Author Topic: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"  (Read 44210 times)

Offline sentineleagle

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Re: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"
« Reply #30 on: April 02, 2010, 07:42:20 am »
It is allways like that kelsie ,she can not have a discusion because inmediatilly she goes to faith and make treads to people ! i ask if that is the principies of her teachings as NAC menber ( i doubt ) and abouth Sunka Gleska ( i dont think is his name ), he is a guy half Irish half german ! whith respect of races but is that Lakota?   i will send a note to the people of . they mey know abouth him or at least to guet to know of somebody who is doing thinks in behave of then ! i also find a pity that Kelsie so much angry answer That is not a Native way of react ! whith all my respect .

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"
« Reply #31 on: April 04, 2010, 07:23:01 pm »
It's gotten even stranger. Ybarra's wife adamantly refuses to allow the emails giving their side of the issue. On the plus side, the emails were mostly long rants against those bringing this issue up or doing research, even (very strangley) attacking them for past involvement with Native charities. But to paraphrase her, they absolutely refuse to debate this issue, even while demanding we stop talking about it, shut down the thread and delete it entirely.

Kelsie Ybarra also now says the Norway ceremony selling was not canceled due to this thread but due to lack of interest.

She also claims that Queztal Tzab is now posting on this thread but is not identifying himself. I had to do a search. QT is mentioned here in this thread as someone who held a ceremony with Bennie Lebeau.

 Other requests:

Quetzal Tzab ... Mexico, Mayan Itza shaman & lecturer ... estimated costs ... $2200


I also received a message from those running the ceremony in Denmark.


We do not wish to dispute but please post this letter in your “research needed” section of the NAFPS forum:
It´s with sadness in our hearts that we read the things written about Hector Ybarra and his second invitation to come to our community in Denmark. We do not recognize the Hector Ybarra described in this discussion.

We experience him as a hard working, honest and impeccable Native American very true to his culture and tradition.

We appreciate this cultural exchange with him as we need help to reconnect  to our spiritual roots.

It´s important for us to stress that the 1000 Danish crowns (about 175 US Dollars) are only used to cover the expenses for the weekend, as there are transport & flight tickets for 3 people and all the participants get food, bedding and bathing facilities.

Hector Ybarra only works on donation basis here, as mentioned in the invitation.

We only invite those people to the ceremonies who we know have the right intention to participate. We do not advertise at all.

It surprises us that we haven´t been contacted, as this website´s section is called research needed. We are very willing to elaborate on our experience of Hector Ybarra´s work but not publicly.

May the Great Spirit decide what´s right,

Frank Hansen, Hanne Jørgensen, Tom Frank Van Willigen, Rikke Agersted and Jasmin Olsen


Anyone else wonder why the heck Danish people need an NAC Apache/Yaqui/"Mechica" healer to "reconnect" to their roots?

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"
« Reply #32 on: April 04, 2010, 07:46:03 pm »
I was contacted by the secretary of the NAC chapter. He confirms Ybarra (or Ibarra as he spells it) is an ordained roadman for the NAC and was trained by a Navajo elder. The secy further says Ybarra/Ibarra does sweatlodge, is a "pipe carrier" within Lakota tradition, and leads an Aztec dance troupe.

I was also sent scans of the following:
Kelsie Ybarra's ordination as waterpourer
a certificate claiming she is "ordained by law" to conduct ceremony and even possess eagle feathers
a similar certificate for "Hector Ibarra"
another certificate for Ybarra/Ibarra's ordination as roadman

The secy goes onto say they will not debate or comment on the matter publicly. Not too surprising, the NAC's always been reluctanct to be very public.

I have no reason to doubt the authenticity of these documents. But to say they clear these matters up, well, partly but not entirely. Whether Ybarra is with the NAC was not really in doubt. The rightness of these actions is what was being looked into.

The secy's letter say he is only receiving donations necessary to cover expenses and lost wages while in Denmark. But I still am left wondering why the heck they thought it was OK for him to go to Denmark (or Norway) in the first place. What the heck is an NAC roadman doing there?

And while in their mind it may be OK for Kelsie Ybarra to possess eagle feathers, I don't think Fish and Wildlife would buy that argument.

