General > Research Needed

Joseph Bruchac, author, storyteller, presenter and fake Abenaki

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Smart Mule:
Also of note, Marge Bruchac now has quite a bit of pull in academia.

I have talked to some respected Natives from Canada and the United States and they all believe Joseph Bruchac to be Native and even claimed a friendship with him and said he was a quarter Abenaki, so many Native Americans and First Nations believe him to be as well.
 I think this post should be moved to research and titled in his name, if the evidence is there that's he's not Indigenous, then that's the point of this site. He's clearly made money off an Indigenous identity and specifically Iroquois culture.

Smart Mule:
Marge, his sister, cites herself on her CV as a descendant so I'm not sure how her brother could possibly be 1/4.

cheetos paws:
Another vote in favor of posting it. This is information people need to know, b/c they're using their claims to Abenaki lineage as a selling point, and a lot of people believe it.

Research of this dynamic regarding Bruchac's "Bowman" ancestry is continually evolving, and the pieces of this puzzle are continually being discerned and put together with the rest of the gathered pieces. Please bear in mind that this work is a 'work-in-progress'.

I am also going to do a posting in the blog 'Reinvention of the Vermont and New Hampshire Abenaki as well soon regarding the Bruchac's ancestral connections to the the Senecal lineage.

At this point in time, I am detecting through a 67 Marker Y-DNA match that Lewis Bowman (1844-1918) was a Non Paternity Event (NPE) of Elizabeth Sophie Senecal dite Laframboise prior to her living with or marrying to George(s) Rhemond/ Raymond in the Granby, Quebec, Canada geographical area.

Genetic testing at AncestryDNA proves very clearly that she is the mother of Lewis Bowman, whom his descendant, Margaret Bruchac - Kennick IMPLIED was a Native Abenaki woman in both her write-up's that were published in her books. Even Joseph Bruchac IMPLIES that Sophie Senecal was an Indian Abenaki woman in March Toward the Thunder !! ... storytellers indeed.

I am personally not completely 100% percent sure out Ots-Took, the Mohawk connection in the 1600's but I have (I think) configured the Montauk Indian connection to the Bruchac ancestry (again in the 1600's) ... Neither ancestral connection makes Bruchac's nor Bowman's ABENAKIS whatsoever.

As in regards to the Lewis "Bowman" we are detecting a Y-DNA connection to the Jacques Vaudry of Lamberville, Upper Normandie, France whom married to Jeanne Renaud in 1661 Trois Rivieres, Quebec, Canada. Vaudry's were in Montreal, and did relocate to the Granby Township area, and descendants did migrate into the States, as did Elisabeth Sophie Senecal's brother Jean Baptiste Senecal's descendants (particularly into Rutland, Vermont) with ties to Greenfield, Saratoga County, NY with one branch. More research is being done on the Vaudry Y-DNA connection(s).

As far as Joe and or Marge, or his two son's being Abenakis, its a mythical storytelling indeed. They can believe and perpetuate the myth all the want to for fame or $$$$ but it begins and ends with genealogical truth.

If anyone would like to discern the actual documents, and research, please communicate privately with my person and I will share, as my time allows.


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