Author Topic: Tecumseh Brown Eagle, aka Abdul Abdulla Mohammed, & James Oliver Johnson 111,  (Read 423226 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Johnson is on youtube. Simply put TBE into the search and three short vids come up of a press conference with perhaps three reporters.

He made a statement last October calling for Ohioans to vote for a pro casino proposition. In that statement he says they have 139 members "in many different states" and their would be tribe has a construction business, a furniture store, and audiovisual business. Perhaps not coincidentally, these are the same kinds of businesses the Nation of Islam generally tries to set up with their members.

Like has been discussed in other threads, this is a good example of how phony tribes can do damage to the real ones. He manages to make quite a lot of confused statements about Indian law in just 10 minutes. "We don't need federal approval to start a casino." "The United Nations will recognize us." etc. It's just pure dumb luck no anti NDN or anti casino groups have seized upon his statements so far.

He also mentions he lives in Ohio but has residence at Salamanca on the Allegheny rez, perhaps to give the impression that he's recognized by the Seneca. Uh uh. I've been to Salamanca for a powwow once. Virtually the whole town is non-NDN, living there without paying rent for many decades until the law finally recognized they have to pay their true landlords, the Seneca Nation.

And Johnson talks about his people having been here "12,000 years." Apparently he believes in the Bering Strait (BS) Theory. 

By a funny coincidence there's also some interesting vids linked there debunking the other Black supremacy/"Black Indian" groups. These are the same groups Johnson is obviouslyn influenced by, at the very least.

Malachi York leader of the Nuwaubians admits his molestation of 40 children.

Nuwaubian cult survivors speaking out.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Moote point:  I was asking my son if he has gone through anything distasteful that makes certain words stand out in his mind for days afterwards, he said "yes", then I explained to him there were certain words that I just could not get out of my head after various past situations, words like............. hater, controlling, envy, wannabe and the "green-eyed" monster.  His response was...... If a battle is to help the good, then "it's not what you do, it's WHY you do it"!  You ever have those types of situations?    Random question:  Do you know anyone that likes crow?  Because ..... I know this hateful little man who is going to be eating a lot of it soon, but the sad part of it is.... he has coerced some very special people to the table toooo.  But, that is okay, because HE will be eating most of the wretched meal.  Why?  because he has never learned how to do battle.  I don't know about you, but I have never entered the battlefield unless I was more than 100% of what I was fighting for. Again, please be patient.

As Educated indian has pointed out that Ms. Hopson, has refused to answer questions put to her on this thread, instead she lashes out with childish temper tantrums and attacks on those who are under the Shelter of Our Great Law and Great Tree of Peace.

It looks like Ms. Hopson has a mirror at her computer as she herself has Green eyes, blond hair, and very, very light skin and is acting like a monster. She also stated that she is " part Indian". Those of us "Bloods" like to have fun with people that make those kind of statements about themselves. Because, it usually indicates that they themselves don't know really who they are.

Again Ms. Hopson, what clan and nation are you? And this "part native", is it on your mother's or father's side??? Or maybe  it is found in your little toe!! Because your posts indicate that you do not possess the traits of a "Blood".

Time to fessup and stop the childish tempur tantrums and answer our questions.


Niiki from Mohawk Tyendinaga Territory

Offline wahyahahnae

  • Posts: 22

J/TBE/M is clearly influenced by some very dangerous people, and for you to dismiss that so casually says some very disturbing things.

I would really appreciate it if you would call me Wahyahahnae.  No more writing in caps, it wasn't meant to come across as yelling, just wanted to be sure the words were seen. Sorry about quoting an entire quote, after I posted a couple of times I thought "Ooops", I forgot to delete most of the quote.  I will try to keep my emotionals separate as this IS a very serious matter.
As for my defense of a "Black supremacist who impersonates bing the chief of a tribe which is clearly not a tribe", it will be proven false by forthcoming by legal documentation.
Thanking you

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
J/TBE/M is clearly influenced by some very dangerous people, and for you to dismiss that so casually says some very disturbing things.
I would really appreciate it if you would call me Wahyahahnae. 

