Author Topic: Ronald Coleman AKA Nomad Winterhawk  (Read 57624 times)

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Ronald Coleman AKA Nomad Winterhawk
« on: November 14, 2006, 09:24:42 pm »
I found the name Nomad Winterhawk coming up in a netsearch for activities of the Deer Tribe in Germany:
(translation by me)
There is also a photo of N.M. at this site.
This site is maintained by a German living in Denmark who claims to have been taught the medicine of 'Flowering Trees' by N.M.

Nomad Winterhawk

"Nomad Winterhawk is medicineman of the Na'ichista-Clan, a people to whom the white man, together with many other clans and tribes, gave the name "Apache" (an ancient Spanish word for "enemy") and who traditionally lived in a region we nowadays call North-Eastern Arizona and North-Western New Mexico. Winterhawk is an "E'chanskaehy" ("One who knows") and received his knowledge from his grandfather Falling Tree. He is a co-founder of "Metis Deer Tribe Medicine Society" [sic] and "Road Chief" of "Native American Church"."
I wonder about the name of the Clan, since on the site quoted below, N.M. is said to be from the N'Tsistsitas-Butterfly Clan, while the first tribal affiliation mentioned there is Cheyenne = Tsistsistas

"Nomad Winterhawk has an enormous knowledge of human nature and applies the principles of the medicine wheel in his lectures.

When he treats persons, he is not only treating their symptoms, but he view every living thing as being composed of spirit, body, consciousness, and feelings.

Whether it is physical healing or personal growth, he leads his clients and students by beginning a continuing process at all levels to make them find mental clarity, physical harmony and balance, emotional tranquility and a mental balance.

His knowledge has an oral tradition which is being handed down from grandfather to grandchild and bases on ancient wisdoms and insights. They are in stories, rituals, songs, and legends."



This is an English language site publishing an article written by N.M. about Black Indians.
(The same article can be found at )
They have got background info differing from the one above:

"Nomad Winterhawk - Ntsistsista (Butterfly Clan) - is a Black Indian of Cheyenne/Apache -Senegal African-Irish-Algonquin heritage. He has written a book honoring Black Indians and the 500 Year Heritage: 'The Black Indian Cultural Heritage' - designed to empower other Black Indians and inspire other individuals who have lost contact with their cultural roots.

Scheduled to be published in 1997, the focus of the book is on the value of honoring life, and the issues that confront Black Indians in their daily, individual as well as collective lives. As interesting alternatives to the violence we have around us, it provides valuable images of life passages, in the context of community enhanced ritual mechanisms."

Earth Circles, c/o Nomad Winterhawk
P.O.Box 72, Stamford, Lincolnshire, PE9 2WH, England

[just changed threat title-Al]
« Last Edit: November 20, 2013, 02:54:01 pm by educatedindian »

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2006, 10:54:55 pm »
EEEEWWWW! One of hardley swiftdick's band of pervs. Barf!

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2006, 03:51:53 pm »
Those names...and what he claims to be Apache words. I'm far from being fluent, but naichista sounds more like a mangled mixing of Japanese and Spanish. Naicha is a Japanese word for themselves, and the suffix -ista is used in Spanish to mean "a follower or supporter of" or "a believer in". As in Zapatista, a follower of Zapata. The closest word to naichista I know of naki or naakii, the number two. (Then again, maybe he's sending a message. "Number two" is slang in the US for feces.) Apache is actually from Zuni, Apachu or enemy.

If he's co founder of the Deer Tribe, that must be news to Harley. First I ever heard of this, and kind of strange for anyone claiming to be a Black Indian to be part of a group planning for race war against Latino immigrants.

One Italian site on Siberian shamans sells videos of him appearing with many I don't know and a few who I know are frauds.
"The circle of "Where the Egles Fly" worked togheter with great shamans as Nadia Stepanova  e Sodnom Boo (BURYATIA), Tserin Zarin Boo  (MONGOLIA), Prof. Mongush Kenin Lopsan, Ai-Tchourek Ojun , Vera Sazjna, Zakharova Aida, Kuular Ay-Suu, Popuu Dadar-ool, Choodu Aldyn Kherel, Dobyndo Natalia  (TUVA), Papa Elie Hien (BURKINA FASO), Bhola Nath Banstola e Ndrabahadur Newar (NEPAL) Habiba  (UZBEKISTAN), Kajuyali Tsamani(COLOMBIA), Yelitza Altamirano Valle (PERU), Maria Tepevnovna Etneut, Aleksandra Simonova, Ljudmila Ivanova (KAMCHATKA), Ilinka Vasilescu, (ROMANIA), Cherifa Kheddar (ALGERIA) Ani Choying Drolma (TIBET), Rosanna Tabasso e GiĆ² Fronti (ITALIA), Wen-yi Wang  e Lei Wang-Dragin's (Cina),Sree Chakravarti (INDIA), Grandmother Sarah (CANADA)
Fraud >>>Brant Secunda, Nomad Winterhawk,
Fraud>>>Mary Elisabeth Tunder, Carole Ione Lewis (USA), Migadalia Rodriguez (CUBA),Flying Beauty(CINA), Ioana Morange(FRANCIA)   who all share the same vision: to live a better life, in the respect of Mother Earth.
Where The Eagles Fly Siberian Shamanic Studies  Via Pantelleria 1, 13048 Santhia' (VC) Italy 
Tel. 339 8173161 - 335 8012597  Fax 0165 94109"

