Author Topic: Eva Black Tail Swan: Medicine Work - $200.00 per hour  (Read 11223 times)

Offline BlackWolf

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Eva Black Tail Swan: Medicine Work - $200.00 per hour
« on: July 08, 2010, 12:48:08 am »

I have been working as an elder for many years although I became an elder (by age) in 2006. I my tradition it is not so much about your actual age in years but rather when you are called (to work as a hand or voice for Creator). I am one who was called as a small child. When we are young, we are called upon occasionally rather than continuously. Looking back I suppose this could be meant to gradually guide us onto our path.

Personal Healing - instruction and ceremony:
*Saturday - May 23 -             **10:00 am - 5:00 pm -       $50.00
*Saturday - August 29 -          *10:00 am - 5:00 pm -       $50.00
*Saturday October 31 -            *10:00 am - 5:00 pm -       $50.00

Medicine Work -

Everything I do begins with a person's request. It is rarely appropriate and mostly ineffective to do this kind of work with a person who is not ready and committed to a positive out come. So, a person must ask for my assistance (ask me them self). Understand that even when a person asks, they may not be ready. There are times when another must ask for a person who is not able, and this is something to be discussed. So, the initial conversation is essential. First we talk.

Once we have the conversation, I go to ceremony. In ceremony I connect with Creator in prayer and receive information. Here is when and where I will know if I am not the person you have been in search of, if I am the one who can assist you.

If I am shown I am not the one for you, I will tell you. But please know that if I receive this information, I also ask for something I can share with you about your issue (another who would be more appropriate to work with you, something you can do on you own, the root, the imposition, etc.).  If I am shown that I can be of assistance to you, I also receive more information that we will discuss when setting the appointment.

From here it becomes very specific and individual. So, the only thing I can say here is that when we set an appointment, I will set aside an entire day. Whether we think we will need it or not. I ask for you to be on time for this reason; once we begin working (I say we because You , I and Creator work together) we work for how ever long is necessary. I usually set appointments early (as in morning), but I also consider your schedule.

I do have the ability to record our conversations for you to refer to later (this is up to you). I will not however record any of the actual work, but will record for you the immediate discussion we have after working. I have been providing this service for the last five years or so. I found that for most people having the recording to refer to was an incredible help in their personal follow up work.

This brings us to personal follow up work. Which is usually work you will do on your own. It is usually not necessary to have several appointments (usually never more than one). In my tradition, it is more about the preparation, so the work goes quickly and is received well (sometimes instantly). You must be prepared on every level, that is how it should be. But we are all two-legged (human) beings, so there is always a bit of resistance. In every session I am shown something for you in the way of follow up. It is different for each person, but is exactly what is appropriate for each. Could be a stone that you will work with, an herb you will burn, a prayer you will say... it will be your own. The number of days you will do this work is also individual. I will give you what ever it is you need along with your instructions before you go.

It is important to mention now that the most important part of recieving Medicine Work is that you know you must participate. You must come ready and willing to do the work as well as to recieve the gift. I am the guide who knows the way, I will lead you, stay with you and guide you back, but the truth is ... this will be between you and God... and when all is done... you will say "I did this" (rather than... "she healed me". You will never say that!).

The only way I can charge for this work is by the hour for the time we are working together in the same place. I have no way of tracking all of the preliminary prayer and ceremony work I will do, so I only count the day you come to see me as the time to be charged  (including the recording, what ever I am to give you for followup and your instructions for follow up).   

Medicine Work - $200.00 per hour     

Offline BlackWolf

  • Posts: 503
Re: Eva Black Tail Swan: Medicine Work - $200.00 per hour
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2010, 12:55:57 am »
Here is a video about her.

Eva Black Tail Swan: Cherokee Medicine Elder
« Last Edit: July 08, 2010, 12:57:28 am by BlackWolf »

Offline BlackWolf

  • Posts: 503
Re: Eva Black Tail Swan: Medicine Work - $200.00 per hour
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2010, 10:41:26 pm »
I also found this on her.

There was a workshop she just did last month for a Spritual Retreat called, Dreaming the Future into Being

Dreaming The Future Into Being June 5, 2010, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at YMCA of the Rockies in gorgeous Estes Park, CO $165 includes lunch

Featuring Dr. Steven Farmer and Eva Black Tail Swan

The Ceremony of Your Life: A Shaman’s Daily Practice with Eva Black Tail Swan

In the Cherokee language, the word for Shaman, Wiseman, Medicine Person or Medicine Elder is “a ni da we hi,” a word that carries great respect, power and honor. For those who have actually lived their lives in the way of the “a ni da we hi”, there is a level of being, a deeper, higher, more expanded knowing of Spirit, self, oneness, and of how our experience of life that is not only important, but necessary to our growth and expansion. Your life is a ceremony. In this workshop, Eva Black Tail Swan invites you to consider your life’s ceremony from the perspective of the Shaman. Each and every experience of your physical life, whether positive or negative, is essential to who you become. Your life experiences contribute to the expansion of your wisdom, and, most importantly, to how effectively you can assist others. In order to truly accomplish Dreaming Your Future Into Being, you must draw from the experience of your own life. Eva will help you step into your inner-sacred, awaken your true and whole original being and spirit, and understand and contextualize your life experiences. You will learn how to use these experiences as opportunities for learning, growing, and expanding, stretching out and reaching beyond to assist others in doing the same.


