adam Yellowbird's" organization. He's an exploiter and white imposter selling phony ceremonies out of Sedona....
Apparently another director of this "council" is Bernard Perona AKA Drunvalo Melchizedek. We have a thread on him in "frauds", and a search turns him up in many threads:"Last year Institute for Cultural Awareness sponsored Bridging the Americas — Reuniting the Eagle and Condor Gathering in Peru. During this event, ICA's President, Adam Yellowbird committed to host the Return of the Ancestors Gathering in Northern Arizona in the Spring of 2009. This gathering will also host the 4th reunion of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americas, a Council formed by Mayan Elder Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, "Wandering Wolf". "
- from Bernard Perona's website: Info taken from:
.......There's these two people sitting next to her in one of her talks though: at 06:00, there is someone called Priscilla Wolf aka Sister Wolf. And at 01:30, there's this man called John Kimmey.
A search for Priscilla Wolf turns her up at some UFO sites. She says she is Apache/Spanish. Comes across as an eccentric grandmother. I doubt she has the resources.
Now John Kimney OTH, he's an established and dedicated fraud and exploiter of Hopi traditions and ceremony seller, even been warned repeatedly by the Hopi Nation.