Author Topic: Blackwater Muskogee tribe  (Read 141144 times)

Offline zoi lightfoot

  • Posts: 139
Re: Blackwater Muskogee tribe
« Reply #15 on: May 07, 2008, 02:17:53 pm »
No problem,as I said to moma p the Blackwater Band speak for themselves as do the federaly recognised bands who apparently recognize them.Though I guess we all get to confirm that one way or another when they are posted,burning question has to be is Moma gonna post hers if she wants confirmation of my existance,i am more than willing to indulge her.

Offline dabosijigwokush

  • Posts: 265
Re: Blackwater Muskogee tribe
« Reply #16 on: May 07, 2008, 03:25:25 pm »
may i help on this confusion

Federally Recognized Tribes
Muscogee (Creek) Nation, Oklahoma

Petitions for Federal Recognition

032 Muscogee Nation of Florida
c/o Mr. John C. B. Thomas (904) 835-2078
P.O. Box 3028
Bruce, FL 3245 
Formerly Florida Tribe of Eastern Creek Indians
 Letter of Intent to Petition 06/02/1978
Awaiting Active Consideration. All documents have been filed with BAR.

008 Lower Muskogee Creek Tribe - East of the Mississippi, Inc. c/o Mrs. Marian S. McCormick (912) 762-3165
Route 2, Box 370
Whigham, GA 31797 Letter of Intent to Petition 02/02/1972
Declined to Acknowledge 12/21/1981 46 FR 51652
State Recognized Tribes

Star Clan of Muscogee Creeks
242 County Road 2254
Troy, AL 36079
(334) 285-2491

The Lower Muscogee Creek Tribe
Route 2, Box 370
Whigham, Georgia 31797

Muscogee Nation of Florida
Formerly Florida Tribe of Eastern Creek Indians
PO Box 3028
Bruce, FL 32455
(850) 835 2078
FAX (850) 835 5691

Tribes by State


Seminole Tribe of Florida
Miccosukee Tribe .


Creeks E. of the Mississippi
Florida Tribe of E. Creeks
Topachula Tribe
Oklewaha Band of Seminoles
Tuscola United Cherokee Tribe of Florida, Inc
Perdido Bay Tribe of Lower Muscogee Creeks



Cane Break Band of E. Cherokees
Cherokees of Georgia, Inc.
Georgia Tribe of E. Cherokees
Lower Muskogee Creek Tribe- E. of the Mississippi
S.E. Cherokee Confederacy

PO BOX 3028
BRUCE , FL 32455   




Who We Are


This organization is a 501(c)(3) Public Charity.
This organization is required to file an IRS Form 990 or 990-EZ.
Contributions are deductible, as provided by law.


C30—Natural Resource Conservation and Protection


Ruling Year: 1985


Take a look at the future ... See our beta report >
Whigham, GA 31797

NTEE Code: Z99 (Unknown)


Take a look at the future ... See our beta report >
Lynn Haven, FL 32444

NTEE Code: A50 (Museum & Museum Activities)

hopes this helps
so why is everything about this in europe spelled wrong

Offline zoi lightfoot

  • Posts: 139
Re: Blackwater Muskogee tribe
« Reply #17 on: May 07, 2008, 03:56:09 pm »
Thanks for that dabosijigwokush
Cannot speak for everyone grammer,not even my own at times,but that info is handy,because as soon as I get this paperwork I have been told I will be sent,then we can all see for our selves what is what without anyone jumping to conclusions,presumptions or assumptions in a fair and balanced way.Momma I suggest you pm me and tell me what your problem is.

