Author Topic: Michael Hester AKA Michael Redsky  (Read 55978 times)

Offline Wayne

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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2010, 02:38:31 pm »
Once he showed me a card.
He told me it was a native american passport.
On the card was stated he was Mohawk.
He explained, that there was a limit on how many people could "join" a tribe, so Mohawk was chosen for him, because Cherokee was "full".
In a short while he will be in the Netherlands again and i will meet up with him again.

I don't remember the exact words he used, so i will pay attention to his words this time.
I do believe, that his intentions are good. He does charge, but only to cover costs and a little to be able to eat and drink (it's not free you know  ;) ).
I really like to be in his presence.
He's a very likeable person.
However, i am a person that always questions ones motives, so..... to be continued.  :D

Many blessings,


Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #16 on: September 29, 2010, 03:49:41 pm »
I'm not ndn, but a limit on tribal members ?? I'll leave that to the real ndn's on here..
just.. what does redsky say about babies being born?   ???

as for needing money to cover costs.. that's an old justification imo.. I mean.. no one
"needs" to go traveling cross the world.. stay home where you don't have to cover costs.  ::)
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Wayne

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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #17 on: September 29, 2010, 06:07:31 pm »
I'll ask him about the babies.
Purtaining to the cost-coverage..... no-one needs to travel you say.
That's your opinion, wich i respect, but.... i have an other opinion. 
I also charge money for the time spent in helping people.

[Tangent moved to Wayne's intro thread:]
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 11:53:51 pm by Kathryn »

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2010, 06:10:48 pm »
Wayne, please put your beliefs about charging in your intro thread.

Offline Superdog

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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #19 on: September 29, 2010, 08:14:12 pm »

He explained, that there was a limit on how many people could "join" a tribe, so Mohawk was chosen for him, because Cherokee was "full".

If he told you that then it's a complete lie.  Completely untrue.  Not to mention it disregards the concept of being "born" Mohawk or Cherokee as opposed to joining the Mohawks or Cherokees.

It's true that Haudenosaunee people use their own passports for international travel, but it's not a "card".  It's a passport with several pages and the information entered in is handwritten (which is the reason why the UK wouldn't accept the Iroquois National Team's passports when travelling for the Lacrosse World Cup held there earlier this year....they cited it as a security concern).

This "limit" concept is laughable.  (no disrespect to you Wayne...just what was told to you)


Offline Wayne

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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #20 on: September 29, 2010, 08:26:16 pm »
Thanks Superdog!
It makes a somethings more clear.
I will definitly hear him out..... and ask questions.
So.... still to be continued... ;)

Many blessings,


Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #21 on: September 29, 2010, 10:07:23 pm »
Photos from one of his European presentations:

Offline Superdog

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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #22 on: September 30, 2010, 09:45:17 am »
Here he is performing.  

Hard to imagine that anyone could think this guy is Cherokee, but I also understand that perception is reality to people and that can lead someone to be easily fooled.  Wonder how much a seat at the overseas performance cost.....

Looks like a performance in Europe

Powwow flute playing in Greenbush, NY

His website's currently down at the moment as well.  Gonna keep on the lookout for the reconstructed page.  Should be interesting what he comes up with next considering the straight up lies he seems to have been selling so far.

« Last Edit: September 30, 2010, 09:47:58 am by Superdog »

Offline flyaway

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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #23 on: September 30, 2010, 08:14:13 pm »
I am eastern Cherokee and I say without hesitation this man is a fraud. NOTHING even his regalia is Cherokee, I noticed somewhere that he said his Mohawk Grandfather ask him, Redsky if he could be his Grandfather, first that is not how traditions work and than he says the grandfather gave him an emrollment card, LOL this to is not how it works. I am ashame of how this fraud is exploiting our people, his flute music is not Cherokee either, it is made up. Anybody who would defend this fraud has NO respect for the REAL FIRST PEOPLE.
I am a person who speaks as it is and when my Cherokee blood gets boiling. Treat us with respect and we will do the same, the power of the medicine wheel is strong and like a i-na-du and will come back around! ???
Walk with the Sun; Dance with the Moon; Sing with the Stars; But always...Run with the Wind. -
Snow Owl, Nevada. December 8, 2001

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #24 on: October 17, 2010, 01:45:34 pm »
Two more sites of his, in Dutch. Even without knowing Dutch beyond what's almost identical to English, I can see he's a faux-Cherokee doing faux-Lakota ceremony.

Other parts of the first site have him selling Australian digeridoos, promoting paranormal and planetary change nonsense, and offering catered workshops. says that his full name is Michael Redsky Hester. A Michael Hester signed this petition in 2007 and listed his profession solely as musician, no claim of being a healer or even Cherokee.

His myspace page says he was trained by the late exploiter Manny Rendon AKA Manny Twofeathers. He also claims he was trained by the Pope. ::)

And that he does his "ceremonies" with crystals in a tipi. :o And lived in an orphanage and even a mosque.

Here he claims to be a 10th generation medicine man.

Long overdue, moved to Frauds.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #25 on: October 17, 2010, 02:34:49 pm »
Apparently, I received the same links as Educatedindian. Here's a more detailed translation of the Belgian site which I presume is kept for Redsky as I doubt he speaks Dutch or Flemish:

„Michael Redsky is a proud son of the Paint Clan of the Cherokee. He received his knowledge from the early age of seven years at a Stomp Ceremony. All his life he has worked with many ceremonies and according to the traditions which were told to him by is tribal elders, his mother Lily Rose, his grandparents Johnny and Barbara, Many Two Feathers and his sister Redfeather.

