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Raceshifting: Tracking Fraudulent "Metis" Groups
Good resource:
thanks for this post-interesting site to read
Example of reference to this website in the forum (Topic: "Margaret Noodin Ojibwe Professor"):
--- Quote from: Diana on December 20, 2021, 03:33:45 pm ---Here's a website by Darryl Laroux. There are no Eastern Métis. It's just another ploy by white supremacist to usurp and destroy First Nations sovereign rights to land, hunting/fishing, self determination and self government just name a few.
Just because some white people may have found a Native ancestor from the 1600/1700's doesn't make the Metis.
Margaret Noodin O'Donnell is just as bad or worse as these white supremacist
This website is a resource for people who are concerned with or want to find out more about the rise of the so-called “Eastern Metis” in the eastern provinces (Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia) and in New England (Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine). The actual Métis are a western-based Indigenous people whose culture grew out of kinship relations with the Plains Cree, Saulteaux, Assiniboine, and Dene. The so-called “Eastern Metis” are instead an example of what is referred to as race-shifting or self-indigenization, a process that, in the case of this research project, involves white French-descendants inventing and claiming an “Indigenous” identity, often in opposition to actual Indigenous peoples.
The website includes a “storymap” that features a GIS map of all of the organizations surveyed through our project (about 75). All of the organizations are involved or have been involved in the race shifting movement, mostly since 2000. The map also includes information for several “Eastern Métis” court cases (almost 60) filed in Québec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia that we have identified.
The website also includes all of the publicly-available court documents (expert reports, testimony, interviews, membership records) that have been submitted in several of the key “Eastern Métis” court cases in Québec.
Darryl Leroux’s book, Distorted Descent: White Claims to Indigenous Identity, which includes an analysis of much of this material, was published in September 2019.
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“Race Shifting” in a Comparative Framework — as seen from Finland, with mentions of the Sámi in that country: |OCTOBER 14, 2019]
Nine references; this one has been mentioned earlier here in the forum:
--- Quote from: Sparks on December 19, 2021, 08:53:39 pm ---
--- Quote from: Defend the Sacred on January 03, 2019, 06:47:24 pm ---
Sturm, Circe. 2011. Becoming Indian: The Struggle over Cherokee Identity in the Twenty-First Century. Santa Fe: School for Advanced Research Press.
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The book is available here:
Circe Sturm's own link to the book:
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Also, check out Darryl Leroux's excellent Distorted Descent: White Claims to Indigenous Identity:
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