Offline bls926

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Re: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"
« Reply #33 on: April 04, 2010, 09:33:29 pm »
This investigation is starting to sound like another fiasco we experienced last year. Thinking about that made me remember where I'd heard Quetzal Tzab's name before. Not really wanting to bring up the topic again and at the risk of being attacked, Tzab apparently was helping Ben Carnes set up a European tour for the summer of 2008. His name was given as the contact to arrange a "presentation or benefit in Europe".

The thread has been locked (not sure when or why), so I wasn't able to use the quote feature; copied and pasted.

Quoting from Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council :

Moma Porcupine
« Reply #169 on: March 07, 2009, 08:47:02 PM »


Sunday, April 27, 2008
European speaking tour in August
Ben Carnes
The purposes of this tour is to continue to educate and raise awareness of Native issues, promote the goals of Eagle Mountain and to raise funds to help secure the land and build our infrastructure. See our website for more information .

I would also like to have some benefit shows organized there to help raise funds to secure the land, build energy efficient homes and create our own source of power using wind and sun.

For more information on arranging a presentation or benefit in Europe, contact Quetzal Tzab at:

Thank you,
Ben Carnes

« Last Edit: April 04, 2010, 09:35:51 pm by bls926 »

Offline bls926

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Re: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"
« Reply #34 on: April 05, 2010, 03:54:17 am »
Wel, Hector Ybarra has bien not only doing bad here in USA but also now whith his way of goin he also is goin to start not only doing bad ! but also given a wrong Idea of what is really tradition ! ( saling the tradition ) , and  how is posible that somebody who call his self a traditional way is not whith his self a goed man ! HE  , has to be stop !

It is allways like that kelsie ,she can not have a discusion because inmediatilly she goes to faith and make treads to people ! i ask if that is the principies of her teachings as NAC menber ( i doubt ) and abouth Sunka Gleska ( i dont think is his name ), he is a guy half Irish half german ! whith respect of races but is that Lakota?   i will send a note to the people of . they mey know abouth him or at least to guet to know of somebody who is doing thinks in behave of then ! i also find a pity that Kelsie so much angry answer That is not a Native way of react ! whith all my respect .

Sentineleagle, would you like to introduce yourself? You seem to know Hector and Kelsie. Seems like you've had first-hand experience with them. Care to elaborate?

Offline bls926

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Re: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"
« Reply #35 on: April 09, 2010, 02:34:22 am »
I received the following e-mail from Hanne Jorgensen, one of Ybarra's sponsors in Denmark. I didn't write to him asking questions; this e-mail was unsolicited. He didn't ask that I keep his correspondence private. Obviously he has read this thread, or someone has copied and sent it to him; he comments directly to things that have been said. Jorgensen had no expectation of privacy, or at least he shouldn't have.

From:  Hanne Jørgensen (  
Sent: Tue 4/06/10 11:41 AM

I will not go into diskusionen whether it is ok to keep the ceremony here in danmark.og therefore I write to you directly about another thing.
You ask whether I know about the case in Sedora - And of course I do det.Og I know it is not something to joke about.
I can tell you that I have led Lapp saunas and sweat lodges in more than 25 år.Og have very close touch with my Mexican teacher champion.
I think the sweat lodge ceremony is an equally old traditision in Lapland as it is in usa and do not believe that natives have a patent on it.
If you look at our www.kan you see we only work against Donati board and that all we had to get into profits, we continue to benefit formål.Vi gave 2000 dollars to Ben Carnes place so they could keep it to dance the sun dance on .
Light and Love: O)
I will not go into diskusionen whether it is ok to keep the ceremony here in danmark.og therefore I write to you directly about another thing.
You ask whether I know about the case in Sedora - And of course I do det.Og I know it is not something to joke about.
I can tell you that I have led Lapp saunas and sweat lodges in more than 25 år.Og have very close touch with my Mexican teacher champion.
I think the sweat lodge ceremony is an equally old traditision in Lapland as it is in usa and do not believe that natives have a patent on it.
If you look at our www.kan you see we only work against Donati board and that all we had to get into profits, we continue to benefit formål.Vi gave 2000 dollars to Ben Carnes place so they could keep it to dance the sun dance on .
Light and Love: O)
« Last Edit: April 09, 2010, 02:37:42 am by bls926 »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"
« Reply #36 on: April 09, 2010, 05:14:33 pm »
They've sent me email as well. Basically they claim there was a pre pagan tradition in both Denmark and worldwide that somehow is identical to what Ybarra teaches.

