Author Topic: Dell Griffin AKA Maggid ben Yoseif, claiming Cherokee  (Read 8196 times)

Offline Ingeborg

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Dell Griffin AKA Maggid ben Yoseif, claiming Cherokee
« on: October 12, 2015, 05:28:54 pm »
Copied from another thread - he merits his own:

I'm a little confused....I read this guys bio and did he convert to Judaism?? Or just studied it in theology classes and took it upon himself to teach the Torah? And I also looked him up on and found the same family genealogy as you did Piff. From what I can see the Griffin name dead ends at 1801 with Oren Griffin from Brooklyn New York. Hardly Cherokee territory Lol. I also looked up his grandmother Maude Etta Westmoreland and her line goes all the way back to 1740, very impressive, but no Cherokee. I think this Dell Griffin person deserves his own thread. He certainly doesn't pass the smell test


My dear mother z''l, Sybil bat Sadie, Cherokee beauty.

His mother is indeed Sybil of Sadie, both women are listed white in census.

Today, Maggid ben Yoseif, mixed Cherokee and a great-great-great-great grandson of William Griffin, a member of the Cherokee National Council at Red Clay, TN., before the 1830s Removal,

His ancestor William Griffin 1806 - 1872 - William's son James Washington Griffin was in the Confederate Army, listed white in all census, photo of him on this memorial: William Griffin is a relatively common name, so we can't assume this is the same man.

Other researchers on working on these various families, do not have posted any records of Cherokee heritage.

I don't think MbY has yet had a professional do his genealogy.  He needs to have his genealogy done correctly, also he needs to be clear about what communities and nations claim him.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2017, 06:52:59 pm by educatedindian »

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Maggid ben Yoseif, claiming Cherokee
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2015, 05:41:52 pm »

I had a look at MBY's website and it very much suggests he is in need of medical attendance.
There are, however, a few aspects which make it quite plain that his claims and allegations are as made-up and twisted as his version of history:

When METV's English news, which had been named the most comprehensive and unbiased media outlet in the entire Middle East, was suddenly discontinued by owner Pat Robertson and the staff fired...

What's this - „most comprehensive“ and „unbiased“ in one and the same sentence with „owner Pat Robertson“?!? Ah so.

Earlier, while at METV, he had studied Koran with a Moslem imam in Beit Phage as a condition of living in the all-Moslem East Jerusalem village.  His ministry there was to simply tell the Palestinian population that God was "bringing home the children of Israel to reunite with the children of Judah."

There are several aspects here, e.g. „the all-Moslem East Jerusalem village“. From what Google tells me, Beit Phage seems to be a hamlet on the outskirts of East Jerusalem. However, a „condition“ of studying the Qur'an in order to be allowed to live there is highly unlikely.

If he had studied the Qur'an during that time, he would also have learned at least some Arabic (but preferably more than just 'some'), so that the glitch regarding the letter „ayn“ (cf further down) would not have happened. Learning the Arabic alphabet, however, is what one starts with learning the language, and if he doesn't know such basics, he never studied the Qur'an.

But as MBY seems to have been a man on a mission even back then (provided his account is based on facts – but then again: why should it be, when MBY is giving his readers loads of BS in every respect...), he claims he told the Palestinian population „that God was „bringing home the children of Israel to reunite with the children of Judah“. Now that may have caused some unrest with the locals... And how remarkably culturally sensitive MBY is to tell an occupied population this was god's will. But in good colonial tradition.

His training in Hebrew and Aramaic Biblical exegesis, Talmud and Koran has led to several innovative proposals attempting to reconcile and dovetail the theologies of all three faiths.

„Innovative“? Ah so. Our Newage to English dictionary translates this as: „I gave them loads of fantastic BS“ - apart from the question whether the three religions want to be „reconciled and dovetailed“. Things being as they are, the best thing happening to him after such an announcement is being taken for a complete nutcase – had it been taken serious, he'd have to mourn the loss of a few teeth or so.

