Author Topic: 'Batty' Thunder Bear Gold & Rose Thunder Eagle Fink of the DTMMS  (Read 24589 times)

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'Batty' Thunder Bear Gold & Rose Thunder Eagle Fink of the DTMMS
« on: November 15, 2006, 07:11:44 pm »

These two persons,
Günther 'Batty' Thunder Bear Gold and
Rose Thunder Eagle Fink,
seem to be long-term followers of Harley Regans Deer Tribe.
They offer various seminars, and as far as I saw, they seem to operate mostly in Austria and Germany, but there is one entry quoting an article from the USA mentioning 'Batty' in a role as Regan's assistant during a seminar in the US.

"Rose ThunderEagle Fink

is Austrian by birth. She did research on the various shamanic traditions for many years and discovered her "path with a heart" when she found the ancient "Teachings of the Twisted Hairs" and met "Thunder Strikes" [i.e. Harley Regan].
For 19 years now, Rose has been studying the "Sweet Medicine SunDance Path" and is an authorized teacher of these teachings.
She travels a lot and teaches various issues in seminars, like e.g.
- Women Ways - teachings of matriarchy
- Quodoshka - spiritual sexuality
- ceremonial medicine - ceremony and alchimy
- healing paradigm - shamanic healings and world view
- warrior teachings: the potential of human beings

Rose leads "Ceremonial Medicine Journeys" to various places of power on earth and to various places of power of our ancestors and thus offers a variety of spaces for experience of teachings.

Rose's vivid and open character create a space in which it is easy to extend, to ray in one's own naturalness and above all, to learn through joy.

Batty ThunderBear Gold

was born in Vienna/Austria in 1947. Batty says he feels lucky to have been part of a generation which not only initiated a sexual revolution, but which also made it possible to travel to various cultures and live with them. Therefore, he spent the 60ies and 70ies traveling through Europe, Asia, and Africa in order to seek the meaning of life and during his travels studied various shamanic traditions.

When he met Swift Deer and Hyemeyohsts Storm in Austria in 1980, he made the "Sweet Medicine SunDance Way" his "path with a heart". In 1984, he moved to the USA to live and study with SwiftDeer. Today, after 24 years of studying this path, he is a medicineman and SunDance Chief in the Twisted Hair Tradition.

He co-founded the Red and the White Lodge, one-year study programmes of the Deer Tribe in USA, Canada, and Europe and leads and teaches these courses.

He loves medicine travels to places of power throughout the world, but most of all to Mexico, Guatemala, and places of power in California and in the Southwest of the USA.

As a workshop trainer, he offers a broad variety of teachings of the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path. This means several levels of:
- The path of the Warrior
- Shamanic Healing Techniques
- Crystals as a tool of healing and dreaming
- Ceremonial Alchimy and Magic
- Controling a Dream
- Chuluaqui-Quodoshka: spiritual sexuality

Batty's intentions with workshops and events are to transfer the wisdom and knowledge of an ancient shamanic tradition into the specific needs of modern society without losing the beauty and the alchimy of this tradition. He encourages persons to approach enlightenment by becoming brighter and learn with joy."

[Translator's note: The following texts contain a few graphic descriptions. They also indicate a regular cooperation of Gold and Fink with ZEGG as future seminars at their premises are being planned for 2007 and 2008 already, and advertisements for these are presently run e.g. at ]

Too big, too small, or within the norm?

When googling for the term 'Penis Enlargement', you will get lots of entries. The same for googling the term 'labia corrections'. ...
Quodoushka, the sexual teachings of the Twisted Hairs, an Indian tradition, opposes this with quite a different world view: In Quodoushka, every woman and every man will be categorized into one of the major or minor directions according to their specific sexual energies. As soon as a young person reach puberty in this tradition, an elder will give them a lecture on sexual energies.

Quodoushka 1

... Quodoushka is about the energetic aspects of sexuality. ... Every direction (North, North-East, East etc.) is linked to an animal. And this animal signifies certain aspects of the sexual personality and shows specific gifts who only someone belonging to this direction will have to this amount...

Quodoushka 2 -
The variety of sexual encounters

In advanced Quodoushka you will learn which kinds of sexual encounters there are. ... It is the wishes of your heart which are responsible. ...

Then Rose and Batty, who are leading the seminar, will demonstrate each encounter, they do not act but really enter into each respective energy - this is absolutely stunning and fascinating - and then you will do it, too..."


Quodoushka 1 und 2:
Mon Aug 8 - Sun Aug 14, 2005
Fee: EURO 750
The seminar will take place at Mandala Centre, Southern Bavaria, Germany. Price for accomodation and meals there is EURO 50 per day; this amount is not included in the seminar fee.

Seminar leaders:
Rose ThunderEagle Fink und Batty ThunderBear Gold are long-term international teachers of the Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society. Since many years, they have been leading Quodoushka seminars in many countries of the world in a very humorous and playful way. Rose and Batty are living very 'fully', you can see the joy sparkle when they act. And they act respectfully with each other. This is Walk Your Talk...