Offline dabosijigwokush

  • Posts: 265
Re: Blackwater Muskogee tribe
« Reply #18 on: May 07, 2008, 05:15:09 pm »
what i did find was

The Blackwater Tribe of The Lower Mvskokee ring a bell thats whats on you addopation forgies the real name is The Blackwater Band of Lower Mvskokee inc. a 501 c3 club not FEDERALLY NON-RECOGNIZED not STATE RECOGNIZED not FEDERALLY RECOGNIZED a club and that is all not native bye any means

the blackwater band of lower mvskokee was a 501 c3, but it looks like they let there non profit statis run out
you have to renew every 5 years

and it was spelled mvskokee?
that is why i thought it was strange!
did not match any regersted nations any where in the usa
and the addopation forgies i got off there web page
they to were missspelled

Offline zoi lightfoot

  • Posts: 139
Re: Blackwater Muskogee tribe
« Reply #19 on: May 07, 2008, 05:54:22 pm »
cannot answer that,they are not 'my' papers,I guess we will all get to see when i get them.

Offline wredgranny

  • Posts: 11
Re: Blackwater Muskogee tribe
« Reply #20 on: May 08, 2008, 01:21:07 am »

  Siyo to all,I would like to say something about this posting and a "seeming" not knowing much about REAL Native First Peoples as being "Ambassadores",to other countries. From the very firts there have been such Ambassadores,some "famous" some moving more quietly behind the "scenes" of Europe to gain recognition for our Peoples,and our rights and mistreatments by the "colonials" who came here. Once again Mama Porcupine it seems to me you like to paint my Peoples as "backward",ignorant,savages,with out the abilities to be such ambassadores. Once again you dismiss without reguard the service render this country by the Native First Peoples soldiers who served in EVERY war of this country,sometimes most sadly leaving behind children in those countries,and wether YOU like it or not,they ARE of Native decent. You continue to show disrespect to my Peoples,treating us as stupid unknowing children,WE know who and what are kin,we do NOT need you,someone who will not even give a name to tell us who we are. It has become more and more apperant to me you are NOT of Native heritage,of ANY of our Nations,nor do you know "blood know" what those of us raised in our heritage know without asking,or thinking. YOU,an unknown,have NO right,to question the heritage or motives even of ANY other human,be they Native or non. I have read your every posting on this board and say WITHOUT fear,you are NOT of Native heritage,anything you "know",has been learned through a Euros eyes,you do NOT have the same mind/thinking of my Peoples!
in "Respect"


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Re: Blackwater Muskogee tribe
« Reply #21 on: May 08, 2008, 04:37:36 am »
Wredgranny, no disrespect, but I think they are talking of a certain group and individual/or individuals. They are not talking of the Ambassdor Program of present or what has been in the successful in the past.  That's why many of these type of posts are put under Research Needed. So they can be discussed. Thank  you for your information on the Ambassador Programs. That's hellpful. But we ustry to stay away from the personal issues.. Thanks.

Offline crazyeagle

  • Posts: 45
Re: Blackwater Muskogee tribe
« Reply #22 on: May 08, 2008, 07:01:54 am »
Actually, as I have been conversing with Moma I have to say I agree with Wredgranny..

I am annoyed to say the least when Moma thinks naively that because the ex-pats are in Europe we dont know what is going on back home as well as in our own backyard here in Europe.Plus when the attacks happened on ex-pats I get very annoyed when there is no reason for this. The ex-pat community is a strong one and has had to be.

We have the same problem with PODIAS as you guys do, there is even a "Scottish Cherokee Clan" here in the UK and we meet many of these people who claim to have distant blood ties with the nations. In some cases it may be true but in many it is not. We would say approximately an 8th of the nations population live in Europe,thats a lot of the nations people,whether in the military,by adoption,war babies or just for a better/optional life. 

There is such a thing as lines of communication like the telephone and internet moma and all ex-pats are in contact with their respective nations and others on a regular basis. I would suggest in future if you wish to know about what is happening with the ex-pats in europe,many of whom do a lot of work over here,that you PM them privately instead of making such sweeping comments.

k..finished..had to say my piece...there is a cut off point where we in Europe will only stand so much from one who refuses to even say what Nation they are from...the only people we need to justify ourselves to is our own Nations and Creator.