But almost all the sites seem to be German or Danish. The one time he seems to have been in the US it was to sell workshops.
"Nomad Winterhawk, author of the newly released book Circular Thought: An African-Native American Traditional Understanding is conducting Dream Workshops through Monday at the KRST Unity Center of African Spirituality, 7825 S. Western Ave., Los Angeles. The workshops will help people to explore the different levels of consciousness in dreams, how to apply the principals of circular thought. The workshop takes place from 7 to 9 p.m. Information: (323) 759-7567."

Offline Carsten

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2013, 04:50:25 pm »
I happen to have met Nomad and know him for a year.  he lives in my town.   he is not living with a German girl neither has anything to do with Germany. as far as I know.   

not that I spoken a lot to him about his work ,   but I see no sign that he should not be what he claims to be.

I can not access the above link.  so I can not tell if someone is posing as him abusing the name ,  however he is a ceremonial roadchief and travels around the world but lives as a author and he does not write about new age or something like that ,   merely portraits the history of how humans evolved and came from Africa so its not a new age fake your dealing with in that regard .   

in these cases , when dealing with a Native American you can always ask for his clan , tribe affiliation and check out if that exist.  if it does and they know him  as a shaman or whatever the individual claiming to be then he is legit.   otherwise not.

I did not bother to check these things out because as said.  he earns a living by writing about history.   nothing else.   fact is that his wife which sometimes comes to my home as a nurse  been to the US to visit his tribe so I see no reason to doubt that the representation of who he is should nothing but correct. 

he is not a typical new age fraud in any instance.  trust me I can spot them a mile away.   


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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2013, 05:31:07 pm »
The North American Indians philosophy of life - the circular thinking - Lecture by Nomad Winterhawk - Wednesday, 12.01, at. 19:30 to 21:30. Admission DKK 125

Nomad Winterhawk is medicine man and history professor. He will at inspiring some talk about the North American American Indian history, culture and philosophy of life, including on the circular thinking, and the awareness of our unconscious patterns including dreams as a tool to do so. As a Medicine Man, historian, ceremonial chief and learn from the Circular mindsets and Medicinhjulets roads, disseminate and he teaches Indian history, culture and philosophy of life. As the bearer of the oral tradition philosophy tells Nomad his stories as a means of personal self-development and has over the years encouraged many to rediscover their kinship with nature. Questions such as how individuals can relate to nature, themselves and each other is an extremely challenging teaching that sets requirements for the simple to gather courage and strength to live their lives fully. More info on

Google translation from

Offline earthw7

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2013, 09:10:46 pm »
I am sorry but ....
all the things i see are just plain wrong, first we dont have our medicine people living in europe
or traveling around the world
second he is not a member of a tribal nation unless he has an enrollment number,
then he has tell the family he comes from because everything is about family.

What kind of ceremonies is suppose to be a chief of even this statement is laughable.
In Spirit

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2013, 11:50:19 pm »
not that I spoken a lot to him about his work ,   but I see no sign that he should not be what he claims to be.

I see no sign that he's anything but a fraud.

He is hooked up with some of the worst exploiters and sexual predators out there, even claiming credit for running one of the worst groups (which will actually cause him all sorts of grief as he's just taken credit for the work of someone who is armed and aggressive).

however he is a ceremonial roadchief and travels around the world but lives as a author and he does not write about new age or something like that ,   merely portraits the history of how humans evolved and came from Africa so its not a new age fake your dealing with in that regard .   

Oh boy... please spend some time reading the threads on the groups he claims involvement with. I realize you're new here, but you need to get up to speed.

in these cases , when dealing with a Native American you can always ask for his clan , tribe affiliation and check out if that exist.  if it does and they know him  as a shaman or whatever the individual claiming to be then he is legit.   otherwise not.

If someone claims to be a Native American "shaman," they are not legit. And you need to contact real tribes, not the fake ones people like this try to ally themselves with.

I did not bother to check these things out because as said.  he earns a living by writing about history.   nothing else. 

fact is that his wife which sometimes comes to my home as a nurse  been to the US to visit his tribe so I see no reason to doubt that the representation of who he is should nothing but correct. 

he is not a typical new age fraud in any instance.  trust me I can spot them a mile away.   