With the help of Creator, this Abraham-Moses society is researching Native American origins, prophecy and spirituality and specifically their Hebrew ties.

Now, how unoriginal! We had this before, it wasn't true in the first place and MBY is not going to change that: there are no ties between ndns and Hebrews, apart from the fact we all came out of Africa. This idea is of course deeply racist, a variant of „the […] can't get anything done in the way of civilisation, if it wasn't for some help by white Euros (or so...), they'd be still sitting up on some tree“.

And now – coffee warning!!!!

His long-standing interest in Native American affairs stems from moderating a panel discussion, between representatives of the American Indian Movement and the Bureau of Indian Affairs shortly after the standoff at Wounded Knee as a news editor on the campus daily at Louisiana State University in 1973.

Priceless in its entitledness and bigheadedness.

By the summer of 1987, MbY was an independent and self-supported "missionary" in the all-Moslem village of Beit Phage in the "West Bank." He preached to the village's Moslem inhabitants -- with dramatic signs following -- the "Gospel of the Restoration of the Kingdom to Israel" with the warning to the Avihaval and Sa'ayad clans, "if you resist what God is going to do, it will be like 'spitting' against the wind."

Ah so – no condition any longer, here we're down to brass tacks: he was missioning!
I'd expect „dramatic signs“ to follow such activities – even handing out warnings!, as Muslims do not want to be missioned.

On December 8, 1987, two days before the start of the Palestinian intifada, when some of the children of these same Moslems rolled boulders down the mountain onto vehicles of passing motorists, he was approached by two of the Moslem men who warned him to leave the mountain and the rooftop on which he had lived for the previous five months.

I should imagine he got told to p... off and make sure the door didn't get the slightest chance to hit him in the @rse... According to Muslim faith, the prophet Muhammad was the last prophet sent by god, and therefore, they do not welcome missionaries of other religions. Except that what MBY 'teaches' happens to be no religion but a conglomerate of fantasies and delusions of grandeur.

Native American and Royal Pedigree

He only recently learned that his paternal ancestry is Eurasian royalty. ben Yoseif is a direct descendant of King Charles I (Charlemagne), the king of the Franks and first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, and the royal families of Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Britain, Normandy, France, Spain, Italy, Germany and all of Eurasia dating to 20 C.E.

Holy sh*t, now aren't we ever so impressed! First of all, with Charlemagne having lived some 1300 years ago, more or less all contemporary Middle Europeans are, in one way or the other, descendants of him.

As far as the „Holy Roman Empire“ is concerned, Wikipedia says:
„The precise term "Holy Roman Empire" was not used until the 13th century...“

MBY also does not quite seem to know which regions and countries belonged to this empire, as he additionally lists France and Germany. But „all of Eurasia“ - now, really, he's too modest. Why not related to all royal families in the galaxy? Or the universe?

So what's all that spell? - Rubbish!

The connection to European royalty was discovered this past summer ('07) during his cross-country trek from the Rockies to represent the Eastern Gate of the Sacred Four Corners at the Native commemoration of the 400th anniversary of the Jamestown settlement. He did so with the blessing of Apache spiritual leaders and a Hopi medicine man.

my ancestral tree brimming with hundreds of royalty dating to 20 C.E. that included the late 8th Century Merovingian line of Charlemagne -- kings, queens, princes, princesses, mayors of palaces -- and including the very first kings of Scotland.

Once again, MBY should go back to Euro History 101... Charlemagne did *not* belong to the Merovingian line – in fact, he happened to be the person who got rid of the Merovingian kings and grabbed their throne. Wikipedia may help:

As it happens, this spread of royalty across Europe closely correlates with the Cimmerian migrations out of Asia Minor and across Eastern and Western Europe.
(ben Yoseif teaches that "Cimmerians" are the Anglicized name of  the Kymri-Gomeri.  The latter is the name found in Assyrian manuscipts describing the House of 'Omri,  'Omri was one of the kings of the non-Jewish Northern Tribes called the House of Israel who because of his military might, earned the respect of the Assyrians. However, as ben Yoseif explains the research of Jewish scholar, Yohanan Hevroni ben David (John Hully), who he befriended in Jerusalem, the name begins with a difficult to pronounce "ayin."  This letter is usually pronounced phonetically by non-native speakers as a "g" as in the Gaza Strip and Sodom and Gomorrah, which also begin with this same gutteral).

