Author Topic: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision  (Read 663580 times)

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #345 on: October 09, 2014, 04:54:36 am »
Friends Helping Friends Don't Let Their Friends Join Psychology of Vision

Today I went on a tour of this thread and isolated a few questions we have raised in the last 13 months that remain unanswered. I invite a SALPOV spokesperson to address these mysteries, either by joining this forum and taking part in the discussion, or providing information on another venue. Also, these are leads for those of you in law enforcement, government regulatory agencies, the media, SALPOV survivors seeking justice, or potential SALPOV client/victims to follow--

Here are the questions:

Is Charles Lee Spezzano using the Zhou Enlai Peace Institute and the Hawaii Forgiveness Project as a clever disguise for promoting his own spiritual business?

Charles Lee Spezzano says in the 1970s he studied with "psychics and shamans" but he doesn't name any names. Who were they?

Charles Lee Spezzano served as an interim minister for the Windward Unity Church in Kailua in 1983-1984. Under what authority did he do so? Is he still ordained? Under what authority did he perform marriage ceremonies?

Why is the First Nations Fund not a registered charity?

Without permission, SALPOV trainers Betty Lou Hunt and Joanne Roberts swiped and twisted the words of spiritual teacher Rasha in late 2013 and early 2014 to make it appear she endorsed the party line. Rasha responded in no uncertain terms that she did NOT endorse SALPOV. Hunt and Roberts promised to take down all online references to Rasha, but as you can see they did not follow through with their promise. I think Rasha has a good case for a lawsuit. Why is this still up?

Why are there no SALPOV seminars offered in the USA outside of Hawaii?

Charles Lee Spezzano says he was in an initiation ceremony as a kahuna. Where? When? Under what authority?

Exactly who has access to the Swiss bank accounts held by the "International Association of Psychology of Vision"?

Why was Section K (First Nations Fund) only published in the German POV Trainer's Manual and not in the English version?

What role does Spezzano and Associates Ltd. have in the Psychology of Vision organization? Does SAL overrule the POV Steering Committee (which also has Charles and Lenora as members)? How many stockholders are there in SAL? Does SAL have other non-POV for-profit undertakings? Where does SAL stop and POV begin?

What are the Spezzanos going to do to make amends to Haida Gwaii and be accountable for the damage they have created?

Why were great pains taken to remove all online trace of the Healing the Body Through Mind and Metaphor co-authored by Charles Lee Spezzano and Janie Patrick (later Ticehurst) and Spezzano's Self-Health Youtube, including from the Internet Archive?

The College of Registered Nurses in British Columbia confirmed there is no one in their register under the name of "Janie Ticehurst." Is she licensed in BC or not?

In early 2014 former SALPOV trainer Kim Millar removed this passage from her Blogger profile: "I have had many wonderful teachers along the way, and continue to work with inspirational mentors. Deep and heartfelt gratitude goes to Chuck and Lency Spezzano for their ground-breaking Psychology of Vision model." Why was this removed?

Also in early 2014, why did Jeremy Marchant of Emotional Intelligence at Work, a UK business consulting enterprise, remove his detailed online section praising Charles Lee Spezzano entitled "Our Use of Psychology of Vision"?

How did Psychology of Vision land a spot under "Psychologists" in the Honolulu Yellow Pages? If potential clients contact them via that route are they informed that SALPOV does not employ one single psychologist?

Why was the English language version of the Psychology of Vision Trainers Manual deleted from public viewing in May 2014?

When the SALPOV Oneness University purge began, the UK website marched in lockstep with the program and deleted the politically humiliating connection. So why did they not also delete this statement?-- "CHUCK SPEZZANO is one of the world’s leading psychologists and experts on relationships and personal growth therapy." Both Spezzanos will tell you Charles is not a psychologist, so why is this outright lie allowed to stand on a SALPOV website? It only proves how misleading and dishonest this organisation is willing to be in order to attract paying customers.

What were the exact circumstances surrounding Charles Lee Spezzano's departure from Bob Trask and ARAS (Awareness-Respect-Affection-Support)?

Starting at the 7:00 mark, what is the spinning all about in Lenora's "Greater Intimacy with God" download on Youtube?

Lenora calls her husband the "King of the downloads." Why do we not see any Youtubes demonstrating this ability like we do with Lenora?

In his 2010 Youtube Can AIDS Be Healed, Charles Lee Spezzano says, "I've worked twice with AIDS where it went down to HIV and in one case completely disappeared, where the people became naturally healthy again. I've worked with Myasthenia gravis where it is supposedly incurable and that was cured." And, "Just recently worked with someone, I did the last session this morning where we had thirteen sessions together, and their AIDS went to HIV and completely disappeared." And, "I got started with this because a good friend of mine who was in her late sixties when I was a young man, she had this inoperable cancer. She had a tumour as big as a rugby ball. And in one healing exercise in a workshop it went from the size of a rugby to the size of a softball." Names and dates so we can submit these results and medically verify them for the Nobel Prize?

In the same Youtube he says, "Some of the research around cancer at six to eighteen months before the onset of cancer there's been a significant trauma with someone close to them." Citations? The American Cancer Society, in polite language, went on record saying Charles Lee Spezzano and Janie Ticehurst were full of bullshit in their cancer "research."

