Author Topic: Waynonaha Two Worlds  (Read 18871 times)

Offline Mo

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Waynonaha Two Worlds
« on: April 14, 2006, 11:34:21 am »

Friday - Sunday June 9-11
Starting Fri. at noon til Sun. ?

Registration: $300.00
Register Online

Location: Campgrounds
Presented by: Waynonaha Two Worlds (The Sisterhood of the Sacred Corn)

Esoteric practitioners will present experiential lessons from the Rainbow Nation and Native American Elders, delving into female mysteries such as herbalism, sacred dancing, astrology, energy magick, guided meditaions and sacred lodges. Two Native American sacred Inipis (sweatlodges), will provide a mind-expanding journey of introspection.

Listen to the crackle of the bonfire, sing, howl with wild women and wolves,dance the traditional steps of an ancient time, when women were honored for their wisdom. Learn from the Sacred Cornmother within and reconnect with your self and your life. Drift off to sleep listening to the Cornmother's heartbeat drum.

This gathering is to restore balance and healing, allowing women to give out the knowledge tucked within us. This gathering is for women and girls eleven and older to attend only. No men or young boys will be permitted on or near the ceremonial grounds.

Materials for experiential classrooms will be supplied. Food is provided and a campsite will be provided in the cost. There is no fee to attend the Inipi Lodge.

Waynonaha Two Worlds, also known as Grandmother Two Worlds by many people, is born of the Bear Clan and is a direct descendent of seven generations of traditional healers. Much of her youth was spent living in Western isolated community. The knowledge of the healing was passed down to her through generations of Grandmothers, and Elders. As many Indigenous people do, she feels that it is time to share with others who come to listen and learn.


this seems to be a gated community of "mediums" in NY. and while i admit howling wild women sounds...interesting, this is a definite scam with the vague and "no tribe" elder. you can even buy a house in this community if you become a member of their church. scary.

Offline Mo

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Re: Waynonaha Two Worlds
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2006, 11:38:44 am »

Offline piya

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Re: Waynonaha Two Worlds
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2006, 12:11:11 pm »
It appears one of her co-horts,  Margriet Many Fires Wolf, is operating in Holland.

 "Her most important teacher is the Lakota Elder Waynonaha Two Worlds, who made her a Bear Clan Teacher. She is a member of the Susquehannock tribe. She is a teacher of the Wolf Clan (Seneca), also a Druid of the OBOD and a Green Witch of the Wise Women Centre in New York."

She is a member of the Susquehannock tribe?, as far as I know the last 20 members of this tribe were murdered in the 1700's.


To Old To Die Young

Offline Mo

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Re: Waynonaha Two Worlds
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2006, 01:36:32 pm »

Individual sessions Wolf Clan medicine wheel

While I am in Kersey there will be a oppertunity to do a session around personal issues. You will get your colours from the medicine wheel of grandmother Twylahs (Seneca)teachings.A reading will cost 25 pounds for 1 hours.

Vorige Pagina

I recognise that name too. unreal how they have no conscience and will play with people's well being...not to mention what they do to native ceremonies. i hope someone gets to speak over there too to let unsuspecting hollanders know what this woman is.

while i'm thinking about has "business" been for the frauds in the places Al spoke last year? hope its diminished.

Offline piya

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Re: Waynonaha Two Worlds
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2006, 02:18:48 pm »

Seems she is coming to England and Ireland in June, according to her agenda page. Gonna have to find out when and where

To Old To Die Young

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Re: Waynonaha Two Worlds
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2006, 04:27:39 pm »
The frauds in Europe have lost a lot of business. In one case, a Nuage club entirely split up. I'll be sure and make special mention of the Wayoverherhead woman when I'm in Britain and Holland.

If I remember right, Trish contacted her by email and thought she was just a confused eccentric type. Seeing Nitsche's name mentioned, I wonder if she could be being used like some suggest Nitsche is.