The site advertises more seminars taking place at the ZEGG premises in the town of Belzig with the following fees:

Quodoushka 1 : EURO 386 (early bookers) / 421
Accomodation: single room EURO 174, double 159, large room 129

Quodoushka 2: EURO 386 / 421
23. - 26. Nov 23-26, 2006
The fee is said to include an amount going to a funds for keeping up the line of wisdom in Phoenix. Prices for accom are somewhat cheaper, though:
single 153, double 144, large room 117

Quodoushka 3
planned for 2008
same fees and prices for accom as Q2


Googling for the name of Sabina Tschudi who at the German Deer Tribe site is named as the founder of the German DT branch, I found the following entry on a site listing business info:

"Dreamers GmbH - director: Sabina Tschudi Schröder"
(GmbH is a Ltd.)
an entry mentioning "Brain Dance" offered by Sabina Tschudi and Guenther Gold

I presume this is Batty's real name, i.e. Guenther Gold AKA Batty Gold

A search for Guenther Gold on German language sites showed the following entries:


There are two courses advertised with Herr Gold leading them:
"NLP Diploma Training to become an NLP practioner & NLP Master with Guenther
Gold (OeDV-NLP, DVNLP, Society of NLP)
Apr 4, 2006 - Nov 1, 2006 (4 blocks of seminars)
Fee: EURO 1,920 (excluding accomodation)"

"Shamanism Today - integrating - up-to date - spiritual
Guenther Gold has been leading seminars and trainings on Indian coined shamanism all over Europe. Money-back warranty!
Apr 28 - Nov 10, 2006 (5 blocks of seminars)
Fee: EURO 1,080 (accom excluded)

The name Guenther Gold as well as Batty Gold also show up at another site,
This is a very long article about Mr Harvey Regan's ways, a good part of which is in English (quotes from English language articles) - but very outspoken. The site itself cannot be entered without registering first,only this one article is free for public access. The name 'Guenther Gold' shows up in the German part as a teacher of Quodoushka, whereas 'Batty Gold' shows up in the English language part in a description of a Quodoushka weekend seminar with Mr Harvey Regan, with Gold as an assistant demonstrating techniques publically with Mrs Regan.

Offline nemesis

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Re: 'Batty' Thunder Bear Gold & Rose Thunder Eagle Fink of the DTMMS
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2010, 11:50:15 am »
Batty Thunderbear is one of a number of people offering a "Ceremonial Medicine Journey" in New Zealand

Ceremonial Medicine Journey in New Zealand
November 2 – 13, 2010: with Batty ThunderBear, Mukee Okan and Mihirangi
Contact: Mukee:   • Batty:
Register online at • Only 13 places left!

The link below is to a site that provides information on "sacred sexuality" teachings in Australia and New Zealand

The lineage of the people offering the trainings seems to be a mix of Osho and Harley Reagan with also "White Tigress" and "Jade Dragon" training.  I only know about White Tigress training from reading reviews on Amazon but it advocates that women "Tigresses" avoid sexual intercourse and instead steal male energy by performing oral sex on many different males and swallowing. Not much about love or emotion, just an emphasis on using sexual partners to steal their energy, also the ridiculous claim that women who do this are immune from STDs.

Australia is an interesting territory to research regarding abuses arising from "sacred sexuality"trainings, simply because they have a legalised system of prostitution and also a huge population of Oshso followers who have resided there since the 1980s.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2010, 11:52:05 am by nemesis »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: 'Batty' Thunder Bear Gold & Rose Thunder Eagle Fink of the DTMMS
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2010, 01:43:16 pm »
It's good to see that in a search for her name, NAFPS's warning on her comes up for the first two links, before any of her ceremony selling.
The other link mentions she also worked with exploiter Francis Talbot AKA Medicine Story.;topic=888.0

She also was associated with ZEGG, a commune that became a cult and abused many of its members.

And she's thanked as a "teacher" by the School of Movement Medicine, along with several other frauds, plus many I don't recognize. Frauds we've discussed before, I bolded.

Heather Moon Owl, Sue Moon Dragon, Batty Thunder Bear Gold, Gabrielle Roth, Helen Poynor, Arwyn Dreamwalker, Chloe Goodchild, Sandra Smith, Roz Walker, Ursula Fawcett, Peggy Sherno, John Leary-Joyce, Jane Puddy-Kahn, Victor Sanchez, Merrilyn Tunneshende, Suprapto Suryadarmo, Bikko Matthe Pentha, Hamilton Souther and Alberto Torres Davila.

H Moon Owl is mentioned online on several lists of frauds but not much more.

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Re: 'Batty' Thunder Bear Gold & Rose Thunder Eagle Fink of the DTMMS
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2010, 05:07:24 pm »
"Arwyn Dreamwalker", AKA "Arwyn Larkin" is mentioned in a number of threads on here, such as this one:

Offline nemesis

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Re: 'Batty' Thunder Bear Gold & Rose Thunder Eagle Fink of the DTMMS
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2011, 09:54:44 pm »
They now have a website promoting their quodoushka nonsense here in the UK, complete with workshops