Neither Spezzano has commented on the late Steve Tipaldi's charge that Charles Lee Spezzano fabricated a statement detrimental to him while engaged in a domestic dispute with Spezzano friend Sarah Carpini. Tipaldo wrote: "I declare that there is a document in the record by Chuck Spezzano, claiming to have seen me as a patient in a professional capacity. I declare that at no time have I or had I been a patient of Mr. Spezzano." This was the same incident that resulted in the Spezzanos being fined in 2004 by Hawaii for pretending to be psychologists. What was the deal with that statement about Charles seeing Tipaldi when it appears he didn't? Steve, by the way, was driven to suicide in 2004.

In 2007 Lenora Kay Spezzano in a Youtube said, "Okay, so we're going to be having a joining session. In Psychology of Vision we're starting to call them 'Oneness Sessions' now." (at the 6:36 mark). So what happened? That term apparently has died as a way to describe the "Downloading/Joining" session today.

Is Lenora a cynical grifter, or, is she simply crazy? It could be that Lenora Kay Spezzano will need exit counseling from herself with the help of true professionals.  Does she really believe all that drivel she is spouting?

How can Lenora say everything is an illusion? If you go stand out in the freeway and a car comes and hits you that's because you're not an illusion? Why is she telling her devotees this nonsense? Where is this going to take them?

In the DVD Chuck Spezzano The Psychology of Vision 2007, a lecture filmed in London, Charles Lee Spezzano declares, "About 92% of all the people in Canadian prisons are First Nations people." In 2007 the official figure was just over 17%. What is that all about?

How many times has Lenora been enlightened?

Charles Lee Spezzano has a Ph.D. in "Professional Psychology" from United States International University in San Diego in 1977. Apparently this odd degree has a misleading name and is not adequate by itself to qualify as a clinical psychologist. At the time he was awarded this sheepskin, the school was not accredited by the APA. The degree was not in "Counseling Psychology" or "Clinical Psychology" as so many sources declare, including from SALPOV websites and Spezzano's own LinkedIn profile. Why the consistent deception and/or misinformation? Did they really think no one would bother to look this up?

Since neither Spezzano is a psychologist, why do they call their corporation "Psychology of Vision"?

Lenora Kay Spezzano says her critics have "fabricated names of books we have supposedly written." News to me. Examples?

How does annihilating the ego and performing Deeksha blessings fit into Haida culture?

How has SALPOV been able to get away with this nonsense for so long without being held accountable by governments or the press to a greater degree?

Lenora Kay Spezzano entered public service with the best of intentions. But at some point something turned weird. Why?

What does Lenora think of the Charles Lee Spezzano/Janie Ticehurst "Healing Metaphor" on deafness?

In Charles Lee Spezzano's enthusiastic endorsement and appeal to materialism in his YouTube Mo Money, he markets the concept of manifesting for selfish gain at 2:50 and says: "I once decided I was going to get moved to Hawaii without having to pay for it and that's exactly what happened. Somebody moved me to Hawaii a couple years later, paid for all the expenses." Who was the "somebody" who paid for his expenses?

How did Lenora first encounter Spezzano's work? What was the networking here?

In Lenora's "Truth" screed, the APTN Investigates piece exposing the SALPOV foibles and is probably the single most damaging media against her cult is never mentioned. Instead she goes after us little people, the peasants who think. Why is APTN ignored?

Why do any of the SALPOV trainers need to pay for an annual "license fee" to the tune of thousands of dollars each year? And why is that the higher they rise in the steep hierarchy, the higher their fee? If I were a SALPOV trainer, I would regard this as a very unfair and greedy practice.

"Transparency" is mentioned a lot by SALPOV. Will they ever release their financial statements to the public?

We understand the Spezzanos had a chance to meet cult competitor Erick Gonzalez in Canada. What exactly transpired at that meeting?

How did the Spezzanos first become enamored of Oneness University? How much of OU philosophy worked its way into SALPOV theology and terminology? What exactly caused Lenora to back away and precisely when did that happen? Why has this OU objection never appeared on an official online SALPOV source until the 2014 "Truth" screed by Lenora? Why did SALPOV have a total Stalin-like erasure of OU references from all their websites in early 2014? OU was once counted as one of SALPOV's "two greatest inspirations," so what is the deal there? (A big thanks to young Christopher Spezzano for tipping us off on this enormous piece of hypocrisy. We had no idea until young Christopher brought it up. Many thanks!)

When Charles Lee Spezzano had his self-professed career as a psychic on the West Coast, 1980-1982, exactly what was the merchandise he was peddling? 

Where are the Spezzano's fellow Americans and why do they not have a presence in SALPOV?

Does Charles Lee Spezzano employ hypnosis when he performs past life regressions?

What is  ?

How were Charles Lee Spezzano and Alex Tanous connected? Spezzano says they were friends.

Have either of the Spezzanos had any sort of legitimate academic continuing education in the field of psychology since the 1970s? No, their love affair with Oneness University in 2007 cannot count, sorry.

Lenora Kay Spezzano makes frequent references to her "research." Where can we find the results of this work in professional peer-reviewed journals?

