Author Topic: Michael Hester AKA Michael Redsky  (Read 55978 times)

Offline kosowith

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Michael Hester AKA Michael Redsky
« on: January 25, 2009, 08:39:02 pm »
We have a new "healer" working here in the Netherlands.  He goes by the name Michael Redsky claims he is Cherokee of the "Paint clan" trained in traditional Cherokee crystal healing by "his elders" from the age of 8 when he had his first vision.  He lists his numerous talents as: the ability to speak to animals, alive and dead. He can teach a person to locate a animal helper and then speak to them. he will help you contact a pet that has passed on, and he helps dead pets transition to the next world, heals with crystals ($100.00 + per session) and he has a new flute CD available.   According to the people in both Oklahoma and Mississippi no one knows him, and the elder I spoke to said that there is nothing he claims to do that is traditional Cherokee.  (I forgot to mention - raised away from whites, didn't speak English until he was grown, etc.)
« Last Edit: August 24, 2011, 12:22:50 pm by educatedindian »

Offline wolfhawaii

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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2009, 03:17:48 am »
I don't know why an alleged traditional Cherokee spiritual person would be in the Netherlands selling ceremonies when the people he claims to be from are in need. Also a traditional Cherokee is not going to be working with the spirits of dead animals (see Origins of Disease, Mooney for an explanation of why). Traditional Cherokee use of crystals is vastly misunderstood and used by charlatans to impress newage types. I looked at a couple of the sites that mentioned him and I am not "buying it"; he doesn't look like any Cherokees I know. He looks more like Kevin Spacey (who is a white actor.)

Offline kosowith

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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2009, 07:03:51 pm »
I got this message from a traditional person in Oklahoma today - He checked Redsky's Web site after he got back home today and the message was: "I looked at that jackass's Web site, and he is so full of shit it isn't even funny."

I also got a message from a woman who went to see him over the weekend and wanted to know why I was protesting against him.  She thought we Indians all got alone - I didn't even bother to go into that one.  I aksed how he dresed and she said that he had explained that he only dressed in his "traditional way""  (feathered headdress and ribbon shirt) because the people here demaned it.  I tried to explain to her that the headdress is NOT traditional Cherokee, nor is the tipi he set up.  I also said if he was a real traditional healer why did he live in New York, and travel to Holland to heal, why was he not at home helping "his" people who really need the help, - But he has the usual story - "I had a vision that told me to travel the world for world peace and to heal all who came to me asking for help -(at $100.00 per session)"

He is just another rip off artist!


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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2009, 01:28:00 pm »
I met Michael RedSky too when he was in the Netherlands. This men has no intention to do wrong. Why I feel so much bitterness and hatred in your writing.If Creator doesn't want this men to spread his words He would stop him. Michael RedSky went to an hospice to bring comfort to a dying woman,he went to an autistic boy who doesn't want to live because he feels not loved. He went also to an nursinghome and a school.Never he asked money , he even gave away some very personal belongings to some people. You should come in the summer to the Netherlands when there are Indians all dressed up in there regalia's, on the corner of the streets in the big city's. Playing there music and selling there  cd's. Is that the way we want to learn about the Native Culture. That's showtime and has nothing to do with the Native Herritage.I know from people who went to one of the Gatherings with Michael RedSky, they din't regrat it and they are waiting and looking forward for him to come back. Ones again why this hatred and bitterness against Michael RedSky.

