claims to be "the Blackfoot Nation's official website." Used to be the site was run by several Natives who were followers of Ed McGaa. I don't see that mentioned on the site anymore. Perhaps the domain name was sold. Perhaps they let the domain name lapse and Gray bought it.
Instead the site now says:
"All contents and images on this site are the copyright of Long Standing Bear Chief and belong to him....
The Web Site Owner can be contacted at the following email address:"
Also "Website Owner: Long Standing Bear Chief
Copyright 1998-2008 Long Standing Bear Chief all rights Reserved
Official Site of the Blackfoot Nation"
The actual Blackfoot Nation website is I wonder what they think about his site's claim?
Perhaps the claim is based on this."On 29 November 1999, members of the Confederacy issued the "Proclamation Restoring the Independence of the Sovereign Nation State of Blackfoot," and declared themselves a sovereign nation with jurisdiction over their traditional territory (Yellowhorn and Long Standing Bear Chief, 1999)."
Outside of that claim, the only possibly objectionable thing at the site is a book, "Native Spirituality" by "Speaks Lightning". But it probably is a book simply describing beliefs and customs, not a how to guide. Here's SL's bio. Gray describes how he received his traditional name. about his founding a paper aimed at what he describes as corruption on the rez and describing him as once in Native Studies at the Univ of Montana. dispute with a church. articles mention his involvement with Head Start on the rez, anti racist education, support for Peltier, support for the standoff at Gustafsen Lake in Canada, telling traditional stories for kids, running for office once as an independent, and lots of public statements about corrupt govt on the rez.
The "be careful" statement from you is pretty vague. What is it about him that you think others should be careful about? Can you tell us about those experiences?
So far he seems to be largely someone with strong opinions whose probably angered many, but nothing that points towards fraud.