Charles Lee Spezzano not only knows what God wants from us, but also what "demons" really desire. How does he know that?

What is the "Vari Modeling Moral Life for Children by Lency Spezzano"?

OK, full disclosure. I know the answer to a few of these questions, but cannot reveal them without blowing the cover of my sources. If we are lucky enough to get a response, then I will know the lie from the truth and will respond accordingly. So if you answer, you better not Nixon us, man.  We want the truth.

I've had enough of watching scenes
Of schizophrenic, ego-centric, paranoiac, prima-donnas
All I want is the truth now
Just gimme some truth



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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #346 on: October 11, 2014, 05:34:04 pm »
Melissa Meyer has updated her Linkedin:

Psychology of Vision

January 2004 – September 2014 (10 years 9 months) British Columbia, Canada

Recently retired as a 10 year long coach & facilitator of workshops, seminars and trainings based on the Psychology of Vision principles.


        Coach/Facilitator at Meyer's Consulting


        Facilitator/Trainer at Psychology of Vision


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #347 on: October 11, 2014, 05:43:56 pm »
Pseudo court room psych dramas run by elite POV trainers:

The process was quick, like riding a swift flowing river, but with loads of laughter and fun. The Chinese led the way with openness and courage and with a number of married couples in the group we explored many relationship dynamics. On day 7 of the workshop we had to vacate the seminar room for the day and so we made use of a courtroom next door. The court had been in use until recently and being a copy of the Old Bailey it was the real thing.

We set up the court with Judge, defence, prosecution, jury and the rest. A Chinese participant was put on trial for not protecting his family during the Cultural Revolution. It was a very powerful experience with everyone playing their part and the final verdict was innocence for all parties. Fifty years of guilt was let go of, because we were able to come from a much truer point of perception. Celebration was the order of the day as we all took the afternoon off.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #348 on: October 12, 2014, 05:56:50 am »
Thanks Piff. What a weird trip! Good catch.

In looking at the above link you provided I see the same text has this concluding passage:

It was a glorious ending and everyone said a massive thank you to Julie as this was her last 10 day seminar as a Psychology of Vision Trainer. We all wish her every good thing in her life.

Love, Jeff

Julie Wookey is a Level 4 Master Trainer and a member of SALPOV's Steering Committee, near the pinnacle of the steep hierarchy in the for-profit corporation. Does this mean she is no longer a trainer, or, simply no longer participating in this type of training? In either case this is another significant indicator of changes within SALPOV when combined with the Meyer and Anderson departures.

What's going on? 

Tracking these SALPOV personnel changes sort of reminds me of trying to figure out what is behind the scenes these days with North Korea and Kim Jong Un. When you think about it, the DPRK and SALPOV share the same lack of transparency, belief in strict dogma, practice of personality cult worship, and wanton rewriting of their own history through censorship and online deletion.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #349 on: October 12, 2014, 02:51:00 pm »
What is the International Foundation for Vision and Healing and what connection does it have to Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision?

Public Foundation
B.N. : 891629206RR0001
Registration Date : 2003 April 19 ~ 11 Year(s)
Address   32-2430 WILSON AVENUE
Postal Code , Town   V3C1Z6 , PORT COQUITLAM
Province , Country   British Columbia , Canada

Contact   Administrator
Telephone   604-669-7400
Fax   604-683-5676
Website   Not Filed

Expenditure   $79
We provide more financial information for this charity, here.

Directors / Trustees and Like Officials   
First/Middle   Name   Position   Start   End
Charles    Campbell   Director/secretary   2003-03-25   - - -
Barbara    Stevens   Director/president   2003-03-25   - - -
Gregory    Hook   Director/treasurer   2003-03-25   - - -

The telephone number has also been used for Psychology of Vision Promotions Inc. and for Phaedra skin care products, two for-profit concerns. Apparently the line belongs to Myrna Taylor. The FAX number will connect you with the Benefic Law Corporation, a Vancouver firm with a specialty in charity law. The Foundation also has a Haro St. address in Vancouver, depending on what source you find.

The Canadian government issued a certificate of continuance for the Foundation just last July.

It appears the International Foundation for Vision and Healing is not exactly setting the world on fire. Charles Campbell, Babs Stevens, and Myrna Taylor are all names long associated with SALPOV. The Foundation has no online presence or public mission statement.

So what's the deal here?

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #350 on: October 17, 2014, 02:10:53 am »
Ebola fear is starting to grip North America. I am sure Charles Lee Spezzano will not miss this opportunity to exploit this widespread anxiety.

In his Healing Metaphors (co-authored with Janie Ticehurst), Spezzano presented his take on victims of another pandemic--

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)

This disease means our body has lost its ability to fight off infection. Infection by the HIV virus has caused serious damage to our immune system.

Normally our immune systems produce antibodies to fight off foreign agents but, because we have a poorly functioning immune system, ‘opportunistic infections’ take advantage and infect the body.

The development of this syndrome is the result of immense self-attack and self-judgment. We have judgment on society, which we feel is judging or attacking us in return. We feel that we have no defenses against attack.

At some level, we experience an inability to receive or give help. We are caught in a trap of indulgence, martyrdom or rebellion, rather than leadership.

