Author Topic: Tecumseh Brown Eagle, aka Abdul Abdulla Mohammed, & James Oliver Johnson 111,  (Read 422835 times)

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216

Acceptance and Recognition 101 under the Great Law of Peace of Six Nations Confederacy etc.
First of all the name "Tecumseh Brown Eagle" that Abdul Abdullah Mohammed, has assumed without going through the proper traditional process of receiving of having the right to carry the name , was not honoured. According to verification from the Shawnees themselves he never asked permission from them to take on a name for himself of one of their notable chiefs. The Shawnee are not Erie. As the Shawnee are an off-shoot of the Delaware, and very closely associated linguistically to the Sauk-Fox and Illinois people, an Algonquian speaking people. The Erie, are of Hokan-Siouan linguistic family of the Iroquoian branch. Therefore it would seem more traditional and more right for Abdul, to have received an Erie name and not a Shawnee name. The Shawnee have also informed us that they also want nothing to do with this " Tecumseh Brown Eagle" as he has deceived them, lied to them, and was not able to provide proof to them of his lineage. They don't even want to mention his name,  as he is someone to them who doesn't even exist.
Therefore the Shawnee did not bestow the name of one their chiefs upon him!! No community recognition from the Shawnee!!
Secondly in review of his genealogy that he has circulated widely throughout, New York, Pennsylvania, Ontario and who knows where else, it has been verified that it isn't even his genealogy. In addition to this, the James Oliver Johnson 111, that he claims to be, and is not, on the father's , father's side is where this connection to a chief comes from and a Cherokee at that. Under our Great Law of the Six Nations Confederacy, our clans and nations are only determined through our mother's nation and clan, which would also be matrilineal all the way back. Since the Erie are also Iroquoian, the same law applies to them of determining clan and nation. We also have more than one chief as each clan and moiety of each clan has their chief. For example, my people,  the Mohawk, have 3 clans, Turtle, Bear, and Wolf, with 9 chiefs, 3 for each clan. The Erie were known and documented to have 30 representatives ( equivalent to chiefs) ."In an attempt to avoid open warfare, both sides agreed to a peace conference. However, in the course of a heated argument, one of the Erie warriors killed an Onondaga. The enraged Iroquois killed all 30 of the Erie representatives, and after this peace was impossible."
That being said, how can one so-called Erie Chief, "Tecumseh Brown Eagle", who improperly carries a Shawnee name, be the one and only chief of the Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation, when in the past true history of the Erie Nation, there was more than one clan, and more than one chief?  The answer to this, is by referring to the including reference, all of their chiefs, were killed at the meeting with the Onondaga and Seneca. Under our law, their chiefs titles would have died with them, since they also did not raise up any other chiefs to take the place of the ones who had been killed.
Thirdly, it has been verified that the EIMTN membership is made of people that they take in that are not Erie by lineal descent, most of them are not even a NAI. If they are, they are from other nations, who are not recognized as being an NAI by their own people. So what does this say about this community, who identifies itself as an NAI community by it's name "Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation"? That they falsely identified themselves as NAI when they are not or the vast majority of their members are not NAI.
Fourthly as far as community recognition goes, sure they may think they can self identify themselves as NAI, when our traditional laws under Great Law stipulates how we are known by our mother's nation and clan. So whose law do we as Six Nations Confederacy people acknowledge? It's not the newcomers!! It's our own! And our law does not recognize "Tecumseh Brown Eagle" as being an NAI. He himself made statements that he got his mother and fathers death certificates changed, because they both identified his parents as being Black. So what does that say about TBE? Is he a NAI as he claims and tries to lead many to believe, even the people around him? The answers to these questions are very clear!
Fifthly All of this being said, Abdul Abdulla Mohammed, is not really "Tecumseh Brown Eagle" as he has no right to carry that name. He is not Erie, because he is not proven it by lineage. He can not be an Erie Chief , because they were all killed in 1653. The remainder of the Erie survivors, were brought into the Six Nations Confederacy, and it also known that the Seneca-Cayuga of Oklahoma have Erie descendants.
The Erie have become part of our Six Nation Communities and now are identified through the nations and clans they were brought into. That's where the community recognition is at! Not from or within the "faux Eries" such as the "Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation"

Lastly since, the " Erie Indian Moundbuilders Ttribal Nation" are not recognized by our government, the Six Nations Confederacy, on a Nation to Nation basis, because the Erie Nation Confederacy or Nation does not exist in our eyes and hasn't since 1656, and also since the EIMTN will not be recognized on a Nation to Nation basis with the US, Canada or UN, then it is "dead in the water"!! In order for them to go anywhere in reality they also have be able to work with all forms of government on a Nation to Nation basis. I do believe that's what certain intelligent people are trying to say in this thread.

Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
« Last Edit: March 05, 2009, 04:08:33 am by Niiki »

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Here is some more of the Otah from Cindy "Pale-face" Loudoris, Abdul's ( Tecumseh Brown Eagle's mouthpiece and girl friend aka Shamush)

You'll get a laugh out of this:

Date: Wednesday, March 4, 2009, 8:12 PM

If I am wasting your precious time in the universe and you have absolutely no interest in what has been written about Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle via the person formerly associated with him, then please accept my apologies and read no further.

I, as a close friend and colleague of the Chief felt it necessary to respond to this outrageous and unacceptable attack. I have the highest regard and respect for Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle. I have found him to be a true humanitarian who cares deeply about his native ancestry. ( He is actually Black) He comes by this honestly as both his mother and maternal grandfather BISHOP Jefferson Myers...have scholarships awarded yearly in their honor for Humanitarian of the Year and their commitment to others.

The Chief's past has been very diverse and he has accomplished more than most men have. He was born James Oliver Johnson III, his grandfather gave him the name Tecumseh Brown-Eagle when he was a young child.( If that's the case, then why didn't he grow up with that name, and change it from Abdul Abdullah Mohammed to Tecumseh Brown Eagle after 1987? Another one of his lies!!)  The name Abdul-Muta'Ali( Servant of the Inspirational) Haadi-Nur(Guide- Light) Abdullah-Muhammad( one worthy to give praise to the Giver of Life) was given him by a mystic which he took in honor of the peoples whose land he lived during the time he represented the United States Karate Team (USA World Championship Team) USA Karate Inc. Representing the AAU Karate Team in Lexington Kentucky, 1987 he won a gold, becoming the first Native ( Black) gold medalist in AAU Karate. He is highly educated, was awarded a Doctorate of Divinity and is also a Master Mason of the 32nd Degree, this is documented information. I have included at the end of this email more personal information on Chief TBE.

The Chief's lineage has been complete in detail for approximately a year, which consisted of well over 3,000 hours of research (approximately one year) and final copy totalling 507 pages.
( Of Bullshit because it took them that long to compile it!) Family Genealogy of Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle Beg. Year 0602 ( I don't know of anyone's geneology who goes back that far, more bullshit) (. Obviously, this is not available to everyone and will not be posted on the Erie Moundbuilders website, if you contact Chief TBE personally and request this information a condensed version may be supplied. ( Hmmm the Shawnees did request it, and Tecumseh never delivered any proof to them!!)

Chief TBE has in his possession all supporting documents... . birth certificates, death certificates, etc. A massive amount of ( bs) research was conducted and located online, which includes (but not inclusive of) the Guion Miller Roll, Dawes Roll, family trees of his ancestors current and past, as well as historical information pertaining to his ancestors.( What he did not tell you is he got this off of and is someone else's geneology) The Chief is FULL BLOOD NATIVE ( more bullshit, as both his parents death records state that they are black) (which is more than many can lay claim to) with ties on both his paternal and maternal side directly to the HOUSE OF MOYTOY and many other famous Native men and women. Following is list of only a handful of prominent members of his family...... ........

Thomas Pasmere Carpenter (Corn Planter) Right! Not!
Chiefs Moytoy I, II, II, IV and V   Right! Not!
Chief Oconastota Small Pox Conjuror aka James Beaver Jr.   Right! Not!
Chief Attacullaculla aka Little Carpenter    Right! Not!
Stand Watie Brigadier General aka Isaac Stan Watie    Right Not!
Chief - Major John Ridge aka Pathkiller II        Right! Not!
Chief Wneypuechiska aka Chief Corn Stalk      Right! Not!
Nanye-hi aka Nancy Ward                            Right! Not!
War Chief Dragging Canoe Carpenter              Right! Not!       