Hopefully the things we've posted here will make it clear that you really do need to check these guys out before believing them, and you haven't yet learned to spot frauds. Please read what others have said about this guy and his associates, and the related threads in the forum. He didn't fool any of us for a moment.

Offline Superdog

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2013, 12:57:20 am »
  he earns a living by writing about history.   

I wouldn't exactly call what he does "writing about history".  It's more interpreting cherry picked facts out of history to support his narrative.  His research is some of the worst I've seen.  His conclusions are laughable.  His whole theory about Africans "clearly and undisputably" being the first Americans all boils down to Olmec carvings that a few people in history deemed to have "negroid" features.  That's it....and a theory that's been debunked over and over again.  He's not selling a "hidden history"....he's making it up.

The other titles he claims...also not realistic.  I know you live in his town and I know he's probably a decent fellow to talk to...but he's pulling some serious legs and trying to make a career out of it.  I don't see a whole lot that he publishes that could be deemed truthful or accurate. 


Offline Superdog

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2013, 01:10:16 am »
he is not a typical new age fraud in any instance.  trust me I can spot them a mile away.   

Your radar needs work...  ;)

An excerpt from his website's biography page:

"He apprenticed under Master Teacher Grandfather Falling Tree (Paternal Grandfather, Tuumontcokovi/Black Apache).  He received further instruction and training under Elder & Master Teachers: Don Jose Vicente Montenegro (Equador); Grandfather Tom Wilson (Dine); Stormchild (N. Cheyenne); Uni Howi Ashkananton (Texas, Metis Cherokee); and Papa Elie Hien (Dogara Titiolo, Bakina Fasso).

With his colleagues, Winterhawk has conducted numerous community events, healing ceremonies, as well as, birthing and naming ceremonies, vision quests, arrow renewal (Sundance Pilgrimages), purification rituals (Temescatl, Sweatlodge), as well as dream workshops. "

He's as typical as it gets.....


Offline Superdog

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2013, 02:00:04 am »
A little more.  An article describing Nomad in 2009.

(Google translation of the article with bolded highlights)
"The "Sweat Lodge" is' the most characteristic ritual of the Native American culture and is a representation of heaven on earth and as such can pray together and purify themselves to achieve unity with the whole universe. Involves the construction of a "sauna" to form semi-oval that represents the womb of the Great Mother earth where you enter to return to symbolically reborn into a new awareness. In the ritual prayers are formulated for themselves, for others, for the ancestors.

"Getting back in the hut means to be born into a new life."

With Nomad (Winter Hawk) Hawk winter
Nomad is a Native American that Europeans often refer

an "Indian Red." Nomad is not a "Red Indian" is an African in the ethnic origins and a Native American cultural orientation. There are many different groups, societies, clans, tribes and nations of Native Americans, but they share the same cultural knowledge, love and respect for life Mother (Earth). Nomad, or Winter Hawk (Falco Winter) as should be appointed during the ceremonies, should more accurately be referred to an African Native American.

Nomad was educated culturally as a "Road Chief" (Chief Ceremony) or what we Europeans call a "Medicine Man" (Medicine Man). The title has achieved in his own language is E'CHASHKA'EHY. In our culture this is equivalent to our western titles Doctor, Psychologist, Historical, Minister of Worship and Spiritual Counsellor.
In the 28 years he has traveled to share their traditions with people all over the world. In recent years Nomad had functions "Nanitzhozi", a "Ambassador of Goodness" (Ambassador of Benevolence). For this reason, during the summer of 1997, he was honored by the Native American community of Africans in Los Angeles, California, for his support to the spiritual community. He had among his teachers and his grandfather Fallen Tree Don Juan and Don Genero masters of the writer anthropologist Carlos Castaneda.


Nomad is currently working on a project with the purpose of a change culturale.Egli exposes through its conferences, the Way of the Medicine Wheel to convey to the public the Native American culture and the need for cultural sensitivity. With his seminars he gave others the opportunity to experience the essence of the African Native American Spirituality

to "River of Stone" alongside Vesuvius Observatory (Ercolano)"

Turns out his grandfather "Master Teacher Falling Tree" is a Castaneda follower....
Add this to the lengthening list of frauds Nomad lists as sources of his information....

Pictures on his fb include a nude bodypainted photo that seems to be the outfit he chooses for one of his "ceremonies"....

Odd and slightly disturbing....


Offline Carsten

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2013, 09:09:16 am »
not that I spoken a lot to him about his work ,   but I see no sign that he should not be what he claims to be.

I see no sign that he's anything but a fraud.