The martyrdom takes the form of not receiving help and at the same time criticizing parents, family and society’s ability to give.

Yet, we are ignoring our vocation, refusing to heed the call to giving, to leadership, purpose, vision and not allowing ourselves to have all the help and comfort we crave.

Suggested Exercises:

Nice, isn't it? I believe we can expect the same sort dangerous nonsense when he brings up Ebola. It will be interesting to see how will play the blame-the-victim game with this new disease and try to use the outbreak as a way to keep the flock close to Daddy.

But, as Lenora Kay Spezzano said in her Truth screed regarding these smug little Spezzano/Ticehurst medical summaries, "we have not done any research studies on the subject, and we do not make any claims."

Oh really? 

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #351 on: October 18, 2014, 02:43:04 pm »
Our comrade, the very wise Moreinfo, pointed out the irony of the card from the daily Spezzano Bullshit Generator posted a couple days ago, HEALING THE PROSTITUTE SHADOW.

It must be nice to invent a way to rationalise away your own unethical and cultish business practices. But hey, Charles Lee Spezzano was raised in the Church of Confession and Purgatory. In Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision (SALPOV) if you act greedy you can slap yourself on the wrist (self-forgiveness), say you will now be good boys and girls, and then dive right back in the sellout mode... until the next time you are caught. Louise Hay, Oneness University, A Course in Miracles, whatever New Age fad makes money-- all important Spezzano influences, yes. But it is really the Catholic Church that serves as the theological foundation for this cult. And Charles has set himself up as Pope in this maladjusted spur from the Church. Guilt and fear are the coins of the SALPOV realm. Without it, they have no power over their clients who pay through the nose for the honor of being members of a destructive group.

The Spezzanos talk of the power of love, but they are really about the love of power.  And I submit their English language Trainers Manual as evidence (attached, for those who are signed in).  This document was removed from public view by SALPOV after we drew attention to it. I wonder why? Yet they say they are all about transparency. Hmm.

As you can see below, the daily Spezzano Bullshit Generator also recycles their own blather. When you sign up for SALPOV, you are basically becoming part of a well worn and tired production line. It is not special or original, but has a proven track record of milking money from sincere people. The Spezzanos are snake oil circuit riders who modify their act only when it is deemed profitable to do so. Charles Lee Spezzano cranks out the same book or fake Tarot card set every year but just shuffles around the format and gives it a new title. Then he goes on tour to sell these products, using the theme of his latest merchandise as his workshop topic (right now it is "Emotional Maturity," next year it will probably be about "Idols," his new upcoming card set). These are book/card set selling tours, not workshops really. It's all about the money, not healing.

And this leads us back to the main topic-- prostituting your soul for the Big Bucks.

HEALING THE PROSTITUTE SHADOW is the card of the day. This reflects the part of us where we believe we sold ourselves out for money or some other benefit. We judged ourselves for losing our integrity and have been attacking ourselves for it. Self-forgiveness dissolves the judgment and self-hatred involved so that we no longer judge others in this way but see such behavior as a call for help. Today let us forgive ourselves and recognize our innocence and that of others that we might be free and happy!!
Posted Yesterday by Chuck Spezzano

HEALING THE PROSTITUTE is the card for today. The prostitute represents all the untrue things that we do for money. It touches on our greed and our willingness to give up our integrity for it. Today we came to become aware and heal this within ourselves. Have a good day!
Posted 12th October 2012 by Chuck Spezzano

HEALING THE SHADOW OF THE PROSTITUTE is the card for today. This where we have self-hatred for where we believe we have sold our integrity to gain something we value more. This occurs especially in the  sexual arena but can count for all areas of our lives. This is usually repressed and can account for scarcity and other forms of attack against us as well as self-attack. This is a good one to integrate back so we know our innocence and confidence once more.
Posted 26th December 2011 by Chuck Spezzano

Like Charles Lee Spezzano I believe in recycling too. The Spezzano books I have read went right into the recycling bin when I was finished with them.

Connected to this I found an academic thesis written by Wendy Jones. Her profile seems consistent with the vast majority percentage of those who initially fall into the SALPOV cult-- female, past 30, seeking a new direction.

It looks like Wendy was able to evolve out of the group and moved to a level of maturity that has eluded the Spezzanos, who are trapped in their own habitual thinking, love of materialism, and egotistical power as the center of a personality cult. This also gives us a clue as to why the Spezzanos are held in such low esteem by several other spiritual teachers/healers--

I felt as if I'd put myself out to pasture at thirty-eight. I started looking into spirituality, into Buddhism, spiritualism, tarot cards and crystal balls, looking for something different and new. I went on a training course for an understanding of myself, run by a guy called Chuck Spezzano that cost an arm and a leg. It was fascinating. In the process my life shifted and it became my business so I became a promoter for Spezzano. My life shifted completely. At the beginning I went off track. I thought healing could be a business. I don't believe that anymore. I think healing is a healing and a business is a business. If you do the healing money comes in other ways. I feel as though I'm just the channel. If I see anyone in distress I'll automatically help without thinking, "I'm going to charge for this." It's like, "I'm very lucky that I can do that." I also know that, as I've done something, something else will come in return.

