Author Topic: Beothuk Tribe of NFLD, Carol Reynolds Boyd  (Read 7918 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Beothuk Tribe of NFLD, Carol Reynolds Boyd
« on: January 28, 2017, 03:38:37 pm »
The Beothuk were exterminated almost 200 years ago. Carol Reynolds claims she's proven to be by DNA test.

Company's test for Beothuk DNA called bogus by geneticists
'We call that being lied to,' scientist says of claim company can test for DNA of extinct First Nation

Chris O'Neill-Yates · CBC News
January 27, 2017
Carol Reynolds Boyce believes that she is Beothuk, even though the Indigenous people have been considered extinct since the 19th century. (Beothuk Tribe of NFLD and North America Reservation Nation/Facebook)
A North Carolina woman says DNA testing has revealed that she is Beothuk, a descendant of an Indigenous people from Newfoundland whose last known member died in 1829.
Geneticists say the woman's claim is impossible to verify, and the company that has been providing the DNA testing for Beothuk DNA decided to suspend it after receiving queries from CBC News.
Carol Reynolds Boyce, 55, from Wilmington, N.C., said the Toronto-based company Accu-Metrics tested her, her mother and her brother, and responded that all three have Beothuk DNA, giving her the confirmation she always felt about her heritage.
"When I was a little girl, my mother, she's holding me on her lap and she's saying, 'You got Indian in you,'" Reynolds Boyce told CBC News.
Reynolds Boyce said her mother is from the central Newfoundland town of Gander, where she met and married her father, a U.S. serviceman, while he was stationed there. They later moved to the U.S.
Last year, she decided she would get her DNA tested to prove what she always knew.
"You just know," she told CBC Radio's On The Go.
?But Steven Carr, a Memorial University geneticist in St. John's who has studied the Beothuk, said Reynolds Boyce's claim is impossible to verify.
Geneticist Steven Carr bluntly rejects the claim that anyone can be identified as having Beothuk DNA. (CBC)
"We do not have enough of a database to identify somebody as being Beothuk," said Carr. "So if somebody is told [that] by a company, I think we call that being lied to."
The remains of two of the last Beothuk — Nonosabasut and his wife, Demasduit — are now at the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh, after their removal from a gravesite in Newfoundland in 1828.
Carr said he and his colleagues have done some analysis of DNA obtained from the skulls of Nonosabasut and Demasduit, the only Beothuk DNA  he is aware of existing anywhere in the world.
But he said there was not enough DNA to provide a comparative sample.
"To say to someone, 'Yes, you're a Beothuk' — that just can't be done," said Carr.
'A very small fragment'
Ana Duggan, a geneticist at McMaster University's Ancient DNA Centre in Hamilton, concurs.
While DNA tests may be able to determine the existence of some Indigenous ancestry, Duggan said, the mitochondrial DNA from the samples in Scotland is too small to make a definite comparison.
McMaster University geneticist Ana Duggan says sufficient Beothuk DNA does not exist to make an identification.
"It is a very small fragment, and because we've observed them in two Beothuk samples doesn't necessarily mean that they aren't found in other Native American groups across the continent," she said.
"I think to try to assign something so specific on the basis of that would be misleading."
Harvey Tenenbaum, director of operations at Accu-Metrics, felt otherwise, at least initially.
"The name of the gene and its location is in the database," said Tenenbaum from his office in downtown Toronto.
He said that when studies are published, "We plug into all of that automatically.
Tenenbaum said the information Accu-Metrics was using came from a 2007 McMaster study.
"If we have it in the computer, we got it from somewhere."
Late Thursday, however, the company changed its position.
Kyle Tsui, a geneticist at Accu-Metrics, told CBC News the company would be removing any reference to the Beothuk from the company's database.



Some of the Beothuk likely merged with the Micmaq. But as a distinct people they are gone for 200 years.
CRB did add her claims in the comments. One other claimed descendant said their family absolutely would not submit to testing and wrote a detailed analysis of the problems with DNA tests particular to such a small sample.

Still unknown is: Who made her "chief"? Seemingly self declared, and no sign of how many alleged members they claim.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Beothuk Tribe of NFLD, Carol Reynolds Boyd AKA Carol Songofjoy
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2017, 11:41:10 pm »
Carol Reynolds Boyd posted on the NAFPS FB page. Here's what she said along with my responses.

