Author Topic: Joan Schrader &  (Read 5354 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Joan Schrader &
« on: May 26, 2018, 10:22:44 pm »
One more Nemenhah cult member.

Joan Schrader, PhD is a Native American Practitioner, Nemenhah Medicine Woman, Naturopathic Doctor, Master Herbalist, Reflexologist, Aromatherapist, lecturer, and educator. She currently sits as Regent of the Department of Plant Medicine for the University of Nemenhah. Joan's degrees include:

University of Nemenhah Natural Medicine Program
Baccalaureate of Arts (BA) - In Humanities with Emphasis in Natural Medicine
Master of Arts (MA) - In Humanities with Emphasis in Natural Medicine
Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) - In Humanities with Emphasis in Plant Medicine
University of Nemenhah Ceremonial Healing Program
Baccalaureate of Arts with Honors (BA Hon.) - In Nemenhah Ministry with Emphasis in Nemenhah Culture
Master of Arts with Honors (MA Hon.) - In Nemenhah Ministry with Emphasis in Nemenhah Culture
Trinity School of Natural Health
Doctor of Naturopathy (ND)
Master Herbalist (MH)
Certified Nutritional Counselor (CNC)
Certified Health Specialist (CHS)
School of Natural Healing
Master Herbalist (MH)
Certified Aromatherapist
Certified Reflexologist

[And here's their attempt to hide their quack products behind the first amendment.]
Natural Healing is identified under the Nemenhah Constitution as synonymous with "establishment", "exercise" and "practice" of the Nemenhah Religion. Pursuant to USC Title 42 Chapter 21B § 2000bb–1 : Religious Freedom Restoration, government is prevented from substantially burdening the establishment and free exercise of a person's religion, unless the burden is in furtherance of a compelling government interest....Accordingly, the Nemenhah make this declaration with regard to that standard by which a substance, practice, device, or technology is defined as a "Sacrament" or "Ceremony" of the Native American Church of Nemenhah and doctrines and institutions of its Religion.

Wouldn't hold up in court, likely. Nemenhah is not recognized as a church or nonprofit, and selling quack products isn't a religious ceremony.

For those who've come to this thread before reading about Nemenhah, its "university" appears to be a weeklong course according to its graduates. Not certified. There is no "Nemenhah tribe" or culture, just white Mormons making nonsense claims and trying to avoid prosecution for breaking drug laws.

Online Sparks

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Re: Joan Schrader &
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2018, 11:17:51 pm »
… University of Nemenhah … its "university" appears to be a weeklong course according to its graduates.

There is a homepage: and a Facebook page:

Online Sparks

  • Posts: 1426