Author Topic: Brien Foerster, Hidden Inca Tours  (Read 11865 times)

Offline KeepRiel

  • Posts: 9
Brien Foerster, Hidden Inca Tours
« on: March 08, 2019, 08:35:12 pm »
Many of you I am sure are familiar with Ancient Origins, Ancient Aliens, Coast to Coast, etc. Its what the History Channel is allll about. One of the paramount movers of pseudo-archaeology is Brien Forester. He has a youtube channel with a huge fan-base that all believe in Ancient Astronaut theories.  They firmly deny that Indigenous peoples of South and North America could ever of built any of our sacred sites. He will claim that Indigenous peoples are incapable and inferior to the Lost Races that were once here.

Although we would like to laugh this off and toss this into the Comedy Channel, he has recently become the Director of the Paracus Skull Museum in Peru. This man makes a fortune off of giving tours and fake history. He shows people REAL skulls of Ancestral Peruvians and tells them that they are 'Caucasus' in otherwords: White. This is all deeply entrenched in White Supremacy, as most of these people also believe in the Atlantis theory, just like the Thule societies that were responsible for Hitler and the Third Riech. His most recent kick is claiming he has worked with a geneticist proving that Paracus skulls are not related to the current Indigenous peoples of Peru, claiming artificial deformation is not at work.

The next large group tour will be happening on November 4th. It costs almost 4000$ to go.

The tour is closed, so  they have already profited off of this big-time.

Brien claims that the local cultures and people here are totally 100% okay with the work he does. He commented on youtube saying that "They were very happy to have us there and we paid them." This is hallmark exploitation of Indigenous people; paying them in order to profit off their sacred sites, relics, history, etc.

How is this legal and how is he doing this and how can he be stopped?

« Last Edit: March 09, 2019, 01:22:54 pm by educatedindian »

Online Sparks

  • Posts: 1426
Re: Brien Foerster, Hidden Inca Tours
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2019, 04:23:01 am »
One of the paramount movers of pseudo-archaeology is Brien Forester.

Correct spelling of his surname is Foerster, this should be corrected in the title of this thread.

Brien claims that the local cultures and people here are totally 100% okay with the work he does. He commented on youtube saying that "They were very happy to have us there and we paid them." This is hallmark exploitation of Indigenous people; paying them in order to profit off their sacred sites, relics, history, etc.

How is this legal and how is he doing this and how can he be stopped?

Thank you for alerting the forum to this pseudo-archaeologist. He seems to be of the same magnitude as Erich von Däniken, and indeed, Google shows they are collaborators.

They firmly deny that Indigenous peoples of South and North America could ever of built any of our sacred sites. He will claim that Indigenous peoples are incapable and inferior to the Lost Races that were once here.

Similar claims are what started me debunking Däniken from the early 1970s, and why I think both Däniken and Foerster deserve to be discussed and dissected here at NAFPS.

There is a good link in the Däniken post I linked to, originally quoted by educatedindian:

I have been looking for similar articles about Brien Foerster, and found these (many of them refer to the Paracus skulls that you mention in your post):

Online Sparks

  • Posts: 1426
Re: Brien Foerster, Hidden Inca Tours
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2019, 04:45:20 am »
I have been looking for similar articles […] and found these (many of them refer to the Paracus skulls that you mention in your post)

Sorry about the spelling there, I quoted it from the first post in this thread, while both KeepRiel's and my links show that the correct spelling is Paracas skulls, named after:

I found another very critical article:

Offline KeepRiel

  • Posts: 9
Re: Brien Foerster, Hidden Inca Tours
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2019, 04:57:15 am »
My apologies, I'm a slight noob to the forum and can't figure out how to edit the topic to change the name to Foerster. Thank you for looking into this. They definitely deserve to be investigated. There seems to be a growing insurgence of Tourism in Peru that revolves around fake tours, shaman training, ayahuasca etc.

From what I understand the government doesn't seem to really care what they do with these skulls. I'm not sure if they are working with locals who condone the tours, or what. Regardless, his YouTube channel is very active and they post videos on a weekly basis. There are other fanatics that follow them with their own Conspiracy theory videos. Youtube is a cesspool.  :(
« Last Edit: March 09, 2019, 01:23:17 pm by educatedindian »

Online Sparks

  • Posts: 1426
Re: Brien Foerster, Hidden Inca Tours
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2019, 05:49:22 pm »
My apologies, I'm a slight noob to the forum and can't figure out how to edit the topic to change the name to Foerster.

Anyone can change (edit) the title of their own comment(s). I edited the titles of my comments. Only an Administrator or Moderator can change the overall title of the topic. In this case, administrator educatedindian changed the titles of your original post and your comment:

Last Edit: « Today at 01:22:54 pm by educatedindian » — « Last Edit: Today at 01:23:17 pm by educatedindian »

I'll be back with more comments about Brien Foerster.

