Author Topic: Donald Panther Yates  (Read 28153 times)

Offline Vance_Hawkins

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Donald Panther Yates
« on: December 03, 2005, 11:24:23 pm »

I know he has some questionable genealogy online -- he had my great great randma mentioned on his site once and I asked him to take her off as what he said can't be proven. I never looked back to see if he did or not -- not sure I could still find the site. Also has written some things proclaiming the Jewish influence on American Indians form early contact states -- also unproven and unprovable.

But I nevr knew he had written anything like the above article.


Offline Vance_Hawkins

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Re: Donald Panther Yates
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2005, 11:43:20 pm »
Looks like his old website

doesn't exist anymore,

but this site does --

it is his also.

A photo of him and his wife is found here -- scroll down a little. ?tee-pee, Cherokee?. . .  He teaches at some college in Georgia I think.


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Donald Panther Yates
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2005, 03:54:58 pm »
Here's his vita. His research topics are "exotic" to put it politely, as you'd expect from mostly history topics done by a professor of communications and advertising.
Donald N. Panther-Yates
P.O. Box 8091
Statesboro, GA 30460
Work: (912) 681-5801
Home: (912) 536-3125
Fax (912) 489-8179

Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
M.A., Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
B.A., English, Stetson University, DeLand, Florida

Positions and Appointments
Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Georgia (2000 - ): Assistant Professor of Communications
University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida (1999-2000): Adjunct Instructor, Communications
Pensacola Junior College, Pensacola, Florida (1998-2000): Adjunct Instructor, Communications
Cherokee Communications, Inc., Nashville, Tennessee and Princeton, New Jersey (1994-1998): President
Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey (1993-1994): Director, Communications Services
Native American Educational Services College, Chicago, Illinois (Fall Semester, 1993): Communications Principal Faculty Member and Assistant Dean of the Chicago Campus
Bayer Corporation, Elkhart, Indiana (1983-1993): Manager, Executive Communications (1992-1993); Manager, Site Communications (1991-1992); Supervisor, Employee Communications (1985-1991); Supervisor, Public Relations (1983-1985)
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana (1980-1982): Associate Visiting Professor
St. John's University, Collegeville, Minnesota (1977-1979): Editor of Publications

Teaching Highlights
Introduction to Public Relations
Public Speaking
Interpersonal Communication
Public Relations Campaign Strategies
Public Relations Writing
Basic Speaking and Listening Skills
Introduction to Public Relations (WEB)
World Literature
International Public Relations
Public Relations Events
Public Relations Research
Professional Writing
Corporate Public Relations
Public Relations Practicum
Critical Thinking and Logic
English Composition I & II

Center for Excellence in Teaching Featured Teacher 2001
Developed and maintained online course Introduction to Public Relations (WEB) for Georgia Southern University, web enhancement for International Public Relations, and Online Public Relations Writing, all authored using Dreamweaver design software and WebCT courseware.
Developed and taught the following corporate training courses: Editing the Company Newsletter, Executive Communications for Non-English Speakers, Effective Media Interviewing for Executives, Corporate Archives and Records Management

Research Interests
International Public Relations
Digital Communications and Distance Learning
Intercultural Communication Studies
DNA and Culture....