Jones, Wendy. 2013. Intimate Conversations about Money, or Everyone Money in Case they Don’t Die. The search for ways of seeing into the lives of others through the process of writing an interview book. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London. [Thesis] : Goldsmiths Research Online.

Wendy's altruism is quite a foil to Charles Lee Spezzano charging over $1000 an hour for a personal consultation. She didn't need to have the Spezzanos as her surrogate parents. Good for her.

When it comes to Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Prostitutes of Vision (SALPOV), it's all about the money.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #352 on: October 21, 2014, 11:58:37 am »
Let us decode the last two cards of the day--

MIND POWER is the card for today. Anything we want with our whole mind is ours. Anything we fully agree on with another occurs. Whatever happens is what we chose to happen for some purpose. Today is a good day to use our MIND POWER for what we really want and not some subconscious payoff. See what you want …Feel It …Sense it and send it off to the Universe for fulfillment…Have a fine day!!
Posted ... by Chuck Spezzano

FINANCIAL FLOW is the card for today. It speaks of a greater opening of abundance especially in regard to money. So, be willing to be in the flow of money today. It sets the tone for months if not years to come. This is a result of an increase of joining with significant people around you and also an increase in your own self-worth. Have a most abundant and ebullient day!
Posted ... by Chuck Spezzano

In Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision semantics:

Mind Power = Manifesting = Magical Thinking.

Whole mind = Completely brainwashed, all critical thinking abilities totally erased.

Financial Flow and abundance = More money for you, the gullible, to sink into SALPOV's incredibly expensive scam shows.

"Joining" = The hammy nonsense on the following link--

The appeal here, such as it is, is to selfishness and your inner control freak. I don't see anything here about sacrifice or hard work. These "cards" are about getting, not giving. These are not about getting out of the way and letting God into the driver's seat. No. These are about getting out of the way and letting the Spezzanos into your pocketbook.


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #353 on: October 21, 2014, 04:52:33 pm »
POV continues to recruit First Nations people in Canada. The Spezzanos may try to quibble with my description here because they themselves may not have to do all that much actual in person recruiting, all they have to do is gain several FN followers, who then do the recruiting themselves.

This can be seen via Facebook. For instance a First Nations POV member recently posted about their own emotional challenges and then advocated the use of water fasting and POV attendance as remedies. Because they are a health worker, their opinion is given extra weight and authority.

So there is a contagion like effect. In metaphorical terms: Spezzanos poison people and then those poisoned feel they must continue the transmission.

Good in POV = constant self examination, crying, upset, beliefs that there are hidden toxins and dangers that must be revealed, compliance with group norms and lots of "passing on the good word"/recruitment.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #354 on: October 27, 2014, 03:26:30 am »
Looks like SALPOV cult follower and trainer Babs Stevens in British Columbia, who according to her LinkedIn is a "Life Coach, Oneness Blessing Giver, Reiki Level 2, l Life Coach, Healing Workshop Facilitator" and according to her Twitter profile is a "Psychology of Vision Trainer and Oneness Blessing (Deeksha) Giver" is merchandising a new Oneness University/Psychology of Vision brainwashing session!  See attached documents (must be signed in to view)

I do not see the academic credentials that qualify her to be spouting this nonsense with any kind of professional authority. Like all other Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision (SALPOV) trainers across the globe, Babs is merely a professionally unqualified vessel used by the Spezzanos to exploit the gullible and trusting in order to help pad the Spezzano bank account so these fat Americans can prop up their gauche Kahaluu McMansion. None of the SALPOV trainers are real professionals. They all have fakey SALPOV credentials. Their rank in the steep SALPOV cult hierarchy is based in how much kickback they pay the Spezzanos in the form of annual "license fees" which cost thousands of dollars or Euros. Quite the scam.

Here's a link to the SALPOV trainer's mantra.

And here's a link to Babs being manipulated by, in my opinion, hypnosis. As a free person walking between the Earth and the sky, a child of God, I can express my view that Lenora Kay Spezzano is merely using hypnotic stage tricks as she professes to "download" forces from Heaven or whatever. Lenora is a big fake. She "downloads" nothing except her own sense of power over another human being. And for a FN leader like Babs to fall for this incredibly obvious scam is sad. Watch how Babs allows herself to be dominated  by a wealthy American. Lenora manages every move Babs makes

The case of Babs Stevens tragically includes FN people. In the German language version of the Psychology of Vision Trainers Manual (Section K) the Spezzanos outlined how to target FN people. Isn't it interesting this strategy was not duplicated and spelled out in the English language manual? Why not? Answer: two words-- Affinity Fraud. They didn't think anyone would notice. But we did. I know you folks in the RCMP are reading this as well as officials in Ottawa. What are you going to do about it? These crooks need to be stopped.Now!. Canada can take the lead here. We here on NAFPS have presented more than enough evidence on this forum to prove SALPOV is just one big greedhead scam. Are Canadian law enforcement and regulatory action folks really that  ineffective and namby-pamby? Go, man, bust these clowns! Get ahead of the German authorities!