Chief TBE is dark (black)
in complexion which stems from the fact that he is of direct native ( black) bloodlines. HE IS A TRUE CHIEF IN VERY SENSE OF THE WORD. ( from what planet???) NOTE: I have attached pictures of Mohawks found in the Seneca Museum, the front page of Time magazine depicting the dark complexion of original natives, a picture of Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle himself in his Masonic attire and attached as well is the famous Indian Group "Trustees of Georgia Painting" which includes some of Chief Tecumseh's family.

Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle is in possession of well over 20,000 documents that support his family history/ancestry, who were the Chiefs of the Erie Nation, (called Cherokee…. original name being……… Rickahockans, when in fact they were actually Erie Indian Moundbuilders)( here they go with more bs) (  . The Mound Builder label should be regarded as a description of Ancient Native American Civilization, rather than, as something describing a fundamentally different group of people. The Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation are the direct descendants of Mississippi Valley Erie-Mound Builders Indians, who called themselves hErie, Alliwegis, sometimes called Talliwegis. In addition some descendants of Erie Indian Moundbuilders (Head of all Nations) became known as: Muskogee (Creek) Indian Moundbuilders/ Cherokee/ Catawba/Shawnee/ Mingoes.. .. just to name a few.( Have fun with this one)

Clan Names (All Cherokee Clans)
Ani-Gi-La-Hi & Ani-Gi-Lo-Hi………Long Hair Clan Ani-Wa-Ya……….…Wolf Clan
Ani-Sa-Ha-Ni…………Panther Clan; Blue Clan Ani-Wa-Di………………….Paint Clan
Ani-Ga-Ta-Ge- Wi & Ani-Go-Te-Ge- Wi………Panther Clan; Blue Holly Clan; Wild Potato Clan; Wild Yam Clan
Ani-Ka-Wi…………………...Deer Clan Ani-Tsi-S'qua…………….Bird Clan

So.......... ......... I say this now, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and I don't mean just this attack against Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle or his Sovereign Nation ( a sovereign nation is one that is recognized as such, which isn't by anyone) , which is a CHOICE (not a legal matter) to be recognized by the US Government. This is directed at the
person(s) involved with making false accusations and labelling someone a fraud, tending to continuously go off on tangents. How dare anyone think that they have the right(s) to do such a horrendous act. ONE should be COMPLETLEY 100% of the facts, with backup documentation that states ONLY the FACTS. Meaning: supplying existing documentation clearly showing the name(s) of that group/person in question. Using other group(s)/persons with similar circumstances is NOT FACT. Verbally attacking ANY group or person is neither professional nor is it or should it be acceptable. There are more diplomatic ways to state ones point. Many conversations (some of which I was privy to) were taken out of context by a certain person( Conversations not hardly, more like screaming matches) .( T My suggestion: any questions regarding the Bruce Nuclear Project or ANY other projects (involving Chief TBE) current and future, be put to him personally. ( Tecumeh has no say in anything on the other side of Lake Erie or Ontario, according to Six Nation Confederacy Leaders)

My opinion: These kind of battles reek of "a bully in the schoolyard", and makes me think of a quote from Dr. Phil........ .. "he isn't bad, he isn't evil, he is JUST WRONG!!! ( Which Tecumseh needs to take a look in the mirror at himself as he tried to bully the Six Nations and it did not work)

Truly and Sincerely,

Shamush ( "Pale-face" Cindy Loudoris)

More Otah below:

TECUMSEH BROWN-EAGLE aka James Oliver Johnson III, Chief and Chairman of the Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation. Born: May 29, 1957 Erie, PA. First born son of James Oliver Johnson II and Othello Davis Sessums Backwater Laster Myers, both of whom were actively involved in the community and charity organizations. Chief Tecumseh Brown Eagle is of the bloodline lineage currently related to the British Royal Family, in addition to having direct bloodlines to CHIEF MOYTOY 1, (House of Moytoy). One of the Chief`s main goals is to improve the quality of life for all Native American and Indigenous Peoples through cultural, social, economical and educational awareness. The following are only some of his many accomplishments: Co-Chairman of the Native American Reconciliation Campaign; Accountant/Auditor/ Managerial Adviser; Fiscal Assistant; Financial Consultant; Health Administrator; Martial Arts Instructor; Master Mason: of the 32nd Degree; Shriner; Drug and Alcohol Outreach Specialist; Member of: Black Indians & Inter Tribal Native American Association; County Human Relations Commission Advisory Board; Entrepreneurial Outreach Consultant Minority Business Developer;
Volunteer Gannon University Small Business Development Center; Erie City Council Appointee, Committee for Community Concerns. U.S.A. Olympic Candidate - Tae Kwon Do /Karate; U.S.A. World Championship Karate Team
Member; GOLD Medalist - US OLYMPIC Elite Athlete Tae Kwon Do - National Champion Rep of US Of AAU All American Karate Team-America, in South America, France, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. Quarterback and Free-safety Gannon University Football Team at 33 years of age; Football Conditioning Coach, Erie Cathedral Prep. Brown-Eagle holds a B.S. in ACCOUNTING (Gannon University); Blackbelt: Third Degree Tae Kwon Do; Blackbelt: Second Degree Karate; DOCTORATE Of DIVINITY and has knowledge of Arabic, Hebrew, Spanish, Native American Languages, Histories , as well as Alternative Healing.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2009, 04:54:50 am by Niiki »

