Author Topic: Possible fake  (Read 22683 times)

Offline Cvfe Bonkedo

  • Posts: 9
Re: Possible fake
« Reply #15 on: December 14, 2007, 11:05:24 pm »
Ah very much abliged.  Hopefully we can find away to tell them so they can understand. Mvdo.

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Possible fake
« Reply #16 on: December 14, 2007, 11:56:36 pm »
I'm not wanting to imply anything about anyone either way, but Cvfe Bonkedo , if that picture was found on line and you put it there, IMO you don't have have much right to complain that it ended up being shown and discussed in a way you did not intend, as it was already in the public relm.

I don't think discussions of information you put about yourself into the public relm are in any way illegal , and what was said was really really vauge . People do have a right to ask questions.

If people publicly make claims about them self I don't think they should feel unfairly scrutinized by people publicly asking questions to verify these claims.

If you are concerned about people discussing things you feel are private, you might want to take some time to more carefully consider what you put out there on the internet or what you tell to people you don't know well , because once you put something out there it can travel and change in ways you never intended. Which is probably one of the reasons none of the traditional people I know would ever post anything deeply personal on the internet.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2007, 12:02:22 am by Moma_porcupine »

Offline Cvfe Bonkedo

  • Posts: 9
Re: Possible fake
« Reply #17 on: December 15, 2007, 12:02:58 am »
Yes I do actually.  Being a Programer and a Web programer, i need to know the laws of the W3C, which states that any personal photo any public domain still needs the owner's permission before reposting on another public site.  This also goes with personal information.  You cannot transfer any kind of personal information of a person without thier content from one public forum to another.  And not only did they not have my permission, they do not have the permission of the origional owner of that Photo of where I aquired it from.  Seeing how the photo was given to me and is on my hard drive, I am now aswell the owner of that photo.  But hey, i'm usually not a stiffler about such trivial things, but in this case and the purpose of it's intent.  As the personal owner of that picture, I request that is it removed, which you are now abligated of doing so.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2007, 12:04:32 am by Cvfe Bonkedo »

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Possible fake
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2007, 12:24:31 am »
the W3C, which states that any personal photo any public domain still needs the owner's permission before reposting on another public site.  This also goes with personal information.  You cannot transfer any kind of personal information of a person without their content from one public forum to another.

If there is such a law, it would be helpful if you could post a link to somewhere on the internet where it is mentioned.

As far as I know as long as it isn't for commercial purposes, and the purpose is educational, a certain amount of reproduction of information is OK .
*  Photograph
    * Illustration
    * Collections of photographs
    * Collections of illustrations

Single works may be used in their entirety but not more than 5 images by an artist or photographer. From a collection, not more than 15 images or 10%, whichever is less.    Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia
« Last Edit: December 15, 2007, 12:53:06 am by Moma_porcupine »

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

  • Posts: 861
Re: Possible fake
« Reply #19 on: December 15, 2007, 10:50:28 am »
I just love how people give out my information without permission.  Which is a Legal offence here in the States.  I have no problems about you asking about me here, but using photos and giving out personal information on any forum is considered ID fruad and is a very hefty offence.

ID fraud? That's utter rubbish: no one is impersonating you. If you feel uncomfortable about our scrutiny then, as has been pointed out, the way to stop it is to make sure any claim you make about your heritage stands up.

Yes I do actually.  Being a Programer and a Web programer, i need to know the laws of the W3C, which states that any personal photo any public domain still needs the owner's permission before reposting on another public site.  This also goes with personal information.  You cannot transfer any kind of personal information of a person without thier content from one public forum to another.  And not only did they not have my permission, they do not have the permission of the origional owner of that Photo of where I aquired it from.  Seeing how the photo was given to me and is on my hard drive, I am now aswell the owner of that photo.

Again, rubbish. I'm surprised a web programmer like yourself isn't familiar with the concept of inline linking. If you want to post images of yourself online, get your own site up and prevent linking to images with mod_rewrite and .htaccess: that should be a trivial task for a web programmer.

We could probably wallpaper your house inside and out with the empty legal threats we've received, so don't bother.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2007, 10:53:28 am by Barnaby_McEwan »

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Possible fake
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2007, 04:21:04 pm »
Gee the things that turn up with a Google search!

When I saw that picture of Cvfe Bonkedo my thought was that he was a very young man, and being curious, I did a search on the word "Yothunkuh", which was mentioned in the post above;

Cvfe Bonkedo
The same with Yothvnkv (Yothunkuh), which means "Creator" or "GrandFather". It is the old Muskogee word meaning Creator, which was turned to Hesagadamissee (Hes-aga-da-missee), translated to "The Giver of Breath."