He is hooked up with some of the worst exploiters and sexual predators out there, even claiming credit for running one of the worst groups (which will actually cause him all sorts of grief as he's just taken credit for the work of someone who is armed and aggressive).

however he is a ceremonial roadchief and travels around the world but lives as a author and he does not write about new age or something like that ,   merely portraits the history of how humans evolved and came from Africa so its not a new age fake your dealing with in that regard .   

Oh boy... please spend some time reading the threads on the groups he claims involvement with. I realize you're new here, but you need to get up to speed.

in these cases , when dealing with a Native American you can always ask for his clan , tribe affiliation and check out if that exist.  if it does and they know him  as a shaman or whatever the individual claiming to be then he is legit.   otherwise not.

If someone claims to be a Native American "shaman," they are not legit. And you need to contact real tribes, not the fake ones people like this try to ally themselves with.

I did not bother to check these things out because as said.  he earns a living by writing about history.   nothing else. 

fact is that his wife which sometimes comes to my home as a nurse  been to the US to visit his tribe so I see no reason to doubt that the representation of who he is should nothing but correct. 

he is not a typical new age fraud in any instance.  trust me I can spot them a mile away.   

Hopefully the things we've posted here will make it clear that you really do need to check these guys out before believing them, and you haven't yet learned to spot frauds. Please read what others have said about this guy and his associates, and the related threads in the forum. He didn't fool any of us for a moment.

well I have to admit I am not sure what this is ,  I know a writer .  nothing to do with anything in Germany or someone doping ceremonies or anything.

I wonder if its the same person at all.  I cant see the pictures in the links in the first post but I do know for a fact he has nothing to do with Germany in anyway.

can you do me a favour then and post links I can quickly go trough so I am sure what I am dealing with ,  I have no interest in  defending frauds but as said I am not even sure its the same person we are talking about. 

the one I meet sometimes is no typical Danish new age type of person for sure.   we never even talked about anything but history , as he see it  and write about. 

Offline Superdog

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2013, 10:47:34 am »
Here you go Carsten. 

Here's Nomad's Facebook photo page so you can confirm if you are discussing the same person we are:

And here's his website:


Offline Carsten

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2013, 01:23:28 pm » is the person indeed. 

nothing I ever experienced with him told me he should be anything but a writer ,  history geek if you like so it does seem odd to me , with the things presented here.

I am not sure what to think of it to be honest ,. 

typical Danish new age people will look like this
she is shaman healer and lots of things.  cost a lot too.  and have a practice and makes money on it.

some have a Native American drum and even clothes to match.   its not traditional  but looks very "Indian"  .

they will also make sure to tell you about this as the very first thing they do.,   

Nomad does neither of these things but is very interested in discussing history ,  and as such I would not label him a fraud as the first thing. 

however if its true and its the same person around the world doing ceremonies and stuff then I would be more interested in finding out a little more about the person before making up my mind about this . 

to me he never claimed to be Native American shaman ,   however he does say that he is a African Native American  relative .  not full blood or anything.  he does not say he is a healer or medicine person either.   

but interesting to find this information. 

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2013, 01:50:09 pm »
Carsten, let me add to what others have said, he is purely and obviously a fraud. What may confuse you is the fact that he is Black. There are Nuage frauds in the US who target Blacks. There are Blacks in the US who have family stories of Native ancestry and there are also some Blacks who want to deny Black ancestry because of shame or to avoid anti Black racism.

NW claims to be "Black Apache." There is no such thing. Apaches were nowhere near the southeast US, where the Black population was. Any mixing was pretty recent, and there is no Black Apache community as he falsely claims.

He falsely claims Tuumontcokovi means "Black Apache." It does not. It's another name for the Chemehuevi tribe, an entirely different people and culture unrelated to Apaches. While I'm far from being a fluent Apache speaker, none of the words he claims are Apache seem to be.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2013, 03:29:40 pm » is the person indeed. 

nothing I ever experienced with him told me he should be anything but a writer ,  history geek if you like so it does seem odd to me , with the things presented here.

I am not sure what to think of it to be honest ,. 

typical Danish new age people will look like this
she is shaman healer and lots of things.  cost a lot too.  and have a practice and makes money on it.

some have a Native American drum and even clothes to match.   its not traditional  but looks very "Indian"  .

they will also make sure to tell you about this as the very first thing they do.,   

Nomad does neither of these things but is very interested in discussing history ,  and as such I would not label him a fraud as the first thing. 

however if its true and its the same person around the world doing ceremonies and stuff then I would be more interested in finding out a little more about the person before making up my mind about this . 

to me he never claimed to be Native American shaman ,   however he does say that he is a African Native American  relative .  not full blood or anything.  he does not say he is a healer or medicine person either.   

but interesting to find this information.

I hate to say this but what is looking very Indian mean?
In Spirit