Author Topic: Rainbow Bridge Society  (Read 2625 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Rainbow Bridge Society
« on: March 30, 2014, 04:34:14 pm »
This is the group Rae Ann Wood Schatz claims training from. Though there are plenty of other exploiters with rainbow in their title, so far I don't see any connection to any of them. There's also humane society groups with similar names, but no connection.

Though claiming to be Native or follow Native teachings, they're strictly a Nuage hodgepodge, with silly twinkie names, lots of references to Gaia, chakras, and mangled misunderstandings of Hopi, Aztec, and Lakota beliefs.

Their account of their founding.
In early 2006 Spirit revealed a vision to Crystal Light Warrior and Fire Dancer that was put out to the collective...

 By the end of 2006 there was a gathering to birth the Rainbow Bridge Society, A People’s Path...The ‘Rainbow Bridge’ is a Hopi prophecy that represents the movement of humans into a new world of human evolution. The Fifth World refers to our remembering that we are part of the spirit world. It also describes the evolution of the human species and transformation of the human body to become more spirit-like.

 The council was established to ensure that the integrity of ancient teachings was preserved. At the first meeting 32 men and women gathered on Gabriola Island...

 The structure of governance that was chosen was the Circle of Law that was and still is practiced by Native tribes to assist in the making of sound decisions. The original group dreamed the name Circle for Self-Governance as a way to understand the process of the Circle of Law.

 In 2009 the RBS legally became a society and changed its name to ‘Rainbow Bridge Ceremonial Society’...

They do sweatlodges every few months and are in Vancouver, Toronto, Calgary, and Edmonton.

So far haven't found much on their actual names. The two founders have extremely common twinkie names. The only other name I've seen so far on their site was Jennifer Engracio AKA Jen Snow Hawk. She's also an exploiter of Hawaiian tradition.