Some more fantasies and plus made-up 'facts'.

The letter „ayn“ has a guttural sound, but we do take due note that MBY happened to have a Freudian slip as something may have reminded him of the „gutter“.

The name „Ghaza“ does not begin with the letter „ayn“, but with the letter „ghayn“. While the „ayn“ is difficult to pronounce, the „ghayn“ is far from that. It is more or less pronounced like a German „r“ sound. It is also not quite so that the „ayn“ will be replaced by the sound „g“ by non-native speakers of Arabic (and Ghaza is an Arab name) – in fact, most non-native speakers have problems even *hearing* this sound in a spoken word (nothing unusual, after we got used to 'our' particular set of sounds, many of us will lose the ability to pronounce, and often hear, unfamiliar sounds our language does not use).

The two sounds „ayn“ and „ghayn“ are related, though, which is also revealed by the way the letters are written:
The „ghayn“ is letter no 28, the „ayn“ is letter no 16. The only difference is a small dot on top of the „ghayn“.

Hebrew language does have an equivalent of the „ayn“ called „ayin“, but as far as I can see none of the „ghayn“:  , and as far as I could establish googling, replacing the „g“ sound for the „ayin“ is connected to Iwrith (contemporary Hebrew language).

So I presume all MBY has to offer is plenty of hot air, his claims are null and void, and he'd best off getting professional help.
If his claims to Cherokee ancestry as of a similar quality as the above rubbish, then he's a fake.

Offline wolfhawaii

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Re: Maggid ben Yoseif, claiming Cherokee
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2015, 09:37:51 pm »
Wasn't this the same guy that used to hang out with Scotty Blue Otter?

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Dell Griffin AKA Maggid ben Yoseif, claiming Cherokee
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2017, 07:01:28 pm »
Received an email from Griffin. This is the whole looooong account from him, unedited in any way, followed by my response. It's...entertaining.

