Author Topic: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman  (Read 56253 times)

This just tickles me silly. Please.. sue me for incorrect grammar. Please. I beg you. I haven't had such a good laugh in a while. I'd love to see the judges face when this suit hits his docket.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet


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This Sovereign stuff she's fallen for is horrendous. Leah now is promoting David Wynn Miller David goes by ":David-Wynn: Miller" - using weird punctuation in names is common for sovereign citizen believers. Oh, he's King of Hawaii too. Superdog wrote of Miller earlier in this thread.

So she believes she is White Buffalo Woman, Akasha, reconnected to her "aboriginal roots", "pretty sure I'm Lakotah, Sioux, Cree, Dakotah, Romania (don't know the tribe names), and France (don't know the tribe names)", and that she is a visionary leader who is "beginning to see the Matrix more and more every day", along with all the other stuff she's doing ......... while falling into the far right leaning crazed conspiratorial sovereign citizens movement vortex.

Offline AnnOminous

  • Posts: 99
Sampson has removed quite a bit from her page recently, including the photo of her and her son playing indian, several personal photos of herself, some "marijuana is the best" rants, and a few of her most delusional "channeling" monologues.  Oddly, she now has a rather large gap in her posts...from 31 December to 12 January.  She deleted one of the most incriminating posts which contained this message from the "Intergalactic Council" to her followers :

This is a bang, bang shoot 'em up time on the planet.  Everyone and everything is a target.  It is unfortunate that some who are targets are innocent and others are the perfect bull's eye....We do intend to enforce our words and we have the powerful tools to back up our words.

Maybe she has begun to reconsider some of what she posts on public social networks, especially at this time when we've all been so sensitized to gun violence and the loss of far too many innocent lives.

Still, she is not in touch with reality at all.  Earlier today, even after having her child removed from her home last night (and boasting  that she refused to provide boots or a coat for the child's departure on a winter night), she writes:

I'm beginning to see the Matrix more and more every day. I took the red pill, have unplugged and have never been happier.

I don't think that's happiness, Leah.  I think that's dissociative mania.

Maybe she removed the most crazy stuff in hopes her child will be returned.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Superdog

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Maybe she removed the most crazy stuff in hopes her child will be returned.

Still plenty of crazy left on her wall...I'm not sure if that was her motivation.   Her online behavior is somewhat manic so there's no telling why that happened...



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Leah is promoting David Icke now too.

She's posted this David Wynn Miller video with the caption of "He's brilliant!".! In this video Miller claims that he got his "kids back" in child custody hearings because he proved some grammar thingy to the judge. Miller explains his "King of Hawaii" claims too though his explanation is nonsense.

Offline ShadowDancer

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This woman confuses me through the use of the name "Akasha".  The first thought that crossed my mind was that it is the name used for the vampire queen in the books by Anne Rice.

Secondly, it is a Hindu word/name, so why is she using it in conjunction with White Buffalo Calf Woman. 

It just doesn't compute. 


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There's a Facebook page: Akasha - Cosmic Conscious that Leah is recently active on, doesn't appear to be her page but ya never know.

They have this:

Akasha is the Sanskrit word meaning aether. It embraces all the elements - air, fire, water and earth. It is the womb from which everything has emerged and into which everything will ultimately re-descend. It is the birthplace of all things.

Akahsa contains a record of everything that has happened and everything that will ever happened.

Sages, mystics and shamans from many philosophies have accessed wisdom and knowledge from the Akashic field through meditation and visions.

This page has been created for those who wish to access Akasha through meditation and gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of who we are and where we are going.To connect with like souls and share insights for a deeper awareness and healing.

Leah has posted on this page:

Standing White Buffalo
    Who am I? I'm a Pleiadian. You may wonder what Native Americans have to do with the Pleiadians, but the stories are in the legends, much of which has been encoded, kept secret or hidden.

    In certain Cherokee legends, it is said that aboriginal people originated in the Pleiades long, long ago.

    I come to this world as a Starseed to bring Light and knowledge and speak through Standing White Buffalo.

Standing White Buffalo
    I'm here!

    I've figured out what our mission is again this time around.

    Everyone who is a citizen that has re-sided with Canada, USA, etc are the souls that we are saving for they truly the ones that signed a "Deed with the Devil" and commited their life to Him, the Iron Horse.

Back to her own page, this is concerning, because she is acting as if she can speak for the movement, which she cannot:

I think we're at war. To label it, #IdleNoMore War,

Chief Theresa Spence began a hunger strike December 11, 2012 which is how aboriginals make stands. Prime Minister Stephen Harper is a puppet, the true person that refuses to speak to the Chief's is Governor General David Lloyd Johnston, sent here as the Queen's Representative.

The Queen is not acknowledging the uprising as to keep it quiet. How long does it take a society to realize that war was declared on them?

In my opinion the moment the Governor General David Lloyd Johnston refused to speak to the Chiefs - That is a Declaration of War.