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Re: Eva Black Tail Swan: Medicine Work - $200.00 per hour
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2010, 05:51:11 am »
Her legal name is Eva Groves.   Phone listed under K. Groves, [home phone deleted]     [home address deleted]  Kiowa, CO 80117
« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 02:06:18 pm by educatedindian »

Offline nemesis

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Re: Eva Black Tail Swan: Medicine Work - $200.00 per hour
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2010, 08:35:54 am »
Here is a video about her.

Eva Black Tail Swan: Cherokee Medicine Elder


Horrible, truly horrible.

Surely this has obvious resonances with White Eagle Medicated Woman?

Maybe they should get together in some kind of black and white pretendian bird women show?

Alternatively, if they are rivals, perhaps some kind of staged fight could be arranged?

I would pay to see that.

Offline wolfhawaii

  • Posts: 293
Re: Eva Black Tail Swan: Medicine Work - $200.00 per hour
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2010, 04:37:19 am »
This should be moved to Frauds.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Eva Black Tail Swan: Medicine Work - $200.00 per hour,
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2010, 04:43:46 pm »
Is there anything even remotely close to Cherokee ways in what she does? Seems typical generic Nuage. seems to be the ones at fault more than her, being almost a clearinghouse for fraud central.

This one appears with her at several sponsored events. Even more obvious, blond woman posing as African healer working with a number of frauds.

Gretchen Crilly McKay is a sangoma and shamanic practitioner. She has studied with master healers Michael Harner, Tom Cowan, and Sandra Ingerman and apprenticed with Traditional Doctor P.H. Mntshali in Swaziland, Africa.

She uses the African divination system of throwing the bones to diagnose the spiritual issues underlying dis-ease and family patterns; provides shamanic healing through spiritual extraction, soul retrieval and healing with spiritual light.

Gretchen Crilly McKay
Sangoma / Shamanic Practitioner
African Bone Readings &
Connecting with the Ancestors,
Soul Retrieval & Soul Remembering, Extraction, Numerology,
Psychopomp, Sacred Ritual & Ceremony,
Herbalist & Aromatherapist,
Shamanic Teacher & Life Coach


And this one seems fairly silly and self delusional.


As a shamanic practitioner and metaphysician, Katherine works with intention, Spirit, allies and nature, as well as breath, sound, art and shamanic techniques and practices. Katherine is part of an advanced multi-cultural shamanic study. She enjoys traveling to remote areas to learn from wise shamans of the indigenous worlds.

....I suddenly threw on my brakes and began to pull off the side of the highway. There were no cars around me which enabled me to come to a screeching halt to the side of the roadway, stopping and backing up some 100 feet or so. Denise didn’t know what was happening, and I kept saying, “There is an owl or some large bird on the highway… I have prayed for 3 years for owl medicine to be given to me from Spirit in such a way…” Though owl has been one of my animal totems medicine for this life, which I have recognized along the way, a blessing of an owl body in this way was big for me....
Denise and I got out of the car and found a beautiful owl body awaiting, no blood, no destruction, though clearly this one had given its earthly body over to a truck or some vehicle to bring us the Spirit of the medicine in an earthly form. Great honor and initiation were recognized as we asked if this gift of owl medicine was for us. A clear “yes” was heard and we began prayers, an offering of tobacco with a mapacho and recognition for the Owl Medicine of Spirit being given. We could barely speak we felt so moved by this event. We pulled a black trash bag out of the car, which is unusual for me to have, so we could properly wrap our friend for her journey to ceremony in Santa Fe. There we would also have wise ones who could give us instruction on removing feathers properly, as well as the talons and how to dispose of the remains in honor and love and ceremony.

We put our friend into the back of the car and drove down the road, sharing our amazement and blessings, discussing the message and the medicine of owl. Several more hours on the road seemed to disappear into timelessness as the owl medicine was being received deeply within our hearts, minds and personalities.


Really? All these supposed cultures you supposedly studied under actually would think it a good idea that you take an owl carcass off the road, and you drive off with it in your backseat, laughing away and feeling blessed?

Seems like some of the "core shamanism" frauds teach that owl is a blessing rather than a fearful omen...

Re: Eva Black Tail Swan: Medicine Work - $200.00 per hour
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2010, 06:20:04 pm »
That's pretty sick. To be praying for 3 years for an owl to die. With starving and hurting people and animals all over this planet, I can think of some other things to be praying for than to find a dead owl on the road.  Really sick and delusional people here. I just can't believe the pure selfishness of this, and delusional to think the owl died for her.  I don't know why anyone would want anything to do with a person who prays for animals to die.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline snorks

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Re: Eva Black Tail Swan: Medicine Work - $200.00 per hour
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2010, 11:53:24 am »
There are other ways besides praying for a dead owl.  I received an owl wing as a gift from someone for just being friends.  I passed it on to someone who would appreciate more.  Also, you can collect owl feathers laying on the ground.  They do moult.

Offline Durare

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Re: Eva Black Tail Swan: Medicine Work - $200.00 per hour
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2010, 01:10:10 pm »
This is just sad.  That people would do things like this.  Makes me sick!