It has come to my attention that my claims to be mixed Cherokee and my work have become a subject of interest to your organization.  Rather than speculate on this, why has no one contacted me directly?
I am the past ambassador-at –large for the Central Band of Cherokee and current member of the (now-in-limbo) Native American Equahimiyi-Wasi (Abraham-Moses) society of the Central Band and the society’s scribe.  Our research into Native links to ancient Hebrews was printed in the March 2010 and March 2011 Ancient American magazine.
I have continued independent research sanctioned by the late Cherokee Central Band principal chief Joe Sittingowl White, which is published at my Linked-In Professional site “Maggid ben Yoseif” and am a member of several Native American groups on Linked-In, where this research is also located.  It has traced the Hebrew priesthood of Gilead to the “Na-Dene” who have widely assimilated across the Americas.  It has also traced the canupa to Hebrew origins.  I stand by my research.  You are free to read this and comment on it at my Linked-In profile.
I am 1/8 Cherokee on my maternal side and a “smidgen” on my paternal side. My maternal great-grandmother (my mother’s grandmother was Nellie Hill.  Nellie’s mother was simply known as “Birdie.” We have never located her grave and know nothing more about her than she was full-blood Cherokee, as we believe also was Nellie.  My mother told me before her death in 1997 that Grandma Nellie told her she (Nellie) was Wild Potato Clan. If she was full-blood, then my mother was ¼, which makes me 1/8th.  There is no doubt that my mother was part Cherokee.  She was greatly persecuted for this in grade school and she taught me about many Cherokee medicines which she learned from Grandma Nellie.
On my paternal side, my father’s mother was Maudie Westmoreland, which you have documented.  She is a descendant of European royalty through the Neville family, (earls of Westmoreland), which was closer to the throne of England than the Windsors but Reeves Westmoreland nee Neville and his father were on the wrong side of the Catholic Church and were driven out by the Tudors
But I have never claimed a Native link through Grandma Maudie.  Rather, my grandfather, Maudie’s husband before her tragic death  by fire, was Elbert Washington Griffin, son of George Washington Griffin, son of Rev. James Washington Griffin, son of William “Bill” Griffin III, son of William Griffin Jr., son of “Wm Griffin.”  “Wm. Griffin” was also the father of John Griffin whose son, James W. Griffin (after whom my great x2 grandfather was named) is listed as full-blood Cherokee on the Eastern Cherokee rolls and is buried in the Flynt District cemetery beside Hercules Terrapin Martin, the first governor of the Flynt District at the first Cherokee campground outside Tahlequah. Although this great x4 uncle once removed is recognized as full-blood, I suspect that Wm Griffin, his grandfather was really a Templar.  This is because James W. Griffin, son of John (and Sarah) Griffin is at rest in the only raised crypt overlooking the old Flynt campground and is surrounded by Martin and his relatives, who have Templar crosses on their ground-level grave markers. A Templar slogan “Do No Harm” is written on James W. Griffin’s gravestone, the top of which is broken off.  This suggests that Wm. may also have been a Templar who married into the Cherokee nation, meaning if Wm. Jr. were ½, through this line I would be 1/64th.  If Wm. Jr. were full blood, I would still be only 1/32nd through my paternal line.
However, “Wm. Griffin” is mentioned several times in the journals of John Howard Payne.  He was the right hand of Chief Ross and according to correspondence between Payne and Ross’s family when Payne was imprisoned with the chief, personally cared for the Chief’s family when the chief was imprisoned with Payne.
Wm. Griffin’s name surfaces again in Payne’s journals as one of the signatures with Ross protesting the sale of Cherokee lands.  He also surfaces in official proceedings at the Sacred Fire in Red Clay, TN.,   A “Wm. Griffin” is also listed as one of the sheriffs of the Flynt District, but for some reason I have never been able to determine, was removed from office. I do not know the location of Wm.s or William Jr.’s graves, but William “Bill” and all subsequent Griffins are buried at the Old Liberty Cemetery near Alanta,TX. or in the Olive Branch cemetery at Bright Star, AR., where James W. Griffin was a primitive Baptist preacher.
Even though I may have qualified through my maternal line, I have never applied for any Cherokee nation membership or benefits because I WAS raised White.  However, nearing 65 (in August) I do hope to apply to be part of the Arkansas Band Chickamauga and make my 23 acres at Bright Star part of a ceremonial ground. I wish to be declared a “human being” before my death. Today, I identify more closely with the Dakota Nation with whom I have attended dozens of lodges in South Dakota and fully shared my research.  I have been given a Dakota name, which I am still attempting to earn.
I do have honorary Apache elder status, but that is another whole story that doesn’t apply to my blood quantum, so I will not address it here.