This name that you want everyone to refer to you by " Wahyahahnae" , how did you receive this name?
I note than other previous posts, you also refer to yourself as "Shamush".

Then you say you are "part native". On 2 other occassions, I asked you what nation and what clan you belong to??? You did not answer my question. I also asked you what side of your family, this " part native" is from, mother's or father's side??? No answer!

I also believe that Educated Indian asked you 2 times, about how got involved with TBE and EIMTN and these people are??? No answer to his questions. Instead you either go off on temper tantrums, attacking others that are not involved,and are not supporting TBE, or you tell us about an alleged "legal document", that will prove that he is not connected to Black Muslims. So we will see what this so-called proof is, and scrutinize it to make sure it is a legal document, and not an altered document, like the rest that he has provided before.

Since you have not answered the question of your "Nativeness"  there is a huge question in my mind as to whether you really are!! Or you don't know who you really are!


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
« Last Edit: March 09, 2009, 10:37:53 pm by Niiki »

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
J/TBE/M is clearly influenced by some very dangerous people, and for you to dismiss that so casually says some very disturbing things.

I would really appreciate it if you would call me Wahyahahnae.  No more writing in caps, it wasn't meant to come across as yelling, just wanted to be sure the words were seen. Sorry about quoting an entire quote, after I posted a couple of times I thought "Ooops", I forgot to delete most of the quote.  I will try to keep my emotionals separate as this IS a very serious matter.
As for my defense of a "Black supremacist who impersonates bing the chief of a tribe which is clearly not a tribe", it will be proven false by forthcoming by legal documentation.
Thanking you

We will see about this so-called forthcoming legal documentation, as there will be forthcoming documentation proving that TBE has altered legal documents in order to set himself up as he has!!

So we will all verify this so-called legal documentation that you say is forthcoming!!

Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
« Last Edit: March 09, 2009, 10:27:23 pm by Niiki »

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
J/TBE/M is clearly influenced by some very dangerous people, and for you to dismiss that so casually says some very disturbing things.

I would really appreciate it if you would call me Wahyahahnae.  No more writing in caps, it wasn't meant to come across as yelling, just wanted to be sure the words were seen. Sorry about quoting an entire quote, after I posted a couple of times I thought "Ooops", I forgot to delete most of the quote.  I will try to keep my emotionals separate as this IS a very serious matter.
As for my defense of a "Black supremacist who impersonates bing the chief of a tribe which is clearly not a tribe", it will be proven false by forthcoming by legal documentation.
Thanking you

TBE's video is very good. These people are tied to violent cultists, so they want the public to believe that they are legitimate. What always amazes me about cultists is that they assume that everyone is too stupid to expose them. They prey on igorance and guilt for power and they victimize vulnerable weak people. I have watched this whole "black Indian" phenomenon grow since the 1988 book by Katz, Black Indians:A Hidden Heritage. Millions of black people who are seeking their roots have been influenced by these charlatans. Race in America plays mind games on people, particularly black people.Many want to have an alternative identity, and choosing to be Indian is one that many take. Yes there was race mixing in colonial America between Indians, black and whites, however that did not make black people Indians and it is greatly overrated. Henry Louis Gates disproved that myth using DNA.
Race and self hatred are behind much of this phenomenon, also hatred of what are seen as European traits. Almost every so called black Indian claims to have an ancestor who "looked" Indian, who was most like a mulatto, but because of mulatto self hatred claimed to be Indian.
I have Indian ancestry, however I don't claim to "be" Indian, because my parents and grandparents didn't live in Indian communities or practice traditions. I a concerned that non Indian people, i.e. new age whites and black racial nationalists try to steal the identity of Indian/Aboriginal people. I support Al Carroll's work exposing fraud, cultists and wannabees and hope that he continues to make enemies, because that means he's doing a great job. As a Canadian I am particularly concerned when I see the phenomenon here too.

We will see about this so-called forthcoming legal documentation, as there will be forthcoming documentation proving that TBE has altered legal documents in order to set himself as he has!!

