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painful legacy of Indian boarding schools
i got a dvd from pcn tours on the carlisle indian school
what a out rage
they play it up as a prilivige to go there
got to figure how to post in with out getting in trouble
or you can order one from them
401 fallowfield road
camp hill, pa. 17011
we are not alone .. ..
New York Times article By Sarah Lyall
Published: May 20, 2009
Report Details Abuses in Irish Reformatories
Boarding schools were the whiteman's attempt to assimilate little native boys and girls into little white boys and girls. All it really did was screw up their poor, fragile little minds....
I'm on the mailing list of the organization White Bison, run by Don Coyhis, which promotes recovery/"Wellbriety" for Native communities. Recently they've been asking for support for their Boarding School Apology Initiative. Apparently, US pres Obama signed an apology within the past year, but it was never publicized or officially presented!? They have a petition and some actions they're asking people from all backgrounds and nationalities to take in support of the need for an official and public apology. Here are some links from the email:
This is the petition: It looks like it's been up since August and their goal is 15,000 signatures. They have almost 6,000 as of this writing.
Clicking this will download a pdf of the Wellbriety newsletter that describes the Boarding School Apology Initiative in detail:
The White Bison website currently features a video and some articles about the initiative:
Also, our US public radio station, NPR, has covered the backstory of this issue a couple times in the last few years.
I'm sure others who are more knowledgeable can post more/better resources.
Some of it wasn't just the boarding schools.
In the mid-1950's, the NDN kids I went to school with were not allowed to speak their language in the classroom, only English was allowed. One day, a brother and sister in my class (think they were Navajo) said something brief to one another in their language. The teacher took them to the washbasin and washed their mouths out with soap, in front of everyone. We were all so shocked.
That was in first grade. Some of those kids hardly even spoke English at the time, so you can bet they didn't say much at all to anyone for quite a while.
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