Regarding a past association with one Scotty Anderson, who claims to be “Blueotter,” it is true that I had a brief acquaintance with him.  I will detail this here but ask that if you validate what I am saying with Mr. Anderson lest I be accused of gossip (lashan hara) and if possible not repeat this information.
Scottie invited me to speak before a group of Mormons in 2008 shortly after the passing of my late father and interviewed me concerning my search for the “House of Joseph” among Native Americans – which contradicted directly the purported history of Native Americans in the divination called the Book of Mormon – on his radio program ProphecyKeepers.  At the meetings in Manti UT., Scott attempted to promote his own work and I believe I wound up traveling about 800 miles to speak about 15 minutes.  When he learned I was living among and assisting a group of untribed Apache in southwest Colorado, he invited me to return to Utah with an Apache leader, Jimmy Tenrivers Atencio and put us in touch with a man in Salt Lake City who subsequently arranged a meeting with the Prophet/President of the Mormon faith in Salt Lak, Gordon Hinckley  We took this as an opportunity to challenge the LDS leadership for attempting to missionize sundancers at the Lakota-directed Apache sundance near Walsenburg, Co. However as Jimmy and I and others were waiting in the lobby to meet with Hinckley, he suffered a stroke and died.  Instead we met only with the LDS historian. I asked the historian, Marvin Jansen, a question he could not answer and as a result he helped Jimmy and I secure about $4,000 from the LDS Foundation that year for the sundance.
Later I returned to Utah to speak at a meeting with the late Tommy Redelk of Tacoma, WA., who allowed me to open a two-day conference of his relating my research on the restoration of Native American spiritual sovereignty.  Scotty was also present at that meeting.
I had a falling-out with Scottie shortly after this when the English spokesman of the Revived Sanhedrin court and I were in a discussion about how ”Joes” could be given status according to Halacha to return to their ancient biblical inheritances. Scottie interviewed the spokesman on his radio program, and went behind my back ingraining himself to the Sanhedrin’s agenda “the Seven Noahite Laws,” bypassing my work altogether.  I vowed then to have nothing more to do with him.
In 2010, Scottie’s ex-wife threw him out and he was homeless.  His son would not take him in calling him a “little girl” when I called to ask him why he could not help him.   He was given a temporary residence at a nudist colony in northern Oregon until he was kicked out there.  Then he called me and I weakened and invited him to come to Walsenburg provided he would pay $50 a month and assist me at Eldersgate American Indian Council which I was renovating from a HUD repo.  Scott proved to be a lazy, slothful and filthy tenant who started a verbal fight with an elderly grandmother.   He also turned out to be a “mooch” of the local Apache who were legally growing marijuana plants for medical use.  I warned him the first time and when he started a second fight I put $200 in his pocket and ordered him to leave.
He moved to Tennessee and ingrained himself with Chief Joe Sittingowl White.  I began getting strange emails from Jerusalem and when I inquired what was going on, I learned that Scottie had spread vicious rumors about me and my son.  That I was a “child molester” who had molested a 5-year-old girl and that is why I was “forced” to leave Israel and that my son was a “meth addict.”  Chief Joe called me one day to ask me to work with Scottie.  I told him he still owned me $200 and the vicious slanders Scottie had fomented trying to destroy my work with rabbis I knew in Israel and who were mystified at these rumors.  I told Chief Joe Scottie had made no effort to reconcile or apologize and I saw no reason to do anything more than “punch his lights out the first opportunity I got” and willingly do time for doing so, and that Chief Joe should be careful to keep him out of my presence in the future.
Scottie last contacted me shortly after Chief Joe passed asking me to work with him.  I repeated my threat to do him bodily harm.  He spread more lies about me to rabbis in Jerusalem.  I have had no contact with him for several years.  Everyone in his past knows him to be dishonest, an inveterate liar, distrustful and an opportunist out only for himself.  I regret ever having attempted to befriend him.  So do all the Apache and most everyone I know who know him.  I believe his problems stem from believing he is a prophet of the Book of Mormon and unclean spirits to which he has yielded.
(I was asked to leave Israel after illegal, incommunicado imprisonment in Israel’s highest security prison after learning that the past president Shimon Peres had taken money under the table by the U.S. State Department to guarantee a Palestinian state in the birthright territories of the House of Joseph.  My son has never taken or made or been involved with meth-amphetamines. I repeat my intention to send Scottie to the hospital – I am a past sparring partner with a Golden Gloves contender --  and willingly go to jail if he ever crosses my path again.  That may not sound Cherokee but remember I am only 1/8th.
Gah geh you e,
Dell N. Griffin
(Maggid ben Yoseif)