You posted CBC falsified news on me, and called me the new age plastic shaman because you believed their false report. You should have contacted me ,before judging me. According to the Newser report, it states Accu-Metrics is not removing the Beothuk DNA test.

Also, I was voted in by the majority as the Tribal Chief of the Beothuk First Nation which we hold the Certificate for. We are informing you that you need to check Beothuk face to face before believing false news reports and reporting me as some ridiculous new age fraud. CBC is liable and will be sued,we are getting an attorney. Now I realize there are fraud people and I commend you for that but you believed a false news report. Check us Beothuk out further, I the Chief to invite you. Then decide if you have made a terrible mistake against my people who have hidden because of conditioning of the former genocide.


Hello Ms. Boyd. Thanks for telling us your new twinkie name. The Beothuk were wiped out two centuries ago. You falling for a bad DNA test doesn't change that. We know all too well about genocide, because white pretenders contribute to that culturally. We've asked repeatedly for you to say who your supposed council are. We've asked you to say how many people your would be tribe is. Now is your chance to say so.


Slow down and instead of feeding off the news media, take an invitation from me to truly investigate me and then if you want to continue with your opinion and believe CBC news, then continue to keep me on your list. But if you ate not willing to take this invitation to really truly see for yourself personally, then you are liable and currently CBC is on my attorneys desk for not doing the research well. They have emailed me 4 apologies for falsifying information and for posting my Federal passport photo which is beyond an invasion of privacy,it is a prison sentence. Now I challenge you to meet me. I am the great niece of Chief William Prosper aka Soolien Bill and I think you will change your heart if you accept this invitation. I am far from being Caucasian. Go on to Facebook and see my cell pics of me. The Sukoki, Cherokee and certain Mikmaq support me and know me well. CBC doesn't know me and the Genecist CAR misinformed the public and it will really trip you out when you understand what is in it for them to destroy Beothuk First Nation,which won't happen. My 4x great grandfather is Beothuk and his brother/ my Uncle had a Obituary in the Toronto museum that stated he practiced his Beothuk Traditions of his old tribe in Newfoundland and Labrador. He was born in the 1820s and lived to be 103. He and my grandfather and there father are also on the 1871 Mikmaq Census.
I will give you this opportunity to make it right. Take the opportunity and receive peace of mind,knowing you have done a thorough job of reporting bad people. You ask how I became Grand Tribal Chief? Beothuk First Nation of Canada and North America Reservation has a Tribal council in Newfoundland and Labrador and they voted a majority vote for me to be Chief. I have the Certified documents if the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. My mother is born in Newfoundland in 1937 and all that side of my family are the original Newfoundland, I am very proud of my family. I will do what ever it takes to clear their names including supeana to court and law suits. I am not from Delaware or North Carolina, CBC apologized and gave a stupid excuse, I have their emails,would you like to Feast on them?
Also DNA companies don't lie ,not in this case. I have the family geneology documentation to back it up; I don't mind sharing it with you. You need to take this opportunity to set the record straight and see what damage CBC and the Genecist Car did to destroy not only me but you and your sight. I am a Canadian and American citizen and my parents married in Newfoundland Labrador, they came to New Hampshire, USA and my mother got a dual citizenship. I taught elementary school in North Carolina for a job but I am not from there. I have never lived in Wilmington DELAWARE or Wilmington Alabama and CBC never made the public apology. So,will you accept my invitation and meet the Grand Tribal Chief of Beothuk First Nation? That sounds pretty fair, and I will also invite the Sukoki Chief who is my dear dear friends.


Please do send all emails to nafps. Please do send the alleged apologies. Strange that they are not public. Strange also that you immediately toss out ludicrous threats of lawsuits, standard practice among frauds. Stranger still is the twinkie talk of "feasting." Strangest of all is claiming "the Cherokee" support you. Really? All Cherokee? All 300,000 of them? All three recognized tribes? If so, let's see the proof of that. Better yet, why would their support matter? Cherokee and Micmaq are not related peoples.