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Donald Panther Yates
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2005, 03:58:07 pm »
Pt 2
Books, Articles and Other Refereed Publications
1. "Shalom and Hey, Y'all: Jewish-American Indian Chiefs in the Old South," Appalachian Quarterly 7/2 (June 2002) 80-89.
2. "A Portrait of Cherokee Chief Attakullakulla from the 1730s? A Discussion of William Verelst's 'Trustees of Georgia' Painting'," Journal of Cherokee Studies 22 (2001) 4-20.
3. "The Extracts from "Ysengrimus" in Paris B.N. lat. 16708," with Richard H. Rouse, Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 22 (1987) 212-229.
4. Descriptive Inventories of Manuscripts Microfilmed for The Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Austrian Libraries, vol. 1: Geras, Güssing, Haus, Innsbruck Wilten, Salzburg E.b. Konsistorialarchiv, Salzburg Museum Carolino-Augusteum, Schlierbach, Schwaz (Collegeville, Minnesota, 1981); vol. 2, with Peter Jeffery: Fiecht/Sankt Georgenberg (1985).
5. "Carmina Runensia: Twelfth-Century Verses from the Cistercian Monastery of Rein," Traditio 40 (1984) 318-328.
6. "Parody in Isengrimus," in, Epopée animale, fable, fabliau. Actes du IVe Colloque de la Société Internationale Renardienne. Evreux, 7-11 septembre 1981, ed. Gabriel Bianciotto and Michel Salvat (Paris 1984) 701-708.
7. "Chanticleer's Latin Ancestors," Chaucer Review 18/2 (1984) 116-126.
8. "Latin Paleography and the Dating of Late Medieval Manuscripts," paper read at the Seventeenth International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 1982; published with 12 plates in, Codices manuscripti 9/2 (1983) 49-65.
9. "The Cathedral Library of Tarazona, Its Medieval Manuscripts and Benefactors," Journal of Library History 17 (1982) 268-277.
10. "Isengrimus ?  clef," Third International Beast-Epic, Fable and Fabliau Colloquium, Münster 1979, Proceedings, ed. Jan Goossens and Timothy Sodmann (Niederdeutsche Studien: Cologne, 1981) 517-536.
11. "A Fourteenth-Century Latin Poem on the Art of the Physician," Bulletin of the History of Medicine (1980) 447-450.
12. "Unbekannte frühneuhochdeutsche Verse aus einer alchimistischen Handschrift des 16. Jahrhunderts in der Stiftsbibliothek Neukloster," Codices manuscripti 5/4 (1979) 97-100.

In Process and Other....
"Oral Traditions, Southeast," "Spiritual and Ceremonial Practitioners, Southeast (types)," "Ritual and Ceremony, Southeast," and "Mourning and Burial Practices, Southeast," major articles commissioned, accepted and forthcoming in Fall 2003 in American Indian Religious Traditions: An Encyclopedia, ed. Suzanne J. Crawford & Dennis Francis Kelley (Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO).
"Cherokee Story of the Sacred Dog of Monterey Mountain and the Great Flood: A Comparison of the Living Story with Mooney's Version," paper presented as part of a panel on "Storytelling and Contemporary Native American Culture," Language and Social Interaction Division, The Southern States Communication Association 2001 Convention "Narratives We Live By: Redefining the Power of Communication," Lexington, Ky., April 8, 2001: conditionally accepted by Southern Communication Journal, in revision.
"You Will Never Find the Truth," featured article on (March 2003)
Anonymous reviewer of textbook proposals in International Public Relations for two major communications textbook publishers
(Co-author Elizabeth C. Hirschman), When Scotland Was Jewish.
The Bear Went Over the Mountain. Genealogy and Social History of a Southern U.S. Family ; the Story of the Native American-English Yates Family, from Colonial Virginia to Twentieth-century Florida, with Sketches of Pioneer Life and Traditional Stories (Princeton, N.J.: The Cherokee Press, 1995), xxii + 468 pp., 117 ill. (ISBN 0-9650551-0-8).
"Industrial Biomedical Research at Miles: A Historical Sketch," Miles Science Journal 12/1 (1990) 11-15 (illustrated)....

Presentations at National/Regional/State Professional Meetings....
"DNA Testing of Southeastern American Indian Families to Confirm Jewish Ethnicity," paper read at Annual Conference of Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies, San Antonio, Texas, August 4, 2003....
"The Influence of Sephardic Jews and Moors on Southeastern American Indian Cultures," invited keynote paper, Annual Conference of the Institute for the Study of American Cultures and Epigraphic Society (ISAC), Columbus, Ga., October 25-27, 2002.
"Jewish-Indian…Who'd 've Thunk It!" invited paper given at Fourth Melungeon Union, Kingsport, Tenn., June 24, 2002....
"Cherokee Story of the Sacred Dog of Monterey Mountain And the Great Flood: A Comparison of the Living Story with Mooney's Version," paper delivered at panel on "Storytelling and Contemporary Native American Culture," presented by the Language and Social Interaction Division, Southern States Communication Association National Conference "Narratives We Live By: Redefining the Power of Communication," Lexington, Ky., April 8, 2001. Winner of 2001 Top Panel Award....
Revised January 12, 2004

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Donald Panther Yates
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2018, 02:44:28 pm »
His wintercount and Melungeons sites are down, Panther's Lodge back up. Yates sent emails with empty threats to sue. First two are his, third is my response. Typos are his.