Offline kosowith

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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2009, 11:47:04 pm »
I am not bitter, and I certainly do not hate Mr. Red Sky.  If anything I feel a bit sorry for what he must be going through and you are correct that the creator will at some point step in and set things right.  I was asked by several people if I knew him before he showed up in the Nederlands. I did not, so, since I did not know this man personally, I read his web site. After reading it and because it was so different from what the Cherokee elders I have known say, I checked with friends who do live within the Cherokee communities, to get their response to what his web site said.  The response was the same from each person who responded.  They find his web site and the statements/claims on it offensive.  One elder, who is a well respected spiritual leader, who was a close friend of Phillip Deer and is a "priest" for the four grandmothers was particularily offended and plans to address the issue with others of the Cherokee culrure committee.  Perhaps that is also part of the creator's way of setting things right.  What they said was that anyone who says they can contact people who have gone on, who will assist in "finding an animal helper," help animals transition to the other side, do crystal healing for price, or give so called Indian or Cherokee names without the proper ceremony is in violation of all Cherokee protocols and is not following the traditional Cherokee ways of life and spirituality.  Take for example the giving of an Indian name - and I have been told by one person that he gave several people "Indian names" when he met them. A name can not be given without a ceremony that has to be held within the Cherokee community.  These Cheremonies can only be performed with other elders and ceremonial leaders assissting and only can only be done in the Cherokee language. 

As to the "Indians" who play at the Dam or other street corners in Holland, Germany, Belgie, Sweden - of course you should not try to learn about North American Indian culture from them.  They have no idea about it themselves.  The last time I saw them, one of them had his feather on upside down and North American Indian cultures do not play music on pan pipes.  These groups are NOT North American.  They come from Guatamala and according to a Peruvian friend who runs a booth in the markt, and who knows them very well - they (the musicians) say the only reason they bought the pow wow outfits was to try to sell more CD.s.  and yes it offends me that we are even ripped off by other Indians.  If you have seen them you must be aware that they don't even play real music, they just pretend while a CD is playing in the back ground. 

I am glad that you enjoyed your time with Mr. Red Sky.  It is good that he helped people.  However, I have been told that although he did not ask for money, a number of people did give him gifts of money.  That is fine, but he still should not be presenting what he does as "authentic" North American Indian/Cherokee.  I even understand that he said that he was told to dress traditionally and that is why he wore the clothers he did.  If this is so, he should know what traditional Cherokee dress for a man is and wear it.  What he was pictured wearing is not traditional, other than as a mid-20th century pan-plains Indian.  Again there is nothing wrong with pan-Indian clothing, but it is not "traditional."

It is unfortunate that so many people in other countries do not understand why we, North American Indians, feel such great sorrow when these things happen and when people misuse, intentionally or unintentionally our sacred ways. It is sad that you can not understand that if he came as an ordinary person, who just wanted to comfort people in his own personal way, no one, absolutely no one would have a problem with it.  But when he has say "I am a traditional "Cherokee healer" to be accepted, well I guess maybe it says more about the people he wants to heal than about himself. It is unfortunate that so many people in European countries do not appreciate their own traditions and have to try to find peace outside.  I wish you only the best, and hope that you will find the peace that you are seeking.

Offline Superdog

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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2009, 12:24:31 pm »
I met Michael RedSky too when he was in the Netherlands. This men has no intention to do wrong. Why I feel so much bitterness and hatred in your writing.If Creator doesn't want this men to spread his words He would stop him. Michael RedSky went to an hospice to bring comfort to a dying woman,he went to an autistic boy who doesn't want to live because he feels not loved. He went also to an nursinghome and a school.Never he asked money , he even gave away some very personal belongings to some people. You should come in the summer to the Netherlands when there are Indians all dressed up in there regalia's, on the corner of the streets in the big city's. Playing there music and selling there  cd's. Is that the way we want to learn about the Native Culture. That's showtime and has nothing to do with the Native Herritage.I know from people who went to one of the Gatherings with Michael RedSky, they din't regrat it and they are waiting and looking forward for him to come back. Ones again why this hatred and bitterness against Michael RedSky.

Wolfswispher...don't mean any disprespect, but you do have a lot to learn.  The people dressed up selling cd's are not Native American in the sense you think....they're native South Americans....often Peruvian.  For some reason they dress up in their own versions of pow-wow style outfits and sell themselves as Native American because people over there buy it.  There's no pan flutes in Native American music...that should be your first clue in that regard.