Looking back at old emails, it seems we've exchanged half a dozen in 2011 and 2012. You also asked me to join your Linkedin network, which I declined. I also posted your account of Wm Anderson.

I will post your email to the thread about you.

Do you stand by your online accounts claiming to be related to Charlemagne, negotiating the end of Wounded Knee II, and being a prophet to Muslims?

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Dell Griffin AKA Maggid ben Yoseif, claiming Cherokee
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2017, 01:26:00 pm »
Griffin again. The "high cheekbones" story... ::)

....I don’t believe I ever made any claims to “negotiate the end of Wounded Knee II.”  I was the MODERATOR of a panel discussion between AIM and BIA in 1973 shortly after the incident, at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge.  Nothing was negotiated, but I made sure AIM wasn’t browbeaten and was treated fairly and had an opportunity to fully state its grievances with an “open mike” in the audience, despite the best efforts of  BIA to do otherwise. I moderated this discussion only because the scheduled moderator called in sick at the last minute and the planners were rushing around to find someone who was Native and knew about Standing Rock II as you call it.  They remembered someone working at the Daily Reville (LSU campus newspaper) who had high cheek bones and located me and asked me if I was Native.  I told them I was about 1/8 Cherokee but had been raised White. And I had written and edited stories about Standing Rock. So  I was all they had.  But that experience began turning me back to my Native side, so I am forever thankful for the opportunity.
I also never claimed to be “a prophet to Muslims.”  I’m not sure where that comes from. Creator had me live in Beit Phage, East Jerusalem for a brief period of about 7 months over the 14 year period I lived and worked in the Middle East but this was BEFORE the Israeli-Palestinian conflict inflamed in 1987.  I was given a word by the Great Spirit to speak to a small group of East Jerusalem Palestinians and a confirming sign as earlier communicated.
On my paternal grandmother’s side, (the Westmorelands – who changed their name from “Neville” (earls of
Westmoreland)  to “Westmoreland,” when emigrating to America (fleeing the Tudors),  that particular Neville line WAS traced to European and Eurasian royalty including the 6th Century Merovingian line of Sicambrians who had intermarried with descendants of Charlegmagne, son of Pepin/Pippin The Short and Bertrada of Laon.  This research was done for me in 2008 by an official who works in the Mormon Geneaological Library in Salt Lake City after I was invited to speak at a two-day conference in Manti, UT, on the restoration of Native American spiritual sovereignty hosted by the late Tommy Redelk of Tacoma. While there, I gave an impromptu talk to some Mormons who had attended, in the home of a woman whose maiden name was Westmoreland who lived in nearby Ephraim, UT, and who I had never met and did not know. I mainly told them their history of Native Americans was a divination and full of errors but yes, Creator had given my my life’s work to help restore understanding of Native American spirituality and any Hebraic links.  Just in passing I mentioned that when I attended the Native commemoration of the 400th anniversary of Jamestown in 2007, I also had been asked by Ada Fasthorse to deliver a message to President W. Bush asking for the return of her great-grandfather Goyathla (Geronimo’s) skull and bones. I was also planning to attend the finals of the Mechanical Engineering Society of America’s competition in DC where my son was competing as a representative of his high school in Pueblo, Co., so I agreed to do this for Ada.  Before my father passed in late 2006 he knew I was going to DC for the Native commemoration of Jamestown event and told me while in the area I should look up his mother’s people – the Westmorelands he believed to be from Virginia.  It is a long story but I mentioned this in passing during my talk and was interrupted by the host in Ephraim, “Are you related to Reeves Westmoreland?”  I told her that I was.  Two days later she presented me with the research done by her husband.  I’ve since been told that this makes me a candidate to be the “anti-Christ,” so I’m careful about saying anything more about this and today just focused on attending lodges and sundance and pow wows, meeting with interested elders and doing my research.  Some day, before I pass I hope to write a book compiling it all and hope to become a human being, as I mentioned to you earlier.
If you or your organization have more questions, Al, I will be happy to address them.  My name and my reputation is about the only thing I possess nearing 65 and I believe I told you earlier that is about all I care about.  I have never taken money for any of my work but have received a few donations to sustain me personally.  Also I recently took a new wife, a widow who lived with her former husband at Standing Rock.
Gah geh you e,
Dell Griffin
(Maggid ben Yoseif)