So we will all verify this so-called legal documentation that you say is forthcoming!!

Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
I agree with you Don!

« Last Edit: March 09, 2009, 10:39:15 pm by Niiki »

Offline Ennisko:wa

  • Posts: 6
If the Six Nation Confederacy wish to deal with TBE, and his organization, and you legally it is their right.  As said before, if anyone chooses to withdrawal support of another it is their right.  Mostly you are just puting up verbal attacks and challenges on people that do not have a lot of substance.  What's the point?

Hello there.

I highly doubt any Confederacy Chief gave this guy the time of day, or took him seriously for that matter. Maybe someone from Tyendinaga did, maybe an elected councilperson, but a Roiianer? The Confederacy and Council Chief's have better things to do then meet up with people like this Brown.

Offline Ennisko:wa

  • Posts: 6
It has come to our attention that Tecumseh's request for recognition by the Six Nations Confederacy Council has been refused since it never passed through the Seneca Fire at Tonawanda.

Therefore since the traditional government of the Six Nations doesn't recognize him or EIMTN, nor does the US or Canadian governments, nor does any provision under the UN Declaration of Indigenous Peoples, his hopes for recognition or support is "dead in the water". Squashed!!


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

I'm sorry; this is all just laughable to  ;D

I think some people have far too much imagination to ever believe that the Confederacy Chiefs were involved in anything as cartoonish as recognizing this guy.

Confederacy Chief’s are intelligent men chosen for their ability to reason and to keep a good mind. If they even know about this, which is doubtful, there is no way they ever thought this guy was legit. But like all tribes, they have to deal with people coming out of the woodwork thinking they are the Grand Emperor of some extinct tribe. Of course, as Roiianer’s, they are diplomatic and not rude, but probably burst into laughter when they leave.

The question for me, is, how you ever thought he was legit, Niiki?

Bytw, this my own opinions and everything is “allegedly” in case Niiki wants to sue me. Hehe. You can always take me to the Peacemaker’s court at Akwesasne, since traditional Longhouse/Great Law people are not supposed to use US/Canada courts. Also, international jurisdiction applies as well making it very expensive to sue, as I’m sure your “attorney” has told you.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
It has come to our attention that Tecumseh's request for recognition by the Six Nations Confederacy Council has been refused since it never passed through the Seneca Fire at Tonawanda.

Therefore since the traditional government of the Six Nations doesn't recognize him or EIMTN, nor does the US or Canadian governments, nor does any provision under the UN Declaration of Indigenous Peoples, his hopes for recognition or support is "dead in the water". Squashed!!


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

I'm sorry; this is all just laughable to  ;D

I think some people have far too much imagination to ever believe that the Confederacy Chiefs were involved in anything as cartoonish as recognizing this guy.

Confederacy Chief’s are intelligent men chosen for their ability to reason and to keep a good mind. If they even know about this, which is doubtful, there is no way they ever thought this guy was legit. But like all tribes, they have to deal with people coming out of the woodwork thinking they are the Grand Emperor of some extinct tribe. Of course, as Roiianer’s, they are diplomatic and not rude, but probably burst into laughter when they leave.

The question for me, is, how you ever thought he was legit, Niiki?

Bytw, this my own opinions and everything is “allegedly” in case Niiki wants to sue me. Hehe. You can always take me to the Peacemaker’s court at Akwesasne, since traditional Longhouse/Great Law people are not supposed to use US/Canada courts. Also, international jurisdiction applies as well making it very expensive to sue, as I’m sure your “attorney” has told you.

And where have you been Ennisko:wa in the past week and a half in this thread ???

In February 2008 TBE did go the Grand River Confederacy Council and ask them for support and recognition! I take it you were not there in Feb. 2008. As you have not been here in this thread until now. So the laugh is on you!!