Offline SQuid

  • Posts: 11
Niiki - your passion is admirable. Your knowledge is impressive. However, you are treading on dangerous territory when you dismiss someone who is labelled a "fraud" and base it in part on you also referring to his skin as "brown."  There are other members here who proudly post and boast of their "brown" skin as being NDN. In fact, on the other end of racism there is one poster on another thread who dismisses ANY NDN who is NOT "brown" skinned and enrolled!  Just a heads up so you do not lose your righteous battle by incorporating loaded terms (which the other poster who dismisses lighter skinned NDNS did).

Also, your definition of "Sovereignty" is totally inaccurate. You state:
"a sovereign nation is one that is recognized as such, which isn't by anyone) be recognized by the US...."

That is the EXACT OPPOSITE of the term Sovereignty.
"Sovereignty: is the FREEDOM from EXTERNAL CONTROL!"  Thus, depending on outsiders or others to define who you are or who you can't be is the antithesis of Sovereignty! Sovereignty does NOT depend on "recognition" by anyone but those who claim sovereignty, and then live it! IF your definition were true, then all the recently "recognized" nations were what, before the US "recognized" them...."not sovereign?"
Despite all the treaties which verified their sovereignty? Despite all the citizens of those self-proclaimed sovereign nations which were holding on to their sovereignty DESPITE the US's refusal to recognize them???? So, by your definition - just about every nation was not sovereign - until the invader gave them a thumbs up seal of approval. I don't buy it. Neither does the dictionary. Neither would all the strong leaders of those sovereign nations who fought years for recognition - not to "become" sovereign, but because they always were sovereign!

The rest of your campaign is sound and righteous. I'm on your side, just not about the misuse of these crucially important terms. Good luck to you.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216

Also, your definition of "Sovereignty" is totally inaccurate. You state:
"a sovereign nation is one that is recognized as such, which isn't by anyone) be recognized by the US...."

That is the EXACT OPPOSITE of the term Sovereignty.
"Sovereignty: is the FREEDOM from EXTERNAL CONTROL!"  Thus, depending on outsiders or others to define who you are or who you can't be is the antithesis of Sovereignty! Sovereignty does NOT depend on "recognition" by anyone but those who claim sovereignty, and then live it! IF your definition were true, then all the recently "recognized" nations were what, before the US "recognized" them...."not sovereign?"
Despite all the treaties which verified their sovereignty? Despite all the citizens of those self-proclaimed sovereign nations which were holding on to their sovereignty DESPITE the US's refusal to recognize them???? So, by your definition - just about every nation was not sovereign - until the invader gave them a thumbs up seal of approval. I don't buy it. Neither does the dictionary. Neither would all the strong leaders of those sovereign nations who fought years for recognition - not to "become" sovereign, but because they always were sovereign!

The rest of your campaign is sound and righteous. I'm on your side, just not about the misuse of these crucially important terms. Good luck to you.