Can anyone prove me wrong in that line of thinking?

Offline Defend the Sacred

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"Akasha" means one thing to the traditional people from the culture the newagers have vultured it from, and another to the newagers who have stolen and redefined it. Mad White Cow has no idea what it really means, just as she has no idea what the NDN stuff she's stealing and misrepresenting means. I think she hears other newagers babbling this stuff and she just seizes on random words and concepts and runs into crazy-land with anything she can swipe and run off with.


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Since not all of us have access to Facebook and things on Facebook can disappear at any time, here is a recent post from Leah Samspon.

Reasons given by Carol Davis Why my Son AJ was Apprehended by Child and Family Services (this is my take on the conversation - they right down what you say, I'm writing down what I thought was said.

1.) I have a different Belief System. I practice Shivambu (urine therapy), smudge myself and my kids, became a Rastafari, Jehovah Witness so some extent, a Mormon I suppose because I stock food supplies.

2.) Marijuna - I have a medical marijuana license and was under the impression that because I was sovereign and giving up my other identity, I wouldn't be able to order my marijuana through the government anymore and would have to get it from the Vancouver Cannabis Dispensary again, the previous case worker didn't have a problem with it. I was searching for by MM License back then.
I still have 20 grams of Government Issued Prescription Marijuana in my possession - LEGALLY until April 2013 when my prescription ends. What I did not know is that I'm a dual citizen and have my hands in both systems right now. How many sovereign people out there can lend a hand here?

3.) That I would not seek medical treatment for my child based on my beliefs.

I indicated that was untrue, I don't believe we should do blood transfusions frivolously, if we can avoid it, then I think we should and that's why the Doctor and that why all four of us agreed to postpone a second liver biopsy. However, really you gotta decide on a case by case basis.

That I would not seek medical treatment for myself. They were concerned about me, so I went and saw the Shrink, apparently his report, was interpreted incorrectly. I'm delusional because I think the exists.

They did not contact anyone there to confirm if it did in fact exist, they just assumed I didn't know what I was talking about. They have never heard of a person becoming sovereign before, so because of this, I was deemed as crazy, not intelligent or maybe by some stroke of luck got involved with something different than what they've seen before.

4.) Not allowing them to seek further consent. I said, "really, if you want it that bad you can have it, come on? Really, you took my kid because I verbally said don't contact anyone?" It was not questioned, just documented as said.

So, yes I did violate that term, whoa they mean business. Apparently they're seeking a Permanent Guardianship Order.

Sadly, my sister will be happy about this, that makes me cry.

Hard day here on the homestead without the little one running around. I gotta go and do some ceremony, the rocks are ready for my sweat lodge .

Peace ? Forgive Them For They Know Not What They Do

Offline AnnOminous

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I'm absolutely disgusted with the GTIF.  At this point, I see Sampson as a victim of this ridiculous organization.

It's hard to know where and when she was making decisions with a sound mind and body.  She has been candid regarding her long history of psychiatric involvement and treatment.  Obviously her mental health took a huge nose dive between xmas and new year's when she says she was in a trance for 5 days receiving information from the "intergalactic council" who told her she was Jesus and WBCW.  Just a month prior to this, she received her membership to the GTIF.  I assume there was communication between the parties, as a woman on social assistance would not part lightly with the $250 required payment to GTIF for membership papers for her and her two children.  So they took her money gladly, and then shortly after renounced her.  I think the GTIF is just a big money grab, and those who are most attracted to their fraudulent policies and promises are those who are either in trouble with the law or other social systems, or are too delusional to make informed and rational decisions.

Yes Sampson has made some stupid choices.  Most would not choose some mythical organization that uses sovereignty as the carrot at the end of the stick over their own children.  But I tend to believe that there was some pretty major brainwashing that occurred when she was in the initial stages of researching the GTIF.  I think it likely that they said whatever they thought she needed to hear.  And in her psychosis, they were promising her the eden she thought she could "restore" and control as christ-incarnate.

GTIF has lost nothing.  They have actually benefited from their involvement with Sampson not only monetarily but also through a ton of free advertising and promotion by her.  Sampson has gained absolutely nothing and has lost a lot:  her child, her credibility and her money. She found herself alone at the bottom of the rabbit hole.

So where is GTIF's accountability?  They can continue to entice the vulnerable and blow smoke up the backsides of those with more hope than common sense or sanity?  Is what the GTIF doing illegal, or more so unethical?  And just where is that line in the sand?

Offline AnnOminous

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Just a note:  Earlier today Sampson tweeted "StandingWhiteBuffalo ?@StandingWhiteBu

@Plenipojudge is the twitter account for a ":Monte-E:Mueller".

