Author Topic: Charles Benson AKA Chuck Two Fingers  (Read 48520 times)


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Re: Charles Benson AKA Chuck Two Fingers
« Reply #30 on: January 11, 2008, 04:32:59 pm »
That list of 'witnesses' is a joke.  Most are hunka relatives and blood relatives, and even relatives of hunka relatives!  Doesn't resemble a list of angry Lakota to me.   Doesn't prove a thing.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Charles Benson AKA Chuck Two Fingers
« Reply #31 on: January 11, 2008, 04:38:47 pm »
I read all the post here,

The research needed post are what they say they are,
If a person bring a complaint we put it here because there is no proof.
Then we ask people to provide proof one way or the other.  

If you were put in the fraud section then there is proof to fraud. Simple.

Remember as I said many time before there is NO adoption by the Lakota Nations, there is only adoption by a family which gives you No rights to the nation's business/spirituality or issues.
You have the right to care for the family who adopted you in what ever postion they adopted you to.

I don't know this person and as we find in Indian country when you have one person getting mad at another then the who is mad makes false claims. I don't do know if this is true but It is one of the reason why we have this section because many complaints are sent and if there is no proof we put them here.

Instead of just providing proof it seems that one must condemn the people who have the website. I support this web site because we are able to see who is doing what. We all do research here. Many of these people affect our culture. AS a Lakota who lives on the reservation I do have a say even if it is a small say on the abuse of our culture. This may not be what is happeing in this case. BUT now you know what will happen if one of YOUR followers get mad at you.
One must always be careful when walking a good path.
In Spirit


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Re: Charles Benson AKA Chuck Two Fingers
« Reply #32 on: January 11, 2008, 04:40:28 pm »
Al, we really appreciate your effort in this, and understand what a ridiculous situation this is.  It's hard on us all.  But, as long as the accuser throws stuff up here, we have the right to dispute it.   I am not aware of posts being deleted from our group's site, but please know that the accuser was a moderator for our group until the #$&% hit the fan, so he's had access.  And by the way, Chuck had performed the hunka ceremony for the accuser for two of those hunka relatives supplied on that list.  So, if Chuck's plastic, I guess they aren't relatives after all.  What a conundrum!

Offline earthw7

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Re: Charles Benson AKA Chuck Two Fingers
« Reply #33 on: January 11, 2008, 04:44:34 pm »
I would have to agree!

Why would a person do a HUNKA?

Did everyone died so he needed new relatives?

I think need to understand culture more before they do these things.
In Spirit


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Re: Charles Benson AKA Chuck Two Fingers
« Reply #34 on: January 11, 2008, 04:50:18 pm »
I would like to offer my sincere applogies to Mr. Larry Swimmer, who does appear on the accuser's list.  He is in fact a Lakota.  Sorry Larry!


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Re: Charles Benson AKA Chuck Two Fingers
« Reply #35 on: January 12, 2008, 06:27:37 pm »
I don't know this person and as we find in Indian country when you have one person getting mad at another then the who is mad makes false claims. I don't do know if this is true but It is one of the reason why we have this section because many complaints are sent and if there is no proof we put them here.

If this is the case, then everyone is in danger of finding themselves in a situation such as this.   If someone gets mad at YOU, for instance, they could add YOUR name to this section for all to see, as being 'under investigation'.   This policy is a dangerous one.   

Two of our own well-respected group members have just found that they had been added to the accuser's 'witnesses' list and have demanded removal.  This witch hunt is falling apart.  Please, let's wrap this up and put it to rest.  There's been no concrete evidence provided up to this point, and we are getting tired of playing reputation ping-pong.   

Your site provides an invaluable service to the community, and we are embarrased that we are having to tie it up with this ridiculous family fued.

Al, we are wondering what the timeline is on something like this.  We would like to get this over with, and move on.  We're sure you would too.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Charles Benson AKA Chuck Two Fingers
« Reply #36 on: January 13, 2008, 01:02:22 am »
Actually, BYA, what happens here on out is almost entirely in the hands of the people involved, not NAFPS. Tyhis thread stays up for all to see what's been uncovered, and that is that. That would've been true whether he'd been cleared or, as it turned out, has been found to be doing wrong.