I would request that you remove the following posts by Vance Hawkins regarding Donald Panther Yates from 2005.
I will copy them below. I don’t see how how one person’s disagreement about genealogy or opinion that my curriculum vitae is exotic constitutes fraud of any sort. Please remove and confirm to me that you have done so. Whenever my name, Donald N. Yates, is searched on Google this result comes up. If you disagree about removing, please send me your name and address. I will have my attorney contact you. Unconscionable and ridiculous. It is actually you who engaged in fraud.

Donald N. Yates
Longmont, Colorado

I spoke with Vance Hawkins several times, most recently in 2016 and he said he didn’t know why his messages were on your site. If you are trying to be responsible, which I approve, please remove them.

These notices about me on your website keep coming up in Google searches and are untrue and defamatory. I demand that you remove them.

Donald Yates

It's both amusing and bizarre you claim posting your vita is "defamatory."

You've made plenty of less than credible claims over the years, thus Hawkins asking for research on you. But it's clear your understanding of the law is about equal to your understanding of Native history.

Disagreeing with someone calling your opinions "exotic" is not remotely close to libel. It's actually a pretty polite way of characterizing someone who claims Elvis is alive and Cherokees are Jews.

In over 20 years, we've gotten empty threats to sue about once a month on average. Not once has anyone even actually had a lawyer. You could contact one if you wish. But only a shyster would take your money over a case you clearly don't have.

For one thing, you didn't bother to read, not noticing you're listed under Research Needed, not Fraud.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Donald Panther Yates
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2018, 03:02:10 pm »
Private User
12/9/2010 at 11:55 PM
I've been kicked off of management of George 'Chief of All' Sizemore by Private User because I questioned some hoax photographs and the work of Donald Neal Panther-Yates of DNA Consultants. He is a genetic genealogist who testified for the plaintiff in the probate case of "Eliza Presley" who claimed to be the daughter of Vernon Elvis Presley and therefore Elvis' half-sister. Panther-Yates has stated that he believes the DNA sample he was asked to analyze was that of Elvis--and that Elvis is still alive.

Since it became a Geni position that Donald Neal Panther-Yates' work is so beyond contest that to do so means removal and censorship, should we not amend the profiles here to include these new facts? (sarcasm)

Don't take me at my word about this is the news story from the Memphis Commercial Appeal:

Personally I think I should be restored as a profile manager and given an apology for simply trying to keep the facts straight. What do you think?

-Private User
12/10/2010 at 11:34 PM
The last time I had access to the profile, there was an ongoing discussion "Sephardic Jew?" concerning Agnes Cornett 'Shephard' Sizemore and I stated clearly my stance about the needfulness of resolving the idiosyncrasies surrounding our disposition towards Dr. Yates' work. I set down a proposal about what should happen based on the results of a consensus decision about that, including a possible contingency (based of course on inquiry) that his work might ought to be removed. I had recently put a warning in bold letters about the lack of educational value of photographs attributed to the George All profile at 8:25 AM. That response to Maria at 1:33 PM was the last time I did anything before work. When I got home I was locked out and my edits reverted. Evidently someone didn't like seeing that I was giving these facts so much scrutiny. Or maybe my manners stink. If I am falsely accusing the wrong person, please forgive me, but nothing can dissuade me from the belief that I was being punished for bringing up that topic, sticking to it, and aggressively pursuing a reckoning with the facts.

Perhaps it's a moot point. So far I have no proof that anyone here can compose a complete sentence on the subject of genetic genealogy or DNA forensics. It seems to be relevant to the Elvis profile because of the Eliza Presley case at which Dr. Yates testified and that's why I am posting at this profile.

Perhaps someone can enlighten me as to how Dr. Yates may have been able to analyze DNA sample "X", attribute it to Elvis, and testify under oath that it proved that this lady who started going by "Eliza Presley" was his half-sister. No source has mentioned, and I got no sense that any DNA had been compelled from the living Presleys with which to compare to "X". Isn't there a logical fallacy there somewhere? Maybe I'm reading the case wrong.

