Author Topic: "Oliver Shanti" aka Ulrich Schulz and Oliver Serano-Alve  (Read 23088 times)

Offline Ganieda

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"Oliver Shanti" aka Ulrich Schulz and Oliver Serano-Alve
« on: May 27, 2007, 11:55:15 pm »
While searching out music that I liked, including that of Oliver Shanti  aka Ulrich Schulz and Oliver Serano-Alve.  I came across some disturbing items....  the following is from the web page posted below. 

(and BTW, I did a search on this site and could find nothing about him so it may a good idea for some investigating. 

News On Oliver Shanti

There have been a lot of questions dealing with Oliver Shanti's current problems with the police. I'm going to share the information that I have found so far. I find this to be the reason why the SATTVA MUSIC, his own music company, web page has been shut down.

I have collected this information from a number of different online news publishers. Most were translated from German using a computer translator so specific details were left out in fear of inaccuracies. I would not consider this FACT, its just the information that I have found so far. Most of my information comes from the article links below.

It appears since fall of 2002 Oliver Shanti has been on the international search lists and is still on the escape. The German investigation authorities have collected some 1000 individual cases of sexual abuse, many of them dealing with children.

This came law involvement when a parent of a child that was sexually abused by Oliver Shanti went to the police. It was the Childs decision on weather to make this announcement or not. This family announced that they made this public and involved the law not for revenge, but to stop Oliver Shanti so he will never be able to do this to more children. In February 2002 the beginning of witness questioning started. Olive Shanti stayed at this time in Portugal and wanted to take no position to the accusations. He then was wanted for questing and arrest but has avoided it sense August 2002.

During this time more then 1000 individual cases, with which 10 children were abused during the last 10 years came to light of the public and police.

To day Oliver Shanti's location are unknown and he is still wanted by officials.

another web page of interest....

Oliver Shanti is to me a traitor to the values in which I still believe.

There was also an agreement with a Tibetan organization, giving them one mark per sold unit of the CD "Tai Chi", which was not kept. "Tai Chi" has sold about 300 000 copies, but to this day the Tibetans still haven't seen any money.
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Offline Ingeborg

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Re: "Oliver Shanti" aka Ulrich Schulz and Oliver Serano-Alve
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2007, 01:58:31 pm »

For English version, click on British flag.
This is the official info provided by Munich police.

Further info from April this year:,1518,477230,00.html/7013
14. April 2007

"Sexual abuse of children in dozens of cases - suspect guru gone underground in Spain

The man is being looked for by the police since years, for being the alleged head of a sect founded in Bavaria; he is accused of sexual harassment of children in about 1,000 cases. The track leads to Spain now.

Madrid/Munich - Police accuses him of having harassed 116 children. Investigations have been going on for years, and tracks to the 58-year-old man born in Hamburg now point to the province of Galicia in the Northwest of Spain, according to Spanish paper "El Pais". The suspect is said to have got known as an esoteric musician and founded a sect in Bavaria during the 1980ies  which is accused of about 1,000 cases of sexual harassment of children.

Munich D.A. confirmed that the man is being looked after for several years now. If he gets found in Spain, they will apply to have him extradited, said D.A. Anton Winkler. The suspect had his last place of residence in the vicinity of Munich.

According to "El Pais", the alleged guru first stayed on a hacienda in the town of Vila Nova de Cerveira in the North of Portugal after making an escape from Germany with his followers.

He is now reported to have been seen in the neighbouring Galician provinces of Pontevedra and Vigo. Witnesses say the saw him on the beach in attempts to make further followers. There were also information claiming the 58-year-old man is living on a boat passing between Spain and Portugal on the river Mino.
He is also reported to have been seen in pubs on the island of Ibiza.


The following is an interview with the father of one of the children. The father apparently belonged to the followership of Shanti/Schulz for years, and his report of how Shanti/Schulz treated the musicians playing the music sold under the name of Shanti is very interesting. If this report is based on facts, Shanti/Schulz is in fact an exploiter of indigenous cultures and musicians, and this should merit him being moved to the Fraud section.

SPUREN (=traces) Archiv
Issue No 68 summer 2003
"Oliver Shame?

Since autumn 2002, Oliver Shanti is to be seen on international warrants and is on the run. German authorities accuse him of 1,000 incidents of sexual harassment. Is it possible to create such beautiful music and molest children at the same time? SPUREN talked to one of the effected persons.
By Claude Jaermann

The name Oliver Shanti & Friends is a symbol for the merging of meditative music and ethno sounds. Sales of CDs like "Tai Chi", "Well Balanced" or "Alhambra" were well above 100,000. Oliver Shanti touched many people, however as Ulrich Schulz, his original name, he apparently also touched boys under age. Since autumn 2002, Oliver Shanti is on the run and his name is on international lists. German authorities accuse him of 1,000 incidents of sexual harassment. Did Paulus become a Saulus? Is it possible to create such
beautiful music and molest children at the same time? SPUREN talked to a person directly affected whose son went to school at Oliver Shanti's hacienda in Portugal and was molested by him for several years.