His gifts are really unique. He discovered his gifts and the path he must follow with his love, and his concept of his own culture and his convictions through an experience of near-death as a little child. During the path of his life, he has also found insight and experience with many other cultures and religions. Therefore, he has much respect for all religions and religious convictions.

From his childhood he has also had the gift to communicate with animals, both with living animals and with those who have passed on. He has already helped many animals to cross over to the next world. Michael is in contact with his own animal leaders on a daily basis and he can also help you to establish such a contact. This causes a great bond with the circle of life and a deep respect for everything created by Mother Earth.

He is prepared to help everyone, with the help of the wisdom of the „Old Ones“ - our spiritual ancestors - who wants to come into contact with this wisdom to develop their own healing capacities. To achieve this, he uses traditional Native American ceremonies, his flute music, his communication with the animal world, his clearvoyant abilities, and he also uses crystals.

Michael furthermore is a dedicated Sundancer of the Wo Pila Sundance People.
Everybody who wants more information about Michael Redsky, please take a look at his website: .

Respect, honor, gratitude and compassion for all of life”

The site also publishes an agenda which says Redsky will be in Belgium from Oct 28 to Nov 15, 2010:

Michael Redsky is in Belgium from October 28, 2010 until November 15, 2010

At workdays, Michael Redsky will give private sessions in the town of Bocholt. You can book these healing – reading or massage sessions at the link below. Please tell us the date and time you would like to come. Please also give a phone no. so that we can contact you if necessary.

Monday, Nov 1, 2010
Lecture (Life of the Indians in America) at Valkenburg/NL

Friday, Nov 5, 2010
Drumcircle at Schoten/Belgium
begin: 7.30 p.m. (access from 7 p.m.)
maximum of 25 persons
at Nature's Call

Saturday, Nov 6, 2010
Sweatlodge at Apeldoorn/NL
max. 32 persons
Eco-Tribe at Teuge

Sunday, Nov 7, 2010
Sweatlodge at Schoten/B
max 15 persons
at Nature's Call

Thursday, Nov 11, 2010
Communication with animals at Kleine Brogel / B
max 20 persons, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Saturday, Nov 13, 2010
Drum Circle at Apeldoorn / NL
- address and time to follow -

It is still possible to organize one further lecture (Life of the Indians in America) and one drum circle in the vicinity of Bocholt. The exact date and time will follow.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #26 on: October 17, 2010, 02:43:17 pm »
The second site, , does not belong to Redsky, though, but is a shop owned by a certain 'Johan' (pls cf ). Although the name of the shop sounds funny in English, the 'call of nature' has a different connotation in Dutch and Flemish.

His so-called teachings is a mishmash of nuage:

Johan is the founder of Nature's Call. He is honored to have received already lots of Teachings throughout the years. 25 years of Martial Arts experience (Jiu Jitsu, Kyokushin Karate, Kung Fu, Tai Chi...) gave him a lot of insights about Buddhism, Taoïsm, Body and Mind Harmonisation... Hinduïsm gave him the knowledge
of Ayurveda, the 3000 years old wisdom of a healthy long life in Harmony with our Dosha (Constitution). Teachings and Ceremonies with Mama Bernardo Moscote & Mama Juan (los Hermanos Majores Kogi, Colombia), Kajuyali Tsamani (Nabi Nunhue-the House of the Jaguar, Colombia) and Doña Maria Toiquema (Uitoto, Amazon basin) brought him in contact with traditional Shamanism and made him a Messenger. Receiving the 9 initiating rites of the Inca Shaman made it all complete. The Ceremonies and long talks with Tunka Hota Winyan and Grandfather Iktomica planted the seed of Native Indian Spirituality. These Teachings, Rituals and Ceremonies are now available for you. As the group of people responding to Nature's Call grows, the range of opportunities we can offer gets wider.
Our goal is to spread the message of Feeling Good and in Harmony.

As we can see, Johan is another one who assumes that there is one generic Indian culture: "The Ceremonies and long talks with Tunka Hota Winyan and Grandfather Iktomica planted the seed of Native Indian Spirituality." These names are Lakota.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2010, 02:47:59 pm by Ingeborg »

Offline Ravenjoe

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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #27 on: October 29, 2010, 11:46:47 am »
I am writing about this man Redsky.  I am not an indian, however, a very good friend of mine is...Cherokee.  She has gone to his sweat lodge and has been so infatuated with what Redsky does that he has taken her in as a "trainee".  Nothing intimate...simply a "student" and at no charge, I believe. Some things he will teach her, other things she will have to find a place that does classes to teach.  I am very unsure of this. When she talks I get a creepy feeling inside.  Claims that once she knows what he is teaching her, they will travel together to the Netherlands and h also claims there is alot of money to be made there.   And, after reading some of these posts, I'm wondering how to bring my scepticism up to her without her getting upset.  She claims she is aware of what people say about Redsky, but she is so convinced that is he awesome and the negative talk is simply people that dont' know him.  She also claims he is Cherokee and when I look at his picture, I'm not so sure.  Would anyon have any thoughts on how I can approach this?  He will be teaching stones, crystals, cards....things like that.  Thanks to anyon that has some ideas here. 

Offline rdonez

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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #28 on: June 14, 2011, 01:45:14 pm »
« Last Edit: August 08, 2011, 06:06:24 pm by rdonez »

Offline rdonez

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Re: Michael Redsky
« Reply #29 on: June 15, 2011, 11:21:20 am »
« Last Edit: August 08, 2011, 06:01:55 pm by rdonez »