Manifest Destiny, Psychocolonisation, Elitism, Entitled, Cultural Imperialism, whatever term you want to apply to the activities of the two overfed and wealthy white American con artists from Hawaii who control SALPOV, you have to conclude that any FN person who cooperates with this scam is basically selling out their own soul. I am going to say this out loud, and it won't be kind, but it needs to be said: Babs Stevens is selling out her own culture and people. She has betrayed the trust placed upon her position as a leader. Instead of defending her culture she has surrendered it to greedy fat Americans.

Even though this Babs workshop costs a chunk of change, you have to bring your own lunch! I think there is a metaphor there. And the "Healing Key" from this scam if you value your dignity, intelligence,  and pocketbook is to turn around and RUN AWAY!

It would appear that in spite of the harsh and unforgiving criticism of Oneness University by young Christopher Spezzano, and confirmed in a politically slitherally way by his mother, Lenora Kay Spezzano, Babs Stevens is advertising herself as a devotee of Oneness University via Twitter and LinkedIn. This is apparently not in goosestep with the SALPOV program. So if Babs is going to blather in her workshop about how Charles Lee Spezzano and Lenora Kay Spezzano are the cat's meow, she first better clear with her wealthy White Overlords whether or not it is OK to be a Oneness Blessing Giver.

SALPOV seems to have have something of a "split mind." Although both Spezzanos fell all over themselves to salivate at the feet of Amma and Bhagavan and incorporate Oneness University theology into the SALPOV program, something bad happened. What was it? Babs has not caught up to the party line. So you potential BC students might not be getting the pure SALPOV dogma for "enlightenment."

My question is why, exactly, is Oneness University such a bad thing to SALPOV? The Spezzanos have taken extraordinary pains to erase all connection to that institution, employing a Stalinesque process of rewriting their own history.  As late as earlier this year you could still read on SALPOV websites that Oneness University was one of SALPOV's "two greatest inspirations" along with A Course in Miracles, a text written by Jesus Christ-- channeled, of course.  SALPOV still embraces this document that is supposedly authored by Jesus, making SALPOV a fundamentally Christian faith.

As I have already demonstrated, SALPOV deviates from A Course in Miracles quite a bit-- especially when the ACIM dogma interferes with the Spezzano profit margin. The Spezzano sales pitch is all about appealing to your guilt, fear and greed. There are better places to go for these issues. Don't feed these fat pigs. Your options: Join the US Republican Party, or, seek real professional help from real professionals and not from fakey posuers like the Spezzanos.

SALPOV: It's all about the money.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #355 on: October 28, 2014, 09:40:02 pm »
The Power of Scorpio to evolve

As a Soul Astrologer and a Scorpio woman I get vexed how misunderstood the sign of Scorpio can be. Growing up I was loathe to tell anyone I was born under this sign as the response was usually one of “oh- you have a sting in your tail” as they withdrew.

Scorpio has 3 symbols and the scorpion is just the starting point. This is the sign that represents evolution and transformation. I call it the sign of the shaman.

As a Scorpio I am now proud to say I have faced and healed many Shadows and dark stories in my life. I really don’t have a sting in my tail!

I have met shamans on Psychology of Vision trainings in British Columbia, Canada and fell honoured to count them as true friends.

Yesterday I honoured my power totem – the Eagle- and created an altar with an eagle feather in pride of place. It was given to me in 1997 in Vancouver by a First Nations woman.

Do you have a place in your home where you can create an altar that honours your power animal, deity or Goddess?

Excerpt from Scorpio: Power and Transformation, by Pam Carruthers (bold type emphasis is mine)


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #356 on: October 28, 2014, 10:02:44 pm »
and created an altar with an eagle feather in pride of place. It was given to me in 1997 in Vancouver by a First Nations woman.

Illegal, right? To give her an eagle feather, and for her to then transport it to England?

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #357 on: October 28, 2014, 11:27:34 pm »
 My question is what is the "shamans" name ?? and what kind of real shaman would have anything with this known cult run by chuck and his wife lency spezzano, i would bet it's all make believe and pretending to be a "shaman" so these gullible people will go back to their countries and brag about meeting a real "shaman" in Europe this could be just another marketing ploy, chuck did promote as first nationd=s as "having the answer" and needed special treatment, like the "first nations fund" bummed from devote people in other countries
  nothing is free with this cult, when they say he's pro bono to indian villages and tribes, this just means he conned money from someone else to pay for the first nations "cultural renaissance". i personally do not understand why the tribes he and his "advanced trainers/recruiters targeted for teaching Pov put up with his bullshit and keep allowing him back, possibly because ther are positioned people in band office and health center administrative jobs that know how to access money to keep his greasy filthy wheels turning
 the village citizens have to take back what is rightly theirs and say no more to this fake "healing".
  all government health programs should be updated about how government money doled out under the guise of healing is really spent, especially when it's spent on fraud healers , shamans . and these two posing as psychologists

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #358 on: October 29, 2014, 12:03:30 am »

So Ms Carruthers actually did write:

I have met shamans on Psychology of Vision trainings in British Columbia, Canada and fell honoured to count them as true friends.

Very interesting typo indeed. She did not feel honoured, or felt honoured, she fell[/quote].

