Author Topic: An excellent article on understanding differences  (Read 10907 times)

Offline Ganieda

  • Posts: 114
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An excellent article on understanding differences
« on: November 16, 2005, 10:47:10 pm »
A member on my group posted a link to a very excellent article, well worth the time to read it.  

I've clipped out one of the most significant sections as I believe it pertains not only the differences of communication and understanding between Wicca and ??satrú, but also those same differences in regards to all cultures and belief systems.  

Just as I try to understand "you", I also ask that you try to understand "me".  (Altho I am neither Wiccan nor  ??satrú)

...but yourself a favor and read the whole thing, it's worth it.


The Pentagram and the Hammer

Communication and Language Use

One of the most significant social differences between Wicca and ??satrú is their use of language and the way they communicate. More conflict between the two communities can be traced to this than any other factor. Wiccans tend to speak in a very conditional manner, often using the passive voice. The general mode of communication is quiet, cooperative, and seeks consensus, which parallels the Wiccan worldview of an orderly and harmonic universe. Most statements are usually accompanied by a conversational hook, with which the other person can help his conversational partner to save face in the event of disagreement by affirming the validity of the opposite argument. Conversations tend to be in quiet and reasoned tones.

??satrúar tend to speak in a very direct method using declarative sentences, tending to cite things in a black and white and often simplistic manner. The general method of communication is to state ones position with the expectation that ones opposite will state theirs and either agreement or argument will ensue. Consensus and compromise is rarely the object. This verbal sparring mirrors the general focus on conflict in the religion. A standoff between strong but disagreeing positions (i.e., agreeing to disagree) is generally seen as preferable to compromise. Face saving is seen to be the individuals own responsibility, to be obtained by demonstrating not only the validity of ones beliefs, but how strongly one holds them. Conversations tend to be fast paced and often in emotional tones. Any conflict and anger brought forth in debate is generally dismissed as necessary to the process and quickly forgotten; although when it is not, it tends to create long term grudges.

These differing methods of communication naturally set up an easy to follow pattern of communication, or rather miscommunication, between Wiccans and ??satrúar. The Wiccan begins with a statement of where he or she stands on an issue. The statement is conditioned with one or two phrases such as "in my opinion" meant to allow their opposite room for compromise in the event of disagreement. The ??satrúar, upon hearing this, assumes that because the Wiccan has conditioned his statement, that it is loosely held and subject to revision or correction. He or she replies very directly that he feels the Wiccan's position is incorrect and supports evidence as to why.

Up to this point, each party has acted exactly as their community standards lead them to react. The ??satrúar expects the Wiccan to either accept the reasoning or to refute it. The Wiccan is simply stunned. He or she feels they have made a polite statement and had it answered in a rude and disrespectful manner. At this point, he has already decided the conversation is without purpose and attempts to end it by agreeing to the validity of the ??satrúar's opinion, but restating his own, this time even more conditionally. This is a common way to end such a conversation in the Wiccan community, but the ??satrúar sees it in an entirely different light. Smelling rhetorical blood, he or she strongly dismisses the Wiccan's opinion and even more strongly restates his own. The Wiccan now feels insulted beyond tolerance. He replies angrily, not concerning the original subject of the conversation, but chastising the ??satrúar's behavior. The ??satrúar is shocked by this reaction and asks what the problem is. Assuming the problem is obvious to everyone involved, the Wiccan turns and leaves. The two part, the Wiccan convinced the ??satrúar is a rude and insensitive jerk trying to force his opinions on others, the ??satrúar convinced he is the victim of yet another attempt at politically correct censorship by someone who can't defend his own beliefs.
*May the Sun warm your Heart, The Moon light your Path and Sacred Mother Earth embrace and protect you always.*