Offline zoi lightfoot

  • Posts: 139
Re: Blackwater Muskogee tribe
« Reply #23 on: May 08, 2008, 10:17:37 am »
As promised two documents were sent to me this morning from Larry Nicholes as we are having diffuculty sending these,we are asking one of NAPFS senoir administrators to post these for us.
Now Moma I take it you have Leonard Peltiers current adress and prison number,if not let me know and I shall be happy to supply those for you,as you have brought his name up on this site you can ask him who I am,I take it Leonard needs no verification from any of you?
There are more documents relating to Larry Nicholes,which he is at this time not going to send until such time as Momma Porcupine has the decency to identify herself correctly to those she challanges.

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Blackwater Muskogee tribe
« Reply #24 on: May 08, 2008, 12:55:31 pm »
I'm not sure what would be in documents that would prove a tribe that is not recognized by the federal government is recognized by other ferderally recognized Muskogee tribes , but if you have something that might help confirm this I'm sure posting it would help.

I wasn't asking if these people can prove they have some Native descent, and proving they do won't make any difference to the problems of PODIAs getting together and demanding to be recognized as a tribe and a political entity .

What would be helpful is if some people in the tribal councils of one of the federally recognized tribes below, who recognize the Blackwater Muskogee coud be named, I could then email that tribe and ask for a reply from that person and would have proof of a federally recognized tribe supporting the claims of the Black water Muskogee , which I would be happy to post.

A list of federally recognized tribes which are related to the Muskogee are below;     

Creek Nation of Oklahoma
P.O. Box 580
Okmulgee, OK 74447-0580
FAX 758-1434

Creek Nation of Oklahoma
Alabama-Quassarte Tribal Town
P.O. Box 537
111 N. 6th St.
Henrietta, OK 74437-0537
FAX 652-8708

Creek Nation of Oklahoma
Kialegee Tribal Town
318 S. Washita
P.O. Box 332
Wetumka, OK 74883-0332
FAX 452-3413

Creek Nation of Oklahoma
Thlopthlocco Tribal Town
P.O. Box 706
Okemah, OK 74859-0706
918-623-2620 FAX 623-0419

Miccosukee Business Committee
P.O. Box 440021
Tamiami Station
Miami, FL 33144
305-223-8380 or 223-8383
FAX 305-223-1011

Poarch Band of Creek Indians
5811 Jack Springs Road
Atmore, AL 36502
334-368-9136 FAX 368-4502

 I actually did email one of these Nations a while back asking about the Blackwater band but so far they haven't got back to me. If I hear from them and have permission to post it i will let folks know.
There are more documents relating to Larry Nicholes,which he is at this time not going to send until such time as Momma Porcupine has the decency to identify herself correctly to those she challanges.

I just see this as a red herring . As far as I am aware , I have not made any claims about myself that need verification. If I have made claims that seem questionable, or if in any way something I have said that you can quote seems to undermine recognition and respect for Native identities, culture or soverienty , you are welcome to start a thread on me in research needed. However... if you have no substantial concerns, it would be better if you stopped trying to pull this thread off topic by trying to make it about me. Unless you want to focus on some specific concerns, I probably won't have much more to say about these unwarrented demands and attacks.

I understand you all feel you are so important it is completely outrageous some underling might presume to ask you questions and to verify you and your friends claims, but I have to wonder how you expect Europeans to protect themselves from frauds if they are intimidated from doing this.  It shouldn't matter if I am a pimply teenage boy from Germany typing this from my Mom's basement. Everybody has a right to ask for verification of claims that make people seem like they are important and that involve some sort of position of public trust . 

NAFPS is full of threads discussing groups claiming to be tribes and I am not sure why you think the Blackwater Muskogee is different or why it should be extempt from questions.   