I couldn't find any websites containing that word except one, and taking a look,I was suprised to find Blissful_Darkness, and what looks to be our first teenage Muskokee vampire.

Nov 30, 2007, 12:53am
I live a half hour away in Bumb fuck Georgia. Oh, I'm Wallice btw, you can call me wallice or Rabbit, (con...) I'm Muskoggee myself. If you need anything, some knowledge shared, or even a person to bitch at, I'm all ears.(con...

I just love pow wows. They allways releave my stress and put me back in my most primal form, my most purest form, my most honored form. When I'm dancing, I'm not just dancing for myself, and not just to Yothunkuh eather. I dance for my people,for my loved ones, my ansetors.(con...)

And as an old saying of my people goes, "Este Feke Humgan" (Esteh fee-kee Hum-gan). One Heart People!

Lol I just love how everyone assumes they know me. I really should just make my Mental Health folder public just so people may begin to understand who I am. Go ahead, say what you want about me. I honestly do not give a flying fuck. I'll look at you and lauph in your face in your arrogance. Call me self centered, call me pathetic, and I'll just sit back and and enjoy your proformance. You lauph because I do not have alot of friends.(con...)

The red wolf Awackens....   
Look into my eyes, the Beast Imbraced!
No longer shall I fear, nor shall suffer!
My demons that torment my mind,
the voices, the crys,
I have imbraced them all, and under my controll.
They shall fight my battles,
And spread fear in my Enamies!
The Red Wolf shall feast on thier fleash,
And I shall drink thier blood! (con...)
Sex:  male
Age: 18
Location: , , United States

Theology, Spirituallity, Self-perfection, self-reliance. I love to Dance, many people have told me that you can see my Soul when I dance. I love the advancement of Technology, but dispise the dependancy people get from it.
Organized Religion, Bastarization of one's belifes or culture. I also hate iggnorance and stupidity and the fear that comes with it. Not to mention the people who are sheep, which I feel most of humanity is nothing more. It sickens me that your normal person cannot tell you anything about thier family, even can't tell you the past 3 generations.

Well, his profile sounds like he is an intellegent and  thoughtful person!  :)

Ansesters of old, Bless me.
Although 4 Souls are no longer in Body,
Still watching out over us all.
They Stand in the South Tower,
Guarding All who gazes apun.
They Call apun the 3 Guardians,
The Bear, Guardian of the Souls.
The Panther, Guardian of Law.
The Ant, Guardian of the Earth.
They all come and watch over,
Keeping balance to the universe.
But they do not do this alone,
For Yothunkuh watches over all.
And Sent down the 4 Hiohgee,
to give man thier medicine.
And assended back to Hesagatamissee
I don't know if this last is something from Muskokee traditions.

I don't like to make a big deal about a teenager writing poetry thats a bit on the dark side and mixing this with a bit of traditional knowledge, but I do want to say , I'm not sure mixing anything traditional with some of this other stuff is a good idea. I've always felt the connection with the ancestors is like a life line, and getting that tangled up with anything on the dark side, seems like it could be dangerous to anyone involved.

Cvfe Bonkedo
I am Muskogee of the Tuskeegee Fire(Town) of the Earth Clan. But in other words, yes, i do have my red card and on State Roles and currently trying to get on Federal Roles. Most Creeks on the east coast cannot get on the federal roles without going though Oklahoma because of the asumption of all the natives were moved out during the trail of tears.
For people that don't know, many of the tribes that are State recognized are pretty questionable, and generally speaking, most federally recognized Native people are uncomfortable with people claiming to be Indian , if they don't have any fedrerally recognized living relatives who recognize them as Indian .

I guess every situation is a bit different, and if someone of distant ancestry has a respectful relationship with recognized Elder's, I don't think anyone would want to diminish that relationship.

This website is mostly concerned with people assuming a position of authority or knowledge that they don't really have and using this in a way that misleads people or corrupts the integrity of traditions, and as long as people are respectful it seem peoples claims of being of Native descent are let be.

I hope Cvfe Bonkedo doesn't take this is criticism, because I'm not really wanting to criticize Goth or being young or being a distant descendant who still feels connected. I'm not sure what to think except I just feel a bit concerned that some of the things he is expressing find a good way to work in his life. He has some talent as a writer,  and I hope he finds whatever it is he needs to live a good and full life.   
« Last Edit: December 15, 2007, 04:24:28 pm by Moma_porcupine »


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Re: Possible fake
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2007, 05:40:17 pm »
He is enrolled in a State Recognized Tribe in Georgia. He's around 18. Everything else seems to be above board. No claiming to be a "Shaman" or "Medicine Person". Just a PODIA trying to learn his culture. Don't know anything about Goths, except they are even on the Rez now. Doesn't seem to be the healthest activity I've ever seen. But I don't believe he is a fake, just is what he is. I took the picture down as a request, It wouldn't be considered illegal, even with the new Federal Laws.

