Author Topic: Russell Swonger AKA Russell Four Eagles, Soaring Eagles Wellness  (Read 31787 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Russell Swonger AKA Russell Four Eagles
« Reply #30 on: July 22, 2016, 05:04:16 pm »
He does say in interviews he talked about being in Vietnam for several chapters of his book and says he healed himself of PTSD. You can't view any part of it on Amazon and I couldn't find any link with excerpts.

It is indeed possible to "Look inside this book" at this Amazon link:

Unlike most Amazon books, this one had no "Look inside" label. But the preview doesn't include the chapters on his time in Vietnam.

Offline mswonger

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Re: Russell Swonger AKA Russell Four Eagles, Soaring Eagles Wellness
« Reply #31 on: October 20, 2016, 02:58:39 am »
I just have a question...

opening a can of worms I am guessing. in 3....2.....1.....GO

I am is niece.....

With that being said....My father and I dont speak so I dont get to see or talk to much of my father's side of the family but I do know the family tree...

Here is my issue... Can you PLEASE out of RESPECT of the DEAD keep his SISTER out of these comments.

If you can do your searches then you know that his oldest his has pass away.  She was up in age. I am so glad that you have our family tree in here. Just asking to respect her instead of LOL.... THAT WAS UNCALLED FOR! I am pretty sure if you seen that about your aunt after she has pass away you would be pretty upset also.
I am not trying to be rude! So please dont be rude or hateful!

Thank you!

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Russell Swonger AKA Russell Four Eagles, Soaring Eagles Wellness
« Reply #32 on: October 21, 2016, 07:17:05 pm »
Here is my issue... Can you PLEASE out of RESPECT of the DEAD keep his SISTER out of these comments.

If you can do your searches then you know that his oldest his has pass away.  She was up in age. I am so glad that you have our family tree in here. Just asking to respect her instead of LOL.... THAT WAS UNCALLED FOR! I am pretty sure if you seen that about your aunt after she has pass away you would be pretty upset also.
I am not trying to be rude! So please dont be rude or hateful!

Thank you!

Hi. I'm sorry you're having to deal with a harmful person in your family. You have my sympathies. But I'm unclear on who his sister was and what you're asking of us.

Is there anything anyone in your family can do about him? He's endangering people in a very serious way, and anything that can be done to put a stop to his fraudulent practices, especially around misleading and potentially harming cancer patients, could be really helpful to the people he's hurting.

Offline Hankbb

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Re: Russell Swonger AKA Russell Four Eagles, Soaring Eagles Wellness
« Reply #33 on: January 28, 2018, 09:26:58 pm »
I know Russell's family. 2 of his children recently did their ancestry DNA. Allegedly both tests came back with less than 1% Native American.

Offline RedRightHand

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Re: Russell Swonger AKA Russell Four Eagles, Soaring Eagles Wellness
« Reply #34 on: June 19, 2019, 08:15:54 pm »
This fraud is still active, he has just changed the urls of his websites and social media.

He is still making outrageous claims about being able to heal people with his fake "Native American" remedies. He has no "Native American" remedies as he is a white fraud.

He is telling people all sorts of bizarre things, including that he lives on a reserve, and he is listing himself on what look to be medical websites. If he is doing his fake "energy healings" and other snake oil scams on people with serious conditions, he is still very dangerous.

We look at him and laugh, seeing an obvious, white con man. But recent correspondence indicates he is still fooling desperate, ill, non-Natives who are looking for help with painful health problems.

People - do not go to frauds like this. You will just lose money and maybe your sanity. Stay away from these creeps.