Their first letter.

 We do not wish to dispute but please post this letter in your “research needed” section of the NAFPS forum:
It´s with sadness in our hearts that we read the things written about Hector Ybarra and his second invitation to come to our community in Denmark. We do not recognize the Hector Ybarra described in this discussion.

We experience him as a hard working, honest and impeccable Native American very true to his culture and tradition.

We appreciate this cultural exchange with him as we need help to reconnect  to our spiritual roots.

It´s important for us to stress that the 1000 Danish crowns (about 175 US Dollars) are only used to cover the expenses for the weekend, as there are transport & flight tickets for 3 people and all the participants get food, bedding and bathing facilities.

Hector Ybarra only works on donation basis here, as mentioned in the invitation.

We only invite those people to the ceremonies who we know have the right intention to participate. We do not advertise at all.

It surprises us that we haven´t been contacted, as this website´s section is called research needed. We are very willing to elaborate on our experience of Hector Ybarra´s work but not publicly.

May the Great Spirit decide what´s right,
Frank Hansen, Hanne Jørgensen, Tom Frank Van Willigen, Rikke Agersted and Jasmin Olsen


My answer:

Thank you. We appreciate all information which could help clear this matter up.
May I ask how you first came in contact with him?
May I also ask why a Danish group would believe an Apache/Yaqui NAC roadman could help them "connect to their roots"?
There are no similarities between Native traditions and European pagan beliefs, except extremely broad ones. It's about like trying to learn about Judaism by going to a Buddhist monk.
Al Carroll (moderator)


Their response:

We came to know Hector Ybarra last year. He was introduced to us by Quetzal Tzab, who has invited him to Europe. Quetzal is an organizer in the Ingeginous movement Europe.
Hector shared his stories with a large group of children here in Denmark. He drummed, sang, and played his flute and the kids had a wonderful time as they learned that the Native Indian do exist.

Before pagan religion was around in Europe there used to be a more elemental, mother earth orientated tradition, which was very similar to your native traditions. It´s those roots we wish to reconnect to.

We want to say that from our experience, both with Hector, and this sight, it would only be right for you to call and know Hector for yourself, ask him about how he came to Europe. He does not work with a computer, and we feel it is unfair that he is not being allowed to speak for himself on this matter.

Frank Hansen, Hanne Jørgensen, Tom Frank Van Willigen, Rikke Agersted and Jasmin Olsen


A second response one of them sent:

Hi Al.

I would like to answer your email to Hanne Jørgensen, since my part in the invitation of Hector Ybarra has also been questioned in the discussion.

I’m only speaking for myself in this answer and not for the group of coordinators.

First of all I would like to express the sadness I feel...[followed by long series of attacks on NAFPS, accusing us of "hate" etc, the usual cliches.]

I will gladly speak the truth of my heart answering your question about how Hector can help the danes finding back to their spirtual rooths by bringing his traditions.

In Denmark and most of Europe we have lost the connection to our spiritual rooths. Materialism and religion took over instead but an awakening is happening and has been happening for quite some years now. Accordng to the old inca prophecies the world will turn upside down with turmoil but also opportunities in 2012 and the world is preparing itself for these energetic shifts right now.

I myself has been trained by excellent peruvian shamans for 8 years. They taught me the ways of the heart and to walk with light and beauty. Still learning as most people on this planet.

The way I see the modern Europe or the Western world in general is, that we have created big imbalances because of greed, materialism, religious intolerance and fear. And the result has been a cultural soul loss and suffering. People start seeking their spiritual rooths but the old ways have been forgotten and therefore we seek the spiritual traditions in other cultures to reconnect to the spiritual energy in our souls.

We are not indians, aboriginals, sibirians or anything else. But we can help building bridges and share the knowledge and wisdom we all have. In Europe we have been seeking for many years and have been influenced by cultures and spirtual traditions all over the world. My experience is that we practice our spiritual ways with a great focus on the heart energies. Of love, compassion, emphaty and connections to Mother Earth as with the great Spirit.