The post that you are referring to I did not write, for your clarification. It was posted on a another yahoo group , by TBE's mouthpiece, Shamush, aka Cindy Lodouris, or Cindy Hopkins. I just added my comments to it. What I was saying is the "Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation" can not claim sovereignty, because they are not a legitimate nation, based on the fact that the name EIMTN, only came about recently. In order for them to be able to claim to be a sovereign nation, there would also have some records of their prior existence as a nation by that name. Yes the Six Nations Confederacy is a sovereign , because they have existed as such for a long time, as there is track record of their existence by that name. What I am saying is that a person, cannot just decide one day, as Tecumseh, has done to play Indian chief, start an organization, and then self proclaim sovereignty, when there is no previous record of their existence as EIMTN before 10 years ago. To our knowledge this group only started within the last 10 years, hardly enough time to be able to declare itself a sovereign nation. I was not necessarily referring to the newcomers as the ones who recognize sovereignty. The EIMTN have had no chiefs since 1653, no Nation to Nation interactions for a long time, therefore, they, the EITMN,  is not a sovereign nation. The Erie/Neutrals gave that all up when they became part of the Six Nations Confederacy.
As far as a reference to " Brown", I was trying to bring attention to the fact that by his name, he is not really who he says he is. That was not meant to be racially bias towards brown skinned NAI.



« Last Edit: March 06, 2009, 12:01:43 am by Niiki »

Offline wahyahahnae

  • Posts: 22
This is Shamush, and I would like to point out that my letter has been revised by a MAN (he is not a woman) who has not followed the rules, HE has added in his own words AND changed my name at the end.  Upon registering in this forum each person must agree NOT to post any material which is FALSE, DEFAMATORY, INAACURATE, ABUSIVE, ETC., ETC.  THIS agreement has been broken numerous times by all that has been posted in regards to Tecumseh Brown-Eagle.  Everything  stated is FALSE, DEFAMATORY, INACCURATE, ABUSIVE, ETC. ETC. and this man has the nerve to take others to task for exactly what he has done!!!  Not to mention the fact that he takes liberties by changing other peoples letters as he has done here.  Following is my letter in it's true form.  You are quite correct in warning him but... IT IS TOOOO LATE...........HE HAS ALREADY TREADED ON DANGEROUS TERRITORY!!!! and not just against Tecumseh Brown-Eagle. My letter:

If I am wasting your precious time in the universe and you have absolutely no interest in what has been written about Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle via the person formerly associated with him, then please accept my apologies and read no further.
[Spam removed. Lodouris reposted the same information already on the thread.]
So................... I say this now, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and I don't mean just this attack against Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle or his Sovereign Nation, which is a CHOICE (not a legal matter) to be recognized by the US Government.  This is directed at the person(s) involved with making false accusations and labelling someone a fraud, tending to continuously go off on tangents.  How dare anyone think that they have the right(s) to do such a horrendous act. ONE should be COMPLETLEY 100% of the facts, with backup documentation that states ONLY the FACTS.  Meaning:  supplying existing documentation clearly showing the name(s) of that group/person in question.  Using other group(s)/persons with similar circumstances is NOT FACT. Verbally attacking ANY group or person is neither professional nor is it or should it be acceptable.  There are more diplomatic ways to state ones point.  Many  conversations (some of which I was privy to) were taken out of context by a certain person.  My suggestion:   any questions regarding the Bruce Nuclear Project or ANY other projects (involving Chief TBE) current and future, be put to him personally. 
My opinion:  These kind of battles reek of "a bully in the schoolyard", and makes me think of a quote from Dr. Phil.......... "he isn't bad,  he isn't evil, he is JUST WRONG!!! 
ps.  There is a more in depth letter of support from another in regards to this attack of Chief TBE online at  ...............

Truly and Sincerely,
[More spam]

« Last Edit: March 06, 2009, 07:30:19 am by educatedindian »

Offline educatedindian

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Ms Hopkins AKA Lodouris AKA Shamush AKA Wahyahanae, etc, etc....

Kindly point out exactly what was supposedly added or changed to your post. I saw it, and it was exactly like what you just spammed the forum with, word for word. That's why I removed it. The same information was already on this thread.

Since the words were exactly the same, how could they be "libelous" unless you were libeling Johnson/TBE/Mohammed? And how could you be libeled if no words were changed?

(OK, I'm tired of typing out the multiple names of both. From now on, it's J/TBE/M and H/L/S/W.)

Your little rant about the facts also ignores that:

J/TBE/M claims to be both 100% Am Indian, yet European royalty and Metis. Metis is mixedblood by definition.

He claims as ancestors people of unrelated tribes.

Six Nations elders point out he is using someone else's genealogy.

The whole ugly, offensive, and patently racist denial of the history of slavery that's at the center of this fraud's claim that "Black are the true Natives."

And as for "dark skin" as a proof of anything, you obviously haven't been around too many dark skinned people. There's an obvious difference between dark skinned Am Indians, with our skin becoming the color of leather when under the sun a lot, and darker skinned African or Black people, whose skin is the color of chocolate or ebony even if they live in the far north.