And again, you fail to show any evidence of any alleged council. Who are they? Where's the supposed reservation? For someone claiming to Beothuk in Canada and never to have lived in the US, why do you say reservation instead of the reserves they have in Canada? I also would be glad to meet with you or anyone else you claim supports you. Let me know when you are in the DC area. Let's see that proof you have yet to provide.


Thank you for accepting my invitation,sir. You are in the Washington DC? Wow, you are far away. What do you do in Washington,DC? If it happens so we can't do a meeting in Washington DC, perhaps we may have to do it on a Facebook Skype; it's cheaper than a long trip for us both. I am really glad you and I will have this opportunity. I will say, that my Beothuk mother is the original Newfoundland born in 1937 and her mother's youngest sister is in her 9os and born in 1927, about the same year my uncle Soolien passed away and she has always had her Native Status which is a wonderful thing,isn't it? My uncle's obituary that came from the Toronto museum says he was Beothuk from Newfoundland 1820s.
That's a start but of course ,seeing these documents you will enjoy seeing in person. We will figure it out together. You will understand that the Beothuk Extinction was and is a myth. Thank you and I look forward to this investigation. Blessings and Peace, Grand Tribal Chief Carol Reynolds Boyce


So far that's at least half a dozen questions still unanswered and ignored.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Beothuk Tribe of NFLD, Carol Reynolds Boyd
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2017, 12:02:30 am »
So much for the "never in North Carolina" claim.

Carol Ann Reynolds Boyce of Fayetteville, NC
Carol Ann Reynolds Boyce
6813 Kingsgate Dr
Fayetteville, North Carolina 28314
The address shown above is an administrative business address and may not be the primary address for Carol Ann Reynolds Boyce. Please contact Carol Ann Reynolds Boyce at Beothuk Tribe Of Nfld N America Reservation Nation for the correct address.
Beothuk Tribe Of Nfld N America Reservation Nation
Business: Misc
This listing appears under the heading Business/Misc which includes businesses that may offer a variety of business and consumers products and services.
The State of North Carolina, lists Carol Ann Reynolds Boyce of Fayetteville, NC as registering Beothuk Tribe Of Nfld N America Reservation Nation in October, 2016

And who voted for her, and her motives.
....Reynolds Boyce, 55, has established a Facebook site called Beothuk Tribe of NFLD and North America Reservation Nation, and said her mother and brother also tested positive for Beothuk DNA. She said her family voted her chief of the Beothuk First Nation, and she is in the midst of trying to get federal recognition.

Reynolds Boyce told The Telegram she would soon take applications from people looking to join the nation, and is accepting donations.

“Since I am the chief of the Beothuk, why don’t you all take the donated money and assist me in relocation of me and my tribal members, what would be a kind gesture, don’t you think?” Reynolds Boyce posted on Facebook. “Our Beothuk ancestors left the island of NFLD, but we just need assistance in coming back to live at our village and tribal lands.”

Reynolds Boyce also posted that, “Some are jealous, hatred because that means land entitled to our tribe.”

Offline Sparks

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Re: Beothuk Tribe of NFLD, Carol Reynolds Boyd AKA Carol Songofjoy
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2017, 01:42:41 am »


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Re: Beothuk Tribe of NFLD, Carol Reynolds Boyd
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2017, 01:58:42 am »
Beothuk Tribe of NFLD and N.America Reservation Nation nonprofit corporation formed 10/25/2016, North Carolina. Articles of incorporation uploaded with this post.


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Re: Beothuk Tribe of NFLD, Carol Reynolds Boyd
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2017, 02:14:21 am »
Carol Reynolds Boyce's Wikipedia work needs editing:,_Nova_Scotia

( History - 03:59, 12 December 2016? Chief Carol Reynolds Boyce (talk | contribs)? . . (6,645 bytes) (+539)? . . (a description of relatives of Chief William Compagnon Prosper) )

She has inserted her claims in this entry. I don't have enough Wikipedia experience to know how to untangle what she has added.


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Re: Beothuk Tribe of NFLD, Carol Reynolds Boyd
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2017, 04:51:17 am »
My mother, who was born July 2, 1937 in Codroy, Newfoundland and is 79 years old, just received an accu-metric first nation dna test this November 2016 and her results came back with Beothuk dna. My mother and her family are descendants of the Beothuk. I am seeking representation in the matter of land reparations on behalf of my mother Margaret Sylvia Kendall and family.