A google search for ":Monte-E:Mueller" leads to a David Wynn Miller page:

Wonder how much experience he has in the fields of apartheid and genocide against humanity  ::)

Offline AnnOminous

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Sampson has now removed all evidence from her fb page about her previous claims to being WBCW/Jesus/Akasha.  There are no more "follow me I am restoring the world" claims whatsoever.  Don't know if this is a ploy to try to redeem herself with TPTB, or if she realised that she was broadcasting her break from sanity and was lying in order to garner support for her delusions.  Either way, she seems to be side-tracked, at least for the moment.

Wondering if Admin could add "Standing White Buffalo" to the title of this thread to help those who might be trying to find out more about her, now and in the future.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Wondering if Admin could add "Standing White Buffalo" to the title of this thread to help those who might be trying to find out more about her, now and in the future.

Good idea. On it.

Offline AnnOminous

  • Posts: 99
Standing White Buffalo shared a link.
4 hours ago
This one is for AnnOminous, I understand she belongs to a group that think I'm a new age fraud and phoned Children Services to take my son away. That's pretty egotistical AnnOminous, you don't know me AT ALL!

It has been clearly documented that my son was in excellent health while in my care. It was also documented that my mind, body, and spirit are in good health too, but your renegade group with Superdog and others did not have access to such priviledged information and yet in your expert medical opinions your group has determined that my child needs to be saved from me, and called me in. These haters need to be saved from themselves.

AnnOminous, it is sad that you and your friends have nothing better to do than stalk us, and then put us down because your brain cannot comprehend what we are speaking about.

Within 5 days of apprehension my son was throwing up, something he only does in Foster Care, within 8 days, he was bleeding internally, Day 10, he had to have a blood transfusion. Why? He has severe liver and spleen issues. For those that dont know your spleen is your IMMUNE SYSTEM, your liver detoxifies the body.

AJ went from a safe, healthy chemical free environment into an unsafe, toxic, chemically loaded environment, causing his body to succumb to the poisions, it was so severe that he was bleeding internally and got a blood transfusion because of this exposure!!!

He's still in the hospital, unknowingly these strangers who are zombies that have no clue what's really going on in the world and think that they are experts exposing new age fraud! If only they knew how far behind they were, their world makes no sense to them and they are struggling to find answers that they WANT to hear. Get out of your comfort zone if you want growth, unlearn your old ways and learn new ones.

Get some therapy AnnOminous and your sheeples, you are sick and need help the most. My son nearly died because of what you did, do you feel pretty important now? I hope your feel like shit, but I doubt it given your mental state.

I pray that you pull your head out of your ass and open your eyes! All three of them! (google Pineal gland, yours must be hard little pebbles calcifying in your head), because you are definitely not a brilliant group, more like the village idiots who don't understand The Matrix of Illusion.

I received this copy of Sampson’s latest fb post from her friend/family member who called Family and Child Services several times out of concern for Sampson’s mental health and her ability to care for her children.  As Leah had previously posted the name and phone number of her Case Worker, it made it easier for him to follow up.  Leah wrote that the Case Worker “has issues in her competency to do this job,” and listed personal information about the Case Worker, and he wanted her to know what was being written about her on a public social network, in addition to his concerns about Leah and her children.

Knowing that Leah visits NAFPS, I’d like to say this to her:

Leah, you are not White Buffalo Calf Woman or Jesus.  You are not aboriginal, you are not sovereign, and you are not here to save and restore the world.  Period.

Leah, your delusions of grandeur have become delusions of persecution, a serious sign of mental illness.  Do you really think that phone calls to Child and Family Services would be taken seriously if there was not already a grave concern for the well-being of your children?  Who reported you the first time your children were apprehended?  You should check with your family and friends who have been around for a long time before you recklessly accuse others of being in the wrong.  The only one in the wrong is you.

It is a terrible thing that your son is paying the price for your choices.  The cocktail of prescription and non-prescription drugs you took and abused during your pregnancy has resulted in a very sick child according to your own admissions.  This is a direct result of YOUR choices.  To publically broadcast your delusional ego yet again resulted in your child being apprehended.  This is a direct result of YOUR choices once again.  You have no one to blame but yourself.  No amount of name calling, blame-shifting, justifying or denying can change that.  No one is out to get you (that’s the delusions of persecution talking).  Your friends and family are very concerned about you and your children, and want to help and support you back to mental health and well-being.  Their primary concern, of course, is the children’s welfare.

Thank-you for naming me in your post—others will now be able to find this thread by googling my handle here.  Thank-you for your childish and resentful accusations—others will now see you for who you really are.  Thank-you for publicly redirecting blame and for hurling silly and hateful comments towards NAFPS—and for allowing all to see that you are a fraud and a mere human being who has no influence whatsoever in creating or restoring a world to peace.

Your son did not “nearly die” because of what your friends and family did or are doing.  They are trying to help you and your children out of love.  You have people in your life who truly care about you and are very concerned.  Please accept their help. 

Edited to add:  Apparently Sampson is not deleting certain posts from her fb page as previously noted.  Rather, she is changing them from public to private and I'm told they are all still there for her friends to read.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2013, 08:34:14 pm by AnnOminous »