Also because sometimes things are not always communicated from over there to over here, the Chiefs over here were waiting on the answer from the Seneca fire over there. The word had not gotten back to the Council over here, until about 2 weeks ago that the issue of his request for recognition was "dead in the water". Confirmed by Tonawanda Traditional Council. Not always do all of the chiefs show up for Council, and things get put under the pillow, and because of the amount of issues to be dealt with, are forgotten about. That is what happened in this case.

Were you at the Council on Saturday when documentation was passed out to the Chiefs about this matter? No I don't think so! Since no one from Akwesasne was there!!

Now because the situation with TBE has gotten serious over his interferance in the Nuclear Power issue at Nanticoke, the issue had to be brought back out from under the pillow and dealt with. So unless you know all of the details or the full story, it is best to leave some of your comments to yourself.

As I do know the Great Law and all about Our Law versus their law.

The chiefs all know about this guy!! Especially even more so now.

And TBE will be dealt with along with EIMTN by more than one as they have offended many!


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory


« Last Edit: March 10, 2009, 02:47:27 am by Niiki »

Offline Ennisko:wa

  • Posts: 6
And where have you been Ennisko:wa in the past week and a half in this thread

In February 2007 TBE did go the Grand River Confederacy Council and ask them for support and recognition! I take it you were not there in Feb. 2007. As you have not been here in this thread until now. So the laugh is on you!!

Also because sometimes things are not always communicated from over there to over here, the Chiefs over here were waiting on the answer from the Seneca fire over there. The word had not gotten back to the Council over here, until about 2 weeks ago that the issue of his request for recognition was "dead in the water". Confirmed by Tonawanda Traditional Council. Not always do all of the chiefs show up for Council, and things get put under the pillow, and because of the amount of issues to be dealt with, are forgotten about. That is what happened in this case.

Were you at the Council on Saturday when documentation was passed out to the Chiefs about this matter? No I don't think so! Since no one from Akwesasne was there!!

Now because the situation with TBE has gotten serious over his interferance in the Nuclear Power issue at Nanticoke, the issue had to be brought back out from under the pillow and dealt with. So unless you know all of the details or the full story, it is best to leave some of your comments to yourself.

As I do know the Great Law and all about Our Law versus their law.

The chiefs all know about this guy!! Especially even more so now.

And TBE will be dealt with along with EIMTN by more than one as they have offended many!


Now why would I be at a Confederacy meeting at Grand River? Were you there?

But, okay, I'll bite. Give me the names of the Confederacy Chief's at Grand River whom he asked for recognition. Then give me the names of the other Confederacy Chief's involved. Since I have family at Grand River, at the Tonawanda Rez and my cousin is a runner, it shouldn't be too hard to verify your story that they ever took recognizing this guy seriously.

I look foward to your response.  ;)

Offline Ennisko:wa

  • Posts: 6
You never answered my question, Niiki.

What made you ever think this guy was legit? What made you think a guy that looks 100% African American was Indian? Shouldn't that have been your first clue?

I'm sorry, but I'm finding your posts very amusing.  :D

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
You never answered my question, Niiki.

What made you ever think this guy was legit? What made you think a guy that looks 100% African American was Indian? Shouldn't that have been your first clue?

I'm sorry, but I'm finding your posts very amusing.  :D

The answer to your question, is that some people, even some of our chiefs, took him at face value, until otherwise proven. I knew he had black ancestry, which he went out of his way to deny. The chiefs took him at his word, until they did more research on him, and they put his request under the pillow. You can verify the fact that he was there and spoke, with the Secretary, since you seem to know so much, you will know who the secretary is.

And I am finding your posts amuzing, because you are showing yourself to be an ass!!


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
« Last Edit: March 10, 2009, 10:50:42 am by Niiki »

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
And where have you been Ennisko:wa in the past week and a half in this thread

In February 2007 TBE did go the Grand River Confederacy Council and ask them for support and recognition! I take it you were not there in Feb. 2007. As you have not been here in this thread until now. So the laugh is on you!!