By learning from my peruvian masters and Hector I reconnect to the ancient wisdom from my land because the energetic vibrations are still here but I have had to find some tools to tune into the energy. And yet it is not the old wisdom as it was practised thousands of years ago but it appears in a new form mixing with the wisdom and traditions from all over the world.

I have been taught that the incan prophecies talk about this exact thing and therefore South American healers and shamans begun many years ago to share their traditions with western people. They realized that that was the only way to save their traditions in a modern world. Changes was needed and therefore it was time to build bridges instead of walls. I acknowledge their wisdom and that has been my motivation to continue learning and searching for the old wisdom.

Learning from Hector Ybarra has nothing to do about going to a Buddhist monk to learn about Judaism. It’s like taking a homeopathic remedy to heal something physical that has become imbalanced. By taking the remedy it activates the healing forces of the body to regenerate itself. That’s what Hectors’ teaching do for us spiritually in Denmark and that is the way we try to build bridges between cultures here.

I pray for more enlighetened insight to end this delicate situation.

Yours sincerly

Rikke Agersted

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"
« Reply #37 on: April 09, 2010, 05:38:34 pm »
This was my reply to the last letter:

I published the letter. It has long been the belief of us at NAFPS that more discussion is better, not less, and certainly not hiding these matters or absolutely refusing to answer them as the Ybarras are now doing.
First, I will ignore the long series of personal attacks, false insinuations, and character assassinations in your letter. We have seen them many times before as defenses when someone has been caught doing wrong, and know enough to not pay them any attention. We know that such tactics are also often then taught to their followers.
I can also ignore them because I truly feel for your group. Your group and yourself in particular have been lied to or taken advantage of in numerous ways.
 In some ways you bear some of the responsiblity yourselves. Some of the ideas you believe are so bizarre and ludicrous I wonder how it is possible for anyone to take them seriously.
Do you seriously claim there was a "pre pagan" belief system or tradition that is somehow similar to the Native American Church?
That is simply not true. The NAC is a *Christian* church, first and foremost.
Ybarra's ancestry may be Apache and Yaqui, but what the NAC teaches is not, though it does mix in some older beliefs.
His teacher was not of his people anyway, but was Navajo. While Apache and Navajo beliefs have some things in common, Yaqui belief is entirely different. And as I said before, the NAC is even more different.
To imagine they have anything in common with any tradition in Europe, except Christianity, is false and without any proof. If someone has taught you differently, they are saying so contrary to all evidence and every one of these Native traditions.
Another way you have been taken advantage of is by these so called Peruvian shamans. Natives generally don't use the term shaman, and no true Native tradition either seeks nor wants "converts". Only New Age imposters seek out outsiders.
As a general rule of thumb, those who take advantage of European "spiritual tourists" such as yourself are generally mestizos, not Indians, or are curanderos (commercial healers for money, who also mix in Christian beliefs as well) rather than the traditional healers. Some are outright con artists, though given the poverty of the region, it is harder to blame them.
The simple fact that they call themselves "Incan" should have been your first clue they were not what they claim to be, since the Incans have been gone since the Spaniards broke up their empire. Instead, local Indians call themselves Aymara, Quechua, etc, or by their village.
The so called Inca prophecy you were taught is entirely false and incredibly confused.
First of all, it is the MAYANS, not the Incas, who supposedly had a prophecy about 2012. And even that supposed prophecy is not true, as Mayan leaders have been repeatedly saying.
And again, there are no "Incas" anymore, just con artists claiming to be them who make up a phony prophecy to have an excuse to take money from naive Europeans and white Americans who don't know any better.
For all of this, you have my sympathy. I don't doubt your search for spiritual meaning is genuine. I just hope you learn to tell true from false better.
The Ybarras may have valuable things for you to learn...if you want to learn Christian values that is. Again, that is what the NAC is, a Christian church. No doubt they can also teach about American Indian values. Nothing wrong with learning either of them.
But if you imagine their ceremonies will somehow connect you to a mythical "pre pagan" tradition of Europe, there's just no chance of that. Look within your own pagan traditions. (The real ones, that is. Sadly, there are many false versions of European pagan traditions out there.)
Outside of basic ethics and a tribal worldview, Native traditions can't help you in the manner you hope.
All of this is still basically a side issue to what began this topic though. And that is simple enough:

