" This ceremony is created to purify the four directions and four chambers of the heart with prayer work of intention,healing, reconciliation and deep communion. The lineage of the sacred pipe of oneness connects us to the ancient wisdom teachings of the Lakota Star Knowledge. The pipe is a medicine bundle of knowledge and wisdom given to humanity by the great Star Maiden, White Buffalo Woman to prepare humanity for earth changes. She foretold her return and the fullfillment of her prophecy with the appearance of a female white buffalo, signaling the time of the mending of the Hoop of All Nations. As we bring together the stem and the bowl of the pipe, we enact her teachings of unity of masculine and feminine. As we ignite the pipe through the four rounds of the ceremony, we open a portal to Creator through the smoke to receive our instructions and guidance to walk forward in beauty.
COST $111. Price does not included food, lodging, air or land transportation."
That's horrrrrrrible......OMG......