Also because sometimes things are not always communicated from over there to over here, the Chiefs over here were waiting on the answer from the Seneca fire over there. The word had not gotten back to the Council over here, until about 2 weeks ago that the issue of his request for recognition was "dead in the water". Confirmed by Tonawanda Traditional Council. Not always do all of the chiefs show up for Council, and things get put under the pillow, and because of the amount of issues to be dealt with, are forgotten about. That is what happened in this case.

Were you at the Council on Saturday when documentation was passed out to the Chiefs about this matter? No I don't think so! Since no one from Akwesasne was there!!

Now because the situation with TBE has gotten serious over his interferance in the Nuclear Power issue at Nanticoke, the issue had to be brought back out from under the pillow and dealt with. So unless you know all of the details or the full story, it is best to leave some of your comments to yourself.

As I do know the Great Law and all about Our Law versus their law.

The chiefs all know about this guy!! Especially even more so now.

And TBE will be dealt with along with EIMTN by more than one as they have offended many!


Now why would I be at a Confederacy meeting at Grand River? Were you there?

But, okay, I'll bite. Give me the names of the Confederacy Chief's at Grand River whom he asked for recognition. Then give me the names of the other Confederacy Chief's involved. Since I have family at Grand River, at the Tonawanda Rez and my cousin is a runner, it shouldn't be too hard to verify your story that they ever took recognizing this guy seriously.

I look foward to your response.  ;)

Yes I was there, and there both times, and I am very closely associated with others who were associated with him and know the full story on him. I sent you the names of the Chiefs involved in private.
So you may verify away!



Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Here is the awaited verification that Tecumseh is not who he says he is received from :
Date:     Tue, 10 Mar 2009 09:40:46 -0400
Subject:    TBE James Oliver Johnson Lineage found (Part 1)
From:    "Chief WALTER T. RENZ" <>    
Plain Text Format

No one in the Senica lands or mine will be eating Crow tonight.  But Tecumseh will be.
There are no connection for him to claim. All past in Oklahoma or other places.

Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2009 00:11:34 -0700
From: Researcher
Subject: TBE James Oliver Johnson Lineage found (Part 1)

As per family tree TBE aka James Oliver Johnson III,
b. 29 May 1957, Erie, PA
James Oliver Johnson II, Father, b. 22 Dec 1923, NY, NY
d. 4 Dec 2001
Mar: 19 Dec 1955 to
Othello Davis Myers, Mother, b. 5 Jun 1926, Alquippa, PA (Aliquippa spelled wrong)
d. 2003, Erie PA
James Oliver Johnson, b. 15 Jan, 1887, Washington, PA
Father is JOHN Newton Johnson, (NOT JAMES Newton Johnson)
b. 1843 VA, Black, Male, Parents born VA
 Married to MARY (UKN), b. Jul 1866, Black, Female, b. PA; Parents b. PA
(Spouse #2) for 8 years: have 3 of 4 living
children under age of 8:
 Arthur John N. Johnson, Black, Male, Single
  Harry Alonzo    " , Black Male, Single
  Julius LeMoyne " , Black Male, Single (less than 1 yr. old)
The other children listed as sons and daughters are from a previous spouse UNKNOWN:
(Half Siblings of above children all born PA, Ftr. b. VA, Mtr. b. MARYLAND
i. Emma V. Johnson, 17, F, Black, Dau, Occupation Servant
ii. Mary, 16, F, Black, Dau, Occupation Servant 
iii. Martha, 16, F, Black, Dau (Twin of Mary, both b. May 1884
iv. JAMES OLIVER, b. 1887, Black, Male, At School
John N. Johnson is age 57 in 1900 Census  and a Driver, Ice wagon
Washington Boro, Washington, PA
John N.Johnson, b. 1843 VA, age 7 in 1850 Census (Southern District, Bedford, VA)
With Household/Parents:
1097  0097 William Johnson 46 M Farmer 1600 (Value of Estate Owned) Likely WHITE as no color listed except if B or Black on others)
All of the family is Born VA:
Lucinda Johnson (wife) 33, F
Sarah or Saiah? 15, F
Artivimuh?, 13, F
Thomas N. 11, M
William N. 9 M
JOHN N. 7 M **************************
George W. (or N.) 5 M
Mary E (or V) 2 F
Martha T 2 F (another set of twins?)
(this family is likely White; and the two twin girls are also named the same as John Newton Johnson's Twin girls: Mary & Martha in 1900 census.)
(The above are likely TBE's lines. NOT Mary Watts & James Newton Johnson)
James Oliver Johnson aka TBE's Father:
James JOHNSON     
          Birth Date:    22 Dec 1923
          Death Date:    4 Sep 2001
          Social Security Number: [Deleted]
          State or Territory Where Number Was Issued:     Pennsylvania
     Death Residence Localities
          ZIP Code:    16503
          Localities:     Erie, Erie, Pennsylvania
TBE's Mother:
Othello JOHNSON     
          Birth Date:    5 Jun 1926
          Death Date:    2 Jul 2003
          Social Security Number:  [Deleted]
          State or Territory Where Number Was Issued:     Pennsylvania
     Death Residence Localities
          ZIP Code:    16503
          Localities:     Erie, Erie, Pennsylvania
(Why isn't the Month and day for Othello Death on family tree Powerpoint from erie site?)
No further records for parents yet.
Greatgrandfather: ONLY one found b. VA living in PA in 1880, (James Oliver Johnson I was b. in Washington, PA 1887)
James JOHNSON    Household
     Other Information:
          Birth Year    <1843>
          Birthplace    VA
          Age    37
          Occupation    Laborer
          Marital Status    W <Widowed>
          Race    B <Black>
          Head of Household    James JOHNSON
          Relation    Self
          Father's Birthplace    VA
          Mother's Birthplace    VA
     Source Information:
          Census Place    Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
          Family History Library Film    1255171
          NA Film Number    T9-1171
          Page Number    426D
Male, Black, Widow in Phila. Household with him:

