Author Topic: Reverend Anne Marie Clock / Spirit Gathering Retreats /  (Read 7236 times)

Offline bonestyx

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This site looked vaguely familiar to me. I might have stumbled upon it at an earlier date.

Here's some of her ickiest (italics are mine):

The Sacred Sweat Lodge is a place of great healing. The heat and steam removes the stress in your body. The Earth Mothers energy is present. She is the great healer. You are purified in her womb. Expect to release ten years off of your face as you return to harmony.

Uh, since when is a sweat considered anti-aging therapy?

You will make an Apache Water Drum, be gifted a Medicine Bag, Tobacco Bag, and create your personal Shaman Bag.

But that "gift" of a "medicine bag" (I shudder at the thought of its potential contents) comes with a price:

Fee $400 for new participants $200 for returning

And a "personal shaman bag"? What the hell is that?

Discernment, listening to your Inner Voice. Your Inner Voice does not reside in your Mind.

Discernment? Anyone dumb enough to give this woman money obviously doesn't have any.

Come & Fill Your Cup to Overflowing

A typical Nuage enticement - take take take, but never give.

And then there's her list of "services", which includes:

Earth Weddings - $350 + Travel

Damn it, I want to get married on Mars (and blast that darn "travel" charge)! It's so hard to find good help these days.

Trance Channel Your Guides - $150/session
For me this is like going to the movies and watching the show, never knowing what is playing and the room is always full.

You know, even with the cost of going to a movie these days, it's still cheaper than this tripe.

Dream Work - $100/session

Card Reading $100/session Several decks are used.... different perspectives.

Different perspectives...or total confusion.

Healing/Balancing - $100/session

I am a vehicle of healing as I allow your healing spirits to use me as the transmitter.

Don't forget your tin foil hats, folks, or her reception might not be very good. I don't think she offers a money back guarantee, so beware ;-)

Sweat Lodge Private Groups

Join with your friends of like mind............release, heal and pray together.

Notice she doesn't include a price tag for this one. You know what they say: if you have to ask, you can't afford it.

Worst of all on her testimonials page ( there's evidently a man of Mi'kmaq heritage singing her praises and encouraging her to continue her work as an exploiter:

My name is Peter Stevens, a Mi'Kmaq Indian from Eskasoni, Nova Scotia Canada. I work as a Health Advisor and Consultant for a Native Community Health Centre. It saddens me that my people have virtually ignore their once treasured values and that was holism. The self actualization of one's self and psyche' while understanding the gifts of Our Creator and understanding Mother Nature are purely gratifying from the heart and soul. I envy your approach. I wish I could learn more, for I am an older student of 52 years. I wish to learn how to be a good elder, smothered by some wisdom for which I'm fortunate to have possessed as a gift. Unlike a present in a box, it is a boundless universality of the human truth. These are the paths for our purpose. I wish you continued success! I encourage your efforts. I had a nice visit of you site! Thank you in advance Peter Stevens

He envies her approach? What is there to envy about it, being that it's all Nuage crap?? If this guy is truly Mi'kmaq, it would follow that he has his own traditions to work from without getting all green-eyed over some white fluff bunny exploiter in Tucson.

Anyway, have fun with this one.


  • Guest
Q:  'And a "personal shaman bag"? What the hell is that?'

A:   That is the little 'plastic baggy' where you keep the little 'plastic shaman' that you get after the work-shop is over ;-)

« Last Edit: January 30, 2008, 07:28:17 am by Leonard »

Offline educatedindian

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Under Like Minds,  her collection of links.


Stairway of Light

2447 N Los Altos Ave

Friends and Singles Building - Parking in Back

Tucson Arizona

Healing Service at 9:30 am Regular Service at 10:30 am

Group Class Monday 6:30 pm

Healing Class November 13 and 20 6:30 pm

Channeling Circle Wednesday at 6:30 pm

Noreen - 801-225-9197 - Utah County ***Palmistry ***Spiritual Readings ***Stones ***Cards ***Channeling ***Reiki Master***Spiritual Counseling***Phone Readings

Noreen's is a great palmist and her stone readings reveal great insight.