I also find it curious that J/TBE/M has you as his girlfriend when he's preaching Black supremacy, as do the Binay, as does the Nation of Islam. The former he is a member of, and the latter he is clearly influenced by at the least, perhaps actively promoting.

Would you also like to explain your multiple pseudo-Native names? By coincidence, your chosen ID at this forum almost matches that of a fraud?

And please post a link to the letter of support you mentioned.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Shamush ( Cindy Hopkins) is again speaking out her other mouth. No Niiki, is not a man.

She thinks she can threaten me along with others that I am closely associated with as her master does,  MR. TBE. She has another thing coming. Her and Mr. TBE's days are numbered in their fraud. As many of us know about them because we have been getting reports from several sources going back to 2005 of their fraud.

Ms. Hopkins and Mr. TBE are the ones treading on dangerous ground.

Way to go Educated Indian, by telling it like it is with them both!!

Niawen gowa! Oneh!

« Last Edit: March 06, 2009, 11:41:09 am by Niiki »

Offline kosowith

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Because I still doubt that he is a Mason or Shriner, has anyone ever made a complaint or information request from the Penn. Grand Masonic Lodge?

One North Broad St., Philadelphia 19107-2598

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Because I still doubt that he is a Mason or Shriner, has anyone ever made a complaint or information request from the Penn. Grand Masonic Lodge?

One North Broad St., Philadelphia 19107-2598

Please refer to this following information if you still have doubts:

Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle is:
Chief and Chairman of the Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation
First Born Son of: James Oliver Johnson Jr.,  Erie Indian with brown complexion
& ..  Othello M. Johnson, Erie Indian with copper complexion, both of whom were active amongst their community involving, human rights and charity organizations.
Ancestor to: European Royal Lineage who married into the tribe in 1590AD
An Advocate for: Human rights and minorities
Co-Chairman of the Native American Reconciliation Campaign
Co-Chairman of over 29 tribes
An Accountant/Auditor/Managerial Adviser: City of Erie, PA
A Fiscal Assistant: City of Erie, PA
A Financial Consultant: Erie, Pa
A Health Administrator: State of PA
A Martial Arts Instructor: Karate and Tae Kwon Do
A Master Mason: of the 32nd Degree, Shriner and Past Master.
A Member of: Black Indians & Inter Tribal Native American Association
United American Métis society (full-blooded Native American)
Erie County Human Relations commission advisory Board
Entrepreneurial Outreach Consultant Minority Business Developer
Volunteer Gannon University’s Small Business Development Center
Erie City Council Appointee, Committee for Community Concerns




  • Guest
Niiki, it looks like that's a bunch of stuff he just made up himself and posted at a clearing house for other nutters - vortex conference, good grief. Its just that I'd be really surprised if he was a shriner or a mason. Probably just one more thing he lied about, wouldn't hurt to check it out.