-Justin Swanstrom C
12/11/2010 at 9:45 AM
Anyone who has ever done any Melungeon research will be very familiar with Donald Yates. I first encountered him about 8 or 9 years ago when I was researching some families in southwestern Virginia and eastern Tennessee. For those who don't know, the Melungeons are a "mixed race" culture. Dr. Yates was one of the first to notice a pattern in the original records and modern family traditions that suggested something more significant than scattered miscegenation. Any summary of his findings is risky, but I venture to say the basic idea is that a community of mixed black-white people emerged in earliest Virginia, and was later augmented by intermarriage with Indians and other other marginalized people, including Jews.

In my opinion (and it's only my opinion), Dr. Yates almost single-handedly created a new ethnic identity among the people he was studying, then personally torpedoed it by making some unwarranted leaps. His was such a strong voice, dominating the field, that no one else has emerged who can re-vision the field and put it back on sounder ground. There is strong circumstantial evidence for the core elements of Dr. Yates' theories about ethnic minorities in colonial Virginia, but it often gets submerged by his credulity in other areas.

I suggest that the most productive approach to take about the ethnicity of the Sizemores at this point would be to accept the ambiguity that actually exists, instead of trying to force a definitive answer beyond the evidence. In short, Dr. Yates has suggested a Jewish origin, but his work in that area is "not fully accepted by other scholars."

Anyone who is interested in the subject will find a wealth of information. A starter:


....observations by Dr. Donald Panther-Yates have even met with what Yates described as “hate mail” from indigenous studies professors.

....The Cherokee’s white demigod Maui may have his roots in a Libyan leader of a fleet dispatched by the pharaoh Ptolemy III [old racist claim that Egyptians were white] before 230 B.C., Yates explained. “Maui” is similar to the Egyptian words for “guide” or “navigator.” Maui was said to have brought all civilized arts and crafts. He gave the Cherokee their title for principal chief, Amatoyhi or Moytoy, said Yates, which translates as “mariner” or “admiral.”

He recounted a Cherokee Twister Clan legend that named Maui’s father as Tanoa. Yates said Tanoa may refer to a Greek. “Tanoa was the father of all fair-haired children and came from a land called Atia,” he wrote.

Atia may refer to Attica, a historical region encompassing the Greek capital, Athens[Greeks are not exactly fair skinned]. Atia was said to be a place “full of high alabaster temples,” one of which “was very spacious, and was built as a meeting-place for gods and men.” At this place, one found sporting competitions, games, feasts to the gods, meetings of great chiefs, and the origin of wars that caused people to spread over the Pacific.

“One could hardly invent a more fitting folk memory of Greek culture,” Yates wrote. “The Hawaiian word that epitomized this lost world is karioi, ‘leisure, ease,’ literally the same word in Greek for ‘amusements.'” Yates notes numerous other linguistic similarities.

.....It seems the Cherokee people have had mixed feelings about Yates’s work. While the Central Band of Cherokee website [defunct fraud group, see the thread on them] has posted a summary of Yates’s research, some online comments indicate that some Cherokee have been reluctant to stand behind such claims or to involve themselves in the controversy.

In writing about the Cherokee Paint Clan, Yates stated: “Some of them practiced Judaism," although United Keetoowah Cherokee organization elders vehemently deny this.

Offline Sparks

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… I questioned some hoax photographs and the work of Donald Neal Panther-Yates of DNA Consultants.

My bolding. There is a question in a new topic about the website, which has not been mentioned before in this thread, except for the reference I quote above (without URL).

The new topic: [DNA Consultants]

I hope this is not a duplicate message. I tried replying to an old thread and not sure if it went through. Anyway I have a question about DNA Consultants. The company is churning out certificates telling testers that they have NA DNA. I have been researching the genealogy of a man named Parker Adkins who supposedly had two children with Blue Sky the supposed daughter of Shawnee Chief Cornstalk. The Adkins descendants are basing their claim to Blue Sky on the DNA results gotten from this company.

Is there any pushback against this company?

I made a cross reference to the present thread, and added:

DNA Consultants began as a family business founded by Donald and Teresa Yates in 2003. Our methods, expertise and databases differ from other companies' and are not available anywhere else. In a field highly driven by technology, we still pride ourselves on a personal touch. We were first with Cherokee, Native American and Jewish forensic testing. In 2019, we introduced the Basic American Indian DNA Test, the most sensitive test for Native American ancestry.