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #359 on: October 29, 2014, 04:39:06 pm »
In SALPOV, people are a commodity to be exploited.

Since we are paying special attention this week to Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision (SALPOV) and their relationship with FN in Canada, I'd like to expand on an earlier post originally created by the incredible Piff a year ago, especially for the benefit of those of you just joining this discussion, particularly law enforcement and media. Glad you folks are gaining more interest.

Allow me to introduce Exhibit 1 to set the stage. This is from the Calgary Herald. All bolding from this point on is my emphasis--

Sun 28 Jan 2001 News A1 / FRONT Suzanne Fournier, Vancouver Province

Natives find New Age help in Hawaii

By: Suzanne Fournier, Vancouver Province

Natives are spending thousands of tax dollars jetting off to Hawaii for workshops in questionable New Age therapies.

Critics say the training trips, and the ensuing therapy sessions on the reserves, are a waste of taxpayers' money, unhelpful and potentially dangerous for victims of everything from residential school abuse to sexual assault and addictions.

But Dr. Jay Wortman, B.C. director for Health Canada's medical services branch, says bands can spend health money as they like.

"We might not condone it and I agree 100-per-cent it looks bad, but it would be paternalistic to dictate to First Nations how they spend their health dollars."

In Manitoba, however, Health Canada is suing to recover $5 million from a native centre that used counselling dollars to send staff to the Caribbean and Hawaii.

About 14 B.C. natives attended $2,500 workshops in Hawaii last November.

Dr. Charles Brasfield, a North Vancouver psychiatrist who has treated hundreds of native residential-school victims, says they typically require lengthy one-on-one counselling, which Health Canada refuses to pay for.

When bands spend money on quick-fix New Age therapies such as Neurolinguistic Programming and something called Psychology of Vision, he says, Health Canada looks the other way.

"Typically, these quick-fix money-makers try to get an aboriginal 'trainer' as a front," he said. "We tried to warn medical services how public money was being spent but they weren't interested.

"We're very concerned about the influx of these money-making quick-fix therapies. They're very expensive and they're just sweeping reserves."

Agrees Vera Manuel, a Secwepemc playwright and qualified traditional therapist: "It's a feeding frenzy out there -- all kinds of so-called therapists are coming out of the woodwork."

"These New Age therapies are becoming as oppressive to us as the first wave of religion -- some of them are like cults. This is not a good use of the small amount of money we have."

Carole Dawson of the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs said she has complained repeatedly to health and Indian affairs officials about her impoverished Tsawataineuk reserve, on northern Vancouver Island, paying for NLP workshops.

"They just don't listen," she said.

"Not only is this taxpayers' money being wasted, it's dangerous, irrelevant drivel -- how does our social worker spending two weeks in Hawaii help the people suffering on our reserve?"

Tsawataineuk social worker Charlene Dawson was among those who flew to Hawaii in November for NLP "training," for which she says she borrowed $3,500 for airfare, hotel and meals "that I'll be paying off for years."

The workshop, in Kona-Kailua on Hawaii, was put on by Nimpkish band member Richard Hunt, who lives in Tsawwassen and makes a comfortable living as an NLP "master trainer."

He didn't charge Dawson for the workshop. Instead, she agreed to promote NLP workshops on reserves, where they would be paid for with federal health dollars or Indian affairs dollars.

Dawson, a single mother of five, defended going to Hawaii: "You're on a big high -- Hawaii is so beautiful. But when you get home, reality hits. It's a real let-down." Said elder Flora Dawson, Carole's mother and a distant relative of Charlene: "Elders and home-care clients weren't really looked after while she was gone."

The Neskainlith band near Chase paid $3,200 for two band members to attend, which band social development director Leigh Ann Edwards admitted is "more than a third of our annual medical services training money."

"I don't understand NLP, but it's popular," she said. "We prefer to fund aboriginal counsellors here but it's hard."

Hunt, 38, said he has given "hundreds" of paid sessions on reserves since he became a "master trainer" in 1995.

He said he isn't concerned that NLP has little credibility among medical experts: "NLP by itself I agree might not be useful, but I do use our aboriginal experience and the real kicker I use is called timeline therapy." Timeline therapy is an NLP technique to eliminate negative thoughts and emotions about previous events in a person's life.

Asked about the ethics of charging cash-strapped bands thousands of dollars for Hawaii workshops, Hunt replied angrily: "I didn't twist their arms or force them to come, did I?"

Turtle Island Native Network Aboriginal News & Information E-mail: infocom@...

Now let's move on the Exhibit 2, the SALPOV public face of their unregistered charity, the First Nations Fund--

First Nations

First Nations in Canada

First Nations-the first peoples of Canada-are made up of more than 200 culturally autonomous First Nations communities that have unique languages and traditions. Some First Nations communities have been decimated by colonization and many First Nations people have been impacted by the residential school policy that separated First Nations children from their families and culture. This 130-year legacy (1870 – 1998) deeply impacted First Nations relationships, esteem, health and family bonding. Very few survivors are still alive today although the post traumatic effects are still being experienced in the next generation.