 Name     Relation    Marital Status    Gender    Race    Age    Birthplace    Occupation    Father's Birthplace    Mother's Birthplace
 James JOHNSON      Self      W      Male      B      37      VA      Laborer      VA      VA
 William HILL      Other      M      Male      B      26      WV      Works In Restaurant      WV      WV
 Sarah HILL      Other      M      Female      B      24      PA            PA      PA
 George HILL      Other      S      Male      B      6      PA            WV      VA
 Louis THOMPSON      Other      M      Male      B      26      WEST INDIES      Restauranteer      W. I.      W. I.
 Amelia THOMPSON      Other      M      Female      B      25      DE            DE      DE
 Lewis THOMPSON      Other      S      Male      B      3M      PA            W. I.      PA
 Anna LEWIS      Other      S      Female      B      11      PA      At School      WV      PA

Source Information:
     Census Place    Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
     Family History Library Film      1255171
     NA Film Number      T9-1171
     Page Number      426D
So he may have been married three times.
Previous Household:

 Name     Relation    Marital Status    Gender    Race    Age    Birthplace    Occupation    Father's Birthplace    Mother's Birthplace
 Benjamin POSEY      Self      M      Male      B      53      MD      White Washer      MD      MD
 Ansley POSEY      Wife      M      Female      B      43      VA      Keeps House      VA      VA
 Benjamin POSEY      Son      S      Male      B      14      PA      At School      MD      VA
 Edward POSEY      Son      S      Male      B      11      PA      At School      MD      VA
 Jno. HARPER      Other      M      Male      B      30      PA      Waiter      PA      PA
 Ellen RILEY      Other      S      Female      MU      17      MD            MD      MD

Next Household:

 Name     Relation    Marital Status    Gender    Race    Age    Birthplace    Occupation    Father's Birthplace    Mother's Birthplace
 Susan HARRIS      Self      W      Female      B      58      NJ      Keeping House      NJ      NJ
 Edward HARRIS      Son      S      Male      B      30      PA      Messenger      VA      NJ
 Jno. HARRIS      Son      M      Male      B      26      PA      Waiter      VA      NJ
 Cora HARRIS      DauL      M      Female      B      22      MD            MD      MD
 James JACKSON      Nephew      S      Male      B      27      PA      Ice Cream Maker      PA      NJ