As for Michael Redsky...if he's doing these things and claiming to represent Cherokees (badly from what Cherokees say) and charging a price....he is indeed a bad person as he's using the Cherokee name to sell a false dream and unfortunately you've bought it.  I feel bad for you.  I just googled his name and quickly came up with a price for a private sitting with him. 

Private Sittings with Michael Redsky
Date:    Sunday, August 3, 2008
Time:    12:00pm - 5:00pm
Price:    $130.00
Presenter:    Michael Redsky
Location:    Circles of Wisdom

Private Sittings with Michael Redsky

      $130 for 45-60 minutes
      $260 for 120 minute Crystal Therapy Session (available 8/1 only)

 If you want to learn about Cherokees I'd suggest you actually go to a Cherokee community...otherwise you're not getting the real thing.  There's no single person that can represent the overall spiritual integrity of an entire people.  He should just represent himself and take away the Cherokee references...especially if he's mispresenting them.  I think we can both agree that a person that would do those things isn't doing anybody any good.  You could've learned what he could teach on your own for free...from the write up on him on this particular site they say he lived in an orphanage as well as a mosque, but no mention of any Cherokee community.  The ad also claims he blends all the worlds religions...that's an interesting claim.  I wonder how he pulls that one off and makes it believable.  You gotta face it Wolfwispher...he is charging and he is using the Cherokee people as a selling point, while at the same having no knowledge of any people in Cherokee communities....

« Last Edit: February 03, 2009, 12:35:15 pm by Superdog »

Offline Superdog

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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2009, 12:54:50 pm »
I've also gotta wonder if he's enrolled or not.  His website sells his CD's and other items as Native American so I'm wondering if he might be enrolled Cherokee.  If he is that makes him even more dangerous as according to his website he also claims to be a sundancer and has a lot of Lakota references (hmmm....Cherokee claims with Lakota overtones...never heard that theme before).  If he's not enrolled then he's not in compliance with the NA Arts and Crafts Act and breaking the law.  The Myspace page says he was taught sundance ways by Manny Twofeathers (I remember his name on here somewhere, but he's not coming up on a search...any more info anyone??)

Offline Superdog

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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2009, 01:25:57 pm »
Sorry....the more I check out the google hits the more disturbed I am by this guy....

From the redskyhealing website:



Red Sky Healing offers Native American Ceremonies


Vision Quest

A way to place yourself on your  intended path in life by connecting with animal & spirit guides and natural elements.
1-3 days in a teepee.


        ·         Sweat Lodge for purification and cleansing

        ·         Handfasting Ceremony when you are ready to take your life partner



    * Lancing of the Feathers

      Bonding parent and child
      bringing families together


Lancing of the Feathers Ceremony


Fire Spirit of the Sun


·         Fire Ceremony

Chanting and singing utilizing
the fire spirit


                Ceremonial photography services are also available so that you may have a tangible remembrance of your experience.

        Please contact Red Sky Healing if you are interested in experiencing authentic Native American Ceremonies.


The website also offers massage therapy from people he works with and then goes on to say "If you have a group of 8-10 people who would like to receive massages by licensed massage therapists who are a part of  Red Sky Healing then let us come to you.   Keep in mind that you after you have received your massage you might want to receive a reading with Michael Red Sky who can offer you his visionary abilities."

All I see is sell sell sell......
In tiny print he puts that the website doesn't "sell" ceremonies....fees are to cover costs incurred....

Sorry if I don't believe it.  I mean "ceremonial photography"?????? sheesh....



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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2009, 02:03:18 pm »
Mods, can this guy be moved to the frauds section already?

Enrolled or not, he's ripping people off and his story has enough holes to drive a semi through. I don't know anyone raised the way he's claiming and his 'ceremonies' ain't got a thing to do with Cherokee.

