Author Topic: Wendy Ryan UK Mystery School of Amaru  (Read 4581 times)

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Wendy Ryan UK Mystery School of Amaru
« on: January 26, 2011, 03:39:06 pm »
Oh dear I just don't know where to start with this

Form her website:

about me

Wendy Ryan is a teacher of the 9 rites of the Munay ki trained by the Four Winds and further study with Don Francisco of the Quero in Peru. She was taught healing icarios (songs) by Don Augustin Rivas in ceremonies in the amazon Peru. She is a Sundoor trained fire walking leader and a Soul Retrieval & Shamanic Practitioner. Trained at lendrick Lodge, Scotland, in the Sandra Ingerman method.

A former registered nurse ( Hammersmith Hospital), and art & dance therapist/tutor. The founder of The Mystery School Of Amaru combining teaching all levels of Usui Reiki Karuna-Grecian, Egyptian Reiki, and shamanism. A yogi for many years and an occasional astanga yoga teacher trained by Danny Paradise. She also runs Spirit Circle in London and works as a medium having been psychic since childhood.

A professional International Performance / installation artist. Wendy Ryan had a Residency with The National Trust at The Workhouse in Southwell. She represented Britain at the Venice Open 2000, and the Paralympic Arts Festival in Sydney. She has curated and participated in numerous international exhibitions. Teaching experience of art/ sculpture includes lectures at Oxford , Nottingham University Bucks University and Amersham Wycombe college.

A lifelong dedication to creating Sacred Healing Space, She is the facilitator of AYNI healing ceremonies, Channelling healing songs and music to create healing. Recently commissioned to sing in healing ceremonies many european countries

Together with Gareth Jones she has performed in London at The Inspirational Arts Festival and abroad, sponsored by The British Council. Healing music and guided meditation journeys.

" I started singing and painting in childhood, singing solos in the church and at school, and only found my voice again in the last few years, my art was a path of self healing and in the post modern school of art that had to matter, to heal society in some way, my hero being joseph beuys, the western shaman. Art and medicine have always been curiously intertwined for me, and the shaman as artist and medicine, has been a constant theme in my life.

i started nursing at age 16, and then completed my state registered training, it was an intense time, and i found a real calling to be with the very sick and the dying, completely inspired by the work of Elisabeth Kubler Ross, i idealistically wanted to envision a new way of caring.

whilst still a student nurse i lectured to consultants on the importance of the environment and patients rights and choices, many of my major art exhibitions further explored the spatial aspect of caring, and medical ethics, featuring on BBC radio at the Ferens Gallery Hull, strange clinics appeared in Brick lane, in the VIBE bar scene, performances on roundabouts in Venice, whilst the architecture bienale was on looking at the spaces of health care.

A dramatic health scare led me to have the courage to go to art school, when my son was three. A further health issue led me deeply onto the path I am now on, being put in a brain scanner to see if you have a brain tumour, is quite a memorable experience, this was in 1995, i remember having the thought that i could not die because i had not yet been to Peru.

Hey well they thought i had Multiple sclerosis, and i was pretty ill for nine years, walking sticks, disabled badge etc, but something inside me was so beautifully strong, and i changed nearly everything in my life in order to get well. And I guess this teaching is the deepest i have to offer you.

I met two Shamans from Equador, and they told me i could be well, these seeds of hope, i thank these guys for their amazing magic. Danny Paradise also is and was such an inspiration, and the power of astanga yoga as a medicine is deep as it acts on the sympathetic nervous system, my GP's who supported my path of Chakra Meditation and self healing.

So now when i dance around at all night ceremonies, dance barefoot in the fire, survive the fourth round of the sweat lodge, i give thanks, so many thanks... " wendy

this year i was well enough to make that journey to Peru, and on my return this school was born.

The Mystery School of Amaru

On Christmas Day 2007, in the sacred valley Pisac, I received an amazing initiation into the Mystery Teachings of the Serpent Kings and The White Brotherhood. Guided by a local Paqo, into danger, darkness, and thunder and lightening high in the temple, with sheer steep cliff drops.

Huge balls of rainbow lights appeared and surrounded me lighting up the way, with many rainbow rings around my feet seven times, on the perilous descent from the ruins.

The gifts from spirit on my trip to Peru were immense, and still teaching me more each day.

Last year my pilgrimage was to Japan, to Usui's Grave and to Mount Kurama,

It is a great passion of mine to teach REIKI and the more i teach the more I understand.

On mount Kurama is a tree a god tree sent from Venus to save mankind.

When you step into the Mystery the teachings will reveal themselves.

Let us gather form community, share and now is the time to access some incredible Spiritual Teachings...

wendy ryan appeared on channel 5 news talking about Reiki, and the awakening that is happening on the planet.


also see her meetup profile

where it states that she is the organiser of the following meetup groups


I do not know this woman at all and she may be well meaning and deluded but what really, really concerns me is that these fake ceremonies and traditions, taught to her by frauds, are, via her "school" becoming quite popular in London.

Even if this woman is well meaning and was herself just defrauded by shameons, her workshops contribute to a sub-cultural milieu in which vulnerable people fall prey to extremely serious criminals.  

I am really pushed for time, I just wanted to share this.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2011, 03:44:51 pm by nemesis »