Native people believe it is wrong to practice Native traditions outside of their traditional context. What the Ybarras do in Denmark is considered wrong by nearly all Native people. If you choose to invite him and pay for him to come (even if he is not making a profit) you would be going against the values of nearly all Natives.
I pray you think on these matters and search your heart.
I also pray you now know better than to throw away your money and time on "Peruvian shamans" as a spiritual tourist.
Al Carroll

Offline bls926

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Re: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"
« Reply #38 on: April 09, 2010, 05:55:33 pm »
Received a second e-mail this morning.

From:  Hanne Jørgensen (  
Sent: Fri 4/09/10 8:51 AM
Character set:   Auto Select   Learn more  

I would just note that I use google translation, and therefore some misunderstandings in the previous message.
We accept only donasion here and have no prices.
mail has been sent from my email address, and not from the other reality --- and is completely my own opinion.
It is also my mistake in 2000 dollars --- it was 1ooo U.S. D
Frank E Hansen: O)

Edit to add: Character set:   Auto Select   Learn more lets you select what language you want to read the e-mail in. Actually has a drop down bar. Pretty cool. I've never seen that feature before.

I'm glad he cleared up some of the things he said in his first e-mail. I wasn't sure of some of it. Now wondering what he means by "mail has been sent from my email address, and not from the other reality --- and is completely my own opinion". This one is signed Frank E Hansen. Why does the e-mail address show Hanne Jørgensen?

Oh snap! Just remembered Hanne & Frank have the website promoting Hector Ybarra, their "recident medicine man".
« Last Edit: April 09, 2010, 08:01:41 pm by bls926 »

Offline Freija

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Re: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"
« Reply #39 on: April 09, 2010, 07:37:13 pm »

From:  Hanne Jørgensen (  
Sent: Tue 4/06/10 11:41 AM

You ask whether I know about the case in Sedora - And of course I do det.Og I know it is not something to joke about.
I can tell you that I have led Lapp saunas and sweat lodges in more than 25 år.Og have very close touch with my Mexican teacher champion.

Calling Sami people "Lapps" is roughly like calling Native Americans "Redskins".
Every single Sami I know would find it very disrespectful and strongly object to that word.
It just seemed strange that such a word would be used by someone who is running Sami sweats. (Of which I´ve never heard of)

Offline bls926

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Re: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"
« Reply #40 on: April 10, 2010, 05:23:32 pm »
Quoting a couple messages Al received, only those parts pertaining to Quetzal Tzab. These two statements seem contradictory.

Kelsie says Tzab is posting anonymously in this thread. Which of these posts does she think Tzab made? No one has commented favorably about Hector Ybarra. People have either asked questions about what he is doing in Europe or have spoken out negatively.
. . .
She also claims that Queztal Tzab is now posting on this thread but is not identifying himself. I had to do a search. QT is mentioned here in this thread as someone who held a ceremony with Bennie Lebeau.

. . .


. . .
Their response:

We came to know Hector Ybarra last year. He was introduced to us by Quetzal Tzab, who has invited him to Europe. Quetzal is an organizer in the Ingeginous movement Europe.

. . .

Frank Hansen, Hanne Jørgensen, Tom Frank Van Willigen, Rikke Agersted and Jasmin Olsen

. . .

Quetzal Tzab is the person who arranged these trips to Europe. That would make it appear that Tzab and Ybarra are friends, or at least have a working relationship.

So, has something happened that would change this? Why would Tzab arrange the trip to Denmark and then post negatively about Ybarra?

Kelsie, could you clear this up for us?
« Last Edit: April 10, 2010, 05:25:41 pm by bls926 »

Offline bls926

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Re: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"
« Reply #41 on: April 10, 2010, 06:12:42 pm »

. . .
We want to say that from our experience, both with Hector, and this sight, it would only be right for you to call and know Hector for yourself, ask him about how he came to Europe. He does not work with a computer, and we feel it is unfair that he is not being allowed to speak for himself on this matter.