Offline Diana

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Re: Dell Griffin AKA Maggid ben Yoseif, claiming Cherokee
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2017, 01:15:31 am »
.I don’t believe I ever made any claims to “negotiate the end of Wounded Knee II.”  I was the MODERATOR of a panel discussion between AIM and BIA in 1973 shortly after the incident, at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge.  Nothing was negotiated, but I made sure AIM wasn’t browbeaten and was treated fairly and had an opportunity to fully state its grievances with an “open mike” in the audience, despite the best efforts of  BIA to do otherwise. I moderated this discussion only because the scheduled moderator called in sick at the last minute and the planners were rushing around to find someone who was Native and knew about Standing Rock II as you call it.  They remembered someone working at the Daily Reville (LSU campus newspaper) who had high cheek bones and located me and asked me if I was Native.  I told them I was about 1/8 Cherokee but had been raised White. And I had written and edited stories about Standing Rock. So  I was all they had.  But that experience began turning me back to my Native side, so I am forever thankful for the opportunity.

Hi Dell, I'm a little confused. You say there was a panel of AIM members and BIA representatives from the Department of the Interior at LSU Baton Rouge in 1973...?? and what exactly were they doing there?? Because in 1973 that would have been a monumental feat, especially for LSU which is not exactly known for....hmmm...Native American activities.

One other thing, I Google and looked and looked for that "panel" and came up with nothing. Can you provide a link to the AIM and BIA panel discussion at LSU?

Lim lemtsh,


Offline maggidbenyoseif

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Re: Dell Griffin AKA Maggid ben Yoseif, claiming Cherokee
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2017, 07:35:02 am »
's(h)iyo Diana,

I have been unable to locate a record myself.  I know that the panel discussion was sponsored by the Student Government Association AND some department at LSU, but I don't remember if it was Philosophy or History or some other college.  But Diana, give me a break, that was 44 years ago.  I believe if you contact someone with AIM, their scrapbook should include an article about the panel discussion in '73.  I definitely do remember doing some editing (writing heads and editing wire copy) about Wounded Knee II before this panel discussion.

You could also contact "The Daily Reveille" at LSU and have them track it down in their archives.  It is probably on microfiche and indexed by now.  There was once a "byline file" for every staff member.  It should be filed under "Dell Griffin, 1973" or "1972-74."

When you have validated my account, I hope you will state so. 

Gah geh you e,
Dell (ben Yoseif)


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Re: Dell Griffin AKA Maggid ben Yoseif, claiming Cherokee
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2017, 04:06:26 pm »

You could also contact "The Daily Reveille" at LSU and have them track it down in their archives.  It is probably on microfiche and indexed by now.  There was once a "byline file" for every staff member.  It should be filed under "Dell Griffin, 1973" or "1972-74."

Dell, you need to do this work.  You claim: "I was the MODERATOR of a panel discussion between AIM and BIA in 1973 shortly after the incident, at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge. ". This is your claim, your responsibility, you need to provide verification.

Offline Diana

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Re: Dell Griffin AKA Maggid ben Yoseif, claiming Cherokee
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2017, 06:09:56 pm »
Dell, I did more research, I meticulously went through the Daily Reveille archives and even called LSU! And you know what nothing, nada! No one remembers or has even heard of AIM in Louisiana.

Like I said before, something like Aim and all those well known Indians such as Bellecourt, Means or Banks at your obscure LSU would have been monumental.

Like Piff said do your work!

's(h)iyo Diana,

I have been unable to locate a record myself.  I know that the panel discussion was sponsored by the Student Government Association AND some department at LSU, but I don't remember if it was Philosophy or History or some other college.  But Diana, give me a break, that was 44 years ago.  I believe if you contact someone with AIM, their scrapbook should include an article about the panel discussion in '73.  I definitely do remember doing some editing (writing heads and editing wire copy) about Wounded Knee II before this panel discussion.

You could also contact "The Daily Reveille" at LSU and have them track it down in their archives.  It is probably on microfiche and indexed by now.  There was once a "byline file" for every staff member.  It should be filed under "Dell Griffin, 1973" or "1972-74."

When you have validated my account, I hope you will state so. 

Gah geh you e,
Dell (ben Yoseif)