But to say Benson has been in any way cleared is just bizarre. Just the opposite, he was caught in a pretty big lie and all you did, BYA, was admit that you knew all along he's been doing ceremony when he has no right to do so, according to Lakota traditions.

I received the emails this morning but have been involved with work all day. It appears the two people asked to be removed simply because they are mad at Benson's less than ethical or truthful activities being exposed, and thus they refuse to say what they know. Rousseau tells me he believed Benson and others putting extraordinary pressure on his list members to keep quiet. So if anything, the closest thing to a "witch hunt" is coming from those trying to hide what Benson has done.


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Re: Charles Benson AKA Chuck Two Fingers
« Reply #37 on: January 13, 2008, 09:42:02 am »
Rousseau tells me he believed Benson and others putting extraordinary pressure on his list members to keep quiet.

Mr. Rousseau, while attempting to 'expose' Chuck, you've exposed yourself to a great many people around you.  Eyes have been opened, and hearts have been closed. 

Retiring my ID,

Offline Skully

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Re: Charles Benson AKA Chuck Two Fingers
« Reply #38 on: January 13, 2008, 10:00:26 am »
Rousseau tells me he believed Benson and others putting extraordinary pressure on his list members to keep quiet. So if anything, the closest thing to a "witch hunt" is coming from those trying to hide what Benson has done.
My achin' behind!
"Snitches are a dying breed." KK81, 2008

Offline One Hawk

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Re: Charles Benson AKA Chuck Two Fingers
« Reply #39 on: January 13, 2008, 04:02:10 pm »
 The evidence that the accusations against Benson are indeed true seems to be mounting.
 That public tirade shows a real lack of honor. What kind of "man" would do such a thing, especially to somebody who they consider a relative?
 Certainly not a "man" who practices the Lakota virtues that they preach. Or any vitues for that matter.
 So, now, with his arguement exausted, he (backatya/benson) "retires" his ID to go run away and hide.......... Because that is what scammers and charlatians do when they are exposed. 

Offline Skully

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Re: Charles Benson AKA Chuck Two Fingers
« Reply #40 on: January 13, 2008, 05:33:42 pm »
...or good people do when they are exasperated by goofs.
"Snitches are a dying breed." KK81, 2008

Offline Don the Baptiste

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Re: Charles Benson AKA Chuck Two Fingers
« Reply #41 on: January 13, 2008, 08:20:26 pm »
I know this Big Paulie guy. He is also known to law enforecement as Crazy Kooter. He's married to my niece up in Phoenix. He is a long time Hells Angel in Arizona.

[Barnaby's note: bizarre criminal allegations removed, user banned.]
« Last Edit: January 13, 2008, 09:05:23 pm by Barnaby_McEwan »

Offline One Hawk

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Re: Charles Benson AKA Chuck Two Fingers
« Reply #42 on: January 13, 2008, 09:51:13 pm »
...or good people do when they are exasperated by goofs.
BP- true, and normally I would agree but by the evidence shown  I think that is unlikely in this case.

I know this Big Paulie guy. He is also known to law enforecement as Crazy Kooter. He's married to my niece up in Phoenix. He is a long time Hells Angel in Arizona.

[Barnaby's note: bizarre criminal allegations removed, user banned.]

D the B I not sure if this was meant to intimidate somebody, or  to dis-credit BP, but it is really not relevent to the topic.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Charles Benson AKA Chuck Two Fingers
« Reply #43 on: January 13, 2008, 10:14:08 pm »
Yes, Paulie is a Hell's Angel. On he's quite upfront about it. Not sure how that's relevant either. Regardless of any alleged criminal past, I believe he's now in the grad program at ASU (same school I went to) in statistics, if he hasn't already graduated. NDNs with criminal pasts (if that is even true of Paul) aren't exactly unusual, and when they've gone onto make something of themselves, that's praiseworthy. Half the people I grew up with have records.

Offline Skully

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Re: Charles Benson AKA Chuck Two Fingers
« Reply #44 on: January 13, 2008, 11:43:18 pm »
Hells, no apostrophie.
"Snitches are a dying breed." KK81, 2008