Online Sparks

  • Posts: 1426
Re: Brien Foerster, Hidden Inca Tours
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2019, 02:41:28 am »
Brien Foerster has published more than 20 Erich von Däniken-style books:

28 articles can be downloaded from here, and there is info about his books and videos:

He is a welcome guest at another Däniken look-alike dabbler in pseudoscience, Graham Hancock, who has been mentioned half a dozen times before in the forum:

Several videos on Vimeo (not only 3 as stated at the top of page):

This early summer there will be a UFO conference with dozens upon dozens of well-known frauds, cranks, fringe theorists and other crackpots:

Woodstock of UFOs | May 31 - June 3, 2019

An EPIC weekend of ADVENTURE into Science of UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life, Ancient Aliens, Human Origins, Crop Circles, Government Disclosure, UFO Sightings, Forbidden Archaeology, Contact Experiences and the “need to know”. Featuring 15 NEW speakers PLUS all your favorites…

Also starring Brien Foerster, with a bio that is repeated everywhere else, and links to his sites:

Brien Foerster
Brien Foerster was born in the United States but grew up on the west coast of Canada where he developed a fascination with Native art. Though he did graduate from university with a BSc. honors degree, his passion for the art of the indigenous people caused him to become a professional carver of totem poles for over a decade.

At 35 he moved to the island of Maui in Hawaii and spent 2 years working with Hawaiian people building a 62 foot double hull sailing catamaran. This adventure led him to explore Polynesia for several years, and then he chose to visit Peru 12 years ago. His first tour guide in the Inca city of Cusco could not explain how the huge megalithic works of the area were made and by who, thus he began to explore using his science background, as well as local and foreign geologists, engineers and oral tradition experts the mysteries that underly these astonishing stone works.

This has led to a revelation that the megalithic works of Peru, as well as those in Bolivia, Easter Island, Egypt, Lebanon and other places were in fact created many thousands of years before any known culture, and were all seemingly devastated by a global cataclysm some 12,000 years ago. This led him to recently publish the book Aftershock.

In all, he has published 21 books as of October 2016, has appeared on numerous television shows, such as Ancient Aliens 15 times, numerous radio shows and podcasts, and has explored more than 90 countries.


The colossal structural achievements of the ancients have instigated controversy for centuries. We can’t help but wonder how stone or bronze age peoples could construct such complex megalithic works as the Giza Plateau, Easter Island, or Machu Picchu. This lecture explores the latest scientific evidence indicating that our ancestors had help and were not alone on this planet. Genetic research coupled with scientific analysis have revealed that advanced technologies and different species existed on our world, leaving traces and clues as to their origin in magnificent places. Join author and researcher Brien Foerster for an incredible glimpse into the science of our human origins.

Recent and ongoing DNA tests reveal that the elongated-skull people of ancient Peru were not indigenous to South America and potentially migrated from the Black Sea and Crimea over 3000 years ago. This data shatters the belief that all pre-Columbian people came across the Bering Land Bridge some 12000 or so years ago before migrating southward. Also, medical examination of the skulls of the Paracas people shows that physical and genetic anomalies clearly indicate that they were not Homo sapiens. Additionally, DNA evidence shows that these people had red hair, light-colored skin, and likely green or blue eyes. Also, they were at least 6 inches taller than most Native Peruvians and had long thin necks. At the forefront of these scientific breakthroughs is author and researcher Brien Foerster, who will be leading us through the science of these mysterious ancient Peruvians.

At one of these countless Atlantis sides, there are claims and links both pro et contra:

More critical stuff:

Offline KeepRiel

  • Posts: 9
Re: Brien Foerster, Hidden Inca Tours
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2019, 02:55:48 pm »
Hello Sparks!

Thank you for pulling up all this great info. Currently my partner is compiling materials to make YouTube videos that challenge folks like Brien Foerester and Graham Hancock. From what we understand, they are just regurgitating what "mystics" have over the last 19th century. They seem to be getting most of there stuff from the likes of Helena Blavatsky, Manly P.Hall, and Francis Bacon. A lot of this New Age Atlantis stuff comes from Freemasonry as well.

This info will be really helpful in picking these guys a part. I think the biggest challenge we face is filling in the voids of mainstream media. There is so much garbage out there and not enough real engaging content (in regards to history.) MY partner will be doing debunking videos (in a way that hasn't quite been done before; defending Indigenous sovereignty, sacred sites & ceremonies) while I will be making videos covering the true histories of these places (as accurately as I can.)

Here is an interesting thread he came across:,783477,783522#msg-783522 People still defend them, even when they know the info is cherry-picked from various religious and beliefs across the world. It has turned into a new religion in of itself.