The above comment is from "Randy Reynolds", this could be Carol Ann Reynolds Boyce herself posting as her brother Randy, or Randy himself.

Carol Ann Reynolds Boyce also states on her Facebook page that her mother is Margaret Sylvia (Kendall) Reynolds.

Posted: 12 Dec 2010 1:05PM GMT
Classification: Query
Henry Reid married Ruth Reid. Ruth's father and mother were Frank and Ada Kendall and Ruth is me aunt. My mother's name was Margaret Sylvia Kendall. My name is Carol Reynolds.

That is confusingly stated. But it works out to Margaret Sylvia (Kendall) Reynolds' parents being Frank and Ada Kendall.

Carol's mother Margaret Sylvia Kendall (and parents Frank and Ada) in the 1945 Canadian census - Codroy, St. George's and Port au Port, Newfoundland, Canada.

Check the actual census image and you see that "racial origin" for Frank Kendall/Kendell is listed as French, Ada as Irish, and all the children as Irish.

So in 1945 Canada: Carol's mother was listed Irish heritage, Carol's  maternal grandmother Irish, Carol's maternal grandfather French. I think the census taker was actually off a line on the form and that Carol's maternal grandfather is Irish heritage, farmer.

A 2013 response to Carol's genealogy query (that she deleted in late 2016):

I am your mothers first cousin. Frank and Ada were my aunt and uncle. I cannot find any clue to the Indian status on the Kendall side so far


Carol's birth surname is Reynolds. Her married surname is Boyce. Her husband Howard J Boyce died in 2012.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Beothuk Tribe of NFLD, Carol Reynolds Boyd
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2017, 12:50:24 am »
Both Reynolds and a relative of hers contacted me. The relative believes Reynolds has mental health issues, and confirmed here's no Native ancestry in the family. According to the relation, Reynolds also went through a period where she believed she was Jewish, and has lately taken to dying her hair and using tanning makeup.

Reynolds sent me a series of bizarre IMs on FB:
She absolutely refused to send any alleged evidence.
Then she followed up with bizarre anti Semitism, accusing me of actually being a Jew.
After that was some clumsy flirting, complimenting my looks, then asking me out.
She went on to claim that news organizations are conspiring against her.
She did say her uncle once pretended to be a Micmaq chief.
The biggest weirdness was saying her husband was a martial arts expert who was coming after me. Really sad, does she think her late husband is still alive?
Then she ended by thanking me for free publicity.

Eight rambling IMs in response to my one. She reminds me of another one who lives in fantasy, the Antinanco "King."

A revealing post only 9 months ago.
Carol Reynolds says:
21 May 2016 at 4:56 pm
I am reading. Vikings came into Newfoundland approx 800-900 AD and came in contact with the Beothuk tribe. It us written in the books that they took a Beothuk woman back to the Scandinavian country s. Beothuks ate maritime extint; Algonquin is desended from them it is said. My mother is from Newfoundland and carries Artic native and native American about 4-5% on Gedmatch and I am wondering if this could point ti Beothuk or what tribes this is? Di you have some insight on this?


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Re: Beothuk Tribe of NFLD, Carol Reynolds Boyd
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2017, 10:22:35 pm »
Regardless of what historians and the scientific community believes, Reynolds Boyce has started to assert her authority as chief of the Beothuk First Nation. She said the tribe is recognized in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador and will seek federal recognition.

Reynolds Boyce said as a Beothuk descendant she has earned the right to claim Beothuk artifacts. Last last year, she contacted Chief Mi’sel Joe of Mi’kmaq Nation of Conne River and asked him to stop his request to repatriate the remains of Nonosabasut and Demasduit from Scotland. The remains were taken from the gravesite in Newfoundland in 1828.

Joe said he was not stopping his efforts. “The remains do not belong to any individual. It belongs to this country. It is the right thing to do.” CBC News reported in August 2016 that the Canadian government has made a formal request to the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh for the repatriation.

“I would love it if her claim is true and if the Beothuk people are not gone,” he said. “I am in no position to make any judgment on her bloodline. It is not up to me. You have to get proof from the government of the land. You need federal recognition, provincial recognition.