Here's the thread on her from the old NAFPS group in Archives"

Found this: In the response to Bernard Red Cherries, she claims to be Oglala Lakota. And she answers in OldChiefSpeak, along with Nuage talk.
"May 23, 2003 Response From: Oglala Lakota Spiritual Elder, Grandmother Waynonaha
Council Fires (Elders)
....In times before the coming of the boat people we sat in peace, listening to our Elders speak....this all changed and our ears were taken by the monster of ego and greed....All things ceased to flow in a balanced way. Our disconnection from the Tree of Life had started....Soon the monsters had many chains of ears around their necks, each person who added their ears supported and helped the sickness to grow....Will we, in our own need to heal the hurting, close ourselves away from the light of wisdom?
I sit and watch this and listen with ears that are trying hard to hear the truth and the justice of the words. I see much, and hear much, but the words that come before all things are yet to be spoken....My heart cries out for the words that are waiting to be spoken....
Mitakuye Oyasin
Waynonaha (one who remembers that she is a human being.)"

Here she's claiming to be both Cheroke and Lakota.
"Having the heritage of both the Lakota and the Cherokee she can draw on the knowledge of both cultures. Waynonaha, teacher and story-teller of the Bear Clan, is a certified nutritionist and a spiritual healer;"

And here she is near the Seneca rez.
"Waynonaha Two Worlds, a volunteer for the Seneca Indian Children Early Development program had the following comments about the container of sadness....
Seneca Indian Children Early Developmental Program
c/o Waynonaha Two Worlds
P.O. Box 142
Lily Dale, NY. 14752"

She also has her own blog on a server in Holland, where she writes what sounds like bad science fiction mixed with pop psychology.
"The balance of doing the spiritual work and maintaining the physical world is the hardest challenge. I, for one, have known my share of money woes and faced many changes in my living arrangements....
In accepting this as a part of life, we grow and learn from the very changes that we have such problems with in reality. It is inevitable that we will reinvent ourselves many times in life....
Just as the delicate dragonfly, on its transparent wings, leaves its body, we will fly from one dimension to another. Dropping our old robes that we found useful here on this Earth Mother, our passage takes us into the beyond where we will continue on the path. As we pass through time and space we will paint the picture as a passage of our lives on the walls of many minds."

Also this.
"Fun from Grandmother Waynonaha Two Worlds
Reincarnate me like this . . .
Life As A Female Bear ?
. . .
I chose this sample from Grandmother Waynonaha's wisdom because I was struck by the strangeness of the language."

A review endorsing Ed McGaa.
"Ed McGaa represnts what we all can become, he is a true roll model for our children."

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Waynonaha Two Worlds
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2006, 04:31:42 pm »
this seems to be a gated community of "mediums" in NY. and while i admit howling wild women sounds...interesting, this is a definite scam with the vague and "no tribe" elder. you can even buy a house in this community if you become a member of their church. scary.

She does not seem to be "no tribe" abroad: I found two Dutch sites in which she gets called a Lakota:
Here, someone tells how during a course, WTW touched the chin of a person who stuttered, and miraculously was able to speak without stuttering then....
A lady announces that she received her "Indian name" Little Smiling Fox from Lakota elder WTW.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Waynonaha Two Worlds
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2006, 04:54:43 pm »

Offline Mo

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Re: Waynonaha Two Worlds
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2006, 05:14:12 pm »
this seems to be a gated community of "mediums" in NY. and while i admit howling wild women sounds...interesting, this is a definite scam with the vague and "no tribe" elder. you can even buy a house in this community if you become a member of their church. scary.

She does not seem to be "no tribe" abroad: I found two Dutch sites in which she gets called a Lakota:
Here, someone tells how during a course, WTW touched the chin of a person who stuttered, and miraculously was able to speak without stuttering then....

by no tribe i was refering to the ever present un-named elders all these people seem to be taught by.