General => Welcome & News => Topic started by: TrishaRoseJacobs on May 28, 2006, 09:34:19 pm

Title: Gohiyuhi
Post by: TrishaRoseJacobs on May 28, 2006, 09:34:19 pm

The End

 I'm taking my website down.

? I'm tired of the stupid games people want to play with me. I've got people on one side trying to use my site for their own purposes even though at the same time they want to trash me or other non-enrolled/thin blooded          people. And on the other side I've got people who just want to trash me.

I know I've always said that I'm not looking for  anyone's approval, but I want those of you who wrote and supported me to know that I really do appreciate the time you took to show your support.

And while the friends I've made through my website have been wonderful, I'm just not able to carry on. It was never meant to be an all encompassing list, that's impossible. It was just supposed to get nuagers to think about what they're doing and to give food for thought to other thinbloods who may be taken in by  "shamans."

I'm tired of the totally unoriginal shit people have made up about me. I'm tired of phoney lawyer  threats and tired of people who claimed to have once talked to my second cousins's wife's brother's sister at a Fourth          of July picnic in Reno and they said I wasn't a skin etc. I'm tired of the threats. Tired of people, Indian or white, trying to make this into a case of "I'm more Indian than thou" or racism. When it was never about that.

Let me make my position clear - I am not against non-Indians participating in ceremony. I know that puts me at odds with a probably rather large portion of the Native  community. But if you are going to particpate - do it in a  safe and respectful manner. Please - wait until you've been          invited by a member from a legitimate community. Don't pay, and look out for a few simple things that will let you know if you supposed Medicine Man/Woman is genuine or not. Dothey speak the language of the people they claim to be from? Do they do these ceremonies back home for the people they claim to be from? Do they ask for money upfront - either as          a "love offering" or any other "suggested donation."

Most of all, I'm tired of the accusations that I put up that site just to somehow cash in on being Indian myself because I can't enroll and so get money that   way. Anyone who gave it more than a few minutes thought          would probably come to the conclusion that if I wanted to make money in Europe at being Indian - I'd pick a tribe people had heard of, I'd actually try to make myself look more Indian instead of the thin blood that I am, and I'd sell fake ceremonies instead of trying to shut them down.          

Let them say it now. I was Cherokee before I put up that website, and I'll be Cherokee after it.          

Catch you on the flip side.

Trisha Rose Jacobs

ps - to the people who still want to trash me -  Kiss my ass.
Title: Re: Gohiyuhi
Post by: PLH on May 28, 2006, 11:25:18 pm
I am sorry that you have had to go through such garbage. Sometimes peoples ignorance and stupidity is bigger than their arrogance. I do not know you personally, but I know enough of your site to know that you have put a lot of work into it, "alot of great work into it". I wish you the best.
Title: Re: Gohiyuhi
Post by: 180IQ on May 29, 2006, 01:40:13 am
I respect your choice and your reasons. I had to remove stuff from a site, too, but for other reasons. Regardless of the reason, we've taken some of the pressure off of some of the con artists. That part bothers me.
Title: Re: Gohiyuhi
Post by: Moma_porcupine on May 30, 2006, 07:17:35 pm
I understand why you have decided posting the names of frauds , is too much for one person to deal with .

I used to think maybe you were not a real person at all , because it was hard to imagine anyone who was a real person , could deal with all the personal attacks that would result from calling a fraud a fraud . People who are frauds , and who misrepresent themselves and who engage in activities many people experince as rape and theft , are usually not "nice" people . If ? people like that are threatened , their response is not constrained by things like honesty or consideration for peoples well being , any more than their buisness was in the first place .

People have a right to know the truth about people who falsely represent themselves or Native traditions . But that is a huge burden to be carried by one person .

That being said , I am going to miss your website . Many times I have found the list of articles you posted there , ? a really helpful point of reference . ? Trying to talk to people who do not think abuse and exploitation of Native traditions is a problem , is hard enough , without having to track down various articles and then give them a long list of websites.

I wonder if it would be possible to still have that list of articles on line somewhere to refer people to ?

I am glad you are doing what you need to take care of yourself , but I am also glad for your courage , and for setting an example . For every person who got around to thanking you , probably a thousand more were helped in some way . I am sorry people tried to hurt you when you were speaking the truth . I hope the places you were hurt will heal quickly .

What you did was appreciated ? !
Title: Re: Gohiyuhi
Post by: Defend the Sacred on May 30, 2006, 11:04:17 pm
Dear Trisha,

I am so sorry to hear this. 

While I understand your needing to protect yourself, your site has been of great use to me over the years.  I have linked to it and recommended it to people who would have otherwise been taken in by exploiters, or even ran offensive ceremonies themselves.  Things from your site have been printed out and read to people at Pagan/Neopagan and Newage-ish gatherings to educate the "seekers" on these issues.  I especially appreciated the information on Chanupa and Inipi, which helped me sort out stories being told to me by acquaintances who were buying ceremonies and sacred items.  Your work has made a difference in my life, and given me the strength and guidance to stand up for the Cultural sovereignty of First Nations peoples, even when doing so has been hard and cost me friendships.

I understand your fatigue.  I have been targeted by that sort before, too.  It is overwhelming how awful people can be when one tries to set limits on their offenses.

I agree that, even if you don't want to host the site yourself anymore, it would be excellent if someone could re-post the articles.  They are so important.

Again, thank you for all your good work, and take care of yourself.

Title: Re: Gohiyuhi
Post by: JakeAl on August 28, 2006, 07:28:48 pm
I have been unable to log in here for some time or I would have responded sooner.

It was on my site/forum that Trisha was targeted as she served as the Twinkies section moderator. I think that it is a shame that the Gohiyuhi site was taken down.

I feel somewhat responsible for this. I did support and defend Trisha in every possible way. The entanglement of Cherokee issues and enrollment are very difficult for me to sort out. The issue of enrollment was leveraged against her. At the time, other Cherokee on the site supported her and that was good enough for me.

The woman that first went after Trisha has since left my board. I've had a few troublemakers in the past which i have banned. Trisha left after a mild flame war began which singled her out. In spite of the troubles she experienced, Trisha is always welcome back and her account is still active.

Again, I am sorry that this happened. I'd support relaunching the Gohiyuhi site as it is a good resource as well as providing a public service for those who are uninformed about the exploitation of various American Indian cultures and issues.