As for me contacting Leonard Peltier - I guess I might - does he have an email ?  - but as I never asked if indeed Zoi is related to him , i'm not sure what the point would be. What I did ask for was if there was a way to verify she is licenced to practice law , assuming  she has the sort of practice that requires a licence, or some on line link that would verify her claims of working as a lawyer at the UN. Why I ask is some stuff that is being claimed here just doesn't seem to add up . And no I don't think I will be PMing Zoi to explain why I am wondering aout this,  as if that isn't alredy obvious i doubt any amount of explaining will change that, and twice in this thread Zoi has claimed people said things they didn't say. I would perfer our communication to be public and for it to be verifiable who said what to whom.   
« Last Edit: May 08, 2008, 01:06:23 pm by Moma_porcupine »

Offline wredgranny

  • Posts: 11
Re: Blackwater Muskogee tribe
« Reply #25 on: May 08, 2008, 11:30:52 pm »
  That,"moma porcupine" is the most inane,coments I have ever read,you do not even know who Leonard Peltier is,and yet "imply" he would LIE for a friend or kin,you are insulting a true Hero,one who has given his WHOLE life for his People,HOW DARE YOU?????? To show us such disrespect is one thing,but to call liar one the finest men to draw breath is beyond forgiving.Exactly who do you think YOU are? This alone would prove you are Euro,only they are so "condesending" to the "savage heathens" they think beneath them. You show no right to speak on our issues,no right to speak to us,you know NOTHING of what it is to be a Native Person,and it is in FACT time for a fraud thread of "intrest" on you. I am sending this to Leonard,and yes,I,can do that,he should see as should MANY of the Nation Elders what you just said,and HOW you said it in your OWN words!

"As for me contacting Leonard Peltier - I guess I might - does he have an email ?  - but as I never asked if indeed Zoi is related to him , i'm not sure what the point would be. What I did ask for was if there was a way to verify she is licenced to practice law , assuming  she has the sort of practice that requires a licence, or some on line link that would verify her claims of working as a lawyer at the UN. Why I ask is some stuff that is being claimed here just doesn't seem to add up . And no I don't think I will be PMing Zoi to explain why I am wondering aout this,  as if that isn't alredy obvious i doubt any amount of explaining will change that, and twice in this thread Zoi has claimed people said things they didn't say. I would perfer our communication to be public and for it to be verifiable who said what to whom.   "


  • Guest
Re: Blackwater Muskogee tribe
« Reply #26 on: May 09, 2008, 04:03:30 am »
Why not send the documents to Al then maybe it can be settled?

Offline Freija

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Re: Blackwater Muskogee tribe
« Reply #27 on: May 09, 2008, 07:39:55 am »
I´ve read all this and, I know nothing about The Blackwater Band, so I just wanted to make a comment on the issue as such.

As Al has already pointed out, I have come across Native people here in Scandinavia claiming to be an ambassadeur or a spokesperson for his people. It is not uncommon as it gives more credibility and the followers tend to gather up. In no case has this claim been true. I took my time once to phone the Tribal Council and they confirmed that the quy in question was no ambassadeur, was not even from the Nation he claimed and had caused considerable damage to the tribe he claimed to be from. Thank Gawd I did not host him, which was his request.

A couple of weeks ago a similar incident occured, so it is still going on!

So what I am saying is that it is important for us here in Europe to be able to verify these claims, whether it comes from individuals or groups posing as "Indians." This must be in the interest of most Natives "across the pond", too as I am sure they would not like to be represented by fakes. NAFPS has always been an excellent source for finding out info. It is not always that easy for us here in Europe to contact people in the US or Canada. Obviously, when we ask questions, sometimes that Native guy/group IS legitimate - so...great!!

Hopefully it will be possible even in the future to ask questions about "ambassadeurs" and "spokespersons" without any hostility. I, for one, am very grateful for the help I´ve got from here!

Offline crazyeagle

  • Posts: 45
Re: Blackwater Muskogee tribe
« Reply #28 on: May 09, 2008, 07:46:02 am »
grrrrrrrrrrrr.........ok...I have been trying to post the paperwork on Larry Nichols but one file(the certificate) is too big a file and the other letter is in the wrong format...have to be patient with us guys...I need some techy help on what to do next.

Offline loudcrow

  • Posts: 220
Re: Blackwater Muskogee tribe
« Reply #29 on: May 09, 2008, 10:04:42 am »
Here is the first file.  The original  has been altered because I
had to reduce the size in order to post it here. Nothing else
has been changed.