As tempting as it might be to endorse a page saying George Bush is the Devil, or at least a demon from the Book of Revelations....
This Torah Voice page is so bizarre, a mix of End Times and Mormonism and Christian Zionism Wm Anderson and his fake claims about Hopis.
The real Mimbrenos were forced onto Ft Sill rez. Some also went to the Mescalero rez. This "Membreno Apache of Southern Colorado" are pretty out there."AZTLAN:
Homeland of the Chicano (Red People)"
Most Chicano activists use the term Brown People.
"The plane circling the mass rally in support of immigration reform near Fort Worth, Texas, clearly had the word "AZTLAN" painted on the wings. That night I tuned in the Spanish TV stations here in Southern Colorado. I understood very little, but noted the word "AZTLAN," was quoted by several of the
Chicano who were interviewed. Curiously, just a few weeks earlier, Ten Rivers had named me to the board of directors of Iglesia de Aztlan (the assembling of Aztlan) as an ex-officio advisor.
Chartered 10 years earlier by Ten Rivers and his small band of Membreno Apache, Iglesia de Aztlan already had repurchased about 80 acres of ceremonial lands in the mountains near Gardner, Colorado. Here they have resumed their sweats and sundances which have accommodated the spiritual vortex for this return of the Chicano."
Yeah, but...Sundances aren't Apache. And Apache sweats are a bit different.
"As the last stewards -- or as Ten Rivers puts it, "the last to surrender," the sacred Four Corners region of southern Colorado and Utah and northern New Mexico and Arizona, the Membreno Apache were the logical choice to steward the vision of the return to Aztlan."
The Four Corners are Dine territory.
"Ten Rivers' ancestors have lived continuously in this region since it was encountered by Ponce de Leon, the Spanish explorer, who his own ancestors served."
Uh, de Leon was way over in Florida and the southeast.
"But there was something familiar about Ten Rivers' description of the lands stewarded by this once fiercest of Apache tribes who were punished by being given no reservation lands and insulted because they have had to buy back the ceremonial and burial grounds that were stolen after their buffalo were decimated with no regard for their souls or their importance. The "Four Corners" he described as Aztlan also figured in the past and future prophecies of the Hopi and in the beliefs of the Aztecs."
Yeah, well, lots of evidence say Aztlan was more likely in Sinaloa or Sonora in Mexico.
"The Hopi prophesies and migrations establish ownership ... but only in the Last Days ... for the descendants of the returning Hopi clans. Those clans are today united by the label Chicano, the Red People, whose return to Aztlan has been awaited longer than the U.S. has existed."
Hopi prophecies being united by Chicanos?
"Consequently America's leaders now have a dilemma not unlike the scenario they have provoked in Judea-Samaria. Chicano nationalism now shows every sign of becoming an independent entity in America's West Bank. Connect this very real demographic foretold by Hopi sages with other Hopi prophecy and it would appear that the days of Anglo-America are numbered.
Maggid ben Yoseif"
Not really. Aztlanistas are a tiny tiny bunch. I doubt if they number more than hundreds out of over 30 million Latinos.
And I have no idea why a group of Latino activists saying they are Mimbeno Apache are using lots of Lakota greetings and ceremonies.
---------- of the Council of the Tribe of Turtle Island, Inc.:
Abe Walkingbear Sanchez, Bear clan Zuni, president and executive director.
Maggid ben Yoseif Tohokwahu, mixed Hebrew-Cherokee, kiva leader, webmaster and story-teller
Ten Rivers, Membreno Apache, spiritual leader, speaker and founder of Iglesia de Aztlan
Ms. Rickie Hall, an experienced speaking coach who books seminars and international speakers.
Elderquest advisory council members:
Walkingbear, Tohokwahu, Ten Rivers and Hall plus fellow seekers:
Peter Howe of Ireland
Max Gail of Wojohowitz fame on Barney Miller (?!?!)
Carlos Hunt
Jerry Pearson
Tom Fitzgerald
Abe Walkingbear Sanchez Business Speaker and Trainer,
Abe WalkingBear Sanchez
has worked with many hundreds of CEO and Top Business Managers
Groups...Including at the Shakespeare Globe Theater in London.
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