Wolfwhisperer, if people sound a little angry it is because what this man is doing is wrong. If he visits sick people, great. But that doesn't change the fact that he is misrepresenting what he is doing. I guess he's where you learned the word 'wado,' but did he teach you any other Cherokee? Or is his knowledge restricted to 'siyo and wado? If so, he's not an adawehi or anything else. BTW - we don't live in tipi's and never did.

Offline Superdog

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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2009, 02:19:54 pm »
I think Lakota people would be legitimized in some anger towards him as well as he's co-opted sundance  and vision quests as part of his claims to legitimacy and also uses the term "Mitakwe Oyasin" (his spelling on the website) as a catch all "Native American" belief.

The affiliates page explains his recent move into the Netherlands.

Jacqueline Guelen, "Wolf Who Speaks" is the European Contact for Redsky Healing.  Jacqueline is a hospice nurse who has helped many to cross smoothly to the other side.  She lives in The Netherlands and recently came to visit Michael Redsky and his family for 10 days.  She attended Spirit Bear Lodge and met many new people and experienced a lot of wonderful adventures. Her website is

Please join us in welcoming Jacqueline to the Redsky Family!

I've also noticed he will conduct things over the phone (at $130 a session still) so I'm wondering how he justifies a $130 phone call (as he claims it covers cost incurred). 

Offline kosowith

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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2009, 03:05:08 pm »
I've heard from some of the folks at the tribal offices in Oklahoma and after looking at his web sites, they are doing a complete search on him and any relations with the "Paint Clan" If he is enrolled in any of the Cherokee communites they will contact him directly and explain their insistance that he stop selling his ceremonies as "Cherokee." Especially the crystal skull part which has NO relationship to any Cherokee ceremony.  If he is not enrolled or related they will make a public statement disclaiming him and anything he does.

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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2009, 03:09:42 pm »
 >:( Once again us "REAL" Cherokees get pooped on by the lily white stuffing of a TWINKIE! It amazes me how these people can defend someone selling ANY Ceremonies, NO matter what Tribe they claim. SELLING ANY CEREMONY IS WRONG!!!!!!!!!! Plain and simple.

Offline MsKitty

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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2010, 06:18:44 pm »
He hasn't been in the Netherlands for some time now.... He is based out of NY, but is making the rounds of the entire New England area,  and he has a website up and running.  He is moving out of the Nuage arena and into pow wow because no one knows anything much about him.  Right now he is passing and he is teaching and he is charging.


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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2010, 01:27:53 pm »
 :o :P

OMG, I met Michael Redsky at a gathering years ago and even I could see what a phoney he was, and trust me, I'm not an Elder or anything.
The list of his shenanigans never stops.
- he used to be a male stripper
- he has no Cherokee in him
- he preys on his female "clients" and uses spirituality and "Native Wisdom" to sleep with many of them, not sure but may even be borderline sexual harassment in some cases.
- some of the Elders took him to task and basically asked him to stop how he's been abusing Native culture and teachings and have given him fair warning
- he never shuts up.  A sign of a good teacher or guide is their willingness to sit in silence and just let you be. Micheal is the type of person who has to interject at every comment anyone makes to show how "knowledgeable" he is, which to me is the biggest tip-off that he doesn't A) have any wisdom to offer and B) doesn't know his ass from his elbow about what he's talking about
« Last Edit: September 21, 2010, 02:43:49 pm by Tigerlilly »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #14 on: August 18, 2010, 07:20:32 pm »

- he has no Cherokee in him but is actually of Portuguese descent, hence his coloring
- he preys on his female "clients" and uses spirituality and "Native Wisdom" to sleep with many of them, not sure but may even be borderline sexual harassment in some cases.
- some of the Elders in New England took him to task and basically asked him to stop how he's been abusing Native culture and teachings and have given him fair warning

Could you points us towards anything that can definitely pin him down on these points? Do you know his legal name, the elders who confronted him, or any of the women he may have harmed?

I think he's overdue to be put in Frauds.