Offline wahyahahnae

  • Posts: 22
FYI.... I never EVEN KNEW the Chief until 2 years ago, so there is even MORE false information (LIES)  I, and many others HAVE personally seen ALL the information and evidence about the Chief to backup who he is!!!  I have seen him in his Masonic gear, there are pictures of him in his Masonic gear, so no need to be surpised that he is anymore. The 2005 issue was retracted in writing and a sincere apology sent by the person who wrote it.  Someone needs to get their information in order!!!!   HAS THIS PERSON WHO IS WRITING ALL THESE LIES SEEN THIS INFORMATION AND EVIDENCE????? NO!!!!...... because HE is not important enough.  Someone has suceeded in making a FOOL of himself. THE lies and claims of the Chief being a fraud will be SOMEONES undoing.  Man or mouse?  Definitely mouse.
Random Question for David:  who's next?  More Dowsers?  The little old lady crossing the street??  The girl guide selling cookies???  ohhhh, I know............ the boy scouts!!!!  Anyone can spend years and years trying to find something negative and false about me!!!  NO ONE NEVER WILL, why?  BECAUSE I AM an honest person and have NEVER BEEN, nor WILL BE a fraud!!!  I am the mother of 3 grown children who have become good citizens and show people respect.  I am the one many come to for help and guidance.  I have earned the utmost respect from my family and within my community. An accomplishment that some can try to lay claim to but will never achieve.  I do not purposely cause anger, controversy, and hate. Why?  because I am not sick.
For all others:  TBE is (thankfully) no longer associated with a NPD and Sociopath Disorder character.  It didn't take me but 5 minutes to achieve a diagnosis. HERE IT IS!!!!  right off the internet.  The sad part is that others recognize this persons problem, have even written to this person about it, and yet the one who REALLY needs to acknowlege it WON'T and never will.  Now that I know how sick this person is, nothing that is said about me or the Chief will hurt us, only themself.  NOTHING MORE NEEDS TO BE SAID.
A pattern of traits and behaviors which signify infatuation and obsession with one's self to the exclusion of all others and the egotistic and ruthless pursuit of one's gratification, dominance and ambition.
The onset of narcissism is in infancy, childhood and early adolescence. It is commonly attributed to childhood abuse and trauma inflicted by parents, authority figures, or even peers.
"Cerebral" Narcissists (derive their narcissistic supply from their intelligence or academic achievements)
An all-pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behaviour), need for admiration or adulation and lack of empathy, usually
beginning by early adulthood and present in various contexts.
Feels grandiose and self-important (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents to the point of lying, demands to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
Is obsessed with fantasies of unlimited success, fame, fearsome power or omnipotence, unequalled brilliance (the cerebral narcissist).
Firmly convinced that he or she is unique and, being special, can only be understood by, should only be treated by, or associate with, other special or unique, or high-status people (or institutions)
Requires excessive admiration, adulation, attention and affirmation - or, failing that, wishes to be feared and to be notorious (narcissistic supply)
Feels entitled. Expects unreasonable or special and favorable priority treatment. Demands automatic and full compliance with his or her expectations
Is "interpersonally exploitative", i.e., uses others to achieve his or her own ends
Devoid of empathy. Is unable or unwilling to identify with or acknowledge the feelings and needs of others
Constantly envious of others or believes that they feel the same about him or her
Arrogant, haughty behaviours or attitudes coupled with rage when frustrated, contradicted, or confronted
Grandiosity rests on such fragile foundations, that any hint of equality, disagreement, or of his needs (for a friend, for instance) threatens the narcissist profoundly. The narcissist is exceedingly insecure.
Classic narcissistic behaviour is when idealisation is followed by devaluation. The devaluating attitude develops as a result of disagreements.
Narcissists do many unnecessary, wrong and even dangerous things in pursuit of the stabilisation of their inflated self-image.
Narcissists will forever shift the blame, pass the buck, and engage in cognitive dissonance. They "pathologise" the other, foster feelings of guilt and shame in the other, demean, debase and humiliate the other, in order to preserve their sense of grandiosity.
Narcissists are pathological liars. They think nothing of it because their very self is FALSE, an invention.

NPD specifically manifests as a pathological craving for attention. Socio/psychopathy manifests as a pathological disregard for anything but self gratification.
Though the two conditions could easily co-exist in the same individual.

When those with NPD are "indifferent, callous and careless," surely this is a by-product of their driving need for attention to which all else is sacrificed. The Sociopath, however, is indifferent, callous and careless OF HIS NATURE, which FACILITATES the destructive pursuit of his personal choice of self gratification.

There is a subcategory of narcissists called "malignant narcissists" that to some extent merge the antisocials and the narcissists.

Inability to form relationships, not even narcissistically twisted relationships, with other humans;
Total disregard for society, its conventions, social cues and social treaties.

Certain narcissists incorporate moral values into their exaggerated sense of superiority. Moral laxity is seen (by the narcissist) as evidence of inferiority and it is those who are unable to remain morally pure who are looked upon with contempt.
Narcissists are simply indifferent, callous and careless in their conduct and in their treatment of their fellow humans. Their abuse of others is off-handed and absent-minded.

The Sociopath adn Narcissist both warp reality to suit their needs. Narcissists are all about image and ego. They will say anything (lie) to make them sound good for the moment, even if it contradicts what they said the day before. The malignant narcissist goes a step further and devalues, criticizes and nitpicks other people. A narcissist is lazy. They are all mouth. They steal the credit. If anything goes wrong, they always have a scapegoat ready to blame. A narcissist only exists in the present. They have gaps in their memory and don't know what they did yesterday (it was a lie, and lies don't have real memories attached).  