LEONA JOHNSON (BUTLER?) (Great Grandmother):
] [Print]
Results for:    Leona Butler    [refine search] [Print]
     Birth/Christening, 1882, United States
Exact Spelling: Off    
     Matches:    All Sources - 3
   International Genealogical Index - North America
   1. Leona Butler - International Genealogical Index / NA
Gender: Female Birth: 02 APR 1882 Laketon, Wabash, Indiana
   2. Leona L. Butler - International Genealogical Index / NA
Gender: Female Birth: About 1882 , Cherokee Tribe, Native American
   3. Leona L. Butler - International Genealogical Index / NA
Gender: Female Birth: About 1882 , Cherokee Tribe, Native American
   Matches: International Genealogical Index/North America - 3
Either her name was not Butler or was Butler, b. 1882, he says.
Here are details for each. LEONA BUTLER IS NOT YET FOUND IN 1880 Census.
Need to check
IGI Individual Record    FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v5.0
     North America
Search Results  | Download | Print
  | Download | Print
Leona Butler    Pedigree
02 APR 1882      Laketon, Wabash, Indiana
27 OCT 1964      
     Father:     William J. Butler    Family
     Mother:     Louisa Rager    
   Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church. No additional information is available. Ancestral File may list the same family and the submitter.
Source Information:
   No source information is available.
Parents of Leona Butler:
Louisa Rager    Pedigree
     Female         Family
26 SEP 1850      , , Ohio
18 SEP 1924      , Wabash, Indiana
     Spouse:     William J. Butler    Family
19 APR 1874      Laketon, Wabash, Indiana
   Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church. No additional information is available. Ancestral File may list the same family and the submitter.
Source Information:
   No source information is available.
William J. Butler    Pedigree
     Male         Family
     Spouse:     Louisa Rager    Family
19 APR 1874      Laketon, Wabash, Indiana
Source Information:
   No source information is available.
2. (Cherokee Leona L. Butler "1"):
IGI Individual Record    FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v5.0
     North America
Search Results  | Download | Print
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Leona L. Butler    Pedigree
About 1882      , Cherokee Tribe, Native American
About 1982      , Cherokee Tribe, Native American
     Father:     Aaron Butler    Family
     Mother:     Nora McKay    
   Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church. No additional information is available. Ancestral File may list the same family and the submitter.
Source Information:
   No source information is available.
Aaron Butler    Pedigree
     Male         Family
About 1857      , Cherokee Tribe, Native American
About 1957      , Cherokee Tribe, Native American
     Spouse:     Nora McKay    Family
About 1880      , Cherokee Tribe, Native American
   Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church. No additional information is available. Ancestral File may list the same family and the submitter.
Source Information:
   No source information is available.
Nora McKay    Pedigree
     Female         Family
About 1858      , Cherokee Tribe, Native American
About 1958      , Cherokee Tribe, Native American
     Spouse:     Aaron Butler    Family
About 1880      , Cherokee Tribe, Native American
   Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church. No additional information is available. Ancestral File may list the same family and the submitter.
Source Information:
   No source information is available.
1.         Leona L. Butler    Pedigree
Birth:     About 1882     , Cherokee Tribe, Native American
Death:     About 1982     , Cherokee Tribe, Native American
2.         Emmett Butler    Pedigree
Birth:     About 1888     , Cherokee Tribe, Native American
Death:     17 OCT 1902     , Cherokee Tribe, Native American
3.         Charles C. Butler    Pedigree
Birth:     About 1894     , Cherokee Tribe, Native American
Death:     About 1994     , Cherokee Tribe, Native American
3. OR this USER SUBMITTED Leona L. Butler:
IGI Individual Record    FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v5.0
     North America
Search Results  | Download | Print
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Leona L. Butler    Pedigree
     Female         Family
About 1882      , Cherokee Tribe, Native American
About 1982      , Cherokee Tribe, Native American
     Spouse:     Henry C. Martin    Family
14 AUG 1904      , Cherokee Tribe, Native American
   Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church. No additional information is available. Ancestral File may list the same family and the submitter.
Source Information:
   No source information is available.
Henry C. Martin    Pedigree
     Male         Family
About 1880      , Cherokee Tribe, Native American
About 1980      , Cherokee Tribe, Native American
     Spouse:     Leona L. Butler    Family
14 AUG 1904      , Cherokee Tribe, Native American
   Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church. No additional information is available. Ancestral File may list the same family and the submitter.
Source Information:
   No source information is available.
The last Leona Butler DIED 1982 NOT 1926 in NY as TBE says! Also, no FIRST Name for
 McKay (first name in tree) as Leona L. Butler's Mother (Nora) here.
IT CANNOT BE THE SAME Leona L. Butler in Cherokee Roll based on death date conflict among other things.
It could be number 1, but this is not a person in a census in 1880, which she should be in if born in 1882, according to TBE aka James Oliver Johnson, III.
Notice the Submitters have 2 different husbands for Leona L. Butler: Butler or Martin
From rootsweb ancestry link we have: (sent by TBE):
Native American Data for Leona L Butler
Name: Butler, Leona L
Tribe: Cherokee
Record Type: enrollment
Age: 18
Sex: F
Enrollment Type: BB (By Blood)
Blood %: 1/2
Card No.: 1801
Roll No.: 4760