First Nations & Psychology of Vision

Over 20 years ago Chuck and Lency were inspired to work more closely with First Nations people. They had a vision (that compelled them to create a Fund) to support and empower First Nations to heal, for as they did, First Nations in future would lead the way on the planet with healing and reconciliation. As the Psychology of Vision healing model is being graciously welcomed in many First Nation communities, it is brining healing and wholeness to families and communities. Why? Because Psychology of Vision aligns with many First Nations belief systems. Initially Chuck and Lency began working with communities by invitation and would deliver trainings once or twice a year as a gift. Over the past two decades, thousands of First Nations people received healing and training with Psychology of Vision. Many First Nations went on to become trainers of the healing methods themselves and began sharing and teaching in their own communities. This became the second part of Chuck and Lency’s vision, to have First Nations trainers themselves empowered and resourced to deliver trainings and empower their own people locally. Psychology of Vision is dedicated to awakening the giftedness of indigenous peoples on the planet.

The First Nations Fund was created to support the healing of First Nations so they can teach and inspire their own people. Financial contributions are generously donated from each country where Psychology of Vision is taught around the world. Since its inception, the First Nations Fund has successfully graduated 40 First Nations people from the 100 Day program; and ten of these graduates went on to become First Nations Trainers throughout British Columbia. Today there are 2 First Nations trainers still actively training with Psychology of Vision. Babs Stevens, who is Haida from Skidegate, Haida Gwaii and Melissa Meyer who is Tsimshian from Port Simpson and currently lives in Gibsons, British Columbia just outside of Vancouver. [Sandy S. note, Melissa Meyer has left SALPOV, which means SALPOV is down to just Babs as their only FN trainer. Quite a comedown from ten!]

The First Nations Fund is administered by Susan How at the Psychology of Vision Canada office.

First Nations Fund Application

If you belong to a First Nations community and plan to attend Psychology of Vision training or apprenticeship, you may apply for a subsidy from the First Nations Fund to help cover accommodation expenses. Applications are considered on an as-needed basis.

For more information or to apply, please contact Susan How at or by telephone at 604.298.4011.
First Nations Programs being offered:

Programs will be posted as they become available.

As an aside I need to ask: Does this First Nations Fund have any connection with the International Foundation for Vision and Healing, in which Babs Stevens is an officer? Or is this just some kind of weird dance with the CRA?

Now the fun begins. For some reason, the First Nations Fund was left out of the English Language Edition of the Psychology of Vision Trainers Manual (Exhibit 3). Doesn't it strike you as strange that a fund designed for North America would not be mentioned in the English Language Edition? But in the German Language Edition, both for 2013 and 2014, the First Nations Fund was given an entire chapter, Section K (Exhibits 4 and 5). Examples are all attached for those of you who are signed in. The English manual has long since been removed (so much for the SALPOV rhetoric about "transparency") as well as the 2013 German manual. The 2014 German manual is still up.

Our comrade Ingeborg graciously, and somewhat wryly, translated Section K for those of us unfamiliar with the German language. Here is a link to Ingeborg's findings presented on two posts. You can see why SALPOV did not present this in English after you read Ingeborg's treatment--

Y'know, the Spezzanos are not going to like it when Germany, their greatest cash cow, experiences an economic downturn in the next few quarters, which is predicted. People will be less likely to have that discretionary income to waste on SALPOV blather. Instead, potential clients will have to embezzle funds in order to afford the travel costs and outrageously high SALPOV fees in order to salivate at the feet of their idols in Hawaii, like the recently mentioned "Honolulu Jutta," the Kindergarten administrator in the Hamburg area. I wonder if the Spezzanos contributed to her defense fund? Interesting that the German legal system did not recognise SALPOV as a legitimate venue for continuing education--,5067140,28044226.html,5067140,28300178.html

And here, if you can stand it, is Exhibit 6, the Lency Spezzano "Original Mind" Download on Youtube. In this creepy performance, Lenora Kay Spezzano places Babs Stevens under hypnosis (who looks totally brain-fried by the conclusion) and calls Melissa Meyer "my daughter" at the end. Lenora denies this method employs hypnotic techniques, but watch and judge for yourself.

This video pretty much sums up the situation. Lenora Kay Spezzano wants control and to be the surrogate parent and Babs Stevens is more than willing to surrender and sell out Haida Gwaii to this wealthy woman from the States. This segment actually makes me sick. I double dare you to watch the whole thing. Weak stomachs need not bother. Listen carefully to Lenora's definition of what she is doing. It is total nonsense with no scientific or proven foundation. Why is Babs submitting to this scam and allowing herself to be used? And even worse, allowing her position of leadership to be exploited?

Now that you have watched the quivering trainers in Exhibit 6, here is the final entry, Exhibit 7, where a secret camera filmed a SALPOV session--

Instead of thinking about the short-term gain of buying into the merchandise of guilt, fear, and greed dangled by SALPOV, people exposed to that con game need to start thinking about what kind of legacy they are going to leave. Do you really want to be remembered as someone who wasted all their potential energy which could have benefited the local community but instead fed into a machine enriching a couple of already wealthy Americans who designed a personality cult around themselves? Don't believe SALPOV is a personality cult? Go back and examine Exhibit 3 very carefully. There is a reason this document was removed from public view.

In SALPOV, people are a commodity to be exploited.