Barbara Burgett - AAA Quantum Hypnosis - 801-796-3422 - Utah ***Master of Hypnotherapy ***Reiki Master ***Master Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner ***Hypnosis ***Hypnotherapy ***Healing ***Balancing ***Reiki Sessions ***Inkah Shamanic Healing ***Psychic Channeling ***Animal Healing/Readings

Barb has fantastic healing energy.


Elder Reverend Margaret Helen Arter - 909-621-4020 - Los Angles Area ***Attorney ***Weddings


MOON MOUNTAIN LODGE at Mount Rainier - or Reservations (206) 528-2934 - Packwood, Washington ***Private Cabins ***WISHING STAR ESSENTIAL OILS ***Individual Consultations ***THE WISHING STAR CAFÉ Coming Soon ***

The energy on this land is magical, fairies everywhere.


Mark Lerner's Great Bear -

Mark gives astrological insight to global events effecting all of us...Outstanding.


Kevin Ryerson - Trance Channel -

Author, lecturer, award winning consultant and expert intuitive Kevin Ryerson is well known in the field of parapsychology. He is on the Board of Directors for the Intuition Network. He has offered numerous seminars, national and international retreats, and intensives. Kevin authored Spirit Communication: The Soul's Path (Bantam, September 1989)- a landmark book on the topic of channeling. Shirley MacLaine calls it "the clearest and most comprehensive book on the phenomenon of channeling I have read". Kevin contributed to the books Psychoimmunity--Key to the Healing Process (Celestial Arts, 1986), Spiritual Nutrition (Cassandra Press, 1986) and Channeling: The Intuitive Connection (Harper & Row, 1987).

Kevin is a gifted trance channel. Kevin has journeys to many sacred places. Join him.

Offline educatedindian

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Her bio.

"Outside Phoenix, Arizona in 1983 I entered the Sacred Sweat Lodge with my teacher, an Apache Medicine Man and the group of dedicated healers who were in my ministry instruction."

No name given, but on another site she mentions Gabriel Sharp.

"The lodge is built of Standing People and has been dedicated with the sacred pollen of the Apache. The Stone People are lava rock from the inner Earth and have come from the Sunset Crater, Mount Shasta, the Redwood Forest and Chief Joseph's area. The lodge and the Stone People went to Chaco Canyon."

That's just a hodgepodge of lots of different claims about different tribes.

And was she really dumb enough to use volcanic rock for a sweatlodge? Amazing it didn't explode and kill or injure someone.
"In Arizona I began to attend a small church, University of Life ministered by Reverend William Rainen. Reverend Rainen had founded an organization, Universal Life Alliance that hosted popular trance channels, Kevin Ryerson, William Rainen and Neville Rowe. I joined the board of this organization and held the position of president for a term. At this time I became a student and a teacher, teaching metaphysical classes at the church one night a week and holding relationship seminars. At a Phoenix Church ministered by Reverend Gary McClure, I began healing classes taught by Reverend Thurman. In my home I began a support group for women, facilitated development classes and began metaphysical readings for the public.

The group of healers in Reverend Thurman's classes was invited to attend ministry classes taught by Reverend Gary McClure. This ministry began holding their accredited classes at Western International University. Native American Healing was one of the classes taught by Reverend Gabriel Sharp, Mojave Medicine Man. During this class we met Grandfather David of the Hopi Nation and Delmar Boni of the Apache Nation. Delmar introduced the class to the Native American Sweat Lodge, which greatly impacted my life. Upon completion of the course I was ordained with my group and received my certificate. Currently my ministry certificate is with the Universal Life Church."

That's the "get certified online" bunch, no training or belief required, just a small fee.

Offline educatedindian

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Rev William Rainen.
"Reverend William Rainen, Spiritual Healer and Counselor, is Founder of The Universal Life Alliance, of which the International Bridges of Kinship is a branch. William is dedicated to equality between races, religions and genders, as well as age and species.  William is a loving and kind person who teaches healing of the Earth and all that lives in, on and around the planet. William feels that everyone has the potential to be a psychic, healing Lightworker."

There are also quite a few signs that point towards her school,  Western International University, as a diploma mill. It's one of those "no need to attend classes" schools, "get it online in as little as two months."

Offline earthw7

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    • Standing Rock Tourism
I have a headache, gee these people are strange.
In Spirit