Credit belongs to the staff of SW National Archives, Fort Worth, Texas, who compiled the names from the Dawes Enrollment Cards for its National Archives

Others with this Family:
Surname First Name Type Sex Age Blood %
 Butler  Darcus  P (Parent)  F   
 Butler  Eli  P (Parent)  M   
 McKay  Charlotte  P (Parent)  F   
 Butler  Aaron  BB (By Blood)  M  43  1/2
 Butler  Nora  BB (By Blood)  F  42  1/2
 Butler  Leona L  BB (By Blood)  F  18  1/2
 Butler  Emmett  BB (By Blood)  M  12  1/2
 Butler  Charles C  BB (By Blood)  M  6  1/2
Charlotte  McKay Not Nora McKay.
Aaron Butler as likely spouse of Nora Butler. (Maiden name therefore Unknown, or Charlotte McKay as mother of Leona L. Butler? Leona is listed as 1/2 Cherokee.
There is NO Leona McKay in the 1880 Census found.
Finally, NO MARY WATTS found in Tahlequh, Cherokee, or Cherokee Nation, OKLAHOMA.
There IS a Leona Butler in the 1900 Census as a Daughter in Cherokee Census with:
William Butler 1/2 Black or white
Leona L. 1/2 Black or white
Emmet C. 1/2 Black or white
Charles C. 1/2 Black or white
The other info says that
 Aaron Butler is the Husband. In this one she is the brother and sister of those listed above on one page and previous page daughter of
Aaron H. 1/4 Cherokee, b. Apr 1858 in I.T. Father was b. GA Mother b. GA
Nora S. 1/2 Cherokee, b. Oct 1857 in I.T., Father b. UNK (White), Mother b. GA
Married 28 years.  Aaron Butler is a Farmer.
(There is no Elijah (Reverand Elowhie Butler as per TBE found, as father of Aaronbut may be found in GA? Need to do search.
However, the BIGGEST error is that Leona DID NOT DIE in NY! in 1926. (According to the IGI records above, if correct.)
There are many Leona L. Butler names at
This Leona L. Butler cannot be TBE's great grandmother, wife of James Oliver Johnson I.
There is a L.L. Johnson, as daughter of a A. H. & L.M. Johnson, b. 1887 in NY at the labs link, and lived in Edinboro Borough, Erie PA in 1900.  TBE says his Leona L. Butler, wife of James Oliver Johnson of Washington, PA and died Erie PA, died in Ny, NY in 1926...
Needs lots more research for Leona and the other names in TBE's Powerpoint "family tree".


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

[Al's note-deleted social security numbers.]
« Last Edit: March 11, 2009, 01:08:01 am by educatedindian »