Author Topic: Who is Sharon Nolte Galloupe  (Read 9514 times)

Offline redroadwalker

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Who is Sharon Nolte Galloupe
« on: September 29, 2008, 02:57:41 am »
This woman's name has appeared in vicious print and various conversations here in the east.  I have read some of her attacks on people, some I know, most I don't, some good and some just out there.  I googled her and found one article at a missing childrens site called "Project Jason-voice for the missing" articles dated 3/11/06 & 3/13/06.
I couldn't believe what I was reading!  I'm not to computer lit. or I'd link you all to it so you could read it for yourselves but hope you can find it with the listed info.
Does anyone know about her?  Please excuse me but, this gal sounds a little unstable and kinda makes me doubt anything she says. In an interview, she first says she's carded and then later on says she had her card taken away?  This doesn't sound right.  Never heard of that before. 
Can anyone clear up this confusion?

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Who is Sharon Nolte Galloupe
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2008, 09:44:04 am »
There is a Sharon Nolte that appears in the articles you mention, claiming to be a psychic and who was involved in a missing children's case. There is a Sharon Galloupe who is Delaware. I don't see any evidence so far they are the same person. Nolte probably is not so uncommon a name.

I also don't see any sign that this is the kind of thing we usually get asked about. Nolte was convinced the missing child was NDN, but Nolte is not claiming to be herself. Unless I missed something, someone point that out to me.

Offline NanticokePiney

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Re: Who is Sharon Nolte Galloupe
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2008, 07:32:11 pm »
  I know Sharon Nolte/Galloupe personally. She uses both identities depending upon her mood.  She gets way "out there" depending on her medication. She's also been suffering from cancer for many years.
  She joined our forum ( Woodland Indians) as Sharon Galloupe but when her posts became vulgar and she started making terroristic threats directed towards people in our discussions her membership was removed.
 She uses racial remarks in conversations and article comments when talking about the Ramapough, Nanticoke and others. Using multiple identities as she posts on the same comment threads. She has a particular style when making these posts that identify her.
   I know more details about her but I'm not going to throw them out on the Web.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Who is Sharon Nolte Galloupe
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2008, 09:19:30 pm »
our forum ( Woodland Indians)

I apologize for going somewhat off-topic here, but...

NP, Is this the forum: ? I was a bit stunned to see that the last post in the thread was by what appears to be a Bulgarian hobbyist. You know, of the, Read some books and "play Indian" type; like the scary Germans we've discussed. No one challenged his statements in the thread. Does your forum allow these European hobbyists to go unchallenged there? Do they just hang out and play NDN online, too?

Offline NanticokePiney

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Re: Who is Sharon Nolte Galloupe
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2008, 03:06:15 am »
I apologize for going somewhat off-topic here, but...

 Does your forum allow these European hobbyists to go unchallenged there? Do they just hang out and play NDN online, too?

 We only pick on frauds like who pretend to be actual Indians and cash in on it. Like Bob RedHawk Ruth, Billy Little Soldier, James Running Turtle, Mike Taffe, etc.
   He can post all he wants as long as it's nothing spiritual. Once he posts a spiritual subject then he gets zapped. We do not allow religious/ spiritual posts. What he does in Bulgaria is not our concern and he does not claim to be Indian.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 04:13:59 am by Kathryn »

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Who is Sharon Nolte Galloupe
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2008, 03:19:53 am »
   He can post all he wants as long as it's nothing spiritual. Once he posts a spiritual subject then he gets zapped. We do not allow religious/ spiritual posts.

Well, this is what had me concerened:

Bulgaria is now a poor country and most people in the Eagle circle come from relatively poor families. I believe that unless there was the circle,
many would be in a miserable state- in social,physical and spiritual aspect. I mean people survive because they follow the red path, a path that works, that gives energy, inner peace and protection.
Nobody here takes this as a hobby and tries to be fancy and differnet in indian clothes to show off.   We don't want to be like those organizantions  which adorn themselves as indians only to take photos or prefer to buy their pipes and feathers  because it is easier to get it from a trading post than to obtain it in a sacred way.
(emphasis mine)

That sounds to me like they think it's ok to "follow the red path", complete with "pipes and feathers" as long as they "obtain" them "in a sacred way." 

Not telling you how to run your forum, but I think that's clearly supporting white people playing Indian, including spiritually.

Offline NanticokePiney

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Re: Who is Sharon Nolte Galloupe
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2008, 03:59:09 am »
  He's the least of my problems when we have a white guy putting a display of complete pan-Indian garbage at the U of Penn and claiming to be chief of some hidden Lenape tribe.
  I'm a Hicksite Quaker. My spirtuality is Deist. I could care what somebody does as long as the cultural appropriation doesn't involve the Delaware or Nanticoke. That is my only concern.
  That Bulgarian guy will  eventually go away when he realizes we could care less about his "hobbies". 

Offline tree hugger

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Re: Who is Sharon Nolte Galloupe
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2008, 02:54:53 am »
   He can post all he wants as long as it's nothing spiritual. Once he posts a spiritual subject then he gets zapped. We do not allow religious/ spiritual posts.

Well, this is what had me concerened:

Bulgaria is now a poor country and most people in the Eagle circle come from relatively poor families. I believe that unless there was the circle,
many would be in a miserable state- in social,physical and spiritual aspect. I mean people survive because they follow the red path, a path that works, that gives energy, inner peace and protection.
Nobody here takes this as a hobby and tries to be fancy and differnet in indian clothes to show off.   We don't want to be like those organizantions  which adorn themselves as indians only to take photos or prefer to buy their pipes and feathers  because it is easier to get it from a trading post than to obtain it in a sacred way.
(emphasis mine)

That sounds to me like they think it's ok to "follow the red path", complete with "pipes and feathers" as long as they "obtain" them "in a sacred way." 

Not telling you how to run your forum, but I think that's clearly supporting white people playing Indian, including spiritually.

Well here I am again.

Kathryn, no one on our forum is supporting or encouraging that poster. You were able to view one response he made to that thread. No where in there is anyone supporting that.  I'm sure here on NAFPS, you have your fair share of "fly by night" posters. The ones that make you go.. hmmm.  I shut down new registrations for awhile (for totally unrelated reasons) but if anyone has any questions or input they'd like to add to any thread there, by all means go for it.

To the original poster "redroadwalker" I know Sharon personally as well. I'm curious as to what reason you had to post this, was there something in particular? I don't see what her reputation or past has to do with anything here, unless I'm missing something.

« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 04:12:47 am by Kathryn »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Who is Sharon Nolte Galloupe
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2008, 04:08:21 am »
I was goling to split this topic to keep it going off topic any further from the original subject. But a couple of the posts are on both topics. So let me suggest if you want to keep discussing the hobbyist at another forum, you start a thread at Etc. or take it to private emails or to the woodlands forum.