Frank Hansen, Hanne Jørgensen, Tom Frank Van Willigen, Rikke Agersted and Jasmin Olsen
. . .

Hector may not work with a computer, but Kelsie does. They've been invited to join in this discussion. For whatever reason, they've chosen not to participate.

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Re: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"
« Reply #42 on: April 10, 2010, 07:25:14 pm »
Quetzal Tzab is the person who arranged these trips to Europe. That would make it appear that Tzab and Ybarra are friends, or at least have a working relationship.

So, has something happened that would change this? Why would Tzab arrange the trip to Denmark and then post negatively about Ybarra?

Ms Ybarra sent me a message (one of the ones she refuses to allow to be posted) where she said (paraphrasing) that we needed to speak on the phone so her husband could fully explain the relationship between them and Tzab. This struck me as pretty strange, since no one had said much about Tzab except point out what we had about him in another thread.

That was followed by the later message where they both absolutely refused to say anything at all about anything in this thread. I don't think the second message was specific to anything about Tzab, perhaps only as part of the whole discussion. But she seems to be disproportionately worried about this one thing.


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Re: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"
« Reply #43 on: April 11, 2010, 01:19:56 am »
Hallo and regards to everybody here.
I have been following this writing on the matter of Hector, he never called him self Little wolf, just for the recort.  :D What other people wrote in mails or on flyers an so on, this is not his words and writing.
It is true that Hector dont work whit computer, and sometimes i think it is dangerus that the computer has so much power, becoause you dont have the same contact true the computer ads if you talk whit people life. When you talk whit people in life you se there bodylangues, and mimik and then it is possibul to tell if a person is a liar or not in many cases. Just my eksperiense no orfence there.
I se that information is twisted I am sorry to say  :(, and the langues barriare is also a fact.
Just the eksampel that is comented on sames,  ??? i beleave was wroted by a Danish person like my self.
You must know that English is not our langues, sorry that my spelling is so bad. :)
I must say that Hector never ask for enything on his visit here, and for my self I se him ads a human bean whit some visdom, that make me recall that we have our own medicine here.
How and why is not for me to ansher her on this site, it just dont belong here, but in my heart it will stay. I need to say this.
If nobody hear Hector out and meat him on the request to contact him by telephone or maby visit, how serius is this site then? Then it would be terms only for those that has the computer skils.
And nobody than him self can talk for him in fact.
 For your info. It it our comunity that race money to feed people, pay for transport, wood and so on. It is not the healing or stories, Or spirit work, that people race money for. The spiritsworld dont work that way we do know that. NOT stupid thanks, dont take me wrong here. ;) Every body need to eat, and non of us like to stay in a weekend hungry. Food here is pretty ekspensive. taxes are very high in our contry, we dont ekspect somebody to have used there time here and then put finance problem on top of them, that is why we race money to pay for flight also, for the people that we want to come visiting.
Hector I think can tell you how he came to visit Denmark first time, ask him and I think that would be the most responsibull thing to do in my orpinion. All here on this site otherwise I would se like gossip and very evel towards people, that do have there heart the right place and work from it. If you only get your information sekund hand. All what is in writing here, is to read by every body, it would be not nice to destroy somebodys name,that dont deserve it. I do beleave there is laws asgainst that.
"Go to the head not the buttom, danish way of speeaking" I sencerely hope that you will find out the true story and get it right. No matter what is it very true that many is charlatans and want to make a buck on naiv people, problem all over the world. But dont shoot blindly you risk to hit somebody that dont deserve it.

Regards from Mizzlilly/ and whit love and light

Offline bls926

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Re: Hector Ybarra aka "Hector Little Wolf"
« Reply #44 on: April 11, 2010, 02:00:27 am »
Mizzlilly, I'm not sure why y'all insist that Hector Ybarra doesn't use a computer. Even if that were true, his wife does. She is more than capable of joining this forum and giving their side of things. Do not think for one minute that we have not given them a chance to speak. They have both been invited.

Edit to add: If Hector feels more comfortable discussing this over the phone, I'm willing to call him. I don't have his phone number though.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 02:06:01 am by bls926 »