A sociopath is an extreme narcissist with a sadistic, jealous, vindictive dark side. They have a need to hurt people. They will rationalize and justify getting revenge on people. They are lynch mobs. A sociopath and narcissist seem to have the same, or similar, chemical imbalance. They are not able to empathize. Emotionally stunted, aggressive, self-centered, vain, argumentative, impulsive, volatile, and can be capable of being violent.

--- "A sociopath is an extreme narcissist with a sadistic, jealous, vindictive dark side. They have a need to hurt people."
The plain meaning of this is that a sociopath is a certain type of narcissist.

A sociopath gloats over the pain he creates, because it means he is powerful.

A malignant narcissist is lazy, doing all his work with his mouth, whereas a benign narcissist will often actually strive to be genuinely valuable, and a sociopath can put inexorable and meticulous effort into setting up his victim.

Acharacteristic all three share: Not a one of them gives a damn about the potential negative effects upon others of their self-seeking behavior. The sociopath's stance is: "I want what I want, and somebody else gets to pay for it. Don't get in my way. But then, you don't have the right to escape, and once you're in my headlights I'll chase you all over the road until I get you." The malignant narcissist's stance is: "I want what I want, and somebody else gets to pay for it. Don't get in my way. When I run over you, I'm going to be pissed off if you scratch my paint." The benign narcissist's stance is: "I want what I want, and I'll pay for it--but don't get in my way. If I accidentally happen to run over you, I'm just going to wonder what that bump was."

Narcissists might utilize lying, cheating, stealing and abusing to suit their needs (create a self image) without really thinking through what it does to others.

Now we all know what type of person we are getting all this twaddle from.



  • Guest
Who is the "he" you keep refering to?  Mr. David Redwolf has the right to withdraw his support.  We do not need a lesson in Abnormal Psychology 101.  Thanks.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2009, 06:03:02 pm by frederica »

Offline kosowith

  • Posts: 104
  • I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I have not had time to go through all the info sent to me, but just as a snippet in regards to the Olympic claims

U.S.A. Olympic Candidate - Tae Kwon Do /Karate; U.S.A. World Championship Karate Team
Member; GOLD Medalist - US OLYMPIC Elite Athlete Tae Kwon Do

From David Richmond, USA Olympic committee, Colorado Springs, CO

If someone is claiming to be an Olympic champion in KARATE I can guarantee you it is a false claim as Karate is not an Olympic sport as of 2008. Taekwondo was featured on the programme of the 1988 and 1992 Olympics as a demonstration sport, taekwondo became an official medal sport beginning with the 2000 Olympics in Sydney.

Offline kosowith

  • Posts: 104
  • I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Sorry, I forgot to mention that the US Karate and Taekwondo Associations has records of all official meets, and activities going back to the first Korean competitions, including all competetor, records, and are checking to see if anyone has ever competed or won under the three names used.

Also I forwarded the Masonic information on to an relative who is a past master (Mason) and past national level officer.  He is checking to see if he has ever been a Master Mason, past Master or any part of a Masonic Temple. As I was told, the wearing of the Masonic apron or other regalia outside the lodge is considered very impropper and can result in sanctions. 

The Official Cherokee geneology site has excellent geneology charts for Chief Moytoy I, and his decendents - Moytoy II, III, IV, Kanagatucko, Attacullaculla, Oconostota, Nancy Ward, Major Ridge, General Stand Watie including children and children's children, etc, etc.  It is interesting as they show no relationship with the above Cherokee leaders and the Senneca Corn Planter.

Ancestor in European Royal Lineage who married into the tribe in 1590AD

I would love to know where this happened as there are certainly no tribal histories that include this and Jamestown was 1609 Plymouth founded in 1620, so it would have had to been somewhere other than the east coast.

guess I will just keep checking each one of these one by one and see what pops up

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Who is the "he" you keep refering to?  Mr. David Redwolf has the right to withdraw his support.  We do not need a lesson in Abnormal Psychology 101.  Thanks.

Yes she is referring to Mr. Redwolf. And you are right Mr. Redwolf, does have the right to withdraw his support, and the way they are both acting, is like a dictatorship! Not a healthy situation to be involved in!

She posted the same bs on his yahoo group! This woman is absolutely bonkers!!
This was posted by Shamush ( Cindy Hopkins) TBE's mouthpiece. Mr. Redwolf's response

This wreaks of someone who has been severely brainwashed!

More information coming forward from several sources!


« Last Edit: March 06, 2009, 09:49:33 pm by Niiki »