Offline Cvfe Bonkedo

  • Posts: 9
Re: Possible fake
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2007, 10:13:38 pm »
Again and thank you for all of your help.  I may seem a bit harsh here, but I really don't mean it.  My life is very stressful at the moment.  I just found out that My Elder has passed away today at noon, and has asked me to be a poll bearer. Mr. Dan Huchenson was a very good friend, teacher, and a father to me.  I will mis him deeply.

As for Tama, I know and fully understand it's current condition.  I am fully aware of the Politics that are being played there. But even though, It is my home and will forever be my home.  The select few that have the Reservation in it's current state tryed thier best to run me off because I was trying to learn the ways of my people.  We are still trying to get our federal reconition. Don't quote me on this one, but if i remember correctly the main Creek reservation in Oklahoma is or were helping us out at one point in time.  Even if we don't get federal reconition, Tama will allways be my home.

And no worrys to you Moma_porcupine.  I am who I am and I am proud of that fact. I am glad that you think I have some skill writing. No one has ever told me that.

Offline Amberlady

  • Posts: 8
Re: Possible fake
« Reply #23 on: December 15, 2007, 11:42:45 pm »
I don't like to make a big deal about a teenager writing poetry thats a bit on the dark side and mixing this with a bit of traditional knowledge, but I do want to say , I'm not sure mixing anything traditional with some of this other stuff is a good idea

this is what rang warning bells in my mind when I first came across Cvfe Bonkedo, or blissful Darkness as he is known on that forum, the mix of goth and Indian spirituality did not seem to sit well, that  and his almost violent reaction to me asking for him to back up his claims of being a tribal member.  Cvfe Bonkedo if you had given me details of your registration right from the beginning a lot of aggravation could have been avoided

I ams not sure what the situation is at Tama Village, whether the problems you refer to are down to people trying to run the place as a money making venture (which is the impression I get of the place at present) or whether people are trying to remove those that they don't consider Indian enough.

What you must also realise is that most UK residents will be singularly unimpressed with the minimum requirements for citizenship - being able to trace your linage back to an enrolled Creek Indian in 1906.  If you apply the same criteria to the average UK resident then we would probably be able to claim citizenship to France, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Poland, Russia India, South Africa, Zimbabwe as well being able to claim membership of a dozen or more Romany or Irish Tinker clans, such is the diversity of our culture

and what looks to be our first teenage Muskokee vampire.

BTW deleting any potential embarrassing references to yourself on-line only makes you appear all the more suspicious

« Last Edit: December 15, 2007, 11:49:12 pm by Amberlady »

Offline Cvfe Bonkedo

  • Posts: 9
Re: Possible fake
« Reply #24 on: December 16, 2007, 01:36:41 am »
And again you contenue to harass me even on this site.  You got your information Amber.  And I did answer you very bluntly in 3 different posts, which was then quoted by the Site Administrator.  Which then you proceeded to call me fake, which led us to here.  You now have the information that you wish to have.  Drop it and let me be.  You don't see me harassing you about your background.  I am who I am. Nothing more and nothing less.  Everything about me you can find quite easily rather it be on Vampirefreaks or any role playing site.  So what I have hobbys.  I'm on vampirefreaks because of a few friends of mine asked me to join and so I did.  Oh, and those deleted posts on my writting thread were poems that I written for an now ex girlfriend for your information.

I don't know much about Native American culture, but as someone who wishes to remove New age influence on both European and Native American culture I have been welcomed by the tribal chiefs of many nations and I am learning fast

I'm still interested in what  Chiefs and nations you have been welcomed by and what you have been 'quickly' learning.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2007, 01:58:32 am by Cvfe Bonkedo »

Offline Amberlady

  • Posts: 8
Re: Possible fake
« Reply #25 on: December 16, 2007, 10:57:02 am »
Relax Big Chief Full of Bull - You have give me what I want and I have far better things to do with my time then harass paranoid teenagers. just bear mind however when you post in the UK there are are increasing numbers of us who are not as prepared to be as gullible as we used to be. 

Offline Cvfe Bonkedo

  • Posts: 9
Re: Possible fake
« Reply #26 on: December 16, 2007, 01:51:55 pm »
Whatever you say Miss Chronebitter. You have been dodging that question for 4 days now. And I bet other members of this site would like to know Which Chiefs you have been welcomed by and what a person of no BQ what so ever would  be learning by these said chiefs.

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

  • Posts: 861
Re: Possible fake
« Reply #27 on: December 16, 2007, 02:40:32 pm »
The childish behaviour in this thread stops now.