Q: Who is Oliver Shanti for you today?
A: A person who went astray from the ideals he stood for in former years and abused them for his purposes. I am very much affected by what happened to the children. The reports of fraud, involving different amounts of money, are secondary here. Oliver Shanti to me is a traitor of the ideals I still believe in.

Q: When did you stop calling him a friend?
A: That was in summer 2001 when I was absolutely certain that the harassment my son accused him of really did happen, although Oliver Shanti always denied. Even to my face he swore an oath to the Indian saint Anandamayi Ma that these accusations were false.
I talked to my son again who confirmed all incidents. The next day I phoned Oliver Shanti who was living in Portugal and told him I would stop working for him this very minute. He just said I was old enough and should know...

Q: Did you already know then there would be legal action?
A: I was the one to start legal procedings. It was important to me that the children were to decide whether this was reported to the police or not. They came to a decision very quickly and decided upon reporting Oliver Shanti. They did not do this for a revenge, but to precent Oliver Shanti from doing this to other children.
In February 2002, investigations started and witnesses were being questioned. Oliver Shanti permanently stayed in Portugal at this time and refused to comment the accusations. He avoided arrest and went underground.

Q: Did you ever have doubts?
A: No. Quite the contrary. It got more and more evident afterwards. According to investigations, authorities now assume there were about 1,000 incidents in which 10 children have been molested during the last ten years. My son got molested from the age of 11 until the age of 17.

Q: How did Oliver Shanti manage to have children put in his care?
A: We were a circle of friends and families. Since my wife and I lived in Berlin, we thought it was wonderful for our son to have the opportunity to grow up on a beautiful hacienda and go to school there. There was one of the mothers there in Portugal all of the time. My former wife also went down during university breaks. We planned to live at the hacienda in our old age.

Q: Oliver Shanti never composed anything himself nor did he play instruments. So what was his role in this community?
A: He did not invent the combination of meditative music and ethno sounds, but he meant to extend the fusion. He came to the studio in the end, and decided what to publish. In the beginning, there was just improvising in a meditative mood. In former years, he sang Indian songs he had learned. But all in all he was not present in the studio that often. The band consisted of four main musicians who did all the work. Since he did not want young musicians to simply leave when they had success, Oliver Shanti had his name put down as the compser, arranger, and producer. This meant he also got all the royalties.

The person doing most was a woman who worked for the label Sattva and who later on was cheated out of her money. There also was an agreement with a Tibetan organisation to give them DM 1 for every copy of "Tai Chi" sold which was never kept. "Tai-Chi" sold more than 300,000 copies, and the Tibetans never saw as much as DM 1.

Q: Why did this person receive so much trust?
A: He always said: Look, it's a new time now. Star cult and jumping abut on stange is over and done with. Oliver Shanti, he said, was more of a working title. It was not the individual that counted, but the message. That's why he also never gave intervirews.
He belonged to the generation of 69, had his own ashram in India, then came back to Germany and meant to get something moved with art and culture. [..] He questioned the system, was active in the peace movement, engaged for Amnesty International.

Q: Did you ignore warning signals? Were there any?
A: A warning signal should have been his excess in collecting parrots. He had between 300 and 400 parrots in Portugal, bought them from traders out of compassion. He also joined several associations for birds, and for taking them back into the wilderness, and justified this with the claim of trying to protect endangered species. He invested much money into the parrots - more than was our aim. We intended to built the studio in Portugal, and appartment houses in which the musicians were to live. He hired two persons to look after the parrots. The entire parrot project took more than EURO 1 million.

Q: These were warning signals about finances. Were there others?
A: Yes. He got more and more impatient with people and got harder, more demanding towards them. Even with musicians working for him.

Q: Did the musicians profit from Oliver Shanti?
A: Those who went did not. Everything was owned by the community. Those who went couldn't take anything with them.

Q: Was there any criticism of him?
A: Not at all. This only changed when the woman heading Sattva made claims when Oliver Shanti meant to found a joint-stock company which eventually came into being. He always pretended he sought to come to terms with her, but every time it got down to brass tacks, he always denied an agreement. He almost managed to completely isolate her, aggravating her so often until she revolted in the end.

Q: This sounds like a somewhat demonic intelligence at work here?
A: In hindsight, yes. Looking at things under the aspect of divine and demonic inclinations, I see him more on the demonic side today.

Q: How can someone 'so bad' create such 'beautiful' music?
A: You shouldn't project the music at him alone. There always were super musicians who put their soul into the music.
Oliver Shanti also was a generous person who bought five ambulances for the village in Portugal, and who never passed a beggar without giving him some money. But today I can imagine he did this on purpose to buy connections.

The name of the person is known to the editors but withheld for personal reasons."

I just realized that this interview is the same as in the second link provided by Ganieda. Having read the version put up at, I see several differences between their translation and the German original, especially regarding the role of the person running the Sattva company who gets depicted unfavourably in the e-r version. I also did not translate the second part of the article, a statement in which the author M.F. took great pains in describing 'they' never really liked to review Shanti's records. Although on a personal level I share his view of Shanti's music being shallow, his claim, made in hindsight, may have been made in order to prevent further damage for having promoted Shanti's music. Shanti to this day is popular with many people, his CDs can be obtained through amazon and is auctioned at e-bay, and I found several entries in German language forums written by persons who refuse to believe the accusations of sexual molesting children. The way musicians were treated and royalties cashed in by O.S. never get criticized....
« Last Edit: May 28, 2007, 02:13:39 pm by Ingeborg »

Offline Ganieda

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Re: "Oliver Shanti" aka Ulrich Schulz and Oliver Serano-Alve
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2007, 03:25:17 am »
If this report is based on facts, Shanti/Schulz is in fact an exploiter of indigenous cultures and musicians, and this should merit him being moved to the Fraud section.

Yes, that is one of the reasons why I chose to post this info to this forum. 
*May the Sun warm your Heart, The Moon light your Path and Sacred Mother Earth embrace and protect you always.*

Offline Emmia

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Re: "Oliver Shanti" aka Ulrich Schulz and Oliver Serano-Alve
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2007, 08:56:00 pm »
I just came in here and didn't see this before.
Thank you for posting this! "Oliver Shanti" is rather big in Europe, I'll put the word out as much as I can.
Does anyone know if the Native American musicians have been paid? Either he had license to include some of their songs (for example Mary Youngblood, Medicine Dream, Joanne Shenandoah and others) or he just used them. It would be interesting to know.


Offline Ganieda

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Re: "Oliver Shanti" aka Ulrich Schulz and Oliver Serano-Alve
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2007, 08:47:22 am »
What I don't understand is how come no one can find him...I mean, just as a for instance see:

the man is everywhere.... and still recording.... altho he looks nothing like the pics on any albums or his site. 

BTW...I've started a new group.  I really needed a new direction and after thinking on it I've decided to create "Pagans Against Sexual, Emotional & Financial Abuse"

It's brand new, so not much there yet... in fact, there is nothing there yet!  lol.  Anyone interested just c'mon by. 

And my first target will guessed it.... this man makes me sick. 

Now, a question for Ingeborg.  May I please copy and paste your notice (minus your personal notes) to my new site.  I tried the links but I can't get the messages in English. 
*May the Sun warm your Heart, The Moon light your Path and Sacred Mother Earth embrace and protect you always.*

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: "Oliver Shanti" aka Ulrich Schulz and Oliver Serano-Alve
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2007, 12:08:32 pm »
Now, a question for Ingeborg.  May I please copy and paste your notice (minus your personal notes) to my new site.  I tried the links but I can't get the messages in English. 

Of course you may copy my translations.
The only URL providing an English translatoin is the first one which is a site maintained by Bavarian police. The other two texts are, as far as I saw, available in German only.

Offline Ganieda

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Re: "Oliver Shanti" aka Ulrich Schulz and Oliver Serano-Alve
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2007, 02:07:54 am »
Thank you.  I did find some other info in English...the more I find, the more this guy makes me sick.  And you guys are all gonna love this one..

I'd love to mass-e-mail every music site that sells his stuff. 
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Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Oliver Shanti" aka Ulrich Schulz and Oliver Serano-Alve
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2007, 06:31:05 pm »
I wish you well with the new group you've started. You might look in a thread in Non Frauds called Pagan Version of NAFPS for the discussions earlier about the need for a group like that. If you don't mind, I'd like to post a link to your group in a cult studies list I'm part of, Freedom of Mind. I know there are several pagan members in there who expressed an interest in being part of such a group.

Offline Ganieda

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Re: "Oliver Shanti" aka Ulrich Schulz and Oliver Serano-Alve
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2007, 04:57:53 am »
Please do, you may absolutely post a link to the site "Pagans Against Sexual, Emotional & Financial Abuse"  ..anywhere you like.
*May the Sun warm your Heart, The Moon light your Path and Sacred Mother Earth embrace and protect you always.*

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: "Oliver Shanti" aka Ulrich Schulz and Oliver Serano-Alve
« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2008, 10:43:22 pm »
According to news reports today, Ulrich Schulz aka Oliver Shanti was arrested in the Portuguese capital Lisbon June 28, 2008 and faces deportation to Germany.


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Re: "Oliver Shanti" aka Ulrich Schulz and Oliver Serano-Alve
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2008, 